Urban Magic Eye

C902 Absolute Yin

C902 Absolute Yin

Lee Hao could leave all the chores in Fallen Immortal City to Wu Zimei, but there was only one thing that he had to do, and he had to do it himself.    


Many Ever Triumphant Army cultivators had fallen in this war. What should he do with these cultivators? He had to give them an explanation!    


No one could change the fact that a dead person couldn't be resurrected. Moreover, their cultivation base was low, so they couldn't even transform into spiritual bodies to cultivate.    


What kind of cultivator could exist with spiritual bodies? At least, they had to be at the Nascent Infant Period, and the Nascent Soul was the spiritual body.    


Of course, they couldn't use a spiritual body to cultivate, but they could use another method to cultivate.    


The human body had three souls and seven souls. Cultivators with a high cultivation base could gather these three souls and seven souls together and exist independently. But those with low cultivation didn't have this ability, nor could they use them.    


Once they die, unless there is a special opportunity, the three souls and seven souls will disappear from the world.    


Then, they would truly be turned into ashes.    


The majestic Xianlin Mountain was the most majestic mountain peak in the Xianlin Mountain. It was a towering mountain peak that was tens of thousands of meters tall, and it had become the symbol of the Xianlin Mountain.    


The Xianlin Mountain was huge, spanning thousands of miles. The cultivators of the Human Clan only dared to venture into the outer region. No one dared to enter the inner region.    


In fact, this was the current situation of many places in the Spirit Realm. Although the cultivators of the Human Clan claimed to have occupied this place, the truth was that it wasn't the case.    


Take the Xianlin Mountain as an example! The area was equivalent to an Earth, but less than a tenth of the area could be used by the cultivators of the Human Clan. There were also some places with weak spiritual energy.    


The deeper one went into the Xianlin Mountain, the denser the spiritual energy was. However, no cultivators dared to go deeper into the Xianlin Mountain, because it was very dangerous.    


There were many wild beasts in the deep mountains, but the Spirit Realm was not filled with wild beasts, but demonic beasts. The intelligence of demonic beasts was not much lower than the cultivators of the Human Clan. Their combat strength was even higher than the cultivators of the Human Clan. It was extremely terrifying.    


It had been mentioned before that in the Tiannan County region, countless rogue cultivators would die in the mouths of demonic beasts every year. It was a terrifying number when it was enlarged to the entire Spirit Realm.    


But today, Lee Hao had no choice but to venture deep into the depths of the Xianlin Mountain, searching for a place where the fallen cultivators of Ever Triumphant Army could rest in peace.    


The Absolute Yin Land was Lee Hao's target.    


Lee Hao didn't have the ability to gather the souls of the cultivators yet, but he couldn't bear to watch these cultivators who were willing to sacrifice their lives for him disappear from the world.    


He couldn't. Lee Hao could only rely on external forces to condense their three souls and seven spirits, turning them into ghost soldiers.    


Ghost soldiers were also a type of spirit body, but compared to spirit body cultivation, it was much more difficult. But at least there was a glimmer of hope, and it was still better than nothing.    


At this moment, Lee Hao had already traveled a thousand miles deep into the Xianlin Mountain, and was surrounded by towering ancient trees. Occasionally, the roars of demon beasts could be heard.    


However, Lee Hao's ability to conceal his Qi was peerless, and not a single trace of his Qi had leaked out from his body. So far, not a single demon beast had found any trace of him.    


There were not only many demon beasts in the deep mountains and forests, but also a lot of spiritual herbs in this place. There was no lack of spiritual herbs that had been here for hundreds of years. However, Lee Hao did not care about these. He just focused on his journey.    


Of course, Lee Hao would not walk blindly. Instead, he walked towards the north side of the Xianlin Mountain. The north and south of the mountains were the yin. The probability of the land of absolute yin being in the north was higher.    


A few hours later, Lee Hao arrived at a canyon. There was no sunlight here for many years, and the ground was piled up with dried branches and leaves that were several meters deep. It gave off a strong corrosive aura. The depths of the canyon were even more terrifying, so quiet that it was suffocating.    


This was actually a land of death.    


As the name implied, one knew what a land of death represented. It was a forbidden area for any living creature, not only for the cultivators of Human Clan, but also for demonic beasts.    


However, Lee Hao's face revealed a look of wild joy. Death, this was the best Yin Tomb, the holy land for the cultivation of the ghost soldiers.    


Without hesitation, Lee Hao entered the land of death.    


The ground was littered with the remains of demon beasts. This was a demon beast that had accidentally entered the land of death and died.    


In the land of death, there was a gray air current. This was the aura of death. As long as one was touched by it, one's life would gradually fade away until one died.    


However, Lee Hao didn't put this aura of death in his eyes. With the True Dragon Qi protecting his body, the aura of death couldn't do anything to him.    


The Land of Absolute Yin was only the prerequisite for the emergence of the ghost soldiers, but it wasn't a necessary condition. In order to successfully transform the dead cultivators or demon beasts into ghost soldiers, many preparations were needed.    


This was the reason why there were so many demon beasts that died in the Land of Absolute Yin, but not a single ghost soldier.    


Ten minutes later, Lee Hao went into the deepest part of the valley. The air of death was pervading this place, making it extremely terrifying.    


Compared to the outside, this place was much cleaner. There were no remnants of demonic beasts in this place.    


No one knew how many years had passed, but no one had come here before. Lee Hao should be the first living person to enter this place.    


Could it be that no one could resist the death Qi? That was impossible! A Deification Period warrior could resist the death Qi.    


However, they weren't as relaxed as Lee Hao. The pervasive death Qi would invade their bodies, corrode their bodies, and damage their foundation.    


Furthermore, there was only death Qi in the death zone. What was the point of living people coming in here? Unless he was courting death.    


Of course, this common sense wasn't suitable for Lee Hao. Although his cultivation base wasn't as high as a Deification Period warrior, his means were incomparable to a Deification Period warrior.    


After entering, Lee Hao didn't stay idle and started to arrange the formation.    


Formation flags were taken out by Lee Hao from the small heaven and earth. They were all mid-grade magic tools, and they weren't good things. But the advantage was that there were a lot of them, a total of 4321 of them.    


These were the Soul Gathering Banner, not refined by Lee Hao. It was something that Lee Hao had arranged for the Liu Family cultivators to refine. He had refined over ten thousand of them.    


However, he only used 4,321 of them this time, because only 4,321 cultivators of the Ever Triumphant Army had perished this time.    


There was a small space inside the Soul Gathering Banner, and the corpses of the fallen cultivators were stored inside.    


Although many of the cultivators had been turned into minced meat by the Spirit Stone Cannon, one must know that this was the Spirit Realm. Cultivators could use magic to gather the bodies of the victims together. Therefore, the Soul Gathering Banner contained a complete corpse.    


An hour later, thousands of Soul Gathering Banner were inserted into the depths of the Absolute Yin Land by Lee Hao, adding a horrifying scenery to this place. There was a kind of sadness that came out of his mouth.    


"Living as a hero, dying as a ghost. That's all I can do for you all. Whether you can achieve anything in the future depends on you all."    


Thousands of Soul Gathering Streamers fluttered in the air despite the absence of wind. Lee Hao felt a little sad in his heart. Although the Land of Absolute Yin was the most ideal place to transform into ghost soldiers. However, there was nothing perfect in this world. There were still cultivators who could not transform into ghost soldiers.    


Lee Hao didn't have the final say in everything. Each of them had their own fate, and the Heavenly Dao was ruthless. How could it be understood by others?    


"Don't worry! I will take care of your family. Stay here in peace!"    


Lee Hao made a promise. This was the only thing he could do to these cultivators who were willing to die for him.    


He took out a jar of spirit wine that he had prepared a long time ago and poured it on the ground. After that, he stopped for an hour and left without looking back.    


The transformation of the ghost soldiers required time, and no one knew exactly how long it would take. One year, ten years, perhaps a hundred years.    


However, these were all innumerable. Every single Soul Gathering Banner had Lee Hao's divine sense imprint, and there was also the gift that Lee Hao had given them. As long as they woke up, they would be able to receive this information.    


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