The Ace Bodyguard

C480 Wagging

C480 Wagging

The lofty and arrogant Zhang Wei in the past was actually unable to withstand a single blow from Wang Xiao, as if he was a pug begging for mercy. However, this was also normal, because no matter how high one's status was, when faced with a life or death situation, they would all quietly beg for mercy like Zhang Wei.    


For example, during the Yuan Dynasty, when the Mongols were ruling over China, which of their nobles weren't high and mighty, as if they were the rulers of the entire world, as if they were omnipotent beings. However, later on, when the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed by Zhu Yuanzhang, the normally domineering people and the people in the past who could do anything lost their former glory. Other than kneeling and begging for mercy, there was only death for them.    


"What right do you have to call me brother?" Wang Xiao said in disdain.    


"Yes, yes, yes …" "Brother..." Zhang Wei immediately covered his mouth. He almost called out Brother Wang Xiao just now. Zhang Wei was very clear that if he had been called Brother Wang Xiao just now, he would have definitely been beaten up by Wang Xiao again.    


"Brother Wang, Brother Wang, let's talk this out, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Zhang Wei changed his answer.    


At the same time!    


Outside in the yard, there were more than ten security guards. One of them said to the person beside him, "Did you hear that just now? There seemed to be movement on the second floor." Due to the soundproofing effect of Zhang Wei's villa, it was very hard for the security guards in the courtyard to hear the sounds coming from the second floor. They could only faintly hear a few sounds.    


"Yeah, I heard it too." Another security guard said.    


"Why don't we go up and take a look?" The security guard said.    


The captain walked over and wanted to ask, "What were you two whispering about just now? If you don't want to do it, then scram. If you still want to do it, then protect this place well."    


"Captain, it's like this. I think I heard a sound coming from the second floor." The security guard explained.    


"Yeah, Captain, I also think I heard some noises on the second floor." Another security guard confirmed.    


"Nonsense, could it be that only you know, but I don't. Of course there's movement on the second floor, it's normal. If there's no movement then it's not normal." The security chief swore.    


"Captain, there's a bit of a commotion. Should we go up and take a look?" The security guard that spoke first said.    


Boom! *    


"Captain gave the security guard a kick." The heck, do they want to die, or are they trying to be fired? Have you all forgotten what Director Zhang said before? No matter what you hear, you are not allowed to go upstairs. You all are really dumb, in the middle of the night, Director Zhang must definitely be together with that beauty … "That's why it's normal for there to be some noise."    


As the captain scolded them, the two security guards nodded their heads repeatedly, thinking that what the captain said might be very reasonable. Director Zhang must be together with that beauty in the bedroom on the second floor, so the commotion caused was rather big. They were really envious of Zhang Wei, it was better if he was rich. Rich people were indeed different, they could live a beautiful life every day.    


Zhang Wei was doing all sorts of things with beauties in his room, enjoying the care and attention of beauties. However, these people, were obediently standing outside, and could only watch over Zhang Wei's house and yard. If they had the money, they could live the same life.    


Many of the security guards raised their heads and looked towards the second floor at the same time. Many of them were even fantasizing about how Zhang Wei would react to that woman, what kind of tricks she would use, etc.    


"F * ck, what are you guys looking at? Our job is to protect the safety of Director Zhang, who asked you to look at the villa. Everyone look out, if anyone dares to continue looking at the villa, I'll make them f * ck off."    


Just when the security guards were all looking towards the villa, all of them immersed in their fantasies, an angry voice rang out. This voice belonged to the captain. Under the authority of the captain, these people immediately turned serious.    


Zhang Wei sat inside his bedroom with a mournful expression. He had really wished that the security guards outside would appear in time to save him. If the security guards noticed the commotion and dared to come, Wang Xiao would definitely leave.    


He shouted loudly, unlike the other security guards who took the initiative to come forward. If it was him who was shouting loudly, it would definitely incite Wang Xiao's killing intent and cause him to make a move. If it was those security guards who took the initiative to come over, Wang Xiao might have left. This was equivalent to assuming that a woman was robbed. Furthermore, the place where she was robbed was rather remote and there weren't many pedestrians.    


If the woman had shouted loudly during the robbery, the criminal would definitely have killed her in anger. However, if that woman didn't call for help and just happened to pass by a few passersby, those criminals would usually leave automatically and wouldn't kill them.    


Zhang Wei knew that his current situation was similar. He could only hope that the security guards would come over when they discovered something abnormal. However, just when he had that thought, Zhang Wei fell into despair. The treasures in the courtyard would definitely not notice anything strange, and even if they did, they would not come to the second floor.    


Because he had just said hello to the security guards, they were not allowed to come up no matter what they heard upstairs. After receiving this order, even if the security guards heard the commotion, they wouldn't come in. Zhang Wei fearfully looked at Wang Xiao. He realized that Wang Xiao's eyes were fearsome, and his aura was also very strong. Especially the powerful aura that was being emitted from Wang Xiao's body, it was so intimidating that he could not say anything.    


"Brother Wang, Brother Wang Xiao, I beg you, please let me go, I am just a serious businessman, I have no enmity with you." Zhang Wei pleaded.    


Wang Xiao grabbed Zhang Wei's arm, then lifted him up and tossed him into the air.    


Boom! *    


Zhang Wei's body dropped from the sky and hit the ground heavily, causing him to clench his teeth in pain. It was too painful. It felt as if all the bones in his body were about to break. He did not expect Wang Xiao to be so ruthless, after grabbing him, he directly smashed him to the ground. If he used even more strength, or was in an even higher position, he would have definitely been smashed to death by Wang Xiao.    


"Brother Wang, Brother Wang, please don't be angry, please don't be angry. I have no enmity with you, why are you treating me like this?" Zhang Wei said fearfully.    




Wang Xiao coldly snorted, then walked to Zhang Wei's side and stepped on his head. A strong killing intent flashed across Wang Xiao's eyes. He really wanted to use this power to stomp on Zhang Wei's head until it broke. With just a slight force,'s head would be like a watermelon. However, just as Wang Xiao was about to use his full strength, just as he was about to kill Wang Xiao, he thought of a person.    


Yang Lei!    


Right, it was Yang Lei.    


Yang Lei had once told Wang Xiao that if she had to deal with Zhang Wei, she could only call the police and collect all of Zhang Wei's crimes before sending him to prison. Yang Lei had never wanted him to kill anyone. If she knew that she had killed Zhang Wei, although they wouldn't be cut off from each other, she would definitely blame him for killing too many people.    


After thinking about Yang Lei, a lot of the killing intent in Wang Xiao's heart disappeared. Zhang Wei had also helped Yang Lei before. Although she harbored ill intentions, she had at least helped Yang Lei's company before.    


"Brother Wang, I am an official businessman, I really don't have any hatred towards you. Furthermore, I have helped Yang Lei before. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask Yang Lei. When there was a shortage of Huayao Group, I provided two billion free of charge. " Zhang Wei said.    


"Zhang Wei, do you really have no enmity with me?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Really." Zhang Wei said.    


"Did you forget all these things when you found an assassin to deal with me?" Wang Xiao asked.    


How could I find an assassin to deal with you? There must be someone trying to frame me, Brother Wang, you know, many people are jealous of me, because Tianyao Group is very big, and my career is becoming more and more popular, blocking many people's path to riches, thus many people are jealous. I'm sure those people will frame me because they're jealous of me. " Zhang Wei vowed, to the point of almost swearing it.    


Wang Xiao kicked Zhang Wei, causing his body to spin on the ground, and then smashed into the wall.    




Zhang Wei cried out in pain, Wang Xiao's kick was really forceful, he only felt that his internal organs seemed to have been shattered by Wang Xiao's kick. F * ck, are the security guards dead? Why didn't they all come in?    


At this moment!    


The security guards outside noticed that the commotion was getting louder and louder, along with the sound of Zhang Wei's cries of pain.    


"What's wrong with the Director Zhang? I thought I heard him scream in pain." A security guard said.    


"I heard it too." Another security guard said.    


"Could it be that Director Zhang was playing some new trick with that girl, and accidentally hurt himself?"    


"Who would have thought that Director Zhang was really lustful. Every night, he would bring back different women, and every time, he brought back different women, it would cause a lot of commotion."    


"I really wonder what medicine Director Zhang took that was actually so powerful. From this, it can be seen that the woman must be in a miserable state right now. Her hair must have been messed up by the Director Zhang and she was drenched in sweat. "    


"Of course, that's a must, that woman is so beautiful and sexy, Director Zhang will definitely have enough fun, how can she not be crazy?" Another security guard said.    


These people admired Zhang Wei a lot, and were even fantasizing how much he had done to that beauty. Not only that, they were also fantasizing just how much trouble they would cause that girl if they were Zhang Wei. Actually, how could they have known that Zhang Wei was being beaten up so badly by Wang Xiao? If they knew about this, they would definitely rush in to protect Zhang Wei.    


Zhang Wei's hands covered his chest, and his body bent. Because it was too painful, he used his hands to cover his chest, and then bent his body;    


"Zhang Wei, are you still not telling the truth?" Wang Xiao gave Zhang Wei another kick, causing him to lose his head.    


Zhang Wei scratched his head. The pain in his head just now was like a powerful electric current quickly entering his head. Under the excruciating pain, he almost fainted. Although Zhang Wei had beaten him up, Zhang Wei was actually happy.    


Why was he getting beaten up by Wang Xiao, Zhang Wei was even happier, because he knew, Wang Xiao would definitely not kill him, he just wanted to teach him a lesson. If Wang Xiao wanted to kill him, she would not beat him up. Thinking till this point, Zhang Wei finally relaxed. Although the feeling of being beaten up was very painful, as long as he was alive, it didn't matter if he was beaten up.    


"Brother Wang, I will speak, I will speak. Please let me go!" Zhang Wei said in a pitiful manner.    


"Speak, be honest with me. Perhaps I can spare your dog life."    


Zhang Wei was quiet for a moment, but in the silence, his thoughts flew, and he thought of many problems. If he did not admit it, he would definitely be beaten up by Wang Xiao again. After being beaten up by Wang Xiao this brutally, even if he did not die, he would still be severely injured.    


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