The Ace Bodyguard

C592 Infinite Disappointment

C592 Infinite Disappointment

Looking at Lver's excited and joyous expression, and that smiling expression that was like a flower, Wang Xiao was both excited and happy, but at the same time, he was also a little worried. If he walked out of this fog area, would Lver still accompany him, and would she leave by herself?    


Therefore, Wang Xiao felt even more towards Lver. When he first met Lver in the past, he only felt that Lver was beautiful, and that was why he was tempted. But now it was different. After all, they were going to climb mountains together and endure hardships together.    


However, in a blink of an eye, Wang Xiao had opened his mind. There were no banquet in the world that did not disperse, and some people were destined to only be passersby in their lives, as they quickly passed by. Perhaps, it was only fate that meant nothing to Lver. They had to separate at all costs, she had to leave at all costs.    


"Idiot, let's hurry up and go. I've had enough of this damn place. I don't want to stay even for a minute." Lver didn't notice the change in Wang Xiao's expression, he only wanted to leave this damn place quickly.    


"Lver..." Wang Xiao called out.    


"What's wrong?" Lver asked.    


After thinking about it, Wang Xiao smiled lightly: "Nothing, I'm just happy."    


"This is really strange, let's not waste any more time and quickly leave." Lver revealed a sweet smile to Wang Xiao, then she ran towards the direction of the valley, she did not want to stay for even a minute.    


Seeing Lver running towards the direction of the valley happily, and seeing her so happy, Wang Xiao was happy for her as long as Lver was happy, everything else was fine. The two of them were like people in the famine era, once they saw food, they rushed forward without a care in the world.    






As Wang Xiao and Lver ran, the two of them got closer and closer to the valley. They could already clearly see the sun-like scene, and since entering the fog area, this was the first time the two had seen such a sun-like scene.    


Looking at the sunny scene in the valley, it was as if the two of them saw the hope for survival. In the misty forest, Wang Xiao and Lver ran towards the valley one after the other. Finally, they entered the valley, and when they entered the fire in the valley, the two of them were disappointed.    






"… …"    


The two looked around in astonishment, only to see that the valley was filled with fog, the same fog as before, the fog was everywhere, and in the valley, other than the fog, there were only messy rocks, some gray grass and trees, and so on.    


Wang Xiao and Lver looked at the mountain valley in shock. The joy and agitation they had earlier was now gone, and the two were very disappointed. He originally thought that after entering this valley, he would find a way out of the fog, but...    


Wang Xiao only felt a wave of coldness in his heart, as if someone had thrown cold water on his head and turned him into a drowned chicken. Earlier, when they were outside the valley, they had clearly seen the light inside. However, upon entering, they realized that there was nothing inside.    


Could it be an illusion? Could it be that what I saw just now was fake?    






Wang Xiao felt that it was impossible. If all of this was an illusion, then if what he saw just now was fake, Wang Xiao would find it hard to believe. Because when he and Lver saw the sunlight shining brightly at the same time, if one person was mistaken, it was possible, but it was definitely not possible for both of them to be wrong.    


The feeling of loss made Wang Xiao feel disheartened.    


But it was even more of a mistake for Lver. She stared blankly, her face pale, as she looked around the valley in disappointment. If it wasn't for Wang Xiao, she would probably have cried loudly. She clearly saw hope, but in the end she actually gave up all hope.    


Looking at Lver's pale face, Wang Xiao knew that she must be in a terrible spot, unable to accept this reality. Although Lver had a very strong personality, she was, after all, a woman, so she couldn't be compared to Wang Xiao.    


Lver's body slightly trembled, as if she could not stand steadily and could fall to the ground at any time. Wang Xiao also felt very uncomfortable, and he hoped that Lver could hold on, persevere, not lose heart, and not give up. The more desperate a situation was, the stronger one had to be, and the stronger they had to be to be able to walk out of here alive.    


If one was disheartened and lost their faith, then one would never be able to leave this place. This was just like a person who had entered the desert. If he had always believed that he could leave the desert and that he could leave this place alive, then he would have the motivation and the firm conviction to do so. If this person lost his confidence and thought that he wouldn't be able to leave the desert alive and give up on himself, then he would definitely not be able to leave the desert alive and would definitely die in the desert.    


Lver's eyes were a little moist. She seemed as if she wanted to say something, but was unable to say it out loud. It was as if she wanted to cry loudly to vent the depression in her heart. However, because of her personality, she was unable to cry.    


"Lver, don't be upset." Wang Xiao consoled.    


"Idiot." Lver's voice was very sad. When she used to call Wang Xiao an idiot, most of the time she would only tease Wang Xiao or intentionally make him angry, but this time it was different. She called him an idiot from the bottom of her heart, treating him as if he was their common tribulation.    


"Lver, just say whatever you want to say. Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you." Although Wang Xiao was also very disappointed and had a kind of dispirited feeling, he still calmed her mind. She knew that to comfort Lver, she had to be afraid that Lver would not be able to think of it and would thus become sick.    


Lver said, "When you were outside the valley earlier, you also saw the light, right?"    


"Yes." Wang Xiao nodded.    


Lver's sad eyes looked all around, and no one knew what she was thinking about. After a few breaths, she said sorrowfully: "Wang Xiao, are we all going to die?"    


Wang Xiao also did not expect Lver to suddenly ask this question, so she was slightly surprised, could it be that her heart had died, that was why she asked such a question. There was a saying that goes, grief is nothing but death in the heart. Could it be that Lver had fallen into despair, and thus said these words?    


"Lver, how can you say such words?" Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


"Wang Xiao, I heard that when people are about to die, they will often see illusions, similar to the illusion in the Sea City's Mirage Tower. What we saw earlier, whether it was an illusion or not, is it because we are about to die, that's why the illusion appeared." Lver asked.    


"No, Lver, don't let your imagination run wild. Don't worry, as long as we continue to persevere, we will definitely be able to leave this place, and walk out of this place alive. I believe that we won't die here any time soon, definitely not." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


"Idiot, are you trying to comfort me?" Lver asked.    


"Lver, listen to me. No matter what the situation is, you can't give up on yourself. I won't let you give up on yourself, and I absolutely won't allow you to give up on yourself."    


"But, we clearly saw light before, so why is it that after entering this valley, it's still mist? And the mist we saw earlier is gone." Lver asked.    


In regards to Lver's question, Wang Xiao was also unable to answer. He had originally wanted to comfort Lver, but because Wang Xiao was also somewhat distracted, he was momentarily unable to do so. He did not know what to say about Lver, or how to comfort her.    


Lver was not the only one who was disappointed. Especially when she thought about the little demon's good brothers, Wang Xiao's heart burned with anxiety. Ever since he entered this space, he had lost contact with the little demon and the others. She did not know where the good brothers were, how they were faring, and whether they met with danger.    


The more anxious he was, the more impatient he was, the more impossible it was for him to leave this space. Therefore, Wang Xiao's current state of mind was even more anxious than Lver's. But because he was a man, an upright and proper man, and the Patriarch of the Divine Monarch Sect, Wang Xiao had to comfort Lver and bring him courage. It was just like how a general must learn to be strong on the battlefield. Even if he lost the battle, he must bring courage to his subordinates and let them see that there was still hope for victory.    


As long as we persevere, I believe we will definitely be able to walk out of this fog area. I don't believe that this fog area is as big as Earth's, and that as long as we have the determination to persevere, we will be able to walk around the Earth. " Wang Xiao said with a serious expression.    


Lver did not say anything, maybe she felt that Wang Xiao's words were reasonable, as long as she could persevere, even Earth would be able to circle around her once.    


Wang Xiao continued to speak, "This realm was created by the Divine Monarch. Even though the Divine Monarch was very powerful and had surpassed the Divine level, he is after all not a god and is only a person. No matter how powerful he is, the space that he opens cannot be larger than Earth."    


Following Wang Xiao's consoling, Lver's originally depressed and despairing mood gradually improved. Yes, Wang Xiao was right, this space was created by the. Although the Divine Monarch was extremely powerful, he was only a single person after all.    


Under Wang Xiao's consoling and encouraging words, Lver gradually relaxed herself and gained confidence and courage. But in the next moment, after she carefully looked at the valley, she said to Wang Xiao in astonishment: "Idiot, quickly look at this valley."    


Seeing Lver making such a big fuss over nothing, Wang Xiao also curiously looked at the valley. However, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that this valley was very ordinary. There was nothing special about it. There were neither the sounds of birds chirping nor the scenery of the strange mountain.    


If there was anything out of the ordinary about this valley, it was that it was very large. Observing the valley, he still did not find anything unusual, and even some unusual places, Wang Xiao curiously said to Lver: "Lver, there isn't anything special about this place. What did you discover?"    


Lver's face was very ugly. Her face was pale and bloodless, even paler than before.    


Wang Xiao was also very curious as to why Lver was so shocked.    


"Idiot, did you really not see that?" Lver continued to ask.    


Wang Xiao looked carefully at the valley again. Could it be that he had overlooked something in the valley? After carefully looking around, Wang Xiao suddenly found a problem. This valley was very familiar, there was a sense of familiarity, as if he had been here before.    






Wang Xiao shook his head inwardly. He felt that it was impossible, how could this be possible, the fog area here was huge, and they had just entered the dense fog, how could they have come to this place? He must have seen wrongly, he must have seen wrongly. Wang Xiao did not think that they had really come here.    


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