Urban Magic Eye

C952 Soul Extraction and Soul Refinement

C952 Soul Extraction and Soul Refinement

Lee Hao flew into the sky and carried the little guy to the school after a few breaths. And the little fellow? He could only pretend to be pitiful and gain Lee Hao's sympathy.    


Unfortunately, the matter of studying was planned by Lee Hao, and he had even personally invited Pang Shiyuan. How could he give up just because of these little tricks of the little guy? Wouldn't he regret his reputation for his whole life?    


"Hmph!" The little guy snorted coldly, then looked at Pang Shiyuan with a crafty gaze. No one knew what kind of tricks he was planning at such a young age.    


Pang Shiyuan was also looking at the little guy.    


This was the first time they met, and also the first time Pang Shiyuan seriously looked at the little guy. To be honest, the little guy's cultivation had stunned him. He was at the peak of the Refinement Stage.    


A child who had just reached the full moon had such a cultivation level. It was shocking!    


At the same time, Pang Shiyuan understood in his heart that Lee Hao's inheritance wasn't simple, because only those incomparably formidable cultivation techniques could ignore the Spirit Root, and allow one to cultivate while at a young age.    


"Why aren't you going to pay a visit to the teacher?" Lee Hao said sternly. As a father, sometimes he had to be strict. Otherwise, how could he discipline his child?    


"Go, go!" The little fellow unwillingly walked to Pang Shiyuan's side and cupped his hands in greeting. "Greetings, teacher!"    


"Greetings, young master." Pang Shiyuan also returned the greeting.    


"Mr Pang, I'll leave this place to you. I'll be leaving now." After the simple ceremony was completed, Lee Hao immediately left, not giving the little guy any chance to act spoiled.    


The little guy's eyes were red. It was too sad!    


"Young master, let's go in!" Pang Shiyuan carried the little guy into the classroom. The child inside also got up and bowed.    


Everything seemed to be the same as before, but Pang Shiyuan knew in his heart that everything had changed. The current him was no longer the teacher who only talked about the wind and earth, but a rare Tribulation-experiencing Period great cultivator in the world.    


Having dealt with children for a hundred years, Pang Shiyuan was very experienced in dealing with children. Today was the first day of class, so it was inevitable that everyone would be unfamiliar with each other. At this time, they needed to get closer to the children.    


What could be the best way to get closer to their children? Without a doubt, it was a story.    


There were no fairy tales in Spirit Realm, but in the long years, countless legends had happened in the vast territory. These were the best topics.    


Pang Shiyuan began to tell the story of Spirit Realm. The little guy's mind was also attracted by the story and listened with great interest. At this time, the little guy realized that reading was actually quite interesting.    


Lee Hao really left. Just now, he was just hiding. Now that he saw the little guy gradually getting better, he knew that the big matter was settled and decisively left.    






Fallen Immortal City, this city that had been suffering from the flames of war ever since it was built, and the city that had been constantly being squeezed since it was built, finally welcomed a few months of peaceful days.    


There was no internal strife, no external enemies. It was a peaceful and peaceful place. Such a scene was something that the rogue cultivators of Xianlin Mountain had never dreamt of.    


The hundred majestic warships outside the city were the insurance for all of this. As long as they existed, Fallen Immortal City would become even more prosperous.    


This was something that could be predicted!    


Peace was the main factor in the development of a city.    


Spirit Realm did not lack slaughter. In the wilderness, there were countless treasure hunters. Every day, there would be bloody slaughter.    


Were cultivators bloodthirsty? Not everyone wanted to kill, but for the sake of the Great Dao in their hearts, they had no choice but to do so.    


But at the same time, cultivators also desire a stable environment.    


Cultivators were also humans, long-term battles would make them mentally exhausted, so at this time, they naturally needed a safe place to recuperate.    


Cities were undoubtedly their best choice. There was order here, which was many times safer than the wilderness.    


Safety was only one aspect. The other aspect of cities was the exchange of cultivation resources.    


Cultivation was inseparable from resources, but opportunities were uncontrollable. It did not say that you could get whatever you wanted. At this time, you needed to exchange, trade, and exchange.    


This was the meaning of a city's existence!!    


As the core city of Xianlin Mountain, Fallen Immortal City was naturally the first choice of the rogue cultivators within a radius of ten thousand miles. There were many cultivators entering and leaving the city every day.    


This was an ordinary day, but it was this day that caused a commotion at the city gates.    


The reason was very simple. The cultivators of Ever Triumphant Army hung two corpses on the city gate, lit the Spirit Fire, extracted their souls, and burned them with raging flames.    


Everyone had their souls, and after death, their souls would not immediately dissipate. They would stay there for a long time. Those who were fated could even become ghost soldiers and cultivate again.    


It was just like the Ghost Tomb that Lee Hao had set up for the dead cultivators of the Ever Triumphant Army. However, the probability of that happening was higher.    


Also, the Spirit Realm and Desolation Land had the same theory. They believed that after a person died, he wouldn't really die and his soul could be reincarnated.    


All of these things indicated the importance of a soul, and the degree of concern a cultivator would have for it. But now, two cultivators had their soul extracted and refined.    


Soul extraction and refining was not a child's play. Although the cultivators couldn't hear the painful cries of the soul, the ferocious expression of the soul told these cultivators that they had suffered a great deal of pain.    


"Who is this person? Why would the Ever Triumphant Army do this?"    


"This is too cruel! Killing people is but a matter of a head touching the ground. Why do you need to extract their souls and refine them, causing others to die in a restless manner? "    


In less than a moment, many cultivators gathered at the city gates, pointing at the corpses on the city walls and discussing animatedly.    


At this moment, another cultivator from the Ever Triumphant Army came out and posted a notice at the city gate.    


"An assassin from the Hidden Kill Alliance, everyone has the right to punish him. If he dares to come here again, this will be his end."    


"What?! These two are assassins of the Hidden Kill Alliance?"    


After knowing the identity of these two men, the surrounding cultivators subconsciously took a few steps back. What kind of joke was this? The reputation of the Hidden Kill Alliance was not something these rogue cultivators could afford to offend.    


"The Jing brothers have failed. Lee Hao hung their corpses on the city wall and extracted their souls to refine their souls. His means are extremely vicious." In an ordinary house in Fallen Immortal City, a Foundation Establishment man said respectfully.    


Next to the Foundation Establishment man sat a man wrapped in a black robe. His entire body emitted a cold aura.    


"Failed? This Lee Hao really has some skills, he can even dodge the Ice Soul Needle." The man said coldly, "This Lee Hao is lawless. He dared to humiliate the Hidden Kill Alliance just by dodging an assassination. Do you really think that this is all we have?"    


"Mountain Lord, according to my guess, Lee Hao is doing this to scare the other assassins who want to accept the mission." Yes, the Foundation Establishment man said.    


Assassins in Spirit Realm were different from ordinary people. There was no mission in Spirit Realm where one had to take poison to commit suicide if they failed the mission. What was important here was that if they failed the mission, they would escape immediately.    


The Jing brothers were the same. However, they were too unlucky to have met Lee Hao. If it was any other target, as long as the target's cultivation base was not above the Deification Period, it would be extremely difficult to find any trace of them.    


Both of them were extremely skilled in restraining their Qi. They weren't nameless existences in the Hidden Kill Alliance's Heavenly South Branch. They were one of the top existences.    


Now, they had failed. Their corpses were hung on the city wall to extract their souls and refine their souls. This was to deter most of the assassins.    


Although the reward was good, it was useless without a life.    


"Mm, that makes sense!" The black-clothed man nodded and said, "This Lee Hao really has some ability. Two birds with one stone, but he underestimated us too much. Does he really think that Hidden Kill Alliance is a vegetarian?"    


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