Invincible Smart-Guy System

C139 The Power of Connections(last Part)

C139 The Power of Connections(last Part)

Zhang Yunfeng's parents didn't tell anyone about the two million that the police had rewarded him for catching Li Chunyang. After all, two million yuan was not a small number. If everyone knew about it, it was inevitable that people would be jealous. Most importantly, they did not want one more person to know about the relationship between Zhang Yunfeng and Li Chunyang. First of all, if this matter was spread out, it would be shocking. Second, who knew if Li Chunyang had any accomplices? If he knew, he would really want to. They might even come and seek revenge from Zhang Yunfeng.    


In the eyes of his aunt, Song Huafang was a very honest and honest person. Although her and her brother-in-law's living conditions weren't bad, they weren't good either. Both of them worked in the Mold Factory and their monthly income was no more than five thousand yuan. However, Eldest Sister had always been very content, but Eldest Sister suddenly suspended her salary and wanted to go into the sea to do business. This made her very surprised.    


When she heard that it was her nephew who was able to live up to his expectations and collaborated with someone else to do business, Song gorgeous was even more surprised. She repeatedly praised Zhang Yunfeng for being capable and smart. He had just finished the college entrance exam a few days ago. He started doing business. Up until now, no one in the Song family was doing business. This nephew of Zhang Yunfeng was the first.    


What made Song Hua Hua the most unbelievable was that his nephew was doing business with someone else. This business had not even started yet. He had promised her a minimum salary of at least 3,600 yuan per month. To her, this sum of money... It was truly a huge sum.    


Song Hua Hua's life was not much better than Song Huafang's. Furthermore, his life was not good. Not only did he not have the ability to find a husband, but he was also very cowardly. Up until now, he could only earn less than 2,000 yuan a month. It was not even as good as his income from the winery previously. In those few years when the winery was working well, his monthly income had also reached more than 2,000 yuan. However, in this one year, the winery had been crushed by a large foreign brand. The profits were getting worse day by day, and his monthly salary had dropped to 1,100 dollars. One by one. The lives of the three of them seemed to be a little tight.    


The new job that Zhang Yunfeng had given Song Hua had relieved her urgent need. This made her excited and grateful, but also worried that Zhang Yunfeng's business partner would not be able to accept such a high salary.    


Zhang Yunfeng's words dispelled Song Hua's doubts. He said, "Aunt, don't worry. You can do whatever you want here. The salary right now is the lowest. It will only increase and not decrease in the future.    


Song Hua Hua didn't think that Zhang Yunfeng would have such confidence in office supplies and consumables. There was a whole floor of business in the Huaxin Electronic City, including those scattered merchants. Doing this kind of business was no different from opening a snack bar for smoking and drinking. The competition was too great.    


However, on the first day of Song Hua Hua's work, he was truly stunned by the scene in front of him.    


Today was the first day that Zhang Yunfeng opened his door for business. After that meal, many people called him, saying that they wanted to talk about the supply with Zhang Yunfeng. Zhang Yunfeng pushed the time to this afternoon and just opened the shop. The store was filled with all kinds of goods. Zhang Yunfeng took his mother and aunt to familiarize themselves with the models and prices of all kinds of goods in the morning. Aunt's job in the winery was to be a warehouse manager. She was very familiar with the trading process of goods. Soon, he took out the goods list to deepen his impression of all kinds of goods.    


Zhang Yunfeng taught his mother how to use software to manage accounts in front of the computer. His mother had a basic understanding of computers, and this software was very simple and easy to understand, so he quickly grasped the details.    


In order to facilitate the delivery, Zhang Yunfeng contacted several van drivers outside the Electronic City before opening the business. He hired three more experienced workers who had previously served all the businesses in the electronic city. They were honest and diligent. Zhang Yunfeng gave them a high salary of 2,500 dollars. Therefore, these three people became Zhang Yunfeng's employees, only delivering goods to Zhang Yunfeng's shop.    


At noon, Zhang Yunfeng and his mother and aunt found a restaurant outside to have lunch. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Yunfeng's shop officially opened.    


The shops at the side scoffed at Zhang Yunfeng's newly opened shop. In their opinion, Zhang Yunfeng looked like a layman. He couldn't even be called a layman. He could only be called a kid outside the door. All of them were laughing at Zhang Yunfeng. He had set up such a big shop, bought so many goods, and even hired five employees. With that, the cost of a month would be at least 15,000 yuan. How many orders would he make in a month to make back the cost?    


For those shops that were starting up, their profits were not as high as 30%. Because the most important thing was the rebate, which was the source of their customers and orders. Even more so... Sometimes, the rebate the buyer received was even more than the profit they made. In this way, they wanted to get back the monthly cost of 15,000 yuan. They needed to make close to 100,000 yuan a month. This was just to recover the cost!    


Every businessman here basically developed in the same way. That was: First, they would start with stalls, not with shops. They would try to lower the cost as much as possible in the beginning of the entrepreneurship. Then, they went all out to get customers. The customers gradually accumulated, and their revenue reached a certain scale and stable. Only then would he consider turning the stall into a shop. Zhang Yunfeng, on the other hand, had already set up such a big stall the moment he arrived. He was simply courting death.    


Song Huafang could not help but feel a little worried in her heart. She had also helped her son settle this score. She had over 5000 a month and her sister had over 3000 a month. The two of them added up to over 9000. The three delivery workers added up 7500 yuan per month, as well as rent, electricity, and management fees. The cost of one month was more than 20,000 yuan, which was too much. She was not optimistic about the prospects of profit.    


Just as she opened the door, Song Huafang pulled Zhang Yunfeng over and quietly said, "Yunfeng, mother's salary is so high. I'm afraid that friend of yours is not happy, right? In the beginning, she might not be able to earn money very quickly. Mother should not pay first. After all, this store also has 40% of our shares, right? "    


Zhang Yunfeng had lied to his mother that although the registered capital of this shop was 500,000 yuan, the actual cost was only 150,000 yuan. His family has invested 50,000 yuan, which is 40% of the shares. The extra money could be considered as a source of investment. Now, his mother did not seem optimistic about the profitability of the shop. That was why she brought up the matter of not getting paid for the time being.    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and comforted her, "Mom, don't worry. After two o'clock, you will understand."    


Song Huafang did not know why she had to wait until two o'clock. She did not know that Zhang Yunfeng had already agreed to go to the store at two o'clock in the afternoon to discuss with those people who were flocking to find her. When it was two o'clock, Song Huafang finally saw the first customer who went straight to the store.    


One was thirty-seven or thirty-eight years old. The man in formal clothes walked straight into the shop. When he saw Zhang Yunfeng, he went up politely and asked, "Excuse me, are you Manager Zhang Zhang Yunfeng?"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and asked, "You are?"    


The man quickly extended his hand and shook Zhang Yunfeng's hand. He smiled and said, "I am Chen from Heng Jian Group. We talked on the phone yesterday. I don't know if you still remember."    


Zhang Yunfeng naturally remembered that Heng Jian Group was one of the ten bosses. Yu Hongyu's company was one of the top real estate development companies in City J.    


Zhang Yunfeng immediately said politely, "Manager Chen, how could you not remember? You came on time."    


Manager Chen smiled and said, "Manager Yu has instructed me to not be neglectful." As he spoke, he took out a sheet of paper from his briefcase. He handed it over and said: "Manager Zhang, take a look at this sheet of paper. The things we need are all here"    


Zhang Yunfeng took the sheet of paper and looked at it. He couldn't help but be shocked.    


On this sheet of paper, just the A4 paper alone cost 200 boxes. Five bags per box, a total of 1000 boxes. Just the amount of A4 paper alone was over 16,000 dollars. Hewlett-Packard's Black and White Spark Drums cost 50 yuan each. This was 25,000 dollars, plus all sorts of miscellaneous office supplies. The total price had reached more than 60,000 yuan.    


Zhang Yunfeng could not help but ask, "Manager Chen, do you need that much for 50 selenium drums over there?"    


Manager Chen laughed and said, "There are so many departments in the group, almost every department has a printer. The project department and the real estate sales office are also the same. The usage is very large. Besides, in our industry, all internal documents and documents have to be sent to the various departments, projects department, or the real estate sales department. The printing of all kinds of contract terms will consume a lot more than the average company. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "Alright, I will arrange for someone to send the goods over as soon as possible today."    


"No rush, no rush." Manager Chen said with a smile, "We are still a little rich over there. You can arrange the time here and send the goods over whenever you want."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Your company is my first customer. You must not neglect the service. You can rest assured that I will arrange it immediately."    


Manager Chen took out another cheque from his bag and handed it to Zhang Yunfeng. "This is the payment for the goods. It was made according to the price report you gave earlier. There should be no problem, but you should check again."    


Zhang Yunfeng did not expect that the other party would bring the payment when he ordered. He was already prepared. If there was a situation where cash could not be transferred, he would first put the money he had paid from Melody in. But now in this mode where he did not pay the goods first, there was no problem with the cash flow.    


Indeed, it was easy to get things done when there was a relationship. Zhang Yunfeng checked the price on the list. The amount was the same as the amount on the cheque, so he thanked ___. He said, "There is no problem with the amount. I will have to trouble you. When we deliver the goods later, I'll get someone to bring the invoice to you"    


Manager Chen lowered his voice and said: "CEO Yu said that there's no need to write invoices. You just need to open the invoice and stamp the company's stamp. Isn't this tax evasion?"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded. Although he didn't want to do this, he didn't need to speak righteously to others. When the time came, he could just ask someone to bring the invoice over.    


Manager Chen did not ask Zhang Yunfeng to write any invoice or certificate. Before he came, Manager Yu had already told him. Everything was simple, everything was fast, so he was happy and relaxed. After finishing all of this, he bid farewell to Zhang Yunfeng and left.    


As soon as Manager Chen left, Song Huafang and Song Hua Hua, who were already stunned, surrounded him. They could not help but ask, "Yunfeng, the business has just begun, and there is already a deal coming in?"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and smiled, "Not only is there a transaction coming, but the person also paid the payment in advance." As he spoke, Zhang Yunfeng passed the list to his mother and said, "Take a look at this list. The total amount of money on this list is over 67,000 yuan."    


Song Huafang and Song gorgeous sister looked at the list and were both surprised and happy. The list was more than 67,000 yuan and the other party had paid in advance. In this way, the net income of this order could reach twenty thousand yuan.    


"Oh my god." Song Hua Hua looked at Zhang Yunfeng in disbelief and said, "Yunfeng, in such a short period of time, you have earned back the cost of one month?"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and smiled. "You earned back most of it. After all, you still have to pay taxes."    


Song Huafang could not help but sigh. "We are selling consumables. That is to say, after they bought these, they will use them up sooner or later. When the time comes, they will still come over."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "That's right. This is also where the difference between consumables and other goods lies. The biggest advantage is the continuity."    


As the three of them were chatting, another person came.    


This person was also the purchasing director of one of the ten people's companies. He had previously talked to Zhang Yunfeng over the phone. Today, he had come just like Manager Chen. First, he took out the receipt, then he took out the cheque. After finishing these two matters, as if he had completed his task, he left with a relaxed expression.    


This sum was slightly less than the previous one, a total of 52,000 yuan.    


The owners of the surrounding shops and stalls were all stunned. They unconsciously gathered together and muttered, "What's the background of this shop? Someone came to our shop right after it opened?"    


"Hi." One of them said with disdain, "It's just a shop. It's not like we really made a deal."    


Another person interrupted, "I was right across from that shop. I think I saw them looking at the list and things that looked like cheques."    


"It can't be, right?" The person who was a little disdainful earlier frowned and said, "You said you were going to give me a receipt. I believe you, but this guy hasn't even given me a receipt yet and he already gave me a check? How can there be such a good thing? "    


Just as they were muttering to themselves, a third person came to their door!    


A list of fifty-six thousand dollars was made, but before Zhang Yunfeng could drink some water, another person came to their door!    


In the afternoon, the eleven companies and companies that Zhang Yunfeng had made an appointment with sent their purchasing staff to deliver orders and cheques. Other than the companies with the ten bosses, there was also Zhang Zhi's Hanlin Ecological Park.    


The total number of orders from these eleven companies reached 580,000.    


But that was not the end.    


Some company employees who had never made an appointment with Zhang Yunfeng, and had never even heard of his name, also came to visit. They all had the same routine. They were all carrying the receipt and the cheque with Zhang Yunfeng's company's name written on it. It could be said that there was almost no rest in the afternoon.    


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the electronic city was closing in half an hour. Zhang Yunfeng received a total of 710,000 orders.    


The sales of 710,000 in a day was considered in the entire consumer section of the Huaxing Electronic City. It was a number that he had never heard of before! There was not even a single shop that could achieve this amount of monthly sales, and Zhang Yunfeng only used one afternoon. He had done it!    


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