Invisible Billionaire

C460 On Account

C460 On Account

"It's time to take care of it. Such a huge level of Ji Family and yet such a big thing like this on such an important day? How is that appropriate? Could it be that you, Lili, purposely arranged it?"    


"Now that I think about it, maybe there's something fishy about it!"    


Everyone shouted in agreement, while I echoed in agreement. After carefully thinking about it, I could not help but feel that there was something fishy about it.    


Ji Tianzhi was panicking. He originally wanted to use this Ji Family banquet to frame Ji Tianxiang and take over the position of Patriarch.    


However, the framing failed and was exposed.    


At the moment of exposing him, seeing Ji Tianxiang standing in front of him safe and sound and seeing everyone ridiculing him, he was both angry and annoyed. He wanted to go up and tear Ji Tianxiang's disguised face apart.    


However, with so many people present at the banquet, he didn't dare to really lose his mind and do such a thing. Otherwise, he would confess without even fighting, and his only hope now was to rely on his aunt, Ji Chongshui.    


"Aunt, I didn't. You have to testify for me." Ji Tianzhi shouted anxiously.    


"Shut up." Ji Chongshui looked at Ji Tianzhi with a sharp gaze as she scolded him loudly.    


Ji Tianzhi shut his mouth in fear and stood on the spot without knowing what to do.    


The smile on her face became a little stiff as she awkwardly said, "Everyone, you've misunderstood me. I don't know what happened today, nor do I know what kind of person I, Chongshui, am. I also know how I've been working with you all these years."    


"Something as despicable as this is even more beneath my contempt. I hope that everyone will believe those greedy words."    


Ji Chongshui said her last sentence as she looked at Hu Lanxin with ice-cold eyes.    


Misbelief in slanderous words?    


Hu Lanxin's expression instantly turned cold. How could she not understand what Ji Chongshui meant? What a good saying for false belief, and what a good way to reverse the situation.    


"Hehe, Ji Chongshui, although your words are good, as a member of such a large clan like Ji Family, I can't believe it is true." Hu Lanxin retorted, "Don't forget, Ji Tianzhi is your nephew."    


"Miss Hu, you might have forgotten something. Although I'm Ji Tianzhi's aunt, but Ji Chongguang is his father. Why don't you suspect that it was your father who arranged the order?" Ji Chongshui had almost been thrown into disarray by Hu Lanxin, so she kept her expression to herself as she tried to calm down a little.    


Hu Lanxin frowned. She looked at the crafty Ji Chongshui, not knowing how to respond. "You …"    


After Ji Chongshui's reminder, everyone on the scene turned sideways and said, "That's right, what Ji Tianzhi did could very well have been ordered by Ji Chongguang."    


"Aunt, I didn't, I …" Ji Tianzhi didn't understand why Ji Chongshui would say that, so he shouted in panic.    


Ji Chongshui finally managed to fool these people. How could she let Ji Tianzhi continue talking? He leaked the information and implicated her. She shouted and the security guards and servants standing around immediately went up to lead Ji Tianzhi away.    


Looking at Ji Tianzhi's leaving figure, Ji Tianxiang fell into silence. From what he knew, the relationship between Second Uncle Ji Chongguang and Ji Tianzhi was not that good. Not only Ji Tianzhi, even the other children were distant from him.    


As a father, the attitude that second uncle Ji Chongguang had towards Ji Tianzhi and the others was even a bit disrespectful and disrespectful. So, he could not order Ji Tianzhi to do these things.    


If Ji Chongguang really had such thoughts, he would have gone after Ji Tianxiang to do it.    


Therefore, what Ji Chongshui said was quickly overturned by Ji Tianxiang.    


Then who was the one who instigated the plot against him … Ji Tianxiang looked at both Ji Chongshui and Ji Tianzhi meaningfully.    


Speaking of Ji Chongguang, Ji Tianxiang hadn't seen anyone since yesterday. Since Ji Family was holding a banquet today, there was no way Ji Chongguang wouldn't come.    


"Aunt, why isn't Second Uncle here?" Ji Tianxiang asked after thinking for a while.    


Ji Chongshui blinked her eyes and pretended not to know anything. "He's not here?" Find him again, your second uncle is like this. Once he attends the banquet, he will take the wine and run everywhere without leaving a trace. "    


"Aunt, no, I haven't seen Uncle since yesterday. I haven't seen him since the banquet started today." Ji Tianxiang frowned and said.    


"Is that so? Then I'll send someone to look for it." Ji Chongshui said flatly, "Men, go find Ji Chong …"    


Before he could finish, a few men in uniform rushed into the banquet. They all had serious faces and held their documents: "May I ask who Ji Tianxiang is?"    


"He's here. May I ask why the police officers are looking for him?" Ji Chongshui asked with a serious expression.    


"We suspect that Ji Tianxiang is involved in a kidnapping and murder case. Please, Ji Tianxiang, come back with us to assist in the investigation." The man said in a deep voice.    




In an instant, the entire audience was shocked as they looked at Ji Tianxiang in shock.    


"Tianxiang, are the police officers telling the truth?" Ji Chongshui looked in Ji Tianxiang's direction and asked in extreme surprise.    


Ji Tianxiang didn't say anything. He was deep in thought and wondered why he suddenly had to do with the kidnapping and murder case.    


"You must be Ji Tianxiang. Please come with us." As the men walked towards Ji Tianxiang, they took out handcuffs from their pockets and cuffed Ji Tianxiang's hands.    


Ji Tianxiang came back to his senses and asked, "May I ask which murder case I'm involved in?"    


"No comment. When we get to the station, we will interrogate you, and every word you say will be recorded in your statement." The uniformed man said coldly.    


In order to find out the truth, Ji Tianxiang did not resist and had no choice but to leave with the uniformed man.    


Everyone started discussing about Ji Tianxiang again.    


"This is the heir to the original family head. It's just so-so. I wonder why the previous family head chose him."    


"I think that the position of Ji Family is suitable for Ji Chongshui to sit on."    


"..." When Ji Chongshui heard this, the corner of her mouth slightly raised. She wanted everyone's approval today.    


She, Ji Chongshui, was determined to obtain the Patriarch's position of Ji Family. Tianxiang, her good nephew, should not be blamed on this little aunt, but if you had to blame something, you shouldn't have been born with this Ji Family, nor were you her enemy.    


Hu Lanxin looked at Ji Chongshui's proud smile and felt that it was a bit dazzling. She wanted to stop Ji Tianxiang from being taken away by someone, but she was interrupted by Ji Chongshui's sharp eyes: "Miss Hu, please apologize to me?"    


"What's humble about it?" Hu Lanxin was stunned for a moment.    


Ji Chongshui's face was cold as she said impolitely, "Miss Hu, why did you have to pretend to not be able to do what you've done?" You wrongly accused me before, but now you should at least have an explanation. "    


"You …" Hu Lanxin was a little angry. She didn't expect Ji Chongshui to actually strike back at her.    


"Hu Lanxin, hurry up and apologize to me!" "Could it be that the upbringing of the Hu family is only this much? Or did old man Hu not properly educate your daughter?" Ji Chongshui said sarcastically.    


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