Urban Magic Eye

C932 Contacts

C932 Contacts

The more information Zhen Xing had, the more interested he was in the mysterious Mr Pang. At the same time, he was also curious about the motive of the mysterious Mr Pang.    


Mr Pang was a Cultivator, this was an undeniable fact.    


A hundred years had passed in a hurry. If Mr Pang was a mortal, he would have turned into dirt, but the mysterious Mr Pang was still alive in the Ning Mountain Village. This point alone was enough to prove that he was a cultivator.    


Doubt, doubt filled his mind! Zhen Xing really could not think of any treasure that the cultivators in the Peace Mountain Village wanted. It was worth a Cultivator to wait here for a hundred years.    


"Little brother, can I enter the village and take a look at this Mr Pang?" Zhen Xing made a small request.    




The man was speechless. Mr Pang has a strange personality. He never came into contact with the villagers. He only teaches children how to read, and he never treats outsiders. Old man, I think you should go back! "    


"It's fine. I'll just take a look." Zhen Xing said with a smile.    


"Then... alright!"    


The man stepped aside and Zhen Xing walked into the village. He did not need to lead the way. He looked for the sound of books and soon found the place.    


It was an inconspicuous corner of the Ning Village. There were three or four simple wooden houses. The sound of reading came from there.    


More than ten children were sitting in a wooden house, listening attentively to Mr Pang's lecture.    


A hundred years had passed, and Mr Pang's appearance had not changed at all. Zhen Xing quickly recognized him. However, compared to thirty years ago, Zhen Xing still discovered a slight difference.    


Thirty years ago, Mr Pang was a scholar with a white face, a scholar. Thirty years later, he was still the same, but his face was even paler.    


"What's going on?" Zhen Xing started to think.    


The children of Spirit Realm did not read the Three Character Classic or the Hundred Families of the Hundred Families of the Hundred Families. They read the records of the Spirit Realm, which included everything. It was a classic that everyone had to read.    


Mr Pang said, "The reason why Human Clan was able to occupy Spirit Realm with their weak bodies was because they learned. They took advantage of their strengths to make up for their shortcomings. Only then could they defeat the enemy."    


Mr Pang was talking about what happened in the Spirit Realm during the ancient era.    


In the ancient era, demonic beasts roamed freely. The Human Clan had just emerged and was facing a crisis of extinction. At this time, a saint was born. He was observing the Yin and Yang of the Heavens and Earth, and the changes in the world. He created a cultivation method. It was only after this that the Human Clan welcomed its path to greatness. There were countless wise sages and mighty figures. Creating all kinds of peerless cultivation techniques, laying the foundation for the prosperity of the Human Clan.    


The records of the Spirit Realm recorded many things related to the ancient times, but the authenticity was still to be investigated. After all, the era was too far away. It had happened hundreds of millions of years ago.    


Children loved to listen to these stories. They were so infatuated that they could not help but yearn for it.    


"Teacher, can we cultivate?" A six or seven year old child stood up and asked.    


"Under the Great Dao, everyone is equal, can cultivate!" Mr Pang said unhurriedly.    


"Great!" The little boy looked excited. It was only for a moment. After a while, he said sadly, "But there are no cultivators in the village. No one taught us how to cultivate."    


The villagers all felt that Mr Pang was not simple. They all knew that Mr Pang had protected them for 100 years. However, no one dared to talk about Mr Pang being a Cultivator, and no one dared to ask him to be their master.    


This was a taboo topic in the village.    


It wasn't that no one had done such a thing in the past. It had angered Mr Pang and nearly caused a huge disaster. After this incident, no one dared to do such a thing.    


Those were all aimed at adults and children. Mr Pang had another face.    


Mr Pang patiently explained, "What's so good about cultivation? It's all in vain. It's better to live an ordinary life."    


Children did not have rich life experiences, so they did not understand the deeper meaning of Mr Pang's words. However, Zhen Xing understood that this was a great enlightenment after experiencing great storms and waves.    


"Let's call it a day! Go back and revise your homework." Mr Pang said again.    


"I will follow your instructions!" The dozen or so children bowed respectfully and left the classroom in an orderly manner.    


A few minutes later, the place quieted down. Only Zhen Xing, who was standing outside the courtyard, and Mr Pang, who was still in the wooden house, were left.    


"Mr Pang, I, Zhen, have come to pay you a visit!"    


"Please come in!"    


Zhen Xing walked into the cabin and said, "Thirty years passed in a flash. Do you remember me, sir?"    


They had only met once in the past. They did not even know what the other person's surname was. They could only be considered a passerby in their lives. It was like meeting a stranger on the street.    


However, Mr Pang nodded and said, "I remember. Thirty years passed in the blink of an eye. Fellow Daoist's cultivation has advanced day by day."    


Zhen Xing was stunned.    


As mentioned before, the current Zhen Xing was no longer the same as before. Not even a Soul Formation cultivator could see through his current doubts. Mr Pang could tell that his cultivation base had improved with just a glance. How was this possible?    


"Could it be that the opponent is a cultivator above the Soul Formation realm?"    


Zhen Xing felt that it was impossible. Soul Formation was already a top existence in the Tiannan County. It was still possible for a cultivator above the Soul Formation realm to sweep across the entire Tiannan County with a single hand. How could he be willing to stay in a small mountain village with little spiritual energy?    


"Thirty years of hard work, some achievements are not worth mentioning." Zhen Xing suspected that the other party was just being polite. He gave a simple explanation but did not explain too much.    


Mr Pang's reaction was different from Zhen Xing's. He showed a strange look, which made Zhen Xing feel guilty for no reason.    


Zhen Xing quickly changed the topic and said, "Sir, you have a good temperament. 30 years ago, I thought you just came here to live. He would leave after a while. However, I never thought that after thirty years, you would still be teaching and raising here. It really makes me blush with shame, and it makes me extremely envious."    


"What's there to be envious of when you're making fun of yourself amidst hardships?" Mr Pang said faintly, "Fellow Daoist, you have probably come here by chance today!"    


Thirty years ago, Zhen Xing happened to pass by. Thirty years later, Zhen Xing came here again. Even an idiot wouldn't believe it if he said it was by chance.    


Where was this place? This was a place with thin spiritual energy. Not to mention Nascent Infant Period Cultivator, even Qi Condensation Cultivator were very few.    


"Mister's eyes are as sharp as a torch. To tell you the truth, this Zhen specially came to find Mister this time." Mr Pang was mysterious and unpredictable. His words and actions were unexpected. Zhen Xing knew that hiding it would only make the other party unhappy. He might as well tell them the purpose of his visit and see how the other party would react.    


"Mister, do you know about the Xianlin Mountain's Fallen Immortal City?"    


The Ningshan Village was located in the Tiannan County Prefecture, which was about two hundred thousand kilometers away from the Xianlin Mountain.    


Ordinary people would not know that there was a place called Xianlin Mountain in Spirit Realm, but Zhen Xing thought Mr Pang should know about it.    


If Mr Pang was from another county, he would have to pass through Xianlin Mountain if he came from other places in Spirit Realm.    


Tiannan County was the southernmost part of Spirit Realm. After the Tiannan County, it would be the Desolation Land. In the eyes of the cultivators of Spirit Realm, Desolation Land was not considered the territory of Spirit Realm.    


The truth was just as Zhen Xing had expected, Mr Pang knew about it.    


"The Fallen Immortal City of Xianlin Mountain is built by rogue cultivators. It is owned by the three families. It is considered a great achievement in the Spirit Realm."    


It was too difficult to build a city by itself. Without the right time and place, it was impossible to build a city that belonged to rogue cultivators in a place rich in resources. It was simply impossible. Even the mysterious Mr Pang praised the magnificent feat of building an independent city in Xianlin Mountain.    


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