The Ace Bodyguard

C554 Crazy Escape

C554 Crazy Escape

It was not because he was timid, nor was it because he lacked the courage to fight against the Fifth Elder. It was because the difference in their cultivation realms was too great. In the face of absolute strength, all of his courage could not even withstand a single blow, not to mention that Wang Xiao was not so foolish. He knew full well that he was not a match for the Fifth Elder, yet he still fought desperately against her.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Wang Xiao, who was fleeing anxiously, could still clearly hear the huge movement that came from behind him. These movements shook the heaven and earth, causing dust to fill the sky and debris to fly everywhere. It seemed like the fifth elder wanted to destroy this forest, which was why he attacked so crazily.    


Wang Xiao did not know how long he had fled within the shrubbery forest, but after feeling exhausted, he carefully looked around and did not see the shadow of the Fifth Elder. Could it be that the other party stopped pursuing him? Or could it be that the Fifth Elder was unable to find him?    






Wang Xiao felt that it was impossible. Given the extent of the hatred the Fifth Elder had for him, he must be dreaming of ways to kill. He also hated Wang Xiao to the bones, so it was impossible that the Fifth Elder wouldn't chase after him. Moreover, the Fifth Elder was from the Qi Master Stage Expert. An expert of this level wouldn't lose him so easily.    


Even though he was currently in a lot of danger, Wang Xiao still had to rest. Because he had been fleeing for a long time without stopping, there were at least a few hours of time. After running continuously for a few hours, even tigers would get tired, let alone a human.    


With his back leaning on a large tree, Wang Xiao gasped for air.    


Too tired!    


It was too tiring.    


Ever since he had returned to the Huaxia, this was the first time he fled in such a sorry state. In the future, after he became an expert, he would have to deal with the Fifth Elder.    


This place was actually very quiet. There was no dust cloud, and there were no fragments flying everywhere. There was also no Fifth Elder's wailing and howling because of your anger. However, he also knew that although this place was very quiet, it was not a place to stay for long. The damnable Fifth Elder would appear at any time.    


The moment the Fifth Elder appeared, with his hatred towards him, he would definitely fly into a rage and would then recklessly attack like crazy. Even though he was resting under the big tree, Wang Xiao still carefully looked around, not daring to be the least bit careless. The Fifth Elder could appear at any time, so he had to be very careful.    


Strangely, the forest was extremely quiet without the slightest abnormality. Aside from the occasional rustling of the wind, there was no other movement.    




Why didn't Fifth Elder chase after him? Could it be that he really gave up and couldn't find him? No matter what, he had to hurry up and leave. It would be best to stay far away, and the farther you were able to escape, the safer it would be. As a Qi Master Stage Expert, the Fifth Elder could fly in the air.    


Although it was inconvenient to fly within the shrubbery forest, he could still fly above the forest, like a helicopter over a forest. Just as Wang Xiao was getting up, he felt a strong sense of danger spreading over, accompanied by a strong sense of killing intent.    


It was especially true for that strong killing intent. Due to it being extremely powerful, it seemed as if the surrounding space was affected.    




When Wang Xiao sensed this powerful aura, he immediately felt danger.    


Fifth Elder!    


It must be him. F * ck, this birdman really does have a lingering spirit. He had just finished resting and had only rested for a few minutes. I didn't expect him to come chasing me.    




Just as Wang Xiao sensed the danger, a Sword Qi descended from the sky, the powerful Sword Qi, like a rainbow, quickly rushing down from the sky, sweeping down, attacking Wang Xiao at lightning speed.    


Fortunately, Wang Xiao had a fast reaction, and had already made his preparations when he first felt the strong danger, if not, he would have died under the powerful sneak attack of the Fifth Elder.    


Wang Xiao leaped up, and then quickly tumbled into a patch of grass, safely avoiding the sneak attack of the Fifth Elder's. Although he was currently in a very sorry state, that did not matter. If he was in a sorry state, as long as he could keep his life, there was no need to care about all these.    


"Wang Xiao."    


An angry voice came from the sky. This voice was very loud and clear. They saw the Fifth Elder flying towards them.    


It really was him.    


Wang Xiao was very dejected. Offending this kind of enemy was indeed a headache, because the Fifth Elder could fly in the air, it was extremely difficult for her to escape from him.    


"Wang Xiao, I said before, you can forget about escaping in front of me." The Fifth Elder was standing on top of a big tree. Her figure looked very natural and unrestrained, like a white crane standing on a branch.    


Pui! Damn it, using the White Crane to describe the Fifth Elder was too much. He should use a big chicken to describe him. At this moment, the Fifth Elder was like a rooster to his uncle. It was a good thing that the Fifth Elder didn't know what Wang Xiao was thinking. If he knew what Wang Xiao was thinking and how Wang Xiao had described him as a big chicken, he would definitely be so angry that he would vomit blood and fall down from the tree branches.    


"Wang Xiao, in front of me, you are as weak as an ant. As long as I am willing, I can easily crush you to death. As long as you surrender, I might even give you a chance to live. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. " The Fifth Elder's entire body surged with a strong killing intent, as she looked at Wang Xiao with a fiendish expression.    


Wang Xiao looked up at the Fifth Elder, preparing to escape at any time. Fifth Elder, why are you so slow? It took you so long to catch up to me. " Wang Xiao smiled slightly, then asked.    


Seeing Wang Xiao still smiling, the Fifth Elder became even more furious. Because under his pursuit, Wang Xiao actually still had the mood to laugh. From this, it could be seen that Wang Xiao did not even take him seriously.    


"Wang Xiao, I just want to see you slowly struggle to your death. When a person sees hope countless times, falls into despair countless times and finally dies in despair, how much pain and torment would that be? " Fifth Elder said in satisfaction.    


Wang Xiao felt that this fellow was truly insidious and cunning, truly vicious.    


"Fifth Elder, actually, there is no deep hatred or hatred between you and I. Why must you force me to kill you?" Wang Xiao asked.    




In response to Wang Xiao's question, the Fifth Elder coldly snorted, and said: "You're being too audacious. Not only did you kill one of my Qianqiu Sect disciples, you're also disrespecting me."    


"That's probably not the truth, right?" Wang Xiao said.    


Fifth Elder replied, "So what if I am, so what if I am?"    


Wang Xiao said: "If I'm not wrong, you must have noticed my high talent, and are worried that you will become a strong warrior in the future. That's why you decided to make your move."    


Towards Wang Xiao's question, the Fifth Elder did not deny. He nodded: "That's right, so what?"    


Wang Xiao only smiled.    


"What are you laughing at?" Seeing Wang Xiao smiling, the Fifth Clan Elder asked.    


Wang Xiao said: "I'm laughing at you for being very pitiful."    


"What's so pathetic about me?" The Fifth Elder looked down upon him and disapproved of what Wang Xiao said, because he felt that his ego was good. He was an upright Qi Master Stage Expert, and had received the respect of countless people, yet a mere Wang Xiao actually ridiculed him as pitiful and pathetic.    


Wang Xiao said, "For an upright Qi Master Stage Expert like you to actually be afraid of me, isn't it pitiful and pitiful?"    


"Nonsense, nonsense. How could I possibly be afraid of you?" The Fifth Elder said angrily.    


He felt that Wang Xiao's words were a little laughable. He was an upright and upright Qi Master Stage Expert, how could he possibly be afraid of a mere Wang Xiao?    


Wang Xiao said, "If it wasn't so, why did you chase after me so hard? It's because you're worried that I would soon become an expert, because you don't have confidence in yourself, and because you're still wary of me deep in your heart."    


Following Wang Xiao's explanation, the Fifth Elder felt that it might make some sense.    


Wang Xiao continued: "An expert of the Qi Master Stage, would actually be afraid of an expert of the Innate Stage, isn't this kind of person pitiful and pitiful?"    


After being mocked by Wang Xiao, the Fifth Elder's expression kept changing.    


"Wang Xiao, you are speaking nonsense. How could I possibly be afraid of you?    




Following the rage of the fifth elder, he used his palm as a blade and quickly launched a palm attack. The strong wind from the palm pierced through the clouds and came down with an attack. At the moment, the Fifth Elder was in a rage and hatred, so he went all out from the start, releasing all of his power and strength, sweeping down towards Wang Xiao majestically, his eyes red, like a berserk cow.    


Before the opponent's Sword Qi could even reach, Wang Xiao's figure flashed, he turned and went behind a large tree, and then continued to quickly flee.    


Boom! *    




The big tree shook violently, and at the same time, a loud noise was heard. Wang Xiao knew that it was definitely because of the Fifth Elder's powerful palm attacks that had hit the big tree, causing it to shake violently. It was a good thing that this tree was very thick. If it was only a few feet thick, then it would have been broken by the strong palm wind attack of the fifth elder a long time ago.    


As the big tree shook violently, the leaves fell from the tree. For a moment, the forest was filled with falling leaves, as if winter had come and sent them flying everywhere like snowflakes.    


Crash! *    


Crash! *    


The dense foliage from the big tree constantly fell on Wang Xiao's body. It would be a very romantic scene if you and your beloved woman were to walk through the slowly falling woods.    


At this time, he was still thinking about these things, running for his life was the most important.    


"Wang Xiao, don't go."    


When the Fifth Elder saw that the attack did not hit Wang Xiao, he shouted angrily again. His voice was like a great bell, actually shaking Wang Xiao's ears and making them hurt.    


Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!    


The Fifth Elder continued to release countless of Sword Qi, quickly rushing towards Wang Xiao, wanting to kill him. However, every time, Wang Xiao would cleverly use the trees in the area as support to block the sword Qi.    


Trees that were a few feet thick fell down one after another. Under the destructive power of the Sword Qi, they fell down with a loud bang. It was a good thing that this place was filled with shrubbery forest and tall trees everywhere. Therefore, Wang Xiao did not need to take action, as long as he used his nimble body, he would be able to dodge the attacks of the Fifth Elder's furious Genuine Qi time and again.    


A few attacks had failed to harm Wang Xiao. Not only was he unable to attack Wang Xiao, he had also wasted his Genuine Qi and had consumed his strength for no reason. Seeing Wang Xiao, who was down in the forest, as cunning as a rabbit, and using the terrain to deal with him, the Fifth Elder was both anxious and angry. What he was worried about was that at this rate, even if he used up all his Genuine Qi, he wouldn't be able to kill Wang Xiao. Although he was an expert in Innate Stage, his Genuine Qi s were limited and he could not continuously display them without any limits.    


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