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C3 Don't Say too Much!

C3 Don't Say too Much!

Nine Suns Divine Arts    


A transcendent divine technique!    


Solemn to the extreme!    


After cultivating the technique, the growth speed of one's Genuine Ki would increase by several folds, and the body's recovery speed would too greatly increase!    


One's ordinary punches and kicks will then hold the potential to unleash great offensive power. Furthermore, their defensive capabilities will become unparalleled, gaining immunity to all kinds of poison and yin-yang based techniques.    


A normal human's body contains about 52 single acupoints, 300 double acupoints, 50 external acupoints, 108 pain acupoints, of which 72 are generally not fatal, while the remaining 36 are fatal, commonly known as' dead acupoints'.    


All adding up to a total of 510 different acupoints!    


If Su Ba manages to open each of these acupoints in his body, it would inevitably result in a tremendous increase in cultivation speed and overall strength.    


From that point on, his Genuine Ki would grow without any sort of limit stopping in from constantly growing by itself!    


Transcendent divine technique?    


What is a transcendent divine technique?    


Su Ba's eyes revealed a hint of confusion.    


In Su Ba's memories of this world, Profound Sky Continent cultivation techniques were divided into four categories: human rank, profound rank, earth rank, and finally, heaven rank.    


If he recalls correctly, the most powerful Martial Mansion in the Fengwu Kingdom, the Yunmeng Martial Mansion, only inherited martial techniques of the Profound Rank.    


Even the most legendary sects would only be able to possess martial techniques of the Earth Rank.    


As for Heaven Rank...    


Even with the memories of this world, Su Ba has never heard of any sect that possess a technique of that rank.    


But now, a transcendent divine technique had appeared before his eyes…    


Was such a cultivation technique strong or weak?    


With any hesitation, Su Ba finished flipping through the secret manual for Nine Suns Divine Arts. Suddenly, the secret manual turned into specks of starlight and directly penetrated Su Ba's mind.    


With that, he memorized all the cultivation methods of the technique in that instant.    


Su Ba's eyes flashed as he blinked continuously.    


He did not know whether was he just experienced was simply an illusion or not.    


Even though his cultivation level had not risen yet, he still had a feeling that his strength was growing by itself. Suddenly, his instincts told him that he now had the strength to kill a two-star middle stage martial warrior with a single punch.    


Was this cultivation technique that powerful?    


Su Ba felt a hint of excitement in his heart.    


"Calm down, calm down. There are no limits to the martial arts. My end in the past world is simply a beginning to this world…"    


Su Ba let out a deep breath, implying that he had calmed down.    


However, just as he was about to cultivate and enlighten himself with the profoundness of the Nine Suns Divine Arts...    


A knock sounded from the other side of his door.    


"Who could it be at such a late time?"    


Su Ba frowned slightly, but he still went over to open the door in despite of that.    


Upon opening the door, a fat woman seemingly in her forties of fifties stood in front of him. Next to this woman stood a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey-like cheeks.    


According to Su Ba's memory, the fat woman was his landlord, but he did not recognize the young man beside her.    


Suddenly, his landlord let out a cynical smile, causing Su Ba to narrow his eys in confusion and asked lightly.    


"Landlord, is something the matter?"    


"Nothing much. I just want you to... vacate this house!"    


"But why?"    


Su Ba, despite his shock, remained expressionless and said, "I remember renting the whole place for half a year. It has only been four months, yet you want me to move away?"    


The landlord smiled, "It's fine. I'll return the remaining two months' rent to you. It's not easy for me to do business outside. Anyway, there should be other rooms nearby. You just have to find one somewhere else."    


"Landlord, this is clearly unfair. Do you even remember what you said?"    


Su Ba's expression immediately darkened!    


After deducing the situation, he came to the conclusion that the young man beside him must have bid several times more money than he did for the room. The greed of the landlord for more money must have motivated her to kick Su Ba out.    


"What are you talking about, kid? This house is mine, I, its landlord, can rent it to whoever I want!"    


The landlord was getting impatient!    


"Landlord, what are you saying to this kid!"    


At this time, the young man stepped forward and looked at Su Ba in disdain.    


"Su Trash, how bold are you to actually dare to beat Brother Wang's woman up. Now, I have finally found you!"    


"I'll be renting this house now. If you know what's good for you, hurry up and get the hell out of here!"    


"Let me give you a warning. Brother Wang ordered me to find you and keep my eyes on you wherever you go. Even if you manage to find another place to rent, I will find you and chase you out!"    


"In any case, you definitely won't be able to enter a single Martial Mansion with that trashy strength of yours anyways!"    


The man laughed arrogantly!    


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