Unparalleled Talisman God



Standing where he was, Lan Qianyu's tears fell like rain. She neither nodded nor shook her head.    


Xiao Yu walked forward, gently held her hand, and gently said: "This time, my life and death is uncertain, and I might never be able to return. Are you willing to marry such a person?"    


She let Xiao Yu hold on to her hand and looked deeply into his eyes. Even though her voice was soft, it was filled with determination, "Even if heaven and earth decayed and the stars become dim, or a hundred thousand years or a million years from now, I will still wait for your return."    


Although she did not answer directly, her words had undoubtedly expressed her thoughts.    


Xiao Yu smiled and knelt in front of the three tombs and said loudly: "Today, I, Xiao Yu, swear that if I marry Lan Qianyu, heaven and earth will collapse, and the sun and moon will decay, my heart will never change."    


Lan Qianyu deeply knew that Xiao Yu did not even kneel to the heavens and earth; this kneel was completely due to his deep love for her.    


She also knelt in front of the three tombs as she cried, "Today, Qianyu is going to marry Xiao Yu. Even if the heaven and earth are old and the world are broken, as long as Qianyu is still alive, he would absolutely not dare to bear Xiao Lang's responsibility."    


The two of them looked at each other, then respectfully kowtowed three times in front of the three tombs.    


Standing up, Xiao Yu took Lan Qianyu's hand and said with a smile: "Right now, you are already my wife."    


A touch of captivating red appeared on Lan Qianyu's face, it was unknown whether it was embarrassment or joy. She snuggled up to Xiao Yu and softly called out to him. "Husband."    


These two mere words contained feelings that were deeper than the ocean and higher than the sky. Xiao Yu didn't say anything, and only silently experienced Lan Qianyu's tender feelings.    


Nestling in Xiao Yu's embrace, Lan Qianyu said softly, "You are invincible in the nine heavens, to the point of being disrespectful even to the heavens and earth, why are you kneeling down to these tombs so easily this time?"    


Xiao Yu sighed: "In this life, Gu Tianchuan can be considered my senior. Moreover, he was determined to be you, so what's wrong with me kneeling down?"    


As for Xue'er, although she is one of the Maidservant s by your side, her relationship with you is like that of a sister. She has helped us greatly in the past, and now that she is dead, it is only right for me to pay my respects to her.    


Listening in silence, Lan Qianyu's eyes were filled with tender emotions, and he said: "Then what about Father? Back then, he forced you to break through to the King Realm in order to prevent us from meeting each other. It almost caused your death. "    


"All is in the past." Xiao Yu smiled, and said: "Besides, no matter how much grudges there are, he is still your father, and he is no longer here. "The kindness of parents is the most profound. Since you and I have become husband and wife, how can I not kneel to your father?"    


After listening to all of this, Lan Qianyu remained silent, and only nestled in Xiao Yu's embrace.    


She was well aware of how deep the affection she had for Xiao Yu for making him kneel before others.    


"Do you feel wronged? "With my current status and status, I should have been able to marry you off in the open, but now there is nothing at all." Xiao Yu caressed Lan Qianyu's smooth long hair and whispered into her ear.    


Shaking his head, Lan Qianyu said: "Do you still not know my personality? I do not need any glory. With Grandpa Gu and Father as witnesses, I am satisfied. "    


Lan Qianyu's personality had always been indifferent. Originally, with Xiao Yu's current identity and status, her marriage was enough to shock the entire Ten Realms and have all the Paragons come to congratulate her.    


However, Lan Qianyu did not like that kind of vanity.    


"Do you know what my greatest wish was when I knew that my life was numbered?" Lifting his head in Xiao Yu's embrace, Lan Qianyu's eyes were filled with tenderness.    


"What is it?" Xiao Yu asked with a smile.    


"At that time, my greatest wish was to roam the entire world. Before I leave this world, I will have a good look at this world." There was a faint smile on her lips.    


"How hard is that?" Xiao Yu laughed, holding her by the waist, he took a step forward, and the two of them instantly stepped across the Infinite Void, and arrived at another place.    


He took Lan Qianyu to the summit to see the white snow, then to the depths of the ocean to see the fish swimming, then to the farthest island to see the sunrise, then to the tallest mountain to see the moon.    


They were not in the same realm and had gone to who knows how many realms. Xiao Yu had brought Lan Qianyu to see all kinds of beautiful scenery before he was about to leave, and he also wanted to leave some beautiful memories behind for Lan Qianyu.    


Lan Qianyu had achieved what he had wanted for many years, and with his own husband by his side, a faint smile always appeared on his face. He felt that this was the fate of his life, that he would never ask for anything else.    


In the end, the couple arrived at an island. There were many strange but docile creatures inside the island. They didn't panic when they saw others and kept themselves isolated from the world.    


The two of them started logging together and built a few wooden houses in the middle of the island. Xiao Yu did not use his cultivation and enjoyed the fruits of their hard work.    


"From now on, this place belongs to both you and me." Looking at the few small rooms that were already built, Xiao Yu was very satisfied.    


"Wait for me." Lan Qianyu's face suddenly turned red, he turned and entered the house.    


Xiao Yu did not understand, but since Lan Qianyu had given the order, he could only wait in place.    


"You can come in now."    


After a moment, Lan Qianyu's voice came out from within the house. Only then did Xiao Yu dare to take a step forward. As soon as he entered the room, he was stunned.    


In the room, a few red candles were lightly lit. A figure was quietly sitting on the wooden bed beside him. She was wearing a red wedding dress and her face was covered by a red cloth. One could only see that her two jade-like hands were tightly clasped together, making her look a little uncomfortable.    


Even though Xiao Yu had lived for hundreds of thousands of years and it was his first time getting married, his heart would still beat wildly when he saw his bride sitting in front of him.    


He took a deep breath and walked forward, gently lifting up the red cloth on Lan Qianyu's head. Beneath the red cloth, Lan Qianyu's rosy lips droplets of blood could be seen, and her face was rosy. It was unknown if it was because she was embarrassed or because her face was red.    


Her appearance and temperament were similar to the Moon God s in the first place, and could overthrow all other life.    


"Qianyu, you are so beautiful." Since Xiao Yu had seen countless peerless beauties, she could not help but be stunned for a moment.    


Sensing that her husband's words were from the bottom of his heart, Lan Qianyu's face turned even redder, she bowed her head and said: "This set of clothes, was left behind by my mother when she was alive, wearing it to get married, is my greatest wish."    


Xiao Yu had already left this world twenty thousand years ago and she had kept this body for twenty thousand years. It could be seen that she had already waited twenty thousand years for this day.    


Other than the wedding candles, Lan Qianyu also prepared two cups. She made Xiao Yu pour two cups of wine, and the two of them exchanged cups and drank together.    


After drinking the wine, Lan Qianyu's face turned even redder, from the inside out, he looked as if he could crack a glass with just a blow. Xiao Yu could not help but stare blankly at him again.    


Seeing her husband staring at her in a daze, Lan Qianyu felt bashful yet happy at the same time. She took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and said: "Husband, let me help you undress."    


Xiao Yu was already dumbstruck. A dignified Ninth Heaven Sovereign, unrivalled for hundreds of thousands of years, at the time of the big wedding, she was also somewhat panicked, and her hands and feet had already left her body.    


Red candles were lightly lit, and the moonlight was like water. Outside, the spring breeze caressed the ground, making everything seem tranquil. This night was a long and short one for the couple.    


Only after a night had passed did they truly become one, a couple that could not be separated from each other.    


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