Reborn Medicine King

C481 Extrusion

C481 Extrusion

Jiang Fann did not ask, in case he touched Zhou Tianxiang's sore spot.    


This village was a little bigger than Qin Shaoge's group, and they could even see some carriages entering and exiting. It was obvious that this Heavenly Fire District was much safer than the Sky Wood District.    


Zhou Tianxiang was very quiet as he brought Jiang Fann into the village.    


Regarding Zhou Tianxiang's alchemist rank, Jiang Fann did not have a way to determine it either.    


His methods were extremely ingenious. Even though he had successfully refined the Earth Rank Pill, it was clear that he had not reached this level, because the medicinal formula Jiang Fann had given him before was Profound Rank. Even though it was a secret pill, it was still not something he could control.    


However, as long as he could figure it out for a period of time, he would be able to find out the crux of the problem with his methods. At that time, he would definitely be able to refine it.    


However, Jiang Fann was very clear that after this kid becomes a cultivator, he would definitely grow up very quickly in the Pill Dao. With his special aptitude, he would not have to worry about his cultivation level rising slowly at all, and one day, he would reach a very high level.    


Entering the village, they were not strictly investigated, but it was obvious that Zhou Tianxiang was quite famous there.    


The guard saw a smile on his face, but it was not friendly.    


"Screech!" "Isn't this young master Tuesday? I haven't seen you for a whole year, we thought something happened to you outside."    


The other guards laughed, their hands across their chest, as though they did not place Zhou Tianxiang in their eyes.    


Zhou Tianxiang's reaction surprised Jiang Fann. He did not resist, and with his head lowered, he walked into the village. There was no response at all.    


Jiang Fann did not say much, but looked at the few guards, memorized their appearances, and then walked into the village.    


It was very lively here, and one could see many people setting up stalls on both sides of the road, exchanging for some materials needed for refining pills. It was obvious that within the Heavenly Fire District, refining medicine was a very hot topic.    


This was also the only way for a cultivator to grow. Without a pill refiner, their growth would be greatly affected.    


Zhou Tianxiang was extremely happy to see so many materials. Although none of them were his, to be able to see so many strange materials was extremely helpful to him.    


Jiang Fann said: "These are all just ordinary herbs, I did not see a single stalk of spirit medicine on the entire street, so there is no need to waste time on them. Moreover, your ability to discern is not strong. "    


Zhou Tianxiang asked: "Master, are there a lot of spirit medicines in the outside world? Will I be able to own the medicine garden then? "    


Jiang Fann nodded his head: "Of course you can, but with your current realm, you should spend more time on cultivation. With your talent, your pill dao will definitely improve, but without the support of your realm, it will be difficult to become a Heaven Rank Pharmacist. This was also the reason why many alchemists with good aptitude were unable to cross the Heaven Stage in the end. It's because they put more time into alchemy, forgot the struggle, and missed the best cultivation age. So, their achievements cannot be very high. "    


Zhou Tianxiang nodded his head, and continued to speak: "Master, do not worry, I will not disappoint Master's teachings."    


Talking about this, Zhou Tianxiang's mood became much better, and took Jiang Fann deeper into the village, finally stopping in front of a big house. From the structure of the building, it should be the biggest house in the village, which should be the residence of the village head.    


"You live here?" Jiang Fann asked.    


Zhou Tianxiang shook his head: "Of course not, this is the residence of the village chief. Didn't master want to meet us, the powerful alchemists?"    


Jiang Fann laughed: "I thought you would take me to my house as a guest first,"    


Hearing that, Zhou Tianxiang was startled, then awkwardly said: "Bring master over later."    


Jiang Fann did not speak anymore, and directly followed Zhou Tianxiang into the center of the house. Just as he reached the door, he heard the voice of an old man, explaining something to them.    


Zhou Tianxiang made Jiang Fann whisper a little, and then, he walked in with light footsteps, with Jiang Fann following closely behind.    


Inside the spacious room, five to six young men were sitting cross-legged on the floor, attentively listening to the lecture.    


An old man with a white beard and clear eyes was explaining to the crowd what they needed to pay attention to when concocting pills.    


When he saw Jiang Fann and Yue Yang enter, he did not stop and continued to talk about his things. Just like the other youngsters, Zhou Tianxiang also found a place to sit down.    


But when the young man next to him saw that it was Zhou Tianxiang, he moved his body slightly to the side, and his eyes revealed disdain.    


Zhou Tianxiang did not reply to any of this, but Jiang Fann saw it clearly, and still did not speak.    


He leaned on the door, and listened to the village chief's explanation, but discovered that his point of view was different from Zhou Tianxiang's. It did not make his eyes light up.    


From his point of view, Zhou Tianxiang's pill dao was much stronger than the village chief's.    


However, Zhou Tianxiang was still listening very seriously, obviously showing great respect for the village chief.    


Jiang Fann could see a single piece of paper hanging in the middle of the room, exactly the same type of paper that Zhou Tianxiang had refined before.    


An hour later, the teaching ended. The village chief stood up and allowed the youngsters to leave on their own.    


Zhou Tianxiang did not leave, and waited for the others to leave. Only then did Zhou Tianxiang impatiently say: "Village Chief Grandfather, long time no see! "I'm back …"    


"Oh, Tianxiang, I knew that you would not easily get into trouble." His body has also become stronger. It's good that he's back safely. It's good that he's back. "    


He also noticed Jiang Fann and asked, "This is …"    


Zhou Tianxiang immediately replied: "This is my master, he …"    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Jiang Fann interrupted him and said, "There's no need to introduce me anymore, I'm Jiang Fann."    


Zhou Tianxiang didn't know what Jiang Fann meant and looked at him suspiciously. The village chief sized up Jiang Fann and said: "I never thought that you would learn to be my teacher at such a young age, I hope that you did not misunderstand me …"    


Zhou Tianxiang did not expect the village head to say this, and wanted to help Jiang Fann defend him.    


But Jiang Fann just laughed and did not care, he did not reply to the village head, and instead said to Zhou Tianxiang: "Take me to your house to see, I want to see your family."    


If Zhou Tianxiang was unable to sense the Spiritual Strength, Jiang Fann would probably not see his family, and would only teach him for a while, then leave some things for him, then he would be busy with his own things. He wouldn't take him out of the Five Elements Grounds and let him continue to grow here.    


But since Zhou Tianxiang could cultivate the Spiritual Strength, then Jiang Fann would not leave him in the Five Elements Grounds. It would only waste more of his time, so he had to meet this family.    


Leaving the village chief's place, Zhou Tianxiang said: "The village chief usually is not like this, it's all my fault that I didn't explain everything clearly in time."    


Jiang Fann laughed: "I also didn't want you to clarify! Moreover, his ability is not as good as yours, so there's no need to be so clear about it. "    


Zhou Tianxiang looked at Jiang Fann in shock: "The village chief is our most powerful alchemist, if Master saw him refining medicine, he definitely wouldn't say such things."    


Jiang Fann smiled but did not say a word. He did not attack him, and followed him towards his house.    


Arriving in front of a small courtyard, Zhou Tianxiang looked a little panicked, and reminded Jiang Fann: "My father doesn't have a very good temper …"    


After he finished speaking, he saw a slightly drunk man walk out from the room, stretching his back in the courtyard, and then took note of the situation at the entrance.    


"Who is it?"    


Hearing his voice, Zhou Tianxiang was startled, then lowered his head and walked into the courtyard: "Father, I'm back."    


The man was also stunned, but quickly recovered: "Bastard, where did you die this year? It's a miracle that a weak fellow like you was able to come back alive. "    


Jiang Fann's expression was cold, no wonder Zhou Tianxiang didn't say anything about his own family's situation, he didn't expect there to be such a father.    


Back then, his talent was also very poor. Although his father had been disappointed before, he would never have treated him this way.    


But when he looked at Zhou Tianxiang again, he was not disappointed at all. He took out a pill and handed it over with both hands.    


"Dad, I've succeeded. I've refined the pill formula, so I won't embarrass you any further."    


"Pa ~ ~ ~"    


The man slapped away the pills and said angrily: "What's the use of you refining the immortal pills? Don't you have no strength left in your body? I really don't understand how your mother and I gave birth to a weak chicken like you. "    


Zhou Tianxiang's body trembled slightly, he was still in his previous position, the pill had fallen to the ground and was not stained with any dust, this was the ability of a high quality pill.    


Unfortunately, his father didn't know what was good for him.    


Probably because she had heard the commotion in the courtyard, a woman walked out from her room. Seeing Zhou Tianxiang, she revealed a happy expression.    


"Son, you're finally back. Mom's worried to death."    


When Zhou Tianxiang saw his mother, he was also slightly moved. "Mother, I am truly sorry for making you worry."    


"It's good that you're back, it's good that you're back!" His mother rushed over and grabbed his hand. She looked him up and down, her eyes gentle.    


But his father said coldly, "What's so good about it? It would be better not to come back, it was really too much of an eyesore! I'll go drink! "    


After he finished speaking, he directly walked towards the main gate, ignored Jiang Fann, and shakily left. He simply could not feel the existence of kinship.    


Zhou Tianxiang squatted and picked up the pill, then said to his mother: "Mother, I didn't come back alone this time, I brought my master with me. Master is very capable, he is a strong alchemist, it is my honor to be able to learn from him."    


His mother's eyes fell on Jiang Fann, and he said with gratitude, "Thank you."    


Jiang Fann walked into the courtyard and spoke to the woman: "There's no need to be courteous, Zhou Tianxiang is an outstanding talent, he is a rare genius. I will bring him away later on, it's possible that he hasn't come back for a long time.    


Zhou Tianxiang did not expect Jiang Fann to actually want to take him away, but he did not ask. Instead, he looked at his mother, wanting to know her reaction.    


Whether or not he can come back is not important, what's important is that the child can continue to be happy. He is lacking in talent, and his physical body is much weaker than his peers. Although he has tried very hard to cultivate, it is a pity that his achievements have been limited.    


Zhou Tianxiang was a little helpless, he had never thought of leaving.    


He looked at Jiang Fann and realised that his master was extremely calm. When talking to his mother, he didn't seem like a young man at all.    


At this moment, he didn't speak. He had never imagined that his father would still behave like this after a year of not seeing him. It seemed that no matter how hard he worked, he would never truly be able to make his father happy.    


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