Reborn Medicine King

C2082 Subjugate the Spirit Deer

C2082 Subjugate the Spirit Deer

Jiang Fann dispersed the Medicine King Realm with a smile on his face.    


"You are a deer, why are you squatting there like a dog? Are you trying to act cute with me?"    


That nine-colored deer! The deer was obviously very dissatisfied. Unfortunately, this guy had yet to open his eyes, so he could not speak.    


Jiang Fann then circled around it and sized it up with malicious intentions.    


"I heard that this nine-colored spiritual deer's entire body is full of treasures. Almost all of them can be refined into medicinal pills. This time, I really picked up a treasure."    


After saying that, he didn't forget to summon a pill furnace and lit it up. This caused the nine-colored spirit deer to be shocked. Although it couldn't speak, it could clearly understand Jiang Fann's words.    


It wanted to try to stand up, but unfortunately, it couldn't support itself at all, so it sat down again.    


Jiang Fann patted his forehead. "The deer meat doesn't seem to be of any use, but it should be very delicious. It just so happens that I haven't eaten much recently. Looks like I'll have a good bite this time."    


After saying that, he took a big pot from the Hundred Treasures Bag, poured some water into it, and slowly boiled it.    


He found a dagger and grinded it on a rock. Then, he ran to the side of the spirit deer and circled around it.    


"Where is it delicious?"    


The nine-colored deer. The deer had never seen such a scene before. It was so scared that its whole body was trembling. However, its stubborn little eyes were still staring at Jiang Fann angrily. Unfortunately, after several attempts, it was unable to stand up.    


At this time, Wang Xian flew over and directly said to Jiang Fann, "Why are you scaring it? It's not like I intend to eat it."    


Hearing Wang Xian's words, the spiritual deer was first stunned. Then it lowered its head towards Wang Xian, clearly indicating for Wang Xian to save it.    


Wang Xian walked towards Jiang Fann and stretched out her hand, asking Jiang Fann for the antidote. Then she turned around and walked towards the nine-colored spirit deer.    


Wang Xian first touched the spirit deer's head, then directly gave the antidote to him. The spirit deer quickly recovered the Spiritual Strength, and behind it, it lowered its head towards Wang Xian as if to express its gratitude.    


However, Jiang Fann saw that this fellow's eyes were looking at him with a cunning look. A trace of slyness flashed across his eyes and his entire body was glowing. Clearly, he wanted to escape again.    




The light scattered in all directions as the spiritual deer crashed into a transparent barrier. It was so confused that it fell to the ground. Jiang Fann secretly arranged the inhibition. He knew that this fellow was very cunning. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to survive in the mountains for such a long time. After all, its realm wasn't very high.    


Wang Xian said angrily, "You little fellow, you have no patience at all."    


Jiang Fann, on the other hand, smiled and said, "Might as well eat it. Use the materials on you to refine some body tempering medicinal pills. Perhaps you can even find the secret of his Nine-Coloured Spiritual Strength!"    


The Nine-Coloured Spirit Deer got up from the ground and hurriedly hid behind Wang Xian. It was full of fear towards Jiang Fann.    


Wang Xian pacified its emotions and continued, "Little guy, do you want to leave this mountain range with me? The outside world is very interesting. If you follow me, you can quickly increase your realm. At that time, no one will be able to bully you."    


The Nine Color Spirit Deer clearly understood her words. Then, it looked at Jiang Fann and was still afraid.    


Jiang Fann simply went to the side to sharpen his knife and boil water, looking as if he wanted to have a good meal. The spirit deer finally knelt down and kowtowed to Wang Xian. Wang Xian did not waste any time either. She signed the contract and the nine-colored spirit deer turned into a nine-colored light. It disappeared in front of Wang Xian.    


Wang Xian then turned to Jiang Fann and said, "If you want to subdue it, why do you have to sing red and white? Don't tell me you are afraid that I can't deal with it?"    


Jiang Fann smiled and said, "Although this thing hasn't been enlightened yet, it is already very smart. It has been toying with that pharmacist for a few months. It can survive in this mountain range for so long. Don't look at it so simply. This fellow is even smarter than a fox. If you don't scare it, then it won't easily recognize you as its master."    


After Jiang Fann finished speaking, he put away the pill furnace and pots.    


Wang Xian said, "What is inside your Hundred Treasures Bag? Why is the pot also inside?"    


"I have to eat something! I have to treat myself better in the outside world..."    


"If you are hungry, then say so. At your level, there are only disadvantages and no benefits to eating anything you like!"    


Jiang Fann smiled and said, "It's fine. It doesn't affect me much. Summon the nine-colored spirit deer to take a look. This fellow is very strange. If you keep it by your side, it might bring you unexpected gains."    


According to the order of the Martial God, it was to let Jiang Fann subdue the Nine-Colored Spiritual Deer. However, since Wang Xian liked it, Jiang Fann naturally wouldn't reject it. Furthermore, Wang Xian had obviously been looking forward to the Nine-Colored Spiritual Deer for a long time.    


Wang Xian happily summoned the deer, but as soon as it appeared, it used its antlers to ram towards Jiang Fann. Jiang Fann hurriedly dodged.    


Just as he was about to counterattack, he saw this fellow transform into a ray of light and enter Wang Xian's body, disappearing without a trace.    


Seeing this situation, Jiang Fann gritted his teeth and said, "I knew this fellow wasn't anything good."    


Wang Xian covered her mouth and laughed, "Looks like it is very vengeful. But with his realm, he could not hurt you. You don't need to bicker with him."    


After saying that, Wang Xian summoned the Nine Color Spirit Deer again. This fellow clearly did not expect Wang Xian to summon it again. Seeing Jiang Fann's malicious eyes, he hurriedly hid behind Wang Xian. Then he stuck out his tongue at Jiang Fann, looking very provocative. She looked like she deserved a beating.    


For the first time, Jiang Fann wondered if he should really subdue this guy and teach him a good lesson before giving it to Wang Xian.    


However, since Wang Xian liked it, it did not matter.    


That guy did not have any hostility towards Wang Xian. His originally small body began to grow, almost turning from a deer to the size of a fierce horse. He then lowered his head and released the Spiritual Strength, sending Wang Xian onto its back.    


This guy used his Spiritual Strength to condense an exquisite saddle, which looked like a battle mount.    


Then, it carried Wang Xian around and started to have fun. There was wind under its feet. This speed was not slow, as if it was transforming into a ray of light that kept moving. It was hard to see its real body with the naked eye.    


One must know that this fellow's realm was not high yet. As his realm increased, these techniques would definitely be greatly improved. At that time, it would definitely be very shocking. It was indeed a very good battle mount.    


After a few minutes, that guy carried Wang Xian back here. Then, he used the Spiritual Strength to send Wang Xian back to the ground to stand steadily.    


In the next moment, he charged straight at Jiang Fann.    


This time, Jiang Fann was clearly prepared. He grabbed the deer's antlers and flicked its head. The nine-colored deer screamed and turned into a ray of light, breaking free from Jiang Fann's control and disappearing from Wang Xian's side.    


He didn't know if this guy would dare to sneak attack Jiang Fann again the next time he appeared.    


Wang Xian smiled happily. She knew that Jiang Fann would not really hurt the deer, but this made her understand that her spiritual pet was indeed an interesting guy.    


After settling everything, Wang Xian said to Jiang Fann, "The old ancestor has already sensed our location. They have also entered the territory of the White Star Dynasty. What should we do next? Should we first regroup and think of a way to return to the Heaven Pavilion?"    


Jiang Fann shook his head. "There's no hurry. Let's go to a place first. I have already agreed to the invitation."    


After he finished speaking, he directly found the map. As he searched on the map, he asked Wang Xian, "Medicine King Valley, do you know?"    


Wang Xian nodded.    


"Of course I know. That is one of the strongest alchemy skills in the Heaven Kylin Wilderness. Just like the Thousand Formation Cliff, it is not under the jurisdiction of any dynasty. It should not be far from here. It is said that the pharmacists inside are very powerful."    


After saying that, she searched the map according to her memory and quickly determined the location of Medicine King Valley. It was only about five days away from their current location.    


This wasn't strange to Jiang Fann. He was also a pharmacist back then. Apart from the herbs that grew in special areas, he usually went to the nearest place to pick herbs. This way, he wouldn't waste any more time, and it would be easier for his helpers to provide assistance. Since you, Cheng Zheng, are picking herbs here, then the Myriad Herbs Valley isn't too far away from here.    


Wang Xian said, "Although they do not belong to any dynasty, they have a very good relationship with those dynasties. There will be shops in these imperial cities. Let's go there. At that time, we might attract unnecessary trouble."    


Jiang Fann smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are only going there to exchange our experiences. They won't offend a young alchemist like me because of a small matter like this in the Crimson Sun Dynasty."    


Wang Xian recalled the scene of Jiang Fann refining medicine in the blessed land and immediately thought of something. Jiang Fann was now an immortal herb Master. Would there really be anyone who did not want to befriend him? This was very attractive to an alchemist.    


After confirming the route, she first brought Wang Xian out of the mountains. After that, she summoned the Air Imperial Numinous Treasure and moved towards Medicine King's valley.    


On top of the Numinous Treasure, Jiang Fann found the six pills. Wang Xian saw this scene and asked, "These are the legendary immortal grade pills, right? The aura that they emit seems to come from the same source as the unique red aura on your body!"    


Jiang Fann nodded, "It has reached the immortal grade, but unfortunately, it doesn't have any good effect on other people. Consuming it casually will cause one's body to explode and die, but it has an extraordinary meaning to me. Perhaps it is the way for me to step into the Dao Understanding Stage."    


Wang Xian was naturally happy for Jiang Fann's words.    


"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and consume it!"    


Jiang Fann shook his head. "Now is not the time, even though the power of the demon core has been suppressed a lot. But I'm not sure what happens after consuming it. Let's wait for some inheritance to consume it. If I need a huge Spiritual Strength to dissolve the medicinal strength... It's not like we're unprepared."    


These six pills couldn't be wasted. Jiang Fann himself didn't know what would happen after consuming them, so he had to be more careful.    


After putting away the pills, he returned to his original position. He had used up too much of his energy just now. He had to recover to his peak condition as soon as possible. After all, the journey wasn't too far away. Although he didn't think that the Myriad Herbs Valley would make things difficult for him, it wasn't wrong to maintain his peak condition. After all, he still had Wang Xian with him.    


Three days later, Jiang Fann's Spiritual Strength had returned to its peak condition. He had been focusing and consuming his energy during the past few months of concocting pills. This had allowed his mental energy to increase by quite a bit, and the Qi Sea had also become slightly stronger. It wasn't that he hadn't gained anything from his cultivation, but it was a pity that he still couldn't sense any possibility of breaking through.    


They had already arrived near the Myriad Herbs Valley, and there weren't any cities nearby. However, there were a lot of cultivators coming and going. Although the Myriad Herbs Valley didn't allow outsiders to come and go as they pleased, there were still a lot of cultivators coming and going. There was a market nearby. Some disciples of the Myriad Herbs Valley would bring the pills they refined to the market and sell them. This attracted many cultivators here.    


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