Invincible Smart-Guy System

C109 Danger Lurks Everywhere

C109 Danger Lurks Everywhere

After parking the car, Zhang Yunfeng put the car keys into his pocket and put his bag on his back. He was lost in his thoughts as he walked out of the neighborhood.    


This neighborhood was very old. There was a two-meter wide road in front of the door. Once Zhang Yunfeng walked out of the neighborhood, he turned left and wanted to walk towards the main road. At this moment, a yellow man wearing a black medium-grade trench coat was walking towards the same direction from the right side of the neighborhood. Zhang Yunfeng happened to walk two to three meters behind the man.    


The man was using his bluetooth earpiece to make a phone call, speaking English with a heavy accent. It sounded rather awkward, but Zhang Yunfeng just happened to have learned the English Skill Bag. Apart from knowing the standard American and English pronunciation like the back of his hand, he also had a strong ability to distinguish different accents. He immediately recognized that the person had an Eastern American accent.    


"I'm looking for clues, OK? Tell Gilberto that this isn't something that can be found in a day or two!" The man was clearly dissatisfied as he spoke in a low voice.    


Zhang Yunfeng was unable to hear what was being said on the other end of the phone, but a moment later... The man in front of him said in a low voice, "I have already taken care of the corpse. Don't worry, no one will find it in a short period of time. Even if they found it, it would be useless. Tom's corpse had almost been corroded by the strong acid. They will not find any clues! "    


Zhang Yunfeng was shocked!    


Tom? Corpses? This...    


Could it be that he really came up with something? When he stopped the car just now, he was still thinking about Qian Yingning and Tom, who was killed by Qian Yingning. When he walked out of the gate of the community, he met Tom's accomplices. If that was the case, then wouldn't it be too much of a coincidence?    


Just as Zhang Yunfeng was shocked and in disbelief, that person said in a low voice, "Of course I have clues! If I don't have any clues, why would I take the risk of staying in City J?"    


After a moment, the man said again, "Listen, Andy! I am 100% sure that Qian Yingning got the help of a mysterious person in City J! I found some clues. The clues showed that the Volkswagen sedan at the supply point had driven out of the supply point many times. Then, I drove back, but I am unable to find a clear surveillance record. The only thing I can be sure of is that the person who helped Qian Yingning had driven back and forth between the supply point and a residential area many times. I have already checked this residential area for two days, and even now I am still searching in the vicinity. It is just that so far, I have not found any clues about that car, but I dare to guarantee that... It is definitely not Qian Yingning driving that car. There must be someone else behind him! "    


"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. There's no one else around me except a high school student behind me."    


"Andy, do I need you to teach me? I met the high school student behind me at a T-junction. I'm 100% sure that he wasn't following me. He just happened to come out of that neighborhood, and no one here could understand my accent. You can rest assured. Tell Gilberto that as long as I find the person who secretly helped Qian Yingning... Then I will be able to find out where Qian Yingning is."    


Zhang Yunfeng felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. The person walking in front of him... It just so happened to be the assassin who had been looking for him in City J. So far, he had been looking for ___. ... He should be the only one who saw Tom's corpse besides himself and Qian Yingning. He was also the only one who truly knew how to find him. He stared at the Passat at the supply point. He had even shrunk the area to less than one square kilometer, and according to what he had said, he had been watching this area for two days, and he habitually heard the car here again. This was also the reason why he was able to meet him here. Give him a little more time. He was afraid that he would be able to find him.    


If he was exposed to the organization behind Qian Yingning, then he would be in big trouble. He did not know how many and how strong those people were hiding behind him. If he was found out, he could be in danger of hiding in the dark at any time.    


From the conversation of that man, Zhang Yunfeng could tell that he was the only member of that organization in City J. If he attacked now and killed him, the clues would be cut off from his body. Otherwise, it wouldn't take long for him to be exposed.    


However, if he wanted to kill someone here, how could he hide from the police?    


Zhang Yunfeng was struggling in his heart. At this moment, there was only him and Zhang Yunfeng in the black alley. Moreover, he was in front of him. If he attacked, there was a high chance that his sneak attack would succeed. Then he would think of a way to hide from the police. If he did not attack now, how could he guarantee that he could find this guy again?    


While Zhang Yunfeng was still hesitating, the other party had already hung up. His footsteps were much faster. Zhang Yunfeng didn't dare to follow him. Otherwise, if he sensed that something was wrong with him, he was afraid that the other party would immediately attack him. He was unarmed, and there was a high chance that he had a gun on him.    


The man was very fast, and in a short time, he had reached the intersection between the alley and the main road. Zhang Yunfeng could only give up in his heart for the time being. It was impossible to attack tonight. However, he must not let this man go. He must think of a way to get rid of him in the shortest time possible. He had to prevent this man from finding out about his existence.    


Seeing that the man had already disappeared at the intersection, Zhang Yunfeng could only walk out of the alley unhurriedly. As soon as he walked out of the alley, that person suddenly flashed out from the corner of the right wall. At that moment, he asked in English, "Hi friend, how do we get to the Jiangquan Road?"    


Zhang Yunfeng had already learned the English skill, so he could completely understand what he said. His question was too sudden, as if someone had suddenly asked him a question in Mandarin. If his brain had not reacted to it, Zhang Yunfeng would have blurted it out in fluent English.    


Fortunately, Zhang Yunfeng was not so easily fooled. He pretended to be confused and looked at him. He stammered in English, "Can you speak a little bit slower? I... I don't understand..."    


He looked like a student who only knew a little bit about English. The man was relieved and a mocking smile appeared on his face. He waved his hand and said in fluent Mandarin, "It's fine. Learn some English. Goodbye."    


The man turned around and left. He did not take Zhang Yunfeng seriously anymore. His action just now was to test whether Zhang Yunfeng really knew English or if he was very good at it. However, the result was the same as what he had guessed. This boy who looked like a student... It was impossible for him to understand what he had said on the phone just now.    


That person walked to the side of the road and raised his hand to stop a taxi before sitting in the car. Zhang Yunfeng pretended to be at a loss as he watched the taxi drive out. However, he had already memorized the license plate number in his heart. After that, when the car had gone further away, he suddenly ran back. No matter what, he could not let that man disappear from his sight! If he lost him, it would be troublesome to find him again!    


Zhang Yunfeng ran back to the neighborhood where he had parked his car as fast as he could. In a very short period of time, he got into the car. Then, he started the Cool and rushed out.    


The road was a very long straight road, about 500 meters. There was also a red and green light. Zhang Yunfeng drove the Cool at a very fast speed. He prayed in his heart that the taxi would not pass the red and green light so quickly. If not, he would have to rely on luck to move forward, turn left, and turn right.    


The Cool quickly approached the intersection. At this moment, the traffic light had just turned on. The car that was going straight and left drove out of the parking line at the same time. The car that was going straight quickly passed through the intersection, while the car that was turning left slowly drove into the curved waiting line.    


Fortunately, Zhang Yunfeng was in the traffic that was waiting to be turned. He discovered the taxi that the man had gotten into earlier. And then... Zhang Yunfeng turned left without saying anything. He followed behind the traffic and went into the waiting line. There were two parking spaces between him and the taxi.    


Zhang Yunfeng had watched a lot of police films. He had also gained some personal experience. Most of the tracking cars in Hong Kong police films were very retarded. The tracking cars bit the cars that were being tracked. They followed the turns, changed direction, and changed direction. How to look? It was as if he was telling the front car: Hey bro, I'm following you from behind. If you don't believe me, look at me through the rearview mirror.    


That was why Zhang Yunfeng deliberately distanced himself from the workshop by two cars. Furthermore, the Cool itself was a little thinner than an ordinary car. As long as his position was cut properly, he would basically be in the blind spot of the taxi. Zhang Yunfeng glanced at the rearview mirror in the car and found that the front light of the car was very bright. Even though the car was equipped with an auto-dazzling rearview mirror, it was only slightly dimmer when the light was refracted. However, it was impossible to see the front of the car and its logo clearly under the circumstances of going against the light. As a result... It was even more impossible for the killer in the taxi to find out that he was following them.    


After about thirty seconds, the straight line turned into a red light and the left turn green light lit up. Zhang Yunfeng followed the flow of the car and slowly turned into the road leading to the city center. The taxi was just as normal. Zhang Yunfeng had never left the straight road in front of Zhang Yunfeng's car. Zhang Yunfeng had been staring at this straight line. This way, he could ensure that the car kept going straight. If the car turned left or right, it would definitely change the road ahead of time and turn on the light. At that time, he would find an opportunity to follow it from a distance. That way, it would not arouse the other party's suspicion.    


Zhang Yunfeng followed the car from far behind and passed through two intersection points. When the car reached the vicinity of Wanda Plaza in the city center, the car finally changed its direction before the next intersection arrived. It turned right and turned right.    


There was no red light at this intersection. Zhang Yunfeng followed the car from a distance. After turning around, they saw the car enter the auxiliary road to the Hilton Hotel. Zhang Yunfeng slowed down the car and watched the taxi stop in front of the gate of the Hilton Hotel from afar. The welcoming staff went forward and opened the back door, and the man got out of the car. After tidying up his collar, he entered the hotel without looking back.    


The front desk of the Hilton hotel was facing the front door, but the man did not go to the front desk. Instead, he turned left and went to the elevator. Zhang Yunfeng saw him disappear from his field of vision. He was still clear in his heart that the assassin lived in the Hilton Hotel.    


There was no need to stay here any longer. Zhang Yunfeng drove out. At the next intersection, he turned right and went back to the neighborhood where he had parked his car earlier. He parked his car. Only then did Zhang Yunfeng walk to the school entrance and push his bicycle. He rode home.    


The appearance of this killer made Zhang Yunfeng somewhat worried. Now that he knew that the other party lived in the Hilton Hotel, to him... If he wanted to solve the crisis before him... He had to get rid of the assassin before the assassin found him. Then, he had to find a way to destroy all the surveillance records about the Passat he was driving. As a result, even if other assassins came to City J to investigate, there was no way they could link the matter to him.    


Zhang Yunfeng had never killed anyone before, but he had seen how Qian Yingning had killed that Tom at such a close distance. The red and white visual stimulation had given him a clear understanding of death. In addition, during the days he spent with Qian Yingning, he had a clear understanding of death. Zhang Yunfeng also realized the cruelty of this world, so to the current him, it was not difficult for him to make a decision to kill someone to protect himself.    


Killing this assassin wasn't a difficult task for Zhang Yunfeng. Zhang Yunfeng's boxing's ability had already far exceeded that of ordinary people. In addition, his body had also been enhanced to a higher level than ordinary people. As long as he was careful, it would be easy for him to get rid of this assassin. However, killing people was not like fighting. After a fight, he could just pat his butt and leave. After killing someone, there were too many problems to face!    


Zhang Yunfeng was no longer a young man who had never seen the world and did not understand the cruelty of society. He had experienced and learned from his previous experiences. Zhang Yunfeng understood how to protect himself as the prerequisite for everything. This way, it would be much more difficult to get rid of the assassin.    


First of all, whether this person was a killer or an ordinary person, if any one of them died, after killing, if I can't clean up the corpse and the evidence at the scene, then I'm sure the police will do their best to investigate the murder. He had the confidence to kill the killer, but he didn't have the confidence to do it flawlessly. If the police found any clues about him, then he would be in even greater trouble.    


Currently, Zhang Yunfeng didn't have many favorable conditions. He had the strength to fight in close combat. With the gun Qian Yingning gave him, he had a guarantee in terms of attack power. And that man was currently living in the Hilton Hotel. This was the only clue that he had about him. But he wanted to get rid of him in Hilton, and also get rid of him cleanly. It was as difficult as ascending to the heavens!    


Therefore, where to get rid of him, how to get rid of him, how to deal with him after getting rid of him, and how to erase all the clues related to him had become Zhang Yunfeng's most helpless matter.    


As for the surveillance records, Zhang Yunfeng wasn't worried. As long as he killed this assassin... Before the next group of people arrived in City J, he had enough time to do this. The urgent matter at hand wasn't this, but how to eliminate this assassin from this world!    


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