Invincible Smart-Guy System

C70 Victory!

C70 Victory!

Zhang Yunfeng didn't have the slightest sympathy for a despicable person like Ma Qiantu. Back then, he hated him so much because he wanted to chase him out of Class Three. His ugly face had long surpassed the bottom line of being a teacher. And this time, his schemes were even more shameless. This time, his goal was to make him pay for what he had done! From the looks of it, everything was going smoothly.    


Ma Qiantu had now become the enemy of the entire school. He believed that his days in the future would not be easy. For his own benefit, he had even threatened the school leaders' career development. He was afraid that as long as Ma Qiantu stayed in No.1 Middle School, trouble was waiting for him.    


Zhang Yunfeng was in a very good mood. It seemed like the Class 21 could be saved. In the last two months, he and his forty-nine classmates finally did not return to the hellish environment they had been in. They continued to focus on preparing for the college entrance exam in the classroom of the Class 21. This was the best choice for everyone.    


To Song Mengyao, protecting the Class 21 was also her biggest wish. She originally thought that there was no longer any possibility, but she did not expect that... Zhang Yunfeng was able to find out that the mastermind was Ma Qiantu and successfully transfer the conflict to the school and Ma Qiantu. Zhang Yunfeng also said in the office that the students of Class 21 would convince the parents of the students themselves. As long as the parents did not come to the school to cause trouble, this matter could be settled very quickly. Everything could be restored to its original state.    


Back in the Class 21, the moment Zhang Yunfeng entered, all the students in the class impatiently inquired about the situation just now. Zhang Yunfeng briefly explained the general situation to his classmates, even if it was just a simple description. It also made the whole class excited. They did not expect Zhang Yunfeng to really find evidence that Ma Qiantu was behind all this. The most important thing was that Zhang Yunfeng successfully pushed Ma Qiantu to the position of the public enemy.    


Zhang Yunfeng said to everyone, "We are not from the underachiever, which headmaster and the school call out to. It is because of the unity we have today. We can defend our rights together. I promise everyone that as long as we are willing to stay in the Class 21, no one can disband the Class 21! If anyone else tries to do so, then the fifty of us will fight to the end! "    


" Yes! Fight to the end!"    


Below the stage were all seventeen or eighteen year old youths. Their hot blood would easily boil because of unity. They had always been looked upon in a different light by the school and the teachers, but today... Zhang Yunfeng let them know that they were no different from the other students. Moreover, they were the first to learn how to defend their rights. From today onwards, they understood how to say 'no' to the school's inequality!    


Zhang Yunfeng said again, "The school hasn't come to a final conclusion yet, but we just want to hear the answer we want. Everyone, continue to study in class until the school gives us a satisfactory answer. "    


At this moment, the school's leaders didn't even consider the matter of Class 21. Everyone was discussing how to punish Ma Qiantu, the shameless villain who betrayed all the teachers.    


The principal really wanted to expel Ma Qiantu from the school. On the one hand, he wanted to relieve the hatred between him and the other teachers. On the other hand, it could also prevent him from doing such things in the future. However, after a few school leaders sat together and discussed, they realized that... It wasn't easy to expel Ma Qiantu from the school.    


Ma Qiantu did not violate any laws or regulations, even if he secretly instigated the parents of the students to cause trouble. But the root cause of this matter was the school's mistake. If they really went through the proper procedure, Ma Qiantu's actions could only be considered as a report and expose. If they were to cause a ruckus, Ma Qiantu could totally flaunt himself as a good teacher who upheld justice for his students. And the school did not have any solid theoretical basis to back it up.    


After a long discussion, everyone was at a loss for what to do. In their opinion, no matter how they looked, they couldn't find a reasonable reason to kick Ma Qiantu out of the school.    


The principal was extremely irritated. He wanted to take revenge on Ma Qiantu, but he could not find a reasonable excuse. This was really frustrating. However, after thinking for a while, he suddenly felt enlightened!    


"Why must I fire Ma Qiantu?" The principal asked the crowd, "If we fire him, then he will no longer have any relationship with us. At that time, even if he points at us and scolds us, we will not be able to do anything to him. Moreover, he is such a sinister person. Previously, he had stabbed us with his back. If we fire him and force him into a corner, what should we do if he jumps out and stab us in the back?"    


Everyone fell silent and was at a loss for what to do.    


What the principal said was right. Ma Qiantu was in the school, and he was the school's leader's subordinate. After leaving the school, not only did the school's management not have any constraints or control over him, he even became ___'s enemy. At that time, if he were to create unfavourable public opinion of the school outside... Who else could stop him?    


The principal then said, "So we have to leave Ma Qiantu behind and give him a punishment. Let him continue to be his class three headmaster. During this period, we can give him more trouble. The other teachers will also not give him any face. Let him be completely isolated in school and hated by everyone. Wait until Zhang Yunfeng's college entrance exam ends. It's not too late to teach him a lesson!"    


Dean immediately nodded in agreement and said, "That's for the best! First, let Ma Qiantu suffer in school, then let him pack his things and get out of here! At the same time, we can also secretly contact the leaders of other schools and expose this matter. I think at that time, no school would be willing to accept him! At that time, I think he will never be able to survive in the education system!"    


Everyone could not wait to see how Ma Qiantu would end up being rejected by the entire education system.    


Seeing that Ma Qiantu's matter had reached a consensus, dean asked again, "Principal, what about the Class 21?"    


"Class 21..." The principal thought of Zhang Yunfeng and felt an inexplicable headache. He sighed and said, "This guy is so young, and he is merciless when it comes to dealing with people. He will graduate in two and a half months. We can't afford to offend him. Can't we hide from him? If he wants to keep the Class 21, then keep it. Later, you will organize a parent meeting of the Class 21. If those students want to stay in Class 21 so badly, then gather all the students and parents together to hold this parent meeting. Let the parents listen to their own children's thoughts. I think that at that time, these parents won't come out and cause trouble again. "    


As he spoke, the principal reminded again," Right, when the time comes, your grade's group leaders and teachers must treat their parents with a more sincere attitude. Apologizing is a must, I'll greet the Finance Department later. Refund all the tuition fees for the students of Class 21 to their parents and promise to treat the students of Class 21 equally. I think this will satisfy those parents as long as they are satisfied. This matter is over."    


"Alright." dean nodded. He thought of Song Mengyao and asked, "Then let Song Mengyao be the Class 21's headmaster?"    


"Nonsense!" The principal looked at dean as if he was looking at an idiot and said, "These students want to stay in Class 21 so badly. It can be imagined that they must be very satisfied with Song Mengyao. If you exchange Song Mengyao with them, won't you cause trouble for yourself again?! Why don't you use your brain when you are thinking about problems? "    


Dean felt depressed in his heart. He pretended to be taught a few words of flattery. He said, "Song Mengyao becoming the Class 21's headmaster, the rest of headmaster's heart is not very comfortable. She is just an intern. In the first year of her internship, she became the graduating class's headmaster. Furthermore, there was a College Entrance Examination Champion in the class, and just the prize money alone was a hundred thousand. How can the other teachers accept this in their hearts? "    


The principal smiled and asked back," Who do you think is the most suitable to be the Class 21's headmaster? "    


"Liu Guangcai." dean said without hesitation, "Liu Guangcai is an experienced and capable person. He is also very popular in school. It is most appropriate for him to take over Class 21."    


The principal's expression instantly turned cold. He scolded loudly, "Do you think I do not know what you are thinking? I know about Liu Guangcai's relationship with you. Let me tell you. headmaster of Class 21 is still Song Mengyao. No one can touch her. If you cause me any more trouble, I will remove your position as dean. "    


Dean's face instantly turned pale. His back was drenched in cold sweat. He did not want Song Mengyao to be the Class 21's headmaster. He wanted his brother-in-law to take this position. He did not expect the principal to see through his thoughts at first glance. The principal's anger also made him completely give up on this idea.    


In the last class in the morning, the students of Class 21 were self-studying in the class. Suddenly, Song Mengyao walked into the classroom with an excited face. She stood on the podium and was so excited that she could not say a word for a long time.    


The whole class was waiting for the final result of the school in the morning. Their eyes were all fixed on Song Mengyao.    


At this moment, Song Mengyao, who was standing on the podium, could not control her emotions. She cried with joy and then bowed to the whole class. She said with a choking voice, "Thank you, everyone! Because of everyone's hard work, the Class 21 was finally saved. "    


The emotions of the entire class were instantly ignited by this sentence. Their cheers resounded throughout the entire teaching building. At this time, Li Zekai waved his fist excitedly and shouted, "Zhang Yunfeng! Zhang Yunfeng! "    


In the next moment, everyone stood up and looked at Zhang Yunfeng. They excitedly and orderly shouted Zhang Yunfeng's name.    


In everyone's point of view, this matter was all because of Zhang Yunfeng. Not only did he protect the Class 21, he also defended the dignity of the underachiever. In this fight, the Class 21 had obtained complete victory.    


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