Invincible Smart-Guy System

C95 Quality Struggles

C95 Quality Struggles

Wanda Plaza was considered the most prosperous area in City J. It not only had cinemas and restaurants, but also brand stores. Every Friday night, no matter if it was students or office workers, they liked to come here to shop.    


Zhang Yunfeng and Su Nuoyan took a taxi to Wanda Plaza. It was only around six o'clock, but there were already a lot of people here. Zhang Yunfeng had a lot of pocket money recently, so he didn't have to worry about not having enough money in his pocket.    


The weather was getting warmer and warmer, and the people of City J were gradually getting used to the nightlife. Zhang Yunfeng and Su Nuoyan held hands as they walked to Wanda Plaza. They walked for about twenty minutes. Zhang Yunfeng could not help asking, "What do you want to eat? Do you want to stroll around before eating, or do you want to stroll around after you are full?"    


"Let's go for a stroll first." Su Nuoyan pulled Zhang Yunfeng and walked towards the Blue Por Mall's main gate. She said, "I am not hungry at all now."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and followed Su Nuoyan into the Blue Por Mall. This was the concentration area of the brand clothing in City J. The most expensive clothes Zhang Yunfeng wore should be Jack Jones, but he did not care much about his clothes. Therefore, he did not care about these things.    


Su Nuoyan was a girl after all. Once she entered the mall, it was as if she was injected with stimulants. Sometimes, when she saw a slightly satisfactory piece of clothing, she would raise it in front of her to let Zhang Yunfeng judge whether it was beautiful or not.    


Only then did Zhang Yunfeng realize that he had not prepared well for today. He had brought more than a thousand yuan in cash. He originally thought that this money was enough to eat a meal and watch a movie. If Su Nuoyan had any little things that she liked, he could buy them and send them to her. However, the price of the clothes inside made Zhang Yunfeng dumbfounded. A thin coat cost thousands of yuan.    


Su Nuoyan only looked at it casually. She had not even tried on a single piece of clothing. As the two of them strolled around, Zhang Yunfeng followed Su Nuoyan into a shop called Armani. Zhang Yunfeng did not know much about luxury goods. He had heard of this brand before. It was said that this was an international top brand.    


The two of them went in together. Su Nuoyan pulled Zhang Yunfeng to the men's clothing area. She whispered to Zhang Yunfeng, "This Armani shop is so small."    


Zhang Yunfeng looked at the shop that was about 200 square meters and said awkwardly, "This shop is very big."    


Su Nuoyan nodded. She reached out and took a black shirt. She gestured in front of Zhang Yunfeng and said, "Yunfeng, you will look good in this shirt. Do you want to try it?"    


Zhang Yunfeng scratched his nose and said with a smile, "I rarely wear shirts. I have never worn a shirt more than five times in my life. I do not care about my clothes. It is more comfortable to wear casual clothes."    


Su Nuoyan smiled and said, "You don't need to wear formal clothes in school, but it's different when you leave school. Do you want to try it?"    


"No need." Zhang Yunfeng patted Su Nuoyan's back and said, "I'll accompany you to see female clothing."    


Su Nuoyan saw that Zhang Yunfeng was not interested in the clothes here and nodded. The two of them casually walked around the store and when they reached the women's clothing area, Su Nuoyan casually picked up a female jacket. A salesperson walked up and said with a smile, "Your taste is really good. This jacket is a new one that has just been released this year. It's on the global market at the same time. The material of this jacket is top quality "    


Su Nuoyan smiled faintly and then she casually said," This is not the new one this year right? I think I have seen it two years ago. "    


"You must be joking!" The salesperson could not help but sneer with a trace of disdain, "I see that you are only 18 or 19 years old this year. You have already started shopping in Armani two years ago?"    


Su Nuoyan did not take her ridicule to heart and said faintly, "Much earlier than what you said."    


The salesperson did not believe what Su Nuoyan said at all. She hugged her shoulders and sized Su Nuoyan up and down. She said, "Our store is the only Armani store in City J and even the entire Nanjiang Province. Moreover, it just entered Blue Port half a year ago. If it is as you said, then do you often go to big cities like Yanjing and Zhonghai to shop?"    


Su Nuoyan asked in confusion, "Is it really troublesome to go to Yanjing or Zhonghai?"    


The shopping guide twitched her mouth and said, "It is indeed not troublesome. After all, you can spend 100 yuan to buy a ticket for standing room. Then you can stand there and squeeze for a night before arriving at your destination."    


Su Nuoyan had never taken a train before, so she could not understand what the shopping guide meant. So she turned her head and asked Zhang Yunfeng curiously, "Yunfeng, what does she mean?"    


Zhang Yunfeng knew Su Nuoyan's family background, not to mention Yanjing and Zhonghai. Even if she went to famous and fashionable cities like Paris and New York, it would be as simple as taking an elevator. A girl with a Rolls-Royce as a means of transportation was destined to be unable to understand the sarcasm in the ticket for standing room. She did not even know what the ticket for standing room was. Because when she heard this word, her brain couldn't even connect it with the train. This was caused by her growing environment. But this shopping guide in front of them was indeed somewhat repulsive.    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said to Su Nuoyan, "She is talking about the scene of her going out by train during normal days. That kind of feeling is like you have been on a crowded bus recently."    


The salesperson was smart, because she immediately heard the sarcasm in Zhang Yunfeng's words. Just as her expression changed and she wanted to say something, Su Nuoyan cried out in surprise. She said to Zhang Yunfeng, "It feels like riding a crowded bus? And she still wants to stay on the train for the night?"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and pretended to be serious. "This kind of travel is very hard, so they usually don't want to go far. They like to stay close to home."    


"Who are you talking about?" The salesperson could not take it anymore. In her opinion, Zhang Yunfeng and Su Nuoyan were working together to ridicule her. She immediately said angrily, "Don't look down on people. I always buy sleeping berth when I go far away!"    


"Then you are really great." Zhang Yunfeng smiled at her and said, "You actually told us your usual way of travelling in detail, and in the end you even made such an ingenious conclusion. You are indeed a very good person. "    


The clerk was furious in her heart. Because she was working here, she could only mock them subtly. She didn't dare to openly argue with the customers here. After all, this store had very high requirements for its employees. During the training, the manager had said that no employee was allowed to argue with any customer for any reason. Once something like this happened, the employee would immediately be fired.    


Originally, the shopping guide had been a little depressed, because she had been welcoming guests at the entrance of the store just now. Just as she went to the bathroom halfway, her colleague received a young couple who walked into the store. In just a dozen minutes, the young man with an extraordinary temperament had packed tens of thousands of yuan worth of things for his girlfriend. Just this order alone could make her colleague's commission reach a thousand yuan.    


That was supposed to be her commission, but now it had been snatched away by someone. Thus, she felt very unhappy. When she saw Zhang Yunfeng and Su Nuoyan come in, she immediately saw the stunning Su Nuoyan. She originally thought that they would definitely buy things in the store, but who would have thought that the beautiful and elegant girl would pretend to know very well. She actually said that the latest clothes in her store were the old ones from two years ago. This almost made her instantly conclude that the two people had no purchasing power at all, so she made some subtle sarcastic remarks. Who would have thought that these two young people would actually join hands to mock her. Thus, how could she not be angry in her heart? She immediately reached out and snatched the clothes from Su Nuoyan's hands. Then she coldly snorted and said, "If you don't want to buy it, then don't touch it."    


Su Nuoyan widened her eyes and her face was full of disbelief and anger. She had never seen any female shopping guide with this kind of attitude. She was stunned for a moment and did not even know what to say.    


Zhang Yunfeng was angry in his heart and immediately said, "I want to see your store manager. Invite him over."    


"Sorry!" The female clerk put her clothes back into the cupboard and said without looking back, "Our manager is very busy and has no time to receive you."    


Zhang Yunfeng was quite unhappy and said, "Miss, please pay attention to your words and attitude. Go out and take a look. Even the beggars on the street are better than you, a well-dressed person!"    


The female clerk immediately turned her face. She blurted out, "Who are you talking about?"    


"Of course I'm talking about you" Zhang Yunfeng frowned and said, "I didn't expect that not only is your quality low, you don't even know your own limitations!"    


The commotion on this side attracted the attention of many people. Su Nuoyan did not want to argue with this kind of person, so she pulled Zhang Yunfeng and said, "Yunfeng, let's go. There is no need to lower yourself to this kind of person."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded. It was indeed meaningless to quarrel with a salesperson. Just as he was about to leave, a figure suddenly rushed over and stood in front of Su Nuoyan and exclaimed, "Sister Nuoyan! It really is you!"    


The person standing in front of Su Nuoyan was a very fashionable man. He looked to be about 17 or 18 years old but his dressing was more mature. He was tall and thin, white and clean. It could be seen that his family background was not ordinary at first glance.    


"Mo Sinan?" Su Nuoyan was also very surprised. She looked at that person and asked, "Why are you here?"    


Mo Sinan laughed and said, "Sister Nuoyan, I also want to ask you. Didn't I hear that you went abroad to study? Why are you in City J?"    


Su Nuoyan was a little embarrassed and did not answer. Mo Sinan was very tactful and changed the topic. He asked, "What are you guys arguing about?"    


"Nothing." Su Nuoyan said lightly, and said, "We are talking about the basic qualities of a person."    


Mo Sinan immediately understood. He turned around and shouted at the salesperson, "Are you blind? When Sister Nuoyan and Auntie Nie were shopping for Armani, you were not even an employee here!"    


The female salesperson was also stunned. The young man who shouted at her in front of her was the rich young master who had just swept across the place with a woman and spent as much money as he could. When did she provoke him?    


Su Nuoyan frowned and said to Mo Sinan, "Sinan, don't argue with her. You can swear when you speak. You are not even as good as her."    


Mo Sinan scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Sister Nuoyan's criticism is right. I was wrong. I was wrong. I will definitely change the bad habit of cursing in the future."    


The female clerk knew that the girl who she had just ridiculed seemed to have an extraordinary background. Seeing that she had come out to smooth things over for her, she looked at her gratefully and hurriedly turned around to leave. She entered the employee lounge and did not come out again.    


Zhang Yunfeng was very surprised by Su Nuoyan's performance. He could not help but praise in his heart. A girl like Su Nuoyan was high and not arrogant. She even knew how to tolerate it. It was really a good quality to be able to repay kindness with kindness. Just now, Mo Sinan had insulted the female clerk. If they continued to cause trouble, the female clerk would lose her job.    


At this moment, a very enchanting, tall, but slightly revealing girl walked over with a black dress in her hand. She hugged Mo Sinan's waist from behind and lifted the dress in front of him. She said with a greasy voice, "Darling, what do you think of this dress? If you like it, I'll go and try it."    


"If you like it, then buy it." Mo Sinan impatiently pushed her away and said, "I'm talking to a friend. Go to the side first."    


His impatient attitude made the girl not angry at all. She kissed Mo Sinan's face intimately and said, "Then I will go and try my clothes, my dear."    


After the woman left, Mo Sinan awkwardly said to Su Nuoyan, "Sister Nuoyan, don't misunderstand. That woman is a student of Nanjiang Academy of Arts. We have only known each other for two days."    


Su Nuoyan faintly smiled and said, "You don't need to explain this to me."    


Mo Sinan was even more embarrassed. He hurriedly changed the topic and said, "Nuoyan, actually you have been in City J all along, right?"    


Su Nuoyan knew that there was no use in quibbling. She nodded and said, "I went to school in City J. You don't need to tell others about this matter."    


Mo Sinan hurriedly nodded and said, "I know. Don't worry." Immediately, he said with a trace of excitement on his face, "I will also be going to Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong next Monday."    


Su Nuoyan was stunned and frowned as she asked, "Why did you come to City J to study?"    


Mo Sinan sighed and said helplessly, "I caused some trouble in Yanjing and was rushed here by my family. I was supposed to come to the Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong this Monday. But I heard that the No.1 Middle School is going to have a mock exam this week. I want to go next week. "    


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