Invincible Smart-Guy System

C118 Dying Here Let's Go!

C118 Dying Here Let's Go!

Zhang Yunfeng put his phone down immediately. He then took out his gun from his waist and placed it on the bed. He then inserted the gun with the silencer into his waist. Then... ... Zhang Yunfeng took off his gloves and covered his hands with a clean garbage bag. He put on the assassin's sheepskin gloves for himself and did all of this. Zhang Yunfeng pushed open the bedroom and balcony door and looked down. Seeing that no one was looking at him, he nimbly turned over. He then rolled out of the window.    


The eighth floor was at least 20 meters away from the bottom of the building, but Zhang Yunfeng didn't even look. Both arms. He reached up and grabbed the edge of the cement on the ninth floor. Then, Zhang Yunfeng exerted force with both hands and easily lifted his body. Then, he reached up with his right hand and grabbed the window of the balcony.    


Zhang Yunfeng had a perfect plan in his heart. He had already secretly reduced the air flow of the hotel's air conditioner. Mo Sinan would definitely choose to open a window. If the window of the balcony was not open... Then he would move to the bedroom. If he did not open a window, it would not matter. He was confident that he could easily escape from the scene even if he had to shoot. After all, there was still an unconscious scapegoat in the room downstairs. When the time came, he would make use of him to create a big commotion and could easily cover his retreat.    


However, the development of the matter was extremely beneficial to Zhang Yunfeng. Mo Sinan felt a little stuffy in the room. This way, the breeze entered the bedroom. The stuffy feeling no longer existed, but Mo Sinan did not expect it. Even if he slept in the presidential guest room, his life would be in danger?    


Zhang Yunfeng silently climbed onto the balcony outside Mo Sinan's bedroom. At this moment, Mo Sinan was lying on the bed in his room, watching a magical and beautiful drama. He was immersed in watching it and did not know that he was not going to live for long.    


Zhang Yunfeng stood in the corner of the balcony wall. Mo Sinan could not see him at all. Then, Zhang Yunfeng took out the pistol from his waist. He used one hand to push open the door of the balcony. With a strong force, the door was pulled open by him. Then, with a flash, he stood in Mo Sinan's bedroom. He pointed the muzzle of the gun at Mo Sinan, who was staring at him in shock on the bed.    


As soon as he entered the room, Zhang Yunfeng smoothly closed the door. The double-layered glass door was pushed open, and there was even a balcony outside. Inside was the study of the suite. Mo Sinan was still on TV. Under such circumstances, even if Mo Sinan shouted at the top of his lungs, no one would be able to hear him. As for the gunshot under the silencer, it was even more inaudible.    


Mo Sinan lay on the bed, so shocked that his whole body stiffened. He never would have thought that... Zhang Yunfeng, who was almost killed by him today, suddenly rushed into his room from the balcony with a gun in his hand. Mo Sinan was not stupid. Zhang Yunfeng made such a big scene and pointed the gun at him. He must have the same intention as ___, to kill him!    


"What are you doing?!" Mo Sinan shouted in fear.    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled coldly and said, "Just scream. The louder you scream, the better."    


Mo Sinan also knew that shouting was useless. If he really shouted, he was afraid that Zhang Yunfeng's bullet would shoot at him before he could even say two words.    


At this moment, Mo Sinan was extremely frightened in his heart. He hurriedly said, "Yunfeng, good brother, today's matter is a misunderstanding. I don't really want to hurt you!"    


"Is that so?" Zhang Yunfeng laughed and said, "I didn't really come here today to hurt you."    


When Mo Sinan heard this, his extremely nervous heart relaxed a little. He hurriedly followed Zhang Yunfeng's words and begged for mercy, "Yunfeng, this matter is over. How much do you want? Just tell me how much you want and I will compensate you immediately. I, Mo Sinan, swear to the heavens. If you let me go today, I will go back to Yanjing overnight. I will never find trouble with you again in my life, and I will never appear in front of you again! "    


Zhang Yunfeng naturally knew that what Mo Sinan said was a lie. He was a treacherous person. He was afraid that at this moment, what he was really thinking was, as long as there was a chance to escape from his grip, he must kill Zhang Yunfeng at all costs, right?    


Zhang Yunfeng sneered and said, "I don't want your money. I'm sorry."    


Mo Sinan hastily said, "Yunfeng, I'll apologize to you. As long as you let me go, I'll satisfy you with anything you want."    


"I told you, I don't really want to hurt you today." Zhang Yunfeng smiled, but his tone was a bit bone-piercing cold. He said, "Hurting you is not enough to let me vent my anger. I am here today to take your life!"    


Mo Sinan felt the killing intent from Zhang Yunfeng's body. He was scared out of his wits. He hurriedly knelt on the bed and kept kowtowing. He said with snot and tears, "Yunfeng, I beg you, please spare me this time. I was really wrong, I really know I was wrong! Please, let me off this time! I was also confused for a moment. In the future, you and Nuoyan will have a good time with you. I will never come and disturb you again. I beg you. Don't kill me. "    


"It's useless." Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "I told you so much because I wanted to see you begging for mercy on your knees. Now I can see it. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can settle it in your next life!"    


Mo Sinan suddenly raised his head. His body trembled violently, but he gritted his teeth and said, "You... If you kill me, the Mo family will not let you go! Not only will they kill you, they will also kill everyone around you to avenge me!"    


"F * ck you!" Zhang Yunfeng said coldly, word by word, "You are going to die, yet you are still pretending to be fierce. Mo Sinan, you are really too young. Let me tell you, there was an unconscious killer lying downstairs. Three minutes later, he will drop the gun that is about to kill you and die. Let your family fight to the death with the Killer's Organization! "    


"What do you mean?!" Mo Sinan was terrified, but he did not understand what Zhang Yunfeng was saying. He subconsciously blurted out a question.    


Zhang Yunfeng said with a sneer, "Your family gave you the name Mo Sinan, so you should not think about the old home of City J in Yanjing. But you didn't stay in the Yanjing. Why did you come to the City J to seek death? Then don't think about this place anymore. You might as well die here! " After saying that, Zhang Yunfeng didn't delay any longer and pulled the trigger one after another!    


Zhang Yunfeng shot four times in a row. One shot landed on Mo Sinan's forehead. Three shots hit Mo Sinan's chest. The direction of the blood spurting out was towards the bed, so Zhang Yunfeng's body wasn't stained with any blood.    


After four shots, Mo Sinan immediately died. Zhang Yunfeng did not hesitate and immediately turned back from the balcony to 8018. Just as he had expected, the killer was still lying on the floor, unconscious.    


Zhang Yunfeng immediately took off the sheepskin gloves of the killer in his hand and put on his own gloves. He put the sheepskin gloves on the killer's hand because he had just fired four shots. The sheepskin glove must have been stained with the smoke from the bullets. If the police were to react to the smoke from the glove, it could be concluded that the assassin had shot Mo Sinan with the sheepskin glove.    


After that, Zhang Yunfeng cleaned up the scene and put his gun back at his waist. He then dragged the killer out of the window. In the whole plan, the last show was going to be put on!    


Zhang Yunfeng dragged the killer to the window and carefully observed the situation outside. There was no one on the street in the middle of the night, and there was no light on the balcony. No one could see what was going on here.    


After confirming that there was no problem, Zhang Yunfeng made the assassin face him. Then he held the assassin's waist and extended the assassin's legs out of the window. Then, he extended his entire body out. After that, Zhang Yunfeng threw the assassin's gun down. The moment the gun fell to the ground, Zhang Yunfeng suddenly let go of his hands, and the assassin fell down immediately!    


Downstairs was a concrete floor, and there were no buffer objects around. Falling from such a high distance, no matter which part of the human body hit the ground first. The moment the assassin's body crashed to the ground, Zhang Yunfeng immediately turned around and walked out. Now, even if there were guests who hadn't slept yet... Hearing the loud noise outside would attract his attention. It was the best time for him to escape!    


Zhang Yunfeng opened the 8018th door and confirmed that there was no one in the corridor outside. Then he immediately ran into the fire escape ladder. Once he entered the fire escape ladder, he went downstairs unhurriedly. On the side. As he went downstairs, he cleaned up the traces that he had left behind. When he reached the third floor, he opened the window of the staircase on the third floor. Then, he turned around and left.    


There was no one inside the parking lot. Even the security guards were confused. Zhang Yunfeng quietly returned to the car and took off his bathing cap, gloves, and shoes. He put them at the bottom of the passenger seat, but Zhang Yunfeng was not in a hurry to drive out. Instead, he waited for a Mercedes-Benz to drive in before starting the car to drive to the door.    


The left side of the Mercedes-Benz car was stuck to the watchtower. Zhang Yunfeng stuck to the right side of the Mercedes-Benz car and drove out. The sleepy security guard did not notice that Zhang Yunfeng drove the Cool, which was smaller than the Mercedes-Benz, out. Zhang Yunfeng, who drove the car out of the parking lot, did not immediately go home. Instead, it was ___. After taking a detour, he drove the car to the roadside opposite the hotel.    


Across the road, Zhang Yunfeng saw many security guards surrounding the ground. The manager of the hotel also rushed out. Very quickly, an ambulance drove over. The doctor separated the security guards from the crowd and went forward to check the killer's body. At this moment, a patrolling police car drove up to the front and saw the gun that had fallen to the ground. It immediately contacted the Municipal Bureau.    


The Municipal Bureau quickly sent out a large number of criminal police officers to rush to the scene and immediately locked down the scene. After the doctor checked that the killer was dead, due to the police's interference, they had no choice but to give up on transporting the corpse. The police immediately began to investigate the scene. They did not think that there was a corpse upstairs, but it would not take long for them to detect it. Zhang Yunfeng knew that there was no point in staying here, so he took out his phone. He called Li Zekai.    


Li Zekai was at home lighting up the lights and memorizing history textbooks. When he received Zhang Yunfeng's call, he was a little surprised and asked, "Yunfeng, it's so late and you still haven't slept?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and asked, "Is there anyone in your family? Is your parents back yet?"    


Li Zekai's parents often went out to do business and rarely went home. Therefore, Li Zekai's life was very free. Zhang Yunfeng was very familiar with his situation, so he chose to call him at this time.    


At this moment, Li Zekai said, "There's no one in my family, only myself. What's wrong?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Then I'll go to your house to find you. I'll sleep at your house tonight."    


"Sure." Li Zekai smiled and said, "Come, I will wait for you at home."    


Zhang Yunfeng hung up the phone and drove to the neighborhood where Li Zekai's house was. He parked the car in front of another building and walked to the building where Li Zekai's house was. After going upstairs, Li Zekai opened the door and asked in surprise, "Why did you come out so late at night? Did you fight with uncle and aunt?"    


"No." Zhang Yunfeng waved his hand and smiled. "My parents went to the countryside to see my grandma today. I had no intention of staying at home, so I came to you to brag."    


Li Zekai laughed and said, "Then why didn't you come earlier? If you came earlier, we could have gone out for a drink."    


Zhang Yunfeng said as he changed his shoes, "I came just in time to help you revise your homework. If there's anything you don't understand, I'll answer it for you."    


"Come on." Li Zekai smiled and said, "I know what I'm doing. Mathematics and foreign languages can't catch up. I can only read the humanities textbooks. They are all hard to memorize. We'll chat when you're here. If you're tired, go to sleep. We'll go to school tomorrow morning."    


Zhang Yunfeng took a shower at Li Zekai's house. The two of them chatted casually for a while. One of them fell asleep on the bed. Zhang Yunfeng did not fall asleep. He kept thinking about what he had done today. He was both excited and nervous. He also felt some lingering fear.    


If it was him before, he would never have thought that he would kill someone one day. Moreover, he had killed two people in one night. After all, he had taken the lives of others. This kind of feeling was somewhat terrifying.    


Recalling the day Qian Yingning killed Tom without hesitation, Zhang Yunfeng couldn't help but praise in his heart. Qian Yingning's thoughts were much clearer and calmer than his. She knew that she had to protect him. Anyone could be killed, and it was only right and proper to kill. Without any psychological burden, Zhang Yunfeng's heart gradually calmed down when he thought of her. No matter what, there was always a first time in everything, and he didn't kill the innocent indiscriminately. He killed those who wanted to kill him, those who posed a huge threat to him. Qian Yingning, a woman, could do it. Why couldn't he?    


That night, Zhang Yunfeng almost did not sleep much. The next morning, Zhang Yunfeng got up at around six o'clock and woke Li Zekai up. He said, "You sleep for a while more. I have to go and pick up Nuoyan."    


Li Zekai was in a daze. When he heard that Zhang Yunfeng was going to pick up Su Nuoyan, he curled his lips and said, "Look at how cocky you are. It's just that you have a good wife! Hurry up and get lost. "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and did not say anything else. He turned around, put on his clothes, and went out. He came down. After getting the car, he drove to the school. As usual, Zhang Yunfeng parked the car in the neighborhood next to the school and walked to the bus station. He waited for Su Nuoyan.    


At almost seven o'clock, a bus stopped in front of the station. Su Nuoyan got out of the bus. When she saw Zhang Yunfeng, she threw herself into his arms and said, "I had a nightmare last night."    


"What's wrong?" Zhang Yunfeng comforted her and asked, "What kind of nightmare did you have?"    


"I dreamed of you..." Su Nuoyan hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "I dreamed that you drove a car and got knocked away by a big truck. Mo Sinan smiled and got off the truck. A helicopter picked him up. Then the ambulance came and announced that you have... "    


Su Nuoyan could not continue. Zhang Yunfeng smiled and asked," Do you want to announce that I am dead? "    


" Don't say it out loud. It is inauspicious! " Su Nuoyan could not help but blame him.    


Zhang Yunfeng laughed and said, "You are indeed the child of a rich family. Your dreams are different from ours. When I was young, I dreamed of being taken away by tractors. I never dreamed of helicopters..."    


Su Nuoyan was a little embarrassed and could not help but say, "You are really not serious..."    


Zhang Yunfeng patted her back and comforted her, "It is a good thing to dream about the people around you dying. Don't you know that Duke Zhou has solved his dream? My life is tough. After you finish your dream, it will definitely be harder."    


At this moment, Zhang Yunfeng was thinking in his heart, The assassin is dead. Even if he has all the information about me, there will never be a chance to spread the news. There will never be a chance to do so in the future. Mo Sinan was also dead. He wouldn't have the chance to do any dirty tricks behind my back anymore. Furthermore, the death of these two men had been artificially linked to him. No matter who it was, it was impossible for them to suspect him.    


That killer had the gun and the phone that he had put in his pocket. The police would be able to easily find some clues, and Mo Sinan lived upstairs. Besides, Mo Sinan was killed by the bullet shot from the killer's gun. Whether it was a bullet detector or smoke detector, the police would do it. They would be able to find the "answer" on the killer, and he would send a message using the killer's phone. He wanted to say that the killer wanted to kill Mo Sinan, so... Everything could be connected naturally.    


The assassin had been in City J for many days, and Mo Sinan had also been here for a period of time. Both of them had been living in Hilton Hotel for many days, and the police could easily find out about this. This also made people suspect that the assassin had been secretly preparing to kill Mo Sinan for a long time, and on the night of the attack. When the assassin changed rooms and went downstairs to Mo Sinan, it made people suspect his intentions even more.    


Even if the assassin really had a problem with the hotel system, after the police investigated, they should be able to find out that the hotel's system had been tampered with. The killer changing rooms at the last minute was not because of the system's problem, but because the person was doing it on purpose. And most importantly, all the surveillance videos were not saved that night, not a single evidence was left behind! With such a huge loophole in the hotel system, they would definitely put the blame on the assassin. Or the killer's organization.    


In the end, he disguised the assassin's death as after he killed Mo Sinan. There were many reasons for him to fall off the building while he was on his way back to his room. For example, he was careless and panicked when he was discovered. These were things that they had to figure out themselves.    


Furthermore, Zhang Yunfeng had done his job perfectly. No one could find any evidence that he had appeared in the Hilton Hotel. No one would think that he was the real mastermind behind all of this.    


All of this linked the assassin and Mo Sinan together. The appearance of the assassin could not only confuse the police, but also Mo Sinan's family and the assassin's organization.    


The organization behind the assassin would most likely follow his plan and suspect that Mo Sinan was the one who had helped Qian Yingning.    


As for the Mo family, their children had been killed by the assassin. Their anger was naturally locked onto the Killer's Organization. It was absolutely impossible for it to be transferred to a high school student like him, who cared if they were dogs or dogs that bit dogs. From now on, he would finally be able to rest in peace!    


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