Unparalleled Talisman God



The banquet at Wang Family had not been held for long, and by the time Xiao Yu returned to the Drunken Star Tower, it was not too late.    


Returning to the room, Xiao Yu originally wanted to go see Lin Yurou, but Lin Yurou was not in the room.    


He frowned. Since the departure of Lin Family, Lin Yurou had rarely gone out, and had actually not been out today. Could it be that he had gone to look for Yan Ziyu?    


As Xiao Yu and Yan Ziyu's relationship was no longer considered strange, if he wanted to see Yan Ziyu now, he didn't even need to be informed by anyone from the Drunken Star Tower s. He could just directly go and find her.    


"Xiao Yu, you're back?" Seeing Xiao Yu, Yan Ziyu's voice seemed to relax quite a bit.    


It was obvious that she was indeed a little worried that something might happen to Xiao Yu if he went to Wang Family.    


Towards this woman, Xiao Yu could not really be considered as having any feelings. Even though the two of them could be considered familiar with each other, Yan Ziyu always gave him a feeling that he had many secrets and could not truly understand her.    


He did not think too much into it, and said: "Miss Ziyu, did my mother come to your place?"    


In truth, Yan Ziyu was only one person, she did not see Lin Yurou at all. However, Yan Ziyu should be clear about what happened in the Drunken Star Tower, and even if she was not there, she should know where he had gone to.    


"Madam Xiao?" Yan Ziyu said: "Didn't she go to the Lin Family?"    


"He went to the Lin Family?" Xiao Yu's expression changed slightly as a bad premonition arose involuntarily. He said anxiously: "When did my mother go to Lin Family for?"    


Seeing Xiao Yu being so nervous, Yan Ziyu did not dare to be slow, and said: "Earlier, not long after you left, Lin Family sent people over, inviting Madam Xiao over, saying that there were some matters to discuss, I guessed that Lin Family was most likely trying to repair their relationship with you, and wanted to obtain it from your mother, then she left!"    


"The Lin Family sending people?" Xiao Yu's heart became even more unsettled. He had only just left when Lin Family sent someone to invite Lin Yurou. This seemed to be a bit of a coincidence.    


"Miss Ziyu, are you sure that people from the Lin Family are here?" Xiao Yu looked at Yan Ziyu seriously.    


"The person who came was just a servant from Lin Family. Even though I don't know him, he had a talisman of Lin Family on him, so it should be true." Seeing Xiao Yu being so worried, Yan Ziyu suddenly had a bad feeling about this.    


If something were to happen to Lin Yurou at her Drunken Star Tower, then it was very likely that her relationship with Xiao Yu would be affected.    


"Xiao Yu, do you suspect that someone else is not from Lin Family?" Yan Ziyu was extremely smart and naturally understood the meaning behind Xiao Yu's words.    


"I can't be sure right now, but this matter is a coincidence. I need to go to the Lin Family to take a look!" Xiao Yu kept Lin Yurou in his heart. After he finished speaking, he did not bother to explain anything to Yan Ziyu and directly left.    


"I'll go with you!" Yan Ziyu was also getting nervous.    


She had once promised Xiao Yu that she would protect Lin Yurou to the fullest. If anything were to happen to Lin Yurou at her Drunken Star Tower, she would take a large part of responsibility.    


Xiao Yu did not reject Yan Ziyu's request, and the two rushed to Lin Family with their fastest speed.    


"Xiao Yu, why are you here?"    


At the Lin Family entrance, when the servants saw Xiao Yu, all of their expressions changed.    


The current Xiao Yu was no longer the Lin Family surname that anyone could bully, but rather the genius who had obtained the number one spot in the Martial Academy Selection.    


Now that they had seen Xiao Yu, the expressions of these people were completely different. Some were afraid of Xiao Yu taking revenge, while others were jealous and disdained him.    


"Let Lin Wentian come out to meet me!" Xiao Yu was worried about Lin Yurou's safety, hence he did not hold back when he spoke due to his anxiety.    


"Xiao Yu, don't go too far. Even if you have the qualifications to enter the Imperial City Martial Academy, my Lin Family has at least raised you for so many years, and you dare to directly call out the Patriarch's name!"    


A few of the Lin Family servants became angry, and glared at him.    


The Lin Family had raised him for many years? Xiao Yu was disdainful, this was true, but Lin Family had wanted to take his life several times, and not only Lin Wentian, even Lin Xuehan had thought of killing him during the competition!    


With this kind of Lin Family, was it even worth his respect?    


However, he was too lazy to explain to the servants, and said: "I'll say it again, make Lin Wentian come out and see me!"    


Seeing Xiao Yu's angry look, the few servants were afraid. After all, Xiao Yu's strength had long been spread throughout the city.    


But seeing that this cripple from the past was actually so overbearing, and was once again standing in front of the Lin Family gate, they became a lot more daring, and said: "Xiao Yu, since you have already revealed our Lin Family, if you want to see the Patriarch, you have to hand over your greetings, and it will also depend on whether the Patriarch is free, so we'll see you when we have time!"    


"Yeah, don't think that just because you got first place in the selection you can return me back to the Lin Family and show off my might. In the Lin Family you are just a cripple and nothing else!"    


"Right, you should show your card first. I'll see when the Patriarch will have time to see you after we hand it over!"    


A few of the guards started talking among themselves. With someone in front leading the way, they became more daring.    


"Hmph, let's see who can stop me today!" Xiao Yu was determined to find Lin Yurou, how would he have the time to waste his breath here with a few servants?    


He sneered and took big steps forward. Since he couldn't do it, he might as well just fight his way in!    


"Xiao Yu, how dare you! This is the Lin Family, you dare to barge in! "    


"Xiao Yu, don't go overboard!"    


The few servants were shocked and angry, they did not think that Xiao Yu would actually dare to barge in.    


"Scram!" Xiao Yu lifted his leg, and heavily stomped on the ground.    


After a few "putong" sounds, the ground began to tremble. These servants were too weak to stop his footsteps, and all of them were unable to stand steadily, falling onto their butts.    


A few people looked at each other in shock, their faces deathly pale. They watched Xiao Yu striding into the Lin Family with large strides, and no one dared to stop him.    


Although they had long since heard of it, seeing Xiao Yu's true strength still made their hearts tremble.    


"Lin Wentian, get your ass out here!" Xiao Yu walked into the Lin Family with large strides, raised his True Essence and shouted.    


His strong cultivation, caused this shout to echo far away from within his Lin Family.    


"Who dares to trespass into my Lin Family?"    


All of the Lin Family people were alarmed by this shout at the same time, and they all appeared one after another.    


When the group of youngsters within the Lin Family saw the figure that appeared within the Lin Family, all of their expressions became extremely complicated.    


This person, who they had once allowed to humiliate in the past, had now become so powerful. Just that shout from him was already enough to cause many of the younger generation to tremble in fear.    


"It's Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu is here!"    


"Did he come here to seek revenge for the way we treated him in the past?"    


"Rumor has it that he can even fight against Grandmasters. Who in our Lin Family can stop him?"    


"It's over, is my Lin Family going to meet with a calamity today?"    


The group of people from the Lin Family looked at Xiao Yu from afar, and thought about how they treated Xiao Yu and her son in the past. Then, they remembered how Xiao Yu had fought against a grandmaster, killing the disciples of the Sky Blue Martial Academy ruthlessly, making many of them pale in the face, as their hearts were filled with uneasiness.    


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