Invisible Billionaire

C494 Amnesia

C494 Amnesia

Qiu Yi looked at Pann Liang in detail, her face was unfamiliar, and she shook her head in a daze: "I … "Seems like I really don't know you. Mister, do you recognize someone?"    


"How could that be?" Surprise flashed across Pann Liang's eyes. He muttered in disbelief, "Could this be the legendary amnesia?"    


"Sir, what are you talking about?" Qiu Yi said as she lifted up her blanket and got off the bed.    


Pann Liang came back to his senses and asked anxiously, "Miss Qiu Yi, you don't know me, but do you remember Chairman Ji, Ji Tianxiang?"    


"Ji Tianxiang? Who is he? " Qiu Yi asked doubtfully.    


"Eh …. This... "No way, I really lost my memory. Miss Qiu Yi, Ji Tianxiang is your boyfriend. Look at him, think it over carefully." As if he had been hit on the head, Wu Tie took out his phone and showed it to Qiu Yi in a daze.    


There was a picture of Ji Tianxiang on the phone. Qiu Yi took the phone and looked at it seriously for a while. After thinking hard, she shook her head and said, "Sorry, I still can't remember. I don't think I know this mister."    


"Miss Qiu Yi, please don't move. I'll go get a doctor." Pann Liang swallowed his saliva, and only accepted it after a while.    


Qiu Yi looked at Pann Liang's anxious expression with a puzzled expression. She could only obediently lie back down on the bed.    


Just as Pann Liang walked out of the door, he bumped into Lilian. The two of them simultaneously exclaimed, "Aiyo, who is it?"    


"It's you, Miss Lilian. I'm sorry, I was too anxious." Pann Liang was the first to react and said apologetically.    


Lilian rubbed her forehead and said with a displeased expression, "Ji Tianxiang is about to go to jail, why are you in such a hurry? What's there to be anxious about? "    


"Miss Qiu Yi, I've lost my memory. She doesn't remember anything. I'm going to find a doctor." Pann Liang said.    


"What?" Are you sure? Are you kidding me? What the hell are you doing here and why are you still forgetting? It's not like you're acting in a TV show. " After Lilian heard this, she sneered without thinking.    


Pann Liang explained anxiously, "It's true, I'm not lying to you. I asked about it before. Miss Qiu Yi said that she doesn't know anyone. If you don't believe her, you can go in and take a look."    


"Is that true?"    


Lilian frowned and asked doubtfully.    




No matter how you listened to it, it was laughable.    


Pann Liang nodded affirmatively. Lilian's expression changed and she quickly walked into the ward. When she saw the woman lying on the bed, she blinked.    


Not only did he secretly sigh, "What a beautiful woman, she is already very beautiful without being able to open her eyes."    


A pair of crystal like eyes was the cleanest eyes she had ever seen. Lilian thought of Ji Tianxiang and couldn't help but darken her eyes. No wonder he liked her so much.    


"Qiu Yi, you really don't remember Ji Tianxiang?" Lilian snapped out of her daze and asked.    


While Lilian was sizing up Qiu Yi, she was sizing up Lilian at the same time. She shook her head as she saw another person she had never seen before.    


When Pann Liang saw this situation, he ran out of the ward without any hesitation to find the doctor in charge of Qiu Yi.    


There were only two women left in the ward. Lilian looked at Qiu Yi with a frown and remained silent.    


"You know me?" Qiu Yi said.    


Lilian nodded. "Not only do we know each other, our relationship is also fated."    


"You're lying. You clearly hate me, so why do you think that we're fated to be together?" Qiu Yi pursed her lips and said softly.    


Lilian's expression was surprised, then she restrained her emotions and said lightly, "You are right, I hate you. If it wasn't for you, Tianxiang wouldn't have destroyed himself and wouldn't have gone to jail. You were fine and even forgot about him."    


As Lilian spoke, the expression on her face turned ferocious. She was so frightened that Qiu Yi's body unconsciously shrunk as she said in a low voice,    


"What are you talking about? I don't understand it at all... Ah... My head hurts. "    


Suddenly, Qiu Yi had a splitting headache as she covered her head with her hands and cried out.    


"You … "Don't try to lie to me. I won't be pitied by you." Seeing Qiu Yi's pained expression, Lilian instantly tensed up. She ran over and asked nervously, "Hey, are you alright? Qiu Yi, are you alright?"    


"Help, doctor!" Lilian was helpless and could not help but shout for help outside the door.    


Soon, Pann Liang arrived with the doctor. Hearing Lilian's cry for help, he quickened his steps to enter the ward. Seeing Qiu Yi's pained expression, everyone started to panic.    


"Doctor, show her quickly. She has a headache." Lilian said.    


The doctor nodded, walked to Qiu Yi's room and said, "Relax, Miss Qiu, please take a deep breath and relax …"    


Gradually, Qiu Yi no longer felt pain in her head, nor did she scream. She raised her head to look at everyone. Just as she was about to thank them, she fainted without a sound.    


Lilian and Pann Liang shouted. The doctor checked Qiu Yi and said, "Patient, you need to rest. Regarding the memory loss, we need to do a brain exam for her. We'll inform you when the time comes."    


After the doctor finished talking, the two of them looked at Qiu Yi for a while before walking out of the ward.    


Lilian sat on the bench and sighed.    


"Miss Lilian, were you scared just now?" Pann Liang comforted her.    


Lilian nodded. She seemed to have been drained of energy and was too tired to talk.    


Pann Liang also sat down, thinking about Qiu Yi's situation and Ji Tianxiang's current situation. He also sighed, "Ai."    


"What are you sighing about?" Lilian said.    


"Miss Qiu Yi, how can I explain this to Chairman Ji?" Pann Liang said helplessly.    


Lilian frowned as she suddenly thought of something. "How did Qiu Yi wake up?"    


In short, when Pann Liang told her the whole story, Lilian was alarmed and guessed: "Could it be Ji Chongshui did something to that pill?"    


"This... "It's very possible that Ji Chongshui is crafty and crafty, and even likes to go back on her word. It's her, she must have done something." Pann Liang said angrily, "Damn it, I'm going to settle the score with Ji Chongshui right now."    


"Hey, don't be impulsive …" Lilian shouted as she saw Pann Liang rush out.    


Pann Liang didn't turn back as he sped up his pace and drove his car to find Ji Chongshui to settle the score.    


However, things were not as simple as Pann Liang thought. Just as he arrived at the entrance of the Grand Building Corporation, he was stopped.    


"Why did you stop me?" Pann Liang looked at the security guard and asked curiously.    


The two security guards looked at each other, hesitated, and said with difficulty, "You don't know about that Secretary Pan? When Ji Chongshui returned to the company, the first thing she did was to fire you. "    


"That wicked woman, she really is …" Pann Liang was speechless in anger.    


"Secretary Pan, don't be angry. He's worth it. With your ability, you can find a better job. Why are you being bullied here?" The security guard thought that Pann Liang still wanted to come back to work, so he advised him kindly.    


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