The Ace Bodyguard

C929 Big Trouble

C929 Big Trouble

After slapping him, Zhang Baiwan continued to speak: "You all have seen it, you all have seen it, this is the fate of those who dare to talk back, as long as I, Zhang Baiwan, speak out, I do not wish to hear any objections, in short, I will annihilate whoever dares to speak out."    


Zhang Baiwan!    


Just as Zhang Baiwan was full of himself and thinking about himself, he heard a familiar voice.    


Turning around, he saw Wang Xiao.    


"Brother Xiao, why are you here?" Upon seeing Wang Xiao, Zhang Baiwan asked happily.    


He thought that when Wang Xiao appeared, he would definitely praise him. After all, for Yang Lei's company, he brought along so many subordinates and beat up so many people. Wang Xiao always said that he did not work properly, and today, he would make Wang Xiao have a whole new level of respect for him.    


After all, he had gone through great pains to accomplish a proper task, so naturally he hoped to receive Wang Xiao's praise.    


"Zhang Baiwan, who let you deal with these people." Wang Xiao asked seriously.    




Zhang Baiwan said loudly: "These birds people, they really deserve to die. F * ck, they sure have big balls, daring to come here to cause trouble, aren't they courting death? Don't worry Brother Xiao, leave these matters to me. From now on, as long as you don't dare to do it or are unwilling to do it, you can leave everything to me. "    


Seeing Zhang Baiwan's carefree look, Wang Xiao really wanted to give him a kick and send him flying, but in the end, Wang Xiao endured it. After all, he had good intentions and brought so many of his subordinates with him. If he really beat Zhang Baiwan up in front of so many brothers, he would lose face.    


"Get lost with your men." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


"Brother Xiao, I'm actually helping you. You actually told me to scram." Zhang Baiwan said unhappily.    


A man who had been beaten up said, "You all have no respect for the law, yet you casually beat people up. I will definitely inform you all, as well as Huayao Group, it is also related to this matter."    


Wang Xiao felt that he was in the wrong, so he apologized: "Sorry, my subordinate went overboard with his actions, I apologize in your place."    




The man snorted coldly, then turned around. He did not want to see Wang Xiao, nor did he want to accept Wang Xiao's apology. Perhaps it was because he felt that Wang Xiao was easy to bully, so he did not want to accept Wang Xiao's apology. It's already too late for regret. Weren't you all very arrogant just now? "    


Wang Xiao was displeased, he had already given the other party a lot of face by apologizing to him, but he did not accept it, furthermore, it was not him who beat them up, but Zhang Baiwan's subordinates. Although Zhang Baiwan was his little brother, this was not what he wanted.    


In these past few years, Wang Xiao rarely apologized to anyone. Even those strong opponents like Yin Tianzheng, the Fifth Elder, his current opponents, the Second Elder, and the Third Uncle Dai, he had never lowered his head in front of these experts.    


"Brother, I'm very sorry for what happened just now. I am willing to bear all responsibility, pay the medical expenses, and compensate all of your losses." Wang Xiao continued to apologize.    


The man said, "Don't be hypocritical, I won't accept your apology."    


"No, we don't."    


The remaining people also started a commotion one after another, as they did not want to accept Wang Xiao's apology. These people actually did not give Wang Xiao any face at all, and were not afraid of him either.    


Countless people denounced Wang Xiao, and had actually ordered their subordinates to beat them up. Now that they stood out and spoke good words, it was clear that it was an act. Actually, these people had misunderstood him, because Wang Xiao did not order this matter to do so. If they wanted to deal with them, Wang Xiao also needed to use this method.    


Although he was being condemned by countless people, Wang Xiao still continued to apologize. No matter what, it was his subordinate, Zhang Baiwan who beat them up, so he should apologize and apologize.    


Seeing that countless of people were denouncing Wang Xiao, Di Loong said: "Everyone, you have misunderstood, my Brother Xiao did not allow Zhang Baiwan to use force against you, my brother was indeed a little reckless in doing things, here, I apologize on his behalf."    


With that said, Di Loong bowed to everyone.    


However, these people were angry and didn't give face to anyone.    


"Who are you?" a man asked.    


"That's right, who are you? Does this have anything to do with you? What right do you have to stand out and speak up for the perpetrator?" The other man said angrily as well.    




Following that, the men continued to criticize and criticize Wang Xiao.    


Zhang Baiwan clenched his fists tightly, he could not bear to watch these birdmen talk, who the hell were these people, why did they have to talk so much about Wang Xiao and Di Loong, it was simply too much. In his heart, Wang Xiao was the Clan Master of the Divine Monarch Sect and his little sister's boyfriend, so no one was allowed to be so rude to Wang Xiao.    


As for Di Loong, Zhang Baiwan had some respect for him, as he was a Deputy Sect Leader of the Divine Monarch Sect after all. Although Zhang Baiwan usually had some opinions towards Di Loong, in his heart, Di Loong had always been a Deputy Sect Leader of the sect.    


A man angrily said to Wang Xiao: "For this matter, you must give us an explanation. Otherwise, we definitely won't agree."    


As he was speaking, the man was actually gesticulating at Wang Xiao, maybe he felt that Wang Xiao's character was good, or maybe he thought that Wang Xiao did not dare to make a move, so in front of Wang Xiao, he did not give Wang Xiao any face at all.    


Zhang Baiwan could no longer tolerate it, so he sent a palm flying.    






A loud and clear slap came out, only to see Zhang Baiwan fiercely giving the man a slap. As for the man, after he let out a painful cry, he was immediately sent flying and heavily smashed into the ground. The man was beaten until he became dizzy and unable to stand up.    


The remaining men all said, "How can you hit someone else again?"    


"Truly blind and ignorant."    


"This is too much."    


"Call the police, call the police right now, we have to let the police handle this."    


Zhang Baiwan shouted: "Shut your mouth, whoever dares to f * cking speak, I will kill them all. F * ck you guys, you birds, you actually dare to point fingers at my Brother Xiao, and even point at his forehead, who do you think you are, you don't know your place!"    


These people immediately shut their mouths, not daring to speak anymore because they felt that Zhang Baiwan was a very fierce person, a person who was as vicious as him, would never listen to reason. In any case, if someone offended this kind of unreasonable person, they would definitely not have a good life.    


After walking to the man's side, Zhang Baiwan fiercely stomped on him a few times.    




The man held his head and cried out in pain.    


As he stepped on the man, Zhang Baiwan said: "Fuck you, I'll beat you to death, and even if you kill me, I'll just go to prison, since my boss is rich, and can take out thirty to fifty million at any time, I won't retaliate at all."    


This man was afraid, afraid, he was truly afraid of being beaten to death by Zhang Baiwan.    


"Please spare my life, stop hitting, stop hitting, I'm begging you." The man kept begging.    


Although the other party was begging for mercy, Zhang Baiwan still felt that it was not enough to vent his anger and continued to fiercely speak: "Fuck your grandfather, weren't you very arrogant just now? Weren't you very awesome just now, why are you continuously begging for mercy like a grandson now?"    


These bird people not only apologized with respect, they even agreed to compensate them for all their losses and fees. But not only did they not agree to it, they even stepped on their nose and face. To deal with these bird people, one needed an evil person like Zhang Baiwan.    


In any case, Zhang Baiwan had already beat them up, so it was useless to say anything now. In fact, Wang Xiao also felt that using force in this situation was a mistake, but Zhang Baiwan had already done the deed.    


Once the matter was resolved and he didn't turn back, he could only continue to do so even more forcefully, scaring the other party before negotiating with him again.    


Di Loong also did not say a word, ignoring Zhang Baiwan's actions.    


Seeing that Wang Xiao and Di Loong did not speak, Zhang Baiwan became even more arrogant, and he became even more unbridled.    


Sun Yang and Yang Lei were standing in the office.    


"Director Yang, it's really Wang Xiao, he clearly already appeared, but he still allowed his subordinates to beat up these people, this is really too much." Sun Yang said angrily.    


The reason why she asked Wang Xiao for help was so that he could settle this issue and find a way to settle it, not so that Wang Xiao could beat these people up. If beating them up could solve the problem, she would not look for Wang Xiao personally.    


Although Yang Lei was not the Wulin People, she had money. If she had only beaten these people up, this matter could be resolved. She could find him anytime. As long as they were given several hundred thousand gold coins, someone would naturally step in. Even if they were given several million gold coins, there would be people who would dare to kill these people.    


But after thinking about it, Yang Lei felt that maybe Wang Xiao had her own difficulties. She had seen with her own eyes when Wang Xiao had just appeared, how she had continuously apologized and saluted to those people, but they were still not dealt with. Furthermore, those people were even more arrogant, and did not put Wang Xiao in their eyes.    


Afterwards, because Zhang Baiwan was very angry, he couldn't help but make his move.    


"Director Yang, quickly call Wang Xiao and tell him not to tolerate his subordinates and beat up these people." Sun Yang said worriedly.    




After sighing, Yang Lei said: "Forget it, let Wang Xiao handle this matter. I believe in him, perhaps he does not want to help, but since it has already been accomplished, this is the only way."    


"Director Yang, what time is it for you to still believe in Wang Xiao so much?" Sun Yang said.    


Yang Lei felt that Sun Yang was a little annoyed. She did not believe Wang Xiao, and did not want to leave this matter for Wang Xiao to handle. Yang Lei was sure that if she really left this matter to Sun Yang, she would not have any other choice but to cry.    


Ling Xue, who had been silent all this time, said at this moment: "Wang Xiao's actions are correct, now that things have reached such a stage, we can only use this method. If we do not scare these people, when they return, they will definitely report it, or even create something out of nothing, which will be even more troublesome."    


And at this time, after Zhang Baiwan gave this man a good beating, he asked: "After you go back, how will you report this? Will you report whether or not there's a problem with the Huayao Group medicine?    


"I don't dare, I don't dare." The man said pitifully.    


"Then how do you report it?" Zhang Baiwan continued to ask.    


Wang Xiao realised that in truth, Zhang Baiwan was not stupid. He did not only know how to use force to beat his opponent up, he also knew how to report to his opponent after he returned home.    


The man said, "I won't say anything after I go back. I won't report anything."    


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