Unparalleled Talisman God



Xiao Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but since Yan Qiushui and Moyu's feelings were sincere, he couldn't say anything. Moreover, he had already explained it, so it was useless to say anything.    


He quickened his steps and quickly disappeared from the bridge, disappearing into the depths of the void.    


As he walked on the bridge, Xiao Yu could sense that the current master of the shrine was at least on the same level as him, a supreme being, even if he wasn't invincible in both ancient and modern times.    


The six stone monuments and six bridges each corresponded to one. It corresponded exactly to the symbol, artifact, medicine, array formation, as well as battle strength and cultivation. These six paths encompassed almost all the path of cultivation.    


The strength of the hall master on the six paths could be called terrifying. It was so terrifying that his comprehension of the six paths already affected this part of the Holy Realm, to the point that his Great Dao Power s, also known as the so-called divine power, existed everywhere within the Holy Realm.    


The bridge Xiao Yu had walked on corresponded to the path of Talisman. Through the aura emitted from the bridge and the monolith, he was sure that the strength of the Talisman of the divine hall master was a little weaker than his.    


However, this did not mean that the hall master was inferior to him, because once one reached the Sovereign Stage, no matter which Zhi Zun, under the condition of unlimited lifespan, could achieve mastery of all different dao at the same time.    


This hall master was obviously the same, as he was also well versed in numerous profound arts. However, the Talisman Dao was Xiao Yu's best, so it was understandable that the hall master was not as good as him.    


As for the other great Daos of the hall master, Xiao Yu had previously felt that their levels of strength were not far from his. Amongst them, the most shocking was that in terms of array formations, Xiao Yu was inferior to them, as he was an expert in Talisman Dao s after all.    


It was very obvious that the masters of the divine halls were mainly attacking the Array Dao while Xiao Yu was mainly attacking the Talisman Dao. While the two were focused on attacking one, they were also proficient in other domains under the support of an endless amount of life force, but they were both able to suppress the other in their respective strongest domains.    


From this, Xiao Yu could deduce that this master of the Divine Hall was probably not weaker than him in his previous life!    


This bridge was not very long. Not long after Xiao Yu walked out, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.    


In the midst of all the stars, Xiao Yu was like a duckweed in a vast ocean, appearing extremely insignificant.    


"It's been a long time, Fellow Taoist."    


A white clothed man sat upright in the air in front of him and smiled at Xiao Yu from afar.    


The two of them were separated by a starry sky, and both of them were located at the other end of the starry sky, which was a million miles away from each other. However, Xiao Yu could clearly see the man's face and every single strand of hair on his body.    


This man was dressed in white and looked very young. He looked to be in his twenties. He had a smile on his face and was very handsome. His bearing was sharp and elegant, and in his gentleness and domineering, he gave people a very complicated feeling.    


It was as if the man just sat there, his body already containing tens of thousands of lines.    


"Fellow Taoist?" Xiao Yu was floating in mid air, feeling shocked in his heart.    


The word 'Fellow Taoist' was the title used by cultivators to address people of the same level. This man was clearly the lord of the shrine, yet he called him 'Fellow Taoist'?    


"The Fellow Taoist was able to fuse with the Sovereign Level Inheritance in the blink of an eye, and was also able to easily cross the bridge. He treated my Six Great Way of the Gods as if it were nothing and had a profound realm that I have never seen before."    


The white-robed man sat on the other side of the starry sky, smiling as he spoke. The two of them were separated by who knew how many thousands of kilometers, but it was as if they were sitting in front of each other, conversing in a normal manner.    


So that was how it was, this White-clothed Hall Master had clearly seen through his true realm, and it was no wonder that he called out "Fellow Taoist".    


"It's been countless years since I've seen a fellow supreme being. Since I have to meet the Fellow Taoist today, why not use this starry sky as a chess piece and use it as an argument for the Dao?" The White-clothed Hall Master said as he pointed forward with his finger.    


Suddenly, the vast starry sky that spanned tens of thousands of miles began to move. The stars that filled the sky were like pawns as they quickly moved, forming a board game in an instant.    


This was the might of a Paragon, able to control planets with a lift of their hand!    


"This is a chess game that I placed down for hundreds of thousands of years in the midst of loneliness. Fellow Taoist, please give me a pointer or two." The White-clothed Hall Master smiled and made a "please" gesture towards Xiao Yu from afar.    


In terms of dao, it meant that strong and powerful people would discuss their own Daos. After all, everyone had a different understanding of cultivation. Millions of people had billions of Daos.    


The Dao was a game between two worlds of cultivation. Through the Dao, one could not only learn from another, but also verify what he had learned and verify which of the two paths was the correct one!    


Xiao Yu didn't know if the reason the White-clothed Hall Master suggested this Dao Debate was to test his true realm, or to simply ask for advice as he had said, but this person was extremely extraordinary, so he was also curious to know the other party's level.    


Looking left and right, Xiao Yu realized that this was not a real space, but a space filled with consciousness.    


The so-called Spiritual Space was also illusory. As long as one's Spiritual Realm was high enough, he would be a Martial Saint without having to worry about his cultivation level.    


"May I ask how do I address you, Fellow Taoist?"    


Understanding this, Xiao Yu sat down on the other end of the starry sky and pointed out with his finger.    


With this level of strength, this person was definitely not a nameless person.    


"The vicissitudes of life have lasted for millions of years. The things that happened in the past have long since passed away. I am no longer myself. The name of the past doesn't even have to be mentioned!" White-clothed Hall Master casually stretched out his hand and a star descended.    


"The name of the past is also a name. Since you still exist, why not mention it?" Xiao Yu felt that this White-clothed Hall Master did not want to reveal his identity, so as he spoke, another son fell.    


"The past is already past, and today, I am not the me from yesterday, why must Fellow Taoist stay in this title?" The White-clothed Hall Master remained as unmoving as a mountain. With a raise of his hand, the stars revolved and he landed on the Go board.    


However, it was also because of the passing that you achieved what you have achieved today. You achieved what you achieved yesterday as well, so why would Fellow Taoist want to escape from what happened in the past? Xiao Yu continued to speak, and at the tip of his finger, stars also continued to flow.    


In terms of cultivation level, the two of them were very few. They were both supreme figures in the world. Not only did they use the starry sky as a chess piece, they evolved in the grand dao.    


This vast starry sky was not only a game of chess, but also evolved and evolved into a myriad of great daos of the world. Xiao Yu and the White-clothed Hall Master played chess through the air, and every sentence they said and every word they said was a reflection of their understanding of the great daos, as well as a way to discuss it.    


Using the starry sky as a chess piece, the two of them argued for an unknown period of time. This area was filled with Stellar Transposition, as well as numerous constellations. However, even after such a long time, there were still no signs of victory.    


Their strengths were evenly matched!    


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