The Ace Bodyguard

C461 Hate of the Tsurukawa Family

C461 Hate of the Tsurukawa Family

Yang Lei thought of one person, Zhang Wei. Yes, he was Zhang Wei, the chairman of the Tianyao Group. Zhang Wei was very rich, and he hated Wang Xiao, so he sent killers to him twice.    


"Wang Xiao, was it Zhang Wei who sent the assassin?" Yang Lei asked anxiously.    




Wang Xiao casually nodded his head, and did not say anything else. Furthermore, towards Zhang Wei, Wang Xiao actually did not have the slightest bit of hatred. Perhaps it was because he knew that the Female Boss was killed by the Tokugawa Family, therefore, Wang Xiao was in a very bad mood, and wasn't in the mood to pay attention to Zhang Wei.    


If he had not heard the news of Female Boss's death and his mood had not been affected, Wang Xiao would have gone to find Zhang Wei and kill him.    


Knowing that Zhang Wei was the one who had hired assassins to deal with Wang Xiao, Yang Lei was very angry. How could Zhang Wei be like this, repeatedly finding assassins to deal with Wang Xiao. The first time, she had pleaded with Wang Xiao for help, hoping that he would let his go. After all, she was once Zhang Wei's friend.    


The second time, Zhang Wei found someone to assassinate Wang Xiao. That time, although Yang Lei hated him, she did not want Wang Xiao to kill Zhang Wei in anger.    


But this time, Yang Lei was really angry. Zhang Wei actually could not tell what was good for him and sent experts to deal with Wang Xiao time and time again. In Yang Lei's heart, Wang Xiao was tens, hundreds, or even thousands of times more important than him. As long as Wang Xiao was safe, it didn't matter even if Zhang Wei died thousands of times.    


"Wang Xiao, what do you plan to do with Zhang Wei. Don't worry, I won't interfere this time. I know that with your abilities, killing Zhang Wei is as easy as flipping your palm, but I suggest that you assassinate him because that way, you can avoid all the trouble. " Yang Lei said.    


The current Yang Lei was deeply regretful. If not for her persuasion, Wang Xiao would have killed Zhang Wei a long time ago. This would not have happened today.    


Yang Lei had originally thought that Wang Xiao would definitely be furious, and would definitely seek revenge. However, she absolutely did not expect that Wang Xiao actually did not want to take revenge.    


"Forget it, I'm not in the mood right now." Wang Xiao shook his head indifferently.    


With regards to Zhang Wei dealing with him, Wang Xiao didn't care at all. He had even forgotten about the grudge, because at this moment, he was completely disheartened. A disheartened person would never care about such trivial matters. Zhang Wei was undoubtedly hateful, but compared to Tokugawa Family, Wang Xiao hated Tokugawa Family even more, and the little enmity he had with Zhang Wei was also far inferior to Tokugawa Family.    


"Wang Xiao, will you blame me?" Yang Lei asked as he blamed himself.    


"What do I blame you for?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Yang Lei said: "The last two times you wanted to kill Zhang Wei, but because of me, you gave up. "I am truly regretful. If I knew that he would be this stubborn, I would have let you deal with him back then."    


"This matter has nothing to do with you. Furthermore, the reason I didn't kill Zhang Wei back then was also my own decision." Regarding this matter, Wang Xiao indeed did not blame Yang Lei, because there really was no need. As a man, he couldn't just push the blame onto a woman. This wasn't Wang Xiao's personality.    


"Wang Xiao, it's all my fault, don't worry. No matter what you decide in the future, I won't have any objections." Yang Lei said.    


Wang Xiao didn't want to speak anymore. If it wasn't to protect Yang Lei, he would have long ago entered the deep mountains to find a quiet and secluded place.    


Yang Lei also felt that Wang Xiao did not want to speak and she initially wanted to follow quietly by Wang Xiao's side. But after thinking about how Wang Xiao was injured, Yang Lei said: "Wang Xiao, let me send you to the hospital."    


"No need, I appreciate your good intentions." Wang Xiao shook his head, indicating that he did not want to go to the hospital.    


"But you're injured. If you don't go to the hospital, the wound will become infected." Yang Lei said anxiously.    


"Don't worry, I'm fine." Wang Xiao said indifferently.    


"Wang Xiao, you are not responsible for yourself, you can choose to not care about yourself, but I have to care about you, and no matter what, you have to go to the hospital." Yang Lei pulled Wang Xiao's hand and was about to send him to the hospital. However, she was just a female, with no power to bind a chicken, his strength was not even one percent of Wang Xiao's, so Yang Lei was unable to make a move against his.    


"Wang Xiao, don't be so willful, you will get an infection in your wound." Yang Lei was getting more and more anxious. Why was Wang Xiao so stubborn, he didn't care about his own body.    


"Yang Lei, I've already said it before, I'm fine, please don't bother me anymore." Because she was not in a good mood, and Yang Lei was not resting at all, Wang Xiao was somewhat confused. He could care less about anything, but he could not care less about the life and death of the Female Boss.    


Yang Lei was very disappointed and upset. She was clearly concerned about Wang Xiao, but not only did Wang Xiao not appreciate her kindness, she even despised her. However, thinking about Wang Xiao's current mood, Yang Lei still endured it. She knew that Wang Xiao's mood was extremely bad, so she didn't want to haggle over nothing with Wang Xiao.    


"Wang Xiao, I'll call the police right now and have the police come to arrest Zhang Wei." Yang Lei said.    


This matter should be left to the police to handle. If the evidence is conclusive, Zhang Wei will be sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, because it is a very serious crime to continuously find assassins to assassinate Wang Xiao three times. Even if Zhang Wei was the chairman of Tianyao Group, he still couldn't be blamed for it, because even if Zhang Wei went to jail, his Tianyao Group wouldn't close down. After all, there were many shareholders in Tianyao Group.    


"No need, I'll take care of this myself." Wang Xiao said.    


With regards to this matter regarding Zhang Wei, it wasn't that Wang Xiao didn't want to settle it, it was just that he didn't want to make a move yet, and didn't have the mood to do so.    


"Wang Xiao, you can forgive Zhang Wei but I won't forgive him. Even if you don't want to seek him out for revenge, I will have to inform the police to collect his crimes and send him to jail." Yang Lei said.    


Wang Xiao left with an aged expression. He really needed peace and quiet right now. He needed peace and quiet by himself.    


Yang Lei originally wanted to call the police, but after seeing that Wang Xiao had left, she felt that Wang Xiao did not want him to bother with this matter, and could only give up on calling the police. Since Wang Xiao didn't want him to interfere in this matter, she would listen to Wang Xiao's arrangements. Perhaps, it wasn't that Wang Xiao didn't want to deal with him, it was just that she didn't want to at the moment.    


After arriving at the car park, Wang Xiao told Yang Lei to get on the car. He used the Genuine Qi to seal his wound to prevent the wound from bleeding too much and getting infected. Although the death of the Female Boss had a huge impact on him, Wang Xiao would definitely not be unlucky. As a man, he wasn't that weak.    


He would definitely take revenge and destroy the entire Tokugawa Family. He would make the people in the Tokugawa Family regret their actions and live in fear for all of their lives, all the way until the end of their days. Those who dare to attack the people around them must be prepared for a frenzied revenge.    


After Yang Lei got on the carriage, she tried to think of ways to talk to Wang Xiao, chat with him, and dissolve the worries in Wang Xiao's heart. But Wang Xiao really did not want to speak. She was sure that the reason why Wang Xiao was so worried and had a vicissitudes of life was not because of the matter of Zhang Wei finding the killer.    


If it was all because of the incident with the Zhang Wei Sect, he wouldn't be in such a difficult situation, he could just go and take revenge. However, Wang Xiao seemed to have received this blow, as if it was not because of this matter at all. exactly what kind of matter could cause Wang Xiao to be so concerned and hurt him so much? It seemed that this matter was not ordinary, and would definitely not be simple.    


"Wang Xiao, you have something on your mind. My guess is that the reason why you're feeling so uncomfortable is definitely not because of this matter regarding Zhang Wei." Yang Lei said.    


"Well, yes." Wang Xiao casually replied.    


"Can you tell me what makes you so negative?" Yang Lei asked curiously.    


"Sorry, I want to be quiet." Wang Xiao said.    




After she let out a helpless sigh, Yang Lei looked out of the window. Since Wang Xiao didn't want to say it, it wouldn't be convenient for her to ask. After arriving at the villa, Wang Xiao stopped the car and entered the courtyard together with Yang Lei. He didn't want to enter the villa, she just wanted to be by herself in the courtyard quiet and peaceful.    


"Wang Xiao, I have an anti-inflammatory medicine in my villa, since you don't want to go to the hospital, then go with me to the villa. I will give you some anti-inflammatory medicine to prevent anger from coming out of your mouth." Yang Lei said with concern.    


"I appreciate your kindness. I want to be alone for a while." Wang Xiao sat in the pavilion, quietly looking at the lotus pond below the pavilion. There were lotus flowers in the pond, jade green lotus leaves were spread across the surface of the water, and golden fish were swimming around in the water.    


This was not the time for lotus flowers to bloom. If this was the time for lotus flowers to bloom, he would definitely be able to see the bright lotus flowers in the water. That kind of scene would definitely be very beautiful. However, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, based on Wang Xiao's current mood, he was probably not in the mood to watch it.    


Yang Lei originally wanted to talk with Wang Xiao, chat and help him relieve his boredom, but she knew Wang Xiao only wanted to be quiet for a bit, so she had no choice but to leave. Before she left, Yang Lei looked at Wang Xiao with her profound gaze. She was really worried about Wang Xiao, but she couldn't do anything to help him out, so she blamed herself.    


As he sat alone and silently in the pavilion, Wang Xiao thought of many things. As a Wulin People, he had to possess great strength in order to ensure the safety of the people around him, and to be able to easily avenge his grudges and grudges.    


If he was strong, he would not have stayed in such a depressed state. Instead, he would have gone to the island to deal with the Tokugawa Family and avenge the Female Boss.    


However, because his strength was lacking, Wang Xiao knew very clearly that even if he went to the Island Nation now, even if he went to look for Tokugawa Family now, he would only be walking into a trap. With the strength of this family, if they wanted to deal with him, it was like dealing with an ant.    


Wang Xiao would not rashly go to the Tokugawa Family, he would not send himself to his death, and only when he was alive could he avenge the Female Boss. The weak were bullied, the weak did not have the qualifications to challenge the strong, nor did they have the qualifications to seek revenge.    


That was why he made such a change. If he was able to obtain some good fortune from that, it would be very helpful for his strength to rise. Only when he was strong would he be able to go to the island countries, deal with Tokugawa Family, and take revenge for the Female Boss.    






At this moment, Wang Xiao's only thought was to seek revenge, to eliminate the Tokugawa Family, and to slaughter the entire clan into nothingness, not leaving even a single chicken or dog. Even if it was an ant, chicken or pig in the clan, Wang Xiao would not leave any part of it behind.    


He wanted to retaliate against Tokugawa Family crazily, and destroy this family. After that, he wanted to make the entire Wulin People, and even the entire world, tremble in fear when they heard about what had happened to Tokugawa Family, not daring to act against the people by his side. He had a blood feud. He had to use extreme methods to get revenge. He had to use vicious means to get revenge. The family forced him to do so.    


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