Unparalleled Talisman God



After a series of introductions, Xiao Yu also gained a detailed understanding of the ranking tournament's rules.    


Simply speaking, each of the four areas of the Sky Blue Martial Academy had a tablet, and each tablet held the name of the area they resided. The ranking of disciples with different strengths would also directly affect the treatment they would receive in the martial institution.    


Even if it was a disciple from the same region who was ranked in the top one hundred, there was an enormous gap between the resources that they would receive every month and those that were ranked below ten thousand.    


For this reason, the disciples of each area naturally hoped to rank at the top of their ranks. The Martial Arts Academy gave these disciples an opportunity, and it was the monthly Ranking Tournament.    


The ranking war's rules were very simple as well. The lower ranked disciples could challenge the disciples that were ranked before them on this day. As long as they won, they would replace that disciple.    


Simply put, everything depends on one's strength. As long as you can win the first place, then you can become first place!    


However, in order to prevent some disciples from being too ambitious, it was not as if they could challenge whoever they wanted to. Otherwise, there would be so many disciples at the bottom, and if everyone directly challenged the top one hundred, then the top one hundred disciples would die of exhaustion even if they did not lose.    


Thus, in every ranking battle, he could only challenge disciples who were below ten ranks from his ranking. Of course, if their strength was indeed strong, it wasn't impossible for them to rapidly raise their ranks in a short period of time.    


As long as one could win 10 matches in a row, they could skip the 100 ranking challenges and 10 matches. They could skip the 1000 ranking challenges and so on.    


This rule made it possible for those with true strength to rapidly increase their rankings. It wasn't completely impossible for them to climb from the bottom to the first place within a day.    


However, no matter which region they were in, this had never happened before.    


"Alright, this is where the rules are stated. This is where the rankings are recognized. We will now begin our free challenge." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he backed away from the stage and remained silent.    


Normally, after the Fellow had announced the start of the match, the many disciples would immediately start their challenges. After all, everyone cared a lot about the rise of the rankings.    


But this time, all of the disciples did not move, because they were all looking at the same person.    


"Have you heard about what happened in the past few days? has said that he wants to directly raise his Wolong Stage up during this Ranking Tournament. Who do you think he will challenge first? "    


"Hehe, I also want to know. After all, this is the person who had pushed open the nine stone doors before."    


"Haha, his ranking? Our region has a total of thirty thousand disciples, but he is still at twenty-eight thousand on the Qianlong monument. You must be crazy! "    


The crowd discussed loudly, completely ignoring Xiao Yu.    


Sixth Cycle of Spirit Origin Stage, with just this bit of strength, even if it was placed in the weakest Qianlong Stage, it would still not be enough.    


"What's going on?" Seeing the many disciples not moving for a long time, the three middle-aged men on the stage all frowned.    


The three of them were the academicians from Qianlong Stage region, and were normally responsible for guiding these disciples in their cultivation. At the end of the month, they would be the ones overseeing the ranking battles.    


Being able to monitor the challenges of the disciples, the three of them were not weak. With a single glance, they could hear the discussion of the disciples.    


"Is he Xiao Yu?" The middle-aged man who had just announced the rules followed the crowd's gaze and saw Xiao Yu with a single glance. His brows slightly furrowed, and he seemed to be slightly dissatisfied.    


Regarding the name Xiao Yu, there was no one in the academy who did not know about him. Even the three of them were no exception.    


This middle-aged man's name was Wu Sheng, and he was extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Yu. From the moment he had entered the Sky Blue Martial Academy till now, Xiao Yu had not come to the training hall even a day to listen to their preaching!    


Although the Martial Arts Academy had a rule that states that disciples are free to come to the training hall, Xiao Yu did not come even once.    


Especially at this moment, seeing that none of the disciples had started the challenge just because of Xiao Yu, made Wu Sheng even more annoyed.    


"Xiao Yu, didn't you say that you are going to level up Wolong Stage? Why haven't you started the challenge yet? "    


"Yeah, not to mention crossing three districts, just our district already has over thirty thousand people. If you want to ascend to Wolong Stage, you first have to advance to the top ten, and there's even a Canglong Stage on top of that!"    


A few disciples, seeing that Xiao Yu did not make a move, started to mock him.    


Xiao Yu indifferently swept his eyes over them, he did not mind their words too much.    


He looked from afar and saw that on the Qianlong Monument, there were more than thirty-two thousand names.    


Previously, when he reported, he could have directly raised his ranking through that challenge, but he did not do so. Because of that, his current ranking was still 28,300 meters away!    


"Ai!" Slightly sighing, it seemed like there were still many battles to be fought before Wolong Stage could be raised.    


Shaking his head, Xiao Yu did not want to waste anymore time. He stood up, walked to the front of the Qianlong Monument and called out a name.    


After all, Qianlong Stage had thirty thousand disciples. If one wanted to challenge someone, they would have to first find someone from the tens of thousands of people, then there was no need to fight anymore.    


Therefore, when one wanted to challenge someone, one could directly pass the Qianlong Monument Challenge. Disciples who received the challenge would have a reaction due to the identity token on their body.    


"Haha, Xiao Fang, you're in for it, Xiao Yu will be the first one to use you!"    


"I heard that although Xiao Yu can't improve, he still has a bit of strength. When he just entered the academy, he defeated an old disciple."    


"Don't worry, it's just Sixth Cycle of Spirit Origin Stage, right? "How strong can he be?!"    


Following Xiao Yu's actions, after seeing the name he chose, some of the disciples looked towards one of the disciples and started to joke around.    


From the crowd, a young disciple with a bitter face walked out.    


The scene of Xiao Yu being troubled by the old disciple was seen by him. Although the name of "Xiao Yu's cripple" was spread far and wide in the martial academy, his strength was not weak at all!    


But there was nothing he could do about it. The challenge rule stated that only disciples who ranked lower could challenge disciples who ranked higher than him, and those who were challenged were not allowed to refuse.    


You can admit defeat, but you cannot refuse the challenge!    


"Xiao Yu, please advise!" Since this disciple was challenged by Xiao Yu, he could only go up.    


"Sure!" This person's attitude was not bad, and Xiao Yu revealed a polite smile.    


The end of the month ranking was unlike the arena battle. There were no referees, or it could be said that all of the disciples present were referees. Thus, after a simple indication, it meant that they could make their move.    


"Be careful." Xiao Yu did not want to waste his time, with a flash, he arrived in front of the disciple, and immediately unleashed a palm strike.    




Everyone only felt their vision blur, and they simply could not see Xiao Yu's movements clearly. However, his opponent had already been pushed back several meters with a face full of astonishment.    


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