Unparalleled Talisman God





As Xiao Yu was planning in his cave, the cave suddenly started to shake violently. At the same time, an ice-cold voice came from outside the cave.    


"You ant, come out and die!"    


Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed. From the sound of it, it was Jun Xie!    


From the looks of it, he had already walked out of the Divine Mansion which he had obtained earlier, and from the sound of it, his voice could shake mountains. His strength was obviously terrifyingly strong, and even more so than Jun Kuang, he should have already made a breakthrough.    


Xiao Yu muttered to himself. The reason he could fight with Jun Kuang earlier was because he had the red precious bone so he could borrow the cultivation of his predecessors. Now that the red bone had been destroyed, it would be difficult for him to fight Jun Xie head on if he were to go out.    


"What is it? Are you afraid? "    


Jun Xie's voice once again sounded out, it was overbearing and cold, and said: "Unfortunately, it's too late for you to regret, you killed my brother, and the only thing left to do is death, unless you're like a turtle who cowered in its shell, and never leave the Divine Phoenix's cave for all eternity, I'll definitely kill you!"    


Nether Mountain could only have one master, if any place was occupied, no matter how strong the person was, they could not force their way in, thus, even though he had boundless killing intent towards Xiao Yu, he could not enter the Divine Phoenix's cave, and make his move against Xiao Yu.    


"You little ant, you just need to hide here. I'll guard here. The day you leave is the day you die!"    


He clearly knew that Xiao Yu would not easily take his provocation and leave the Divine Mansion area. After sneering, his voice went silent, but it was clear that he did not leave, but actually stayed behind to guard the entrance of the Divine Phoenix's cave.    


Xiao Yu could feel that this person's killing intent was extremely strong and it also made him let out a cold laugh.    


He had only killed Jun Kuang because he had asked for it. Jun Kuang had attacked him, wanting to stop him from entering the Divine Phoenix's cave.    


Now, this Jun Xie actually wanted to kill him because of this, and even ran outside the Divine Phoenix's cave, cutting off his escape.    


In this situation, since he had lost his precious red bone, it would be extremely difficult for him to escape from this place. With his current strength, he couldn't possibly be a match for Jun Xie.    


"From the looks of it, I can only take the risk and advance to the top of Nether Mountain!"    


Xiao Yu made a decision. He left the Divine Phoenix's cave, but didn't return along the original road, and instead headed in another direction. In that direction, was also the direction where the gigantic mountain was located at, and also where the Three-foot Phoenix indicated for him the location of the Purple Star Sand.    


The Nether Mountain was extremely huge and was not as simple as just a mountain. Xiao Yu advanced forward, towards the deepest part of the mountain.    


It was unknown if it was just an illusion, but on the way, Xiao Yu felt that his surroundings had become extremely calm, and that even birds and beasts were rarely seen. Moreover, it seemed like there was a pair of eyes silently watching him from behind.    


It seemed that it was the existence of these eyes that allowed him to travel so smoothly without being obstructed.    


This path, was extremely long. Xiao Yu had walked for a very long time, but still felt that the peak of his Nether Mountain was still so far away. It was as if no matter how he walked, it was difficult to reach the top.    




Suddenly, the area in front of them shook as a huge palace descended from the sky and landed in the middle of the mountain.    


Xiao Yu was surprised, why did the palace suddenly appear here? Carrying these questions, he entered the palace. The hall was unusually vast, there were only two things inside, one was the Purple Star Sand, and the other was a box. Inside the box was something that made Xiao Yu's entire body tremble.    


"A fingerbone!"    


The box was extremely delicate, and inside, there was a fingerbone. It looked normal and normal, but when Xiao Yu saw it, he was unable to calm down for a long time.    


This was the Supreme Being Bone! Even though it was only a fingerbone, there were Sovereign Power s within it. It was much stronger than the red precious bone that he obtained earlier!    


Moreover, Xiao Yu felt that this fingerbone was not left behind by an ordinary Zhi Zun, but rather one of those unparalleled people he had seen before, the Zhi Zun.    


"The Purple Star Sand's Supreme Finger Bone? How could these two things coincidentally appear in front of me? "    


Xiao Yu had a vague feeling that someone was observing his every move. Since they knew that he was looking for these two things, they directly brought them in front of him.    


According to the Three-foot Phoenix, if he wanted to obtain the Purple Star Sand, he had to get to the top of the Nether Mountain. But right now, he was still a long way from reaching the peak of the Nether Mountain, and this palace had suddenly appeared.    


Could it be that the peak of the Nether Mountain was hiding something, and it was not the time for him to reach the top yet? So, the person in the dark directly brought these two things to him and told him to leave just like that?    


At that moment, Xiao Yu thought about it a lot. Although he did not have a clue, but he was sure of one thing, that the existence that delivered the Purple Star Sand and Supreme Being Bone should not have any enmity towards him.    


He did not think anymore, and sat down peacefully in the palace, refining the Purple Star Sand into his body, and merging it into the Five-spirit Stone.    


With this sand, he would be able to take the first step on his path as a talisman!    


With him as a talisman, this was a unique path, and was also Xiao Yu's helpless choice.    


Because he possessed the Damnation Power and was rejected by the heaven and earth, he was unable to draw the energy of the heaven and earth into his body, so he was unable to cultivate and break through.    


His following cultivation method would create a new river, for example his current Hidden Void Stage. He would not be able to cultivate as normal people would, so he would take this realm as a Talisman, and inscribe it on top of the Talisman Stone in his body!    


In other words, his cultivation was different from ordinary people's cultivation. Instead, he was cultivating his so-called realm, which was directly engraved in talismans, turning it into a Talisman, and existing it within his body.    


If he wanted to use his current cultivation level, it would be equivalent to activating the Talisman in his body.    


Talisman Dao s were extremely complicated, like the various types of Arcane Arts s, which could be engraved with the power of heaven and earth, allowing Talisman s to have different types of effects.    


But for someone like Xiao Yu, who had engraved a realm into the Runes, it was an unprecedented event. It could be said that he had created a new river since time immemorial.    


Moreover, in his imagination, every stage of his future cultivation would be the same as well, because he wouldn't be able to cultivate normally. Only by using this method would he be able to return to his former position of being a supreme expert!    




When the Purple Star Sand entered his body, the piece of Five-spirit Stone in Xiao Yu's body instantly lit up with light.    




Xiao Yu did not hesitate at all, and at the same time, summoned out a few Five-element Power s from his body and fused with them.    


For others, condensing Divine Shadow, would require a process, but he would not cultivate normally, and would imprint it into the talisman, thus the process would be much faster than for ordinary people.    


Currently, Xiao Yu already possessed two types of Five-element Power, namely, Fire Elemental and Gold Elemental. Adding the Parasol Tree that he had obtained before, there were three kinds.    


At this moment, a second and third Divine Shadow began to coalesce and quickly materialize within his body. He could actually coalesce two Divine Shadow at the same time.    


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