Unparalleled Talisman God



Very quickly, Jiang Yuanhong returned with an exquisite box. Inside the box, there was a delicate Talisman Stone.    


This piece of Talisman Stone was not large, and was less than a palm. There were a total of three colors intertwined on it, and within the stone there was a hazy glimmer of light.    


"Young Brother Xiao, can I ask you a question? Do you plan to inscribe these third grade Talisman Stone?" Although Jiang Yuanhong already had a guess in his heart, he still did not dare believe it.    


As a Grade Two Talisman Master, he had an extremely high failure rate when inscribing Grade Two Talisman. Even if Xiao Yu's Talisman strength was astonishing, it couldn't be said that he could inscribe Grade Three Talisman with this Talisman Stone, right?    


This is crazy.    


"Pavilion Master Jiang, can you find me a quiet room?" Xiao Yu nodded his head, he truly wanted to inscribe a Grade Three Talisman. For Talisman of this level, even he could not be disturbed.    


"Yes!" I normally have a quiet room that is specially for Talisman, I'll bring you there with this jade! " Jiang Yuanhong trembled. He actually wanted to watch the process of Xiao Yu inscribing the Talisman from the side, but he knew that this was a huge taboo for the Talisman Master.    


However, even if he could not witness the process, it would be good if he could see the birth of a Grade Three Talisman.    


"Pavilion Master Jiang, before I come out, no matter what happens, no one is allowed to disturb me!" Xiao Yu explained the situation to Jiang Yuanhong before entering the quiet room.    


This matter was related to Lin Yurou's safety, he could not allow even the slightest bit of accident to occur.    


"Alright!" Jiang Yuanhong also knew that inscribing Grade Three Talisman s was not an easy task.    


This quiet room was built with extremely thick green stones. Once a person was inside, no matter how much activity there was outside, it would be hard to hear.    


The walls around the quiet room were engraved with many patterns that resembled Talisman Imprint s, filling the entire room.    


This could also be considered as a simple "intertalisman". The surrounding runes could allow the Talisman Master to draw more closely with the Talisman Imprint, increasing the success rate.    


For most Talisman Master s, they would need this kind of special location to inscribe their Talisman, otherwise, it would be almost impossible for them to succeed. Of course, the exception were Grade One Talisman s, because they were the most basic and basic places to inscribe.    


However, Xiao Yu was different. His understanding towards Talisman had already reached the limit, so even if it was a Grade Two Talisman, he could directly inscribe it under normal circumstances.    


However, he didn't dare to underestimate the Grade Three Talisman that was going to be carved this time.    


"I hope I can succeed!" When he took out the third ranked talisman, Xiao Yu's expression was extremely serious.    


Even if his Talisman Dao was powerful, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to inscribe it in one go.    


With his current strength, inscribing Grade Two Talisman was much easier compared to before, but he had no confidence at all in inscribing third grade.    


However, for the sake of Lin Yurou's safety, Xiao Yu couldn't think too much about it.    


He bit the tip of his tongue and spat out three drops of Essential Blood, sprinkling them on top of the Talisman Stone.    


He was already extremely weak before with only a single drop of the Essential Blood. Now that the three drops of Essential Blood were gone, his vision turned white and he almost fell down head first.    


To inscribe a Grade Three Talisman, even if it was Xiao Yu, with this strength, he would have to pay a huge price. But for Lin Yurou, everything was worth it!    


After making sure he was in a better state, Xiao Yu took out his blade and began to inscribe.    


A third grade Talisman Stone is extremely hard, and without any Grandmaster Level to break it, it is almost impossible.    


Even though Xiao Yu had used three drops of Essential Blood and softened the Talisman Stone with his Arcane Arts, it was still very difficult for him to make a move.    


"If this goes on, I will fail!" Xiao Yu's forehead was perspiring.    


The drawing of Talisman required one to be able to do it in one go. The slower the inscription, the easier it would be for the Talisman Imprint to deviate and fail.    


This third stage Talisman Stone was simply too hard. Even if he used the Arcane Arts, it would still be extremely difficult for him to inscribe it.    


"Blood Scale, come out!" At this time, Xiao Yu thought about the Blood Scale that was sleeping on his left arm.    


"What is it? This dragon is meditating on the Dragon Race Great Art, so I have no time to care about you! " The Blood Scale's dissatisfied voice came out.    


He and Xiao Yu were one and the same, but the moment he woke up, he immediately felt Xiao Yu's weakness and asked in shock, "What happened to you? Why did it seem like his life force had been drained from his body? This dragon will share a life with you, if you die, this dragon will also be implicated by you! "    


Xiao Yu was both angry and amused, but at the same time, he did not have the mood to argue with it. He directly said: "Lend me a drop of dragon blood!"    


"What?" The Blood Scale was shocked and immediately rejected, "What are you trying to do? You want to waste this dragon's life again? Let me tell you, don't even think about it. This Dragon will not give it to you! "    


Dragon blood was extremely precious, and every drop had an exuberant life force.    


Even though the Blood Scale had dragon blood within them, it wasn't much. Even if it only gave Xiao Yu a single drop, it would cause him a great deal of damage.    


As you have seen, with my current condition, who knows when I'll directly fall to the ground. If you don't lend me the money, no one will teach you Arcane Arts once I die, and if you share your life with me, then you won't be able to live either! Xiao Yu said in an experienced voice.    


Three drops of Essential Blood were his limit, and even one more drop could directly take his life.    


But for Lin Yurou, if he really did not want to borrow the Blood Scale, even if he were to risk his life, he could only continue to inscribe it with his own Essential Blood.    


"How dare you threaten this dragon!" The Blood Scale was enraged, but it could clearly feel Xiao Yu's current condition, and that Xiao Yu's attitude was not like a joke.    


"Fine, but just this once. If you dare to have any more thoughts about this dragon blood, this dragon will rather die than fight you!" In the end, the Blood Scale still compromised and unwillingly squeezed out a drop of dragon blood from its body.    


There wasn't much dragon blood in its body to begin with, and splitting a single drop already made its flesh ache unbearably.    


A drop of dragon blood flowed from his left arm into Xiao Yu's body. Xiao Yu immediately used the power of the Spirit River in his body to wrap this drop of blood, and forced it out of his fingertips.    


"This Blood Drop Dragon is so pure!" Although he had previously heard from Blood Scale that it had the blood of an Ancestral Dragon in it, Xiao Yu did not really believe it. But now that he saw the pure dragon energy in this drop of blood, he could not help but suspect, could the Blood Scale really have the blood of an Ancestral Dragon?    


Even though an ordinary drop of Dragon Race blood similarly contained a strong life force, it was still not comparable to this drop of blood.    


There was no need to talk about people like Red Scale King. The dragon blood in his body was impure, and could not compare to one ten thousandth of this drop of blood.    


Xiao Yu was becoming more and more curious about this Small Beast, but he didn't have much time to think about it at the moment, and immediately placed this drop of dragon's blood on the Talisman Stone.    




After absorbing a drop of dragon blood, the Talisman Stone's radiance greatly increased, and a faint shadow of a dragon could be seen flashing across its surface.    


Xiao Yu did not dare to hesitate, and once again used his Inscription Blade and began to inscribe on top of the Talisman Stone.    


This drop of dragon blood was countless times stronger than the three drops of Essential Blood that he had combined. With this drop of dragon blood, Xiao Yu's next inscription process was much smoother.    


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