Invincible Smart-Guy System

C126 Organizing a Gathering

C126 Organizing a Gathering

Lei Qianjun's arrival had made the dinner of Zhang Yunfeng and his family even livelier. Zhang Xingmin was very touched by his good brother. After the college entrance exam ended today, neither of his parents' relatives called to ask about him. Lei Qianjun, on the other hand, was the first to arrive with four catties of good wine. This kind of contrast... It made people feel a little emotional.    


After taking a seat, Lei Qianjun opened a bottle of white wine. Song Huafang hurriedly took a set of utensils and cups. Lei Qianjun poured the wine and asked Zhang Yunfeng, "Yunfeng, how do you feel about your exam?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "There should be no problem with more than 700 points."    


Zhang Xingmin could not help but laugh and scold, "Stinking brat, just now when you told me to your mother, you even boasted that you could score more than 735 points. Why did you immediately get so much discount when you, Uncle Lei, arrived?"    


Zhang Yunfeng scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile, "Isn't this giving yourself some leeway? Otherwise, what if you can't get it?"    


Lei Qianjun laughed and said, "You are a genius. I don't think 735 is a problem. Even if you only get 700 points, you can choose any university in the country."    


Zhang Xingmin asked with concern, "How did Lei Xinlei get into the exam this time?"    


Lei Qianjun waved his hand and smiled. "My girl's grades are average. She usually likes to play with knives and guns. She was like a fake kid, but it did not matter. She took her exams in Yanjing. In addition to the army's policies, she scored about 500 points. Basically, she could go anywhere she wanted to go to college, but this girl was a little hesitant. Until now, I haven't even considered which school I should go to in the future."    


As he spoke, Lei Qianjun looked at Zhang Yunfeng and asked, "Yunfeng, which school are you going to enroll in?"    


"University of Yan." Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "After all, that is the highest academy in the country. I have been looking forward to it for a long time."    


"That's right." Lei Qianjun nodded and said, "Yan University is the most powerful academic institute. But uncle has to remind you that although Yan University is ranked the best in the country, the actual situation is a little awkward."    


"Qian Ming, what do you mean?" Song Huafang asked with concern.    


Lei Qianjun explained, "Yan University is very academic, but after it came out, its development direction was a little awkward. Tsinghua University's Heavy Science and Technology School. Basically, all of them can enter the national research institute. There's no need to say who they are. In terms of politics, there was no school that was better than it. As for the financial aspect, the few schools in Zhonghai were better. Therefore, after the students of Yan University graduate, it will be a little awkward. "    


Song Huafang nodded and looked at Zhang Yunfeng. She suggested, "Yunfeng, why don't we consider Tsinghua University?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled. "Mom, I don't want to work in the future. I want to go to Yan University to feel the atmosphere there. I will train there for four years. When I come out, I will have to find a way to make a living."    


"Make a living by yourself?" Song Huafang was a little worried and said, "No matter what, it is not as good as iron rice bowls."    


Lei Qianjun smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry about him. Just let the child choose. That girl of my family, I always wanted her to enter the military school. After all, her family was from the military, but this girl refused. I also saw through it. Let her choose to go. "    


After saying that, Lei Qianjun smiled and said, "No matter what, this girl definitely won't leave that piece of land in Yanjing. My parents pampered her very much, so she doesn't want to leave her home either. " Wait! " Yunfeng went over and often went to the house to have a meal. My parents have also been saying that they want to see him. That girl of mine... She treated him like an idol. "    


Zhang Xingmin could not help but smile and said, "I have troubled the old chief and auntie to still be concerned about him."    


Lei Qianjun nodded and said, "My dad talks about you the most. Your position in the old man's heart is irreplaceable."    


Zhang Xingmin smiled slightly but did not say anything else. No one knew what was in his mind, and he suddenly became absent-minded.    


Zhang Xingmin and Lei Qianjun drank a lot. Each person could drink more than two pounds. Zhang Yunfeng also inherited his father's genes to a large extent, and the most important thing was that his body strength had increased. His tolerance for alcohol had also increased a lot, and his alcohol tolerance was even higher than that of his two elders. At first, Zhang Xingmin did not dare to let Zhang Yunfeng drink too much. Who would have thought that he would be fine after seeing him drink? Then, he gradually let go.    


Before he finished his meal, the four catties of wine had already been completely drunk. Then, the three of them drank the Five Grain Liquid that Zhang Xingmin had bought earlier, but the amount was still not enough. Lei Qianjun wanted to go out and buy some more, but he was stopped by Song Huafang. The three of them drank too much and scared her. After some persuasion, he stopped Lei Qianjun.    


Lei Qianjun drove his own car over. At this moment, he could not drive back even after drinking. Song Huafang let him stay at home to rest. The weather in June was also very hot. Zhang Yunfeng simply made a bed in the living room and arranged for Lei Qianjun to stay in his bedroom.    


The next day, Lei Qianjun woke up early and said goodbye before rushing back to the military. After Zhang Yunfeng finished lunch at home, Li Zekai called. He said, "Yunfeng, hurry up and come out. We have to book the restaurant and the KTV in advance for the gathering tonight. After today's college entrance exam, business in these two places will definitely be booming. "    


Zhang Yunfeng asked, "Have you informed every student?"    


"Yes." Li Zekai smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. I have asked everyone about the price. Each student should not have more than 300 yuan."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded. He did not want Mo Sinan to be so rich. Therefore, the gathering could only be organized by all the students in the class. However, each person had 300 yuan to celebrate the end of the college entrance exam. For a high school student who had just graduated, it was a good deal. After that, Zhang Yunfeng said, "I'll think of a way to bring more money, so as to avoid not being enough when the time comes. For the students, set a limit of 300. If it's not enough... I'll think of another way."    


Zhang Yunfeng continued, "You should know more about everyone's situation. It's indeed difficult. It's fine if you don't come out or not. Kid, don't hide anything. Put more on yourself."    


"Don't worry." Li Zekai smiled and said, "This semester, I was influenced by you. I only focused on studying and didn't spend much money. I saved up three to four thousand yuan myself. When the time comes, I will bring all of it with me."    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "I should have two to three thousand yuan for the New Year. We are five thousand yuan in total. It should be enough. " As he spoke, Zhang Yunfeng looked at the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon. He said, "Wait for me at home. I'll go and pick you up. We'll book the place in the afternoon."    


After hanging up the phone with Li Zekai, Zhang Yunfeng changed his clothes and prepared to go out. Before going out, he said to his mother, "Mom, I won't be coming back for dinner tonight. It's a classmate gathering."    


Song Huafang nodded and called Zhang Yunfeng to stay. She turned around and took ten thousand dollars from the room and handed it to Zhang Yunfeng. She said, "Go out and find a bank to apply for a card. You should relax during the holidays. This money will be your pocket money. If it is not enough, ask Mom for it."    


Zhang Yunfeng had asked his mother for pocket money before. Fifty to a hundred yuan was more or less enough. This time, his mother suddenly took out ten thousand yuan, which made Zhang Yunfeng a little surprised. He could not help but tease, "Mom, when did you become so generous?"    


"Go, go, go." Song Huafang scolded with a smile and said, "When has Mom ever been stingy? In the past, the economic conditions were limited. Last time, they rewarded you so much money, and it was all yours. I don't mind how you want to spend it."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Then Mom, quickly find a new house with Dad and invest the money into it. Then we will move into a new house."    


Song Huafang had been persuaded by Zhang Yunfeng long ago. She had been thinking about buying a house for Zhang Yunfeng in the City J in advance. She nodded and smiled. "Your dad and I have been thinking about it. It's just that we don't have time. They were busy with work every day and the factory still had a meeting in the afternoon. Recently, the employees have started to make a fuss about increasing the cooling fees. The leaders are making a big deal out of it. "    


Zhang Yunfeng asked in surprise, "Isn't it not that hot now?"    


Song Huafang said, "It is hot in the factory. It is a few degrees hotter than outside. It is like a steamer."    


Zhang Yunfeng quickly said, "Mom, then you don't have to go to work. Anyway, the family doesn't lack that bit of money."    


"Nonsense." Song Huafang patted Zhang Yunfeng's head and said, "This job was given to me by your grandmother. After retirement, I will have the country's pension. If I say I don't want to do it, I won't do it. No matter how rich you are, you can't just sit and eat, right?"    


Zhang Yunfeng did not say anything, but he had already calculated in his heart. He had to quickly think of a way to get his parents out of the mold factory. His parents had worked hard for the rest of their lives. There was no need for them to work hard for their monthly income of two to three thousand dollars. It was just that there was not a mature opportunity yet.    


Zhang Yunfeng left his house and went to the neighborhood next door to get his car. He drove to a bank and used the ten thousand yuan cash his mother gave him to make a bank card. He also took out the two thousand yuan deposit he had in his bank account. Then he drove to Li Zekai's house.    


After making a phone call, Li Zekai quickly ran down, but he did not see Zhang Yunfeng's people. He looked around, but he did not know that Zhang Yunfeng was sitting in the Cool car opposite him.    


Zhang Yunfeng lowered the window, stuck his head out, and waved to Li Zekai. He said, "Here, quickly come up."    


Li Zekai was stunned for a moment. He ran over excitedly, opened the door, and sat in the car. He asked in surprise, "Yunfeng, where did this little steel cannon come from?"    


Li Zekai was very knowledgeable about cars. He belonged to the car-loving family. He knew all kinds of luxury cars and sports cars in the world, especially German cars. He knew about German cars from the most ordinary Santana Jetta to the Benz AMG, BMW M, Volkswagen Phaeton, Porsche, and so on. Naturally, he also knew about Cool, so he immediately called it Cool. The shock on its face was clearly expressed.    


Zhang Yunfeng casually said, "I borrowed it from a friend. It will take some time during the summer vacation. I will return it to him when I leave."    


Li Zekai could not help giving him a thumbs up and said, "Your social skills are much better than mine. I guess I can at most borrow a motorcycle..." Then he asked again, "Do you have a copy? Is driving reliable?"    


Zhang Yunfeng rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't worry, take a seat boldly. Why are there so many questions?"    


As he spoke, Zhang Yunfeng started the car and drove out of Li Zekai's neighborhood. He asked, "Have you thought about it? Where are you going to eat tonight?"    


Li Zekai said, "I haven't thought about it. The restaurants in the city are too expensive. It's not good to have a cheaper environment. We have more than 50 people. No matter what, it should be five tables, right? Sitting in the main hall seemed to be too disappointing, but we can't have five private rooms. It's not like we can afford to go to a luxurious place like the City J Restaurant. What do you think we should do? "    


Zhang Yunfeng was also a little worried. Indeed, it was a gathering of more than fifty people. Choosing a place was a problem. Choosing an ordinary place. There was no suitable venue. If they were in the main hall, together with other guests... They would definitely be very reserved and wouldn't cause any trouble. The City J Hotel had a huge private room, which could accommodate five tables. However, each table had to be at least five thousand yuan. This meant that each person had to pay five hundred yuan. After dinner, they would sing and sing. The average person would be 700 or 800 yuan. This lack of funds was really too big.    


But for a moment, Zhang Yunfeng could not think of a suitable place. He was just a high school student. Under the light of the adults, sometimes he went to a few high-end hotels. However, he wasn't very clear about the expenses of the hotels outside. He wanted to find a place with a suitable environment, a suitable price, and delicious food. It was truly a little difficult.    


Li Zekai saw that Zhang Yunfeng parked his car at the entrance of the community and did not know where to go. He said, "Hey, why don't we just find a hotel with a lower cost and ask for five private rooms."    


"No way." Zhang Yunfeng refused flatly. "If that's the case, there won't be any atmosphere at all. Everyone has just finished the exam and is in high spirits. Don't get drenched in cold water before eating."    


Zhang Yunfeng said helplessly, "Then let's drive around first. If we see a restaurant, we can go in and ask."    


"That's good too." Li Zekai nodded and said, "Anyway, it's still early. Let's slowly look around."    


The two drove out and searched along the road in front of Li Zekai's house. When they encountered a slightly larger restaurant, they had to park at the side and ask around. However, after a few times, it was stable. At around 4 PM in the afternoon, the two of them had seen at least dozens of restaurants. However, none of them were suitable.    


These restaurants either had a suitable venue, but the price was far from acceptable. Either the price was suitable, but in actual fact, they could only arrange a few private rooms or simply sit in the lobby. These were not what Zhang Yunfeng wanted. He wanted someone who could sit with everyone. But it was not an environment that would be disturbed by others. This way... Everyone would be able to truly relax and happily have a free meal.    


Li Zekai was obviously a little disappointed and said, "Yunfeng, if we don't order one, we might not even have enough private rooms when we eat. We won't even be able to sit in the main hall."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and kept thinking about what to do. Then, Zhang Yunfeng thought of Chen Feng and said, "Wait for me. I'll call my friends and ask them."    


Chen Feng was quite capable in City J. He should know more about the places in City J than him. Zhang Yunfeng called him.    


Chen Feng received a call from Zhang Yunfeng and asked, "Yunfeng, what's the matter?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Brother Chen, it's like this. Our classmates want to have a gathering tonight, but we can't find a suitable place. Can you recommend a place suitable for fifty people to have a gathering?"    


"City J Hotel." Chen Feng blurted out, "There are a few huge bags there. It's not a problem for each room to accommodate fifty to sixty people."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled helplessly and said, "We are all poor students. How can we afford a place like the City J Hotel? Is there no economical one?"    


Chen Feng immediately said, "You just need to go. I will call and arrange it now. You don't have to worry about the fees. Just go and eat and have fun at night."    


Zhang Yunfeng hurriedly said, "That won't do. How can I let you arrange a classmate gathering? Don't call me. I definitely won't go."    


Chen Feng thought for a moment and said, "In that case, there is no place suitable for you in the city center." As he said that, Chen Feng said, "There is an ecological park with a view of a thousand acres. The environment there is quite good. It is a place for eating and vacation. There are also hot springs and accommodation there. The boss is my friend. The expenses in the suburbs are already low. If you go, I'll ask him to give you a discount. It's estimated to be between 1,500 to 2,000 RMB per table. The average person is only one to two hundred yuan. That should be enough, right? "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes. But where exactly is it? If it's too far away, it won't be easy for more than fifty of us to get there. "    


Chen Feng smiled and said, "If they dare to do business in the suburbs, how could they not be prepared? Don't worry, he has a ready-made bus. When the time comes, you can gather your classmates at a place. I'll pull all of you over in one car. After you finish eating, I'll send you back. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded excitedly and said, "Thank you so much."    


Chen Feng smiled and said, "Why are you being so polite with me? You forgot that I still owe you my life. Wait, I'll call you and arrange it for you."    


Five minutes later, an unfamiliar phone number called Zhang Yunfeng's phone. Zhang Yunfeng picked up the phone and asked politely, "Is this Zhang Yunfeng, Mr. Zhang? ”    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "It's me, and you are?"    


" Hello. " The other person politely said, "I am the general manager of Hanlin Ecological Garden, Zhang Zhi. How many people are there tonight? When do you want to start dinner? the man asked."    


Zhang Yunfeng hurriedly said, "Hello, it's like this. We have more than 50 people attending tonight. It should be 52 people. We want to start eating around 7 o'clock."    


He said to Liu Fei," I heard from brother Feng that you guys are going to have a classmate gathering. The environment of our ecological garden is very good. And along the river, I think you guys can come a little earlier. We can also play here. We have professional photographers here who can provide photography services for our guests for free. "    


Zhang Yunfeng was overjoyed when he heard that. Why didn't he think of this? Since it was a free meal after graduating from senior high, leaving some photos for everyone to commemorate was the best thing. He hurriedly thanked, "Thank you so much."    


"You're welcome." The other person smiled and said, "Since it's a photography trip, it's better to do it before dark. I think you can come around 4: 00 p.m. and 5: 00 PM. By then, the weather won't be hot anymore. The lighting is good, it's suitable for sightseeing, and it's also suitable for taking photos. "    


Zhang Yunfeng was so touched that he wished he could hug the general manager whom he had yet to meet and kiss him. Such a considerate service was like heaven to him, who had been at a loss just now.    


After that, Zhang Yunfeng made an appointment with the other party. At five o'clock, all the students would gather at the entrance of the No.1 Middle School. At that time, the Ecological Garden would arrange a fifty-three bus to pick everyone up at the entrance of the No.1 Middle School. Zhang Yunfeng also carefully asked the other party about the price. After hearing that the average person wouldn't exceed two hundred, he was even more satisfied with the price.    


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