Unparalleled Talisman God



"This time, Xiao Yu wins!" The Sky Blue Martial Academy disciples at the side were also stunned, they did not expect to admit defeat so easily.    


However, since one of them had already admitted defeat, he still announced Xiao Yu's victory.    


Shen Yuan cupped his fists at Xiao Yu and walked to the side.    


Feeling the puzzled gazes of the people around him, he felt bitter in his heart. Others couldn't tell, but he was a person of authority, and through that one palm from Xiao Yu, he knew that he was far from being Xiao Yu's match.    


Xiao Yu had completely relied on his divine power for that palm strike, and had not used any Battle Spell, so it looked extremely ordinary and ordinary.    


However, it was precisely because this palm was an extremely calm one that made it even more extraordinary, because when faced with this palm, no matter who it was, they would accept it, and after receiving it, they would lose.    


The God Power in Xiao Yu's palm was extremely strong, and layer after layer of it, directly shook Shen Yuan's vital energy and blood.    


If it wasn't for Xiao Yu retracting his strength at the last moment, he definitely wouldn't have been repelled so easily, or at the very least, be seriously injured.    


With such a huge gap in strength, so what if Shen Yuan does not admit defeat?    


Before this, he had some doubts regarding Xiao Yu's strength, but now, he completely acknowledged Xiao Yu's strength. Even if Xiao Yu's first round results were fake, he was definitely not weaker than Heavenly Girl, or even stronger than Heavenly Girl!    


"It's over just like that? Why can't I understand it? "    


"What's so surprising about that palm? Why did Xiao Yu's opponent admit defeat just like that? "    


Many spectators were still in shock. The competition had ended too quickly, from beginning to end, it was Xiao Yu who had stepped onto the stage. After that, he had struck his palm, and the other party had already admitted defeat.    


The secrets of Xiao Yu's palm, ordinary people could not see through at all, and only a few people who had reached the level of Qi-transforming Stage were able to see through it.    


Everyone had strange expressions on their faces. They had originally wanted to see just how much strength Xiao Yu had, but in this silk battle, they could not understand it at all, let alone see through Xiao Yu's strength!    


In the end, Xiao Yu got off the stage and fought a round, and no one could be sure of his true strength!    


Xiao Yu walked to the side of the stage and continued to accompany Lin Yurou.    


Lin Yurou still only smiled, his expression did not contain the slightest bit of surprise, as if Xiao Yu had won just like that.    


"Next group, Wang Sheng against Yuan Fei."    


Originally, Xiao Yu was not interested in these people's competition, but after hearing this voice, he could not help but turn his head to look.    


Wang Sheng had already left the stage, and after the Sky Blue Martial Academy's disciples announced it, they began to fight with their opponents.    


His opponent was ranked in the top fifty, and was definitely not weak amongst the audience. However, facing Wang Sheng, he was suppressed, and the outcome of the battle was quickly decided.    


Wang Sheng's strength had made everyone exclaim in surprise. If not for the fact that the Lin Family Heavenly Girl was too outstanding, his radiance would definitely have been much stronger than it was right now!    


"Wang Sheng wins this round!"    


Following the announcement of the results, Wang Sheng did not walk out of the arena, but looked at Xiao Yu from afar, his mouth curled into a cold smile, and said loudly: "In the next few rounds, do not hit me, or you will be beaten into a dog!"    


"What's going on? Wang Sheng will openly challenge Xiao Yu! "    


"Yes, I heard that Xiao Yu crippled the Wang Family's Wang Fei before, so this time, Wang Fei did not participate in the selection. From the looks of it, there is a grudge between the Wang Family and Xiao Yu!"    


"This is going to be a good show!"    


The group of people heard Wang Sheng's words and became excited once again.    


Other than Lin Xuehan, Wang Sheng was the strongest. Although Xiao Yu had not confirmed his strength, he was still able to get first place in the first round, which gave him a lot of hope.    


At this moment, Wang Sheng was openly speaking with Xiao Yu, it looked like the smell of gunpowder was extremely strong.    


If these two were to collide, then it would definitely be a fascinating battle.    


"I just hope that you won't be eliminated too early!" Xiao Shan smiled calmly. Although his words were simple, they were an extremely powerful response!    


This Wang Sheng had attacked the people around him several times, and even wanted to murder Lin Yurou; to him, this was already unforgivable!    


Regardless of the grudge he had with the Wang Family or this Wang Sheng, he would make his move sooner or later!    


"Hiss!" It seems like there will most likely be a fight between these two people! "    


The crowd was startled at first, but then they became even more excited.    


Don't get eliminated too early! Xiao Yu obviously looked down on Wang Sheng, and thought that he would not be able to make it through the last round!    


Seeing Xiao Yu's forceful response, the crowd became increasingly expectant of the battle between the two.    


"Humph, I'm actually worried that you won't be able to hold on. Just wait. If you meet me, I'll definitely make you kneel and beg for forgiveness!" Wang Sheng was not to be outdone, and laughed coldly.    


"It's pointless to talk about it now. Let's see what happens in the competition." Xiao Yu said, and then did not say anymore.    


The two of them displayed absolute confidence, as though they firmly believed that they could win this battle. Everyone felt that the battle between these two would definitely be very exciting.    


With the current method of elimination, there would be fewer people as time goes on. If they were able to last until the end, the two of them would definitely run into each other.    


With their strength, no one was worried about who would be eliminated. Originally, this round's competition was filled with all sorts of interesting things, but now, they all began to hope that the competition would be a bit faster so that they could witness the battle between the two of them as soon as possible.    


The competition continued, but everyone in the stadium was already looking forward to the competition. As they watched, they felt that it was a little boring.    


Until another figure appeared.    


Lin Xuehan!    


Her white clothes seemed to be forever clean, without a speck of dust on them. After hearing her name, she calmly walked onto the stage.    


"I, I admit defeat!"    


Her opponent did not even have the courage to go onstage. Facing this Lin Family Heavenly Girl, she directly chose to admit defeat.    


The crowd went silent, and no one mocked Lin Xuehan's opponent.    


They could not help but compare Lin Xuehan with Xiao Yu. Although Xiao Yu had won neatly and cleanly, he still needed to take action. As for Lin Xuehan, the fact that she was standing there was a huge pressure for everyone!    


She did not need to make a move to obtain victory. Just from this alone, even Xiao Yu was not comparable to her!    


This was a Heavenly Girl of the Lin Family. Even if one looked at the Giant Stone City, no one of the same generation could compete with her, much less have the slightest hope of surviving!    


"This time, Lin Xuehan wins!"    


Following the Sky Blue Martial Academy's disciple's announcement of the results, Lin Xuehan left without a word.    


Looking at this figure, everyone wondered if they would have the courage to fight against her if they were to meet this woman.    


"Now, let's begin the next round of the drawing of lots."    


Out of the three hundred participants, one hundred would be eliminated after the first round of the competition. The remaining one hundred and fifty people would continue to draw lots and continue the competition.    


By the second round, the rankers had all successfully eliminated their opponents and moved on to the next round.    


Among them, there was one thing that she had to mention, no matter what opponent the Lin Family Heavenly Girl met, the opponent would directly admit defeat. She did not even make a move once and had instead stealthily made her way into the third round.    


On the other hand, although everyone was filled with doubt regarding his true strength, Xiao Yu performed very normally in every match. It was impossible to tell how extraordinary he was, but he always defeated his opponent.    


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