The Ace Bodyguard

C150 New Intentions

C150 New Intentions

The other man said, "Clan Master, why don't you lead the rest of us to the White Tiger Sect Headquarters and destroy them?"    


"Right, let's go to White Tiger Sect headquarters and eliminate them."    


In the room, everyone was extremely excited, they all requested for the battle to continue, and hoped that Wang Xiao would lead them to the Headquarters of White Tiger Sect, and take the chance to extinguish the White Tiger Sect.    


"White Tiger Sect's headquarters are not that easy to destroy. With our current strength, we can't even destroy their headquarters." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone. If he really brought these people to Headquarters of White Tiger Sect, not only would he be unable to destroy them, they would also be the ones to die.    


A man said: "Sect Leader, wasn't Song Chao already dead?"    


"But Song Chao is after all, only a Deputy Sect Leader of the White Tiger Sect. Wang Xiao said.    


"Clan Master, since he is in closed door cultivation, we should take this opportunity to kill his way through. After all, Yin Tianzheng is in closed door cultivation, he has no time to deal with us." One of the men said excitedly.    


He thought that this would be a golden opportunity, and his Divine Monarch Sect should seize this chance, seizing the opportunity when Yin Tianzheng was in closed-door training, to completely destroy his White Tiger Sect, and take revenge for his brothers who had died.    


The other members shared this person's thoughts and also thought that they should take this opportunity while Yin Tianzheng was in closed door cultivation to use their White Tiger Sect. Once Yin Tianzheng came out of seclusion, it would be very difficult to deal with White Tiger Sect.    


Wang Xiao looked at the expert who proposed: "How do you know you can't go out after closing time?"    


The person said, "Isn't it the same on TV? When Zhang Sanfeng was in closed door cultivation, he was unable to fight."    


It seemed like these people had very short knowledge and were greatly influenced by the television. They actually thought that they would not be able to come out while they were in seclusion. In fact, this was all just a TV show's misdirection. In fact, those who were in closed-door seclusion could come out at any time, but there was a price to pay.    


For example, if Patriarch Yin Tianzheng, the Patriarch of the White Tiger Sect, comes out of seclusion as he wished and stops cultivating before he could promote himself, then the price for doing so would be that all his previous efforts would have been for naught. If he wanted to promote in the future, it might take ten years or even longer. Of course, there were also some experts who were in trouble at the critical moment of their advancement.    


Wang Xiao was sure that even if Yin Tianzheng found out about Song Chao's death, even if he found out about what the Divine Monarch Sect had done, he wouldn't easily give up on the opportunity to advance. He rushed to the Divine Monarch Sect in a fit of rage, because he didn't want all his previous efforts to be wasted, and even more so, didn't want to waste ten years or even longer to have the next chance to advance.    


However, if he brought experts with him to fight White Tiger Sect, allowing Yin Tianzheng to feel that he was in danger, in order to live, Yin Tianzheng would have no choice but to give up on promotion.    


Right now, Wang Xiao did not want to alert the enemy, forcing Yin Tianzheng to come out and fight with him. This was because doing so would be very dangerous, he did not have full confidence that he could get rid of this strong Ranker called Yin Tianzheng.    


Seeing the excited faces of the members in front of him, Wang Xiao became serious, as if he could not wait to go to the White Tiger Sect, "Everyone, after a huge battle, we no longer have the strength to initiate an attack on any sect. The most important thing right now is for everyone to hurry up and recover from their injuries."    


He did not tell everyone the worries in his heart, as he didn't want to waver the ambitions of everyone in the Divine Monarch Sect. Sometimes, the effect of speaking lies was more useful than telling the truth.    


"Sect Master's words are correct. After last night's battle, our Divine Monarch Sect suffered a heavy blow. So we should start recuperating now." a man echoed.    


"Yes, yes, Sovereign is right."    


"The head's words make too much sense."    


All of them agreed with Wang Xiao's words. Based on their current situation, everyone would probably agree with Wang Xiao's words.    


"Everyone, rest in peace. Take good care of your injuries." After giving instructions to everyone, Wang Xiao and Di Loong went out together. The air outside was cool, cool, and cool. It was just that the battle last night was still fresh in their minds, unforgettable for Wang Xiao and Wang Xiao.    


Looking at the mess in the courtyard, Wang Xiao seemed to have a heavy load on his mind.    


"Brother Xiao, there is something else that we should do. As we were busy treating the injured members last night and everyone was too tired to rest, we did not have time to ask you." Di Loong said in a serious tone.    


"What is it?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Di Loong said: "Those dead members of the sect, how should we deal with them?"    


That's right, what Di Loong said was reasonable. How would the Divine Monarch Sect of those dead members handle the aftermath? It was not easy to bury them. There were many things that needed to be taken care of. Among them, the most important thing was the issue of compensation. Those people also had families, and even if they didn't have wives or children, there were still old parents who were responsible for them due to Divine Monarch Sect.    


Actually, Wang Xiao did not need to be responsible for the deaths of those people, he could just forget about it in front of them.    


Di Loong's heavy voice sounded out: "I originally wanted to compensate their families with a sum of money, but if I were to be too slow and couldn't take it out, it would make the brothers who are still alive feel cold. If I were to give too much, the sect wouldn't have any money."    


This was indeed a problem. Right now, his Divine Monarch Sect was as poor as a pauper and he could not bring out any money at all. If the families of the evil dead were given very little money, what would the living members think? If a crisis were to befall their Divine Monarch Sect in the future, they would definitely not go all out. This was because they were worried that after death, the lives of their families would be very difficult.    


However, if he gave too much, with the current wealth of his Divine Monarch Sect, he basically wouldn't have the ability to pay. Wang Xiao did not say a word as he stood under a big tree and thought deeply about how he should handle this matter.    


"Suddenly, he thought of a way." Di Loong, snatch the resources away. "    


"Brother Xiao, you mean to say, to steal the resources from the Iron Boxing Gang?" Di Loong asked.    


"That's right." Wang Xiao nodded.    


"This is a good idea." Di Loong agreed with Wang Xiao's suggestion.    


After the death of Iron Boxing Gang's Tie Sanqan and Goatee, this sect no longer had any sect masters or Deputy Sect Leader s. At this time, as long as the experts of the Divine Monarch Sect were to take action, they would definitely be able to easily seize the territory from the Iron Boxing Gang and then sell off their properties. Even if they sold them at a low price, they would definitely be able to earn some money.    


"Brother Xiao, when do we make our move?" Di Loong asked.    


"Right now." Wang Xiao said: "White Tiger Sect's Clan Master Yin Tianzheng is in closed-door training, while Deputy Sect Leader Song Chao is dead. As long as we succeed in obtaining Iron Boxing Gang's territory, we will immediately sell it to a legitimate real estate agent. We will not leave any of our territory, even if Yin Tianzheng comes out, if my Divine Monarch Sect is no match for him, then we will leave with our money. "    


Di Loong felt that Wang Xiao's plan was very good, very good. Since there were already meat pies and they could easily obtain them, why didn't they want them? If they just gave up like that, wouldn't it be too much of a pity? As long as they had those assets, they would immediately sell them out. Even if he sold it at a low price, he would definitely be able to earn some money.    


After Yin Tianzheng came out of seclusion, the Divine Monarch Sect was acting according to circumstances. In any case, they could fight as they pleased, if they couldn't, they would leave as soon as they could, leaving with a large amount of gold and silver. The Divine Monarch Sect could develop no matter where they went. After the two of them made up their minds, they called Lee Kai and Liu Daquan over.    


If the experts of Iron Boxing Gang had already sold all of those assets, then Divine Monarch Sect would not be able to do anything. Although they were Wulin People, they could not act rashly. They could not do anything they wished to do. For example, once the people of Iron Boxing Gang transferred their assets to a legitimate businessman, the people of Divine Monarch Sect could not casually occupy it, because they would be strictly punished, and the Martial Alliance would absolutely not allow the people of Iron Boxing Gang to do so.    


The battles between sects could not affect the normal operation of society, and could not affect the economic development of society. The moment there was a violation of the rules, the Chinese Martial Alliance would immediately intervene, and even take action. Of course, if it was a fight between two sects, then it would depend on who was strong and who was weak. Unless there were tens of thousands of Wulin People fighting, the Martial Alliance would come forward to stop it.    


Before going to receive Iron Boxing Gang territory, Wang Xiao still had one thing to do, and that was to call Yang Lei and ask him about her current situation. Just yesterday, Yang Lei had a heart attack, and it was more serious, she even went to the hospital to rescue him.    


At that time, Wang Xiao had also gone to the hospital to visit Yang Lei and check on her situation, but he could not find out why her heart was in such a bad state. If not for the circumstances of the Divine Monarch Sect, Wang Xiao would never have left Yang Lei at that time. There was no other way it could be, for the safety of the Divine Monarch Sect brothers, hence he had no choice but to leave Yang Lei at that time.    


After the call connected, Wang Xiao was very nervous as he held his phone tightly. Because he was worried, the person who answered the call was not Yang Lei herself, but someone else. He was worried that he would hear very bad news, causing Yang Lei's condition to suddenly worsen, and an accident occurred.    


While waiting anxiously, Wang Xiao felt that he was living a life like a year.    


Ten seconds had passed, but Yang Lei still did not pick up the phone. Could it be that an accident really happened? Could it be that Yang Lei's condition had worsened, no, impossible, absolutely impossible.    


Answer the phone, why isn't Yang Lei answering the phone?    


The anxious waiting mood made Wang Xiao want to immediately appear in front of Yang Lei and personally see her healthy and standing in front of him. As long as Yang Lei was alright, even if he was continued to be looked down upon by her in the future or received a blow, Wang Xiao did not mind. He also did not know whether he would be able to accept the reality that had happened to Yang Lei.    


Finally, as Wang Xiao was anxiously waiting, a familiar voice came out from the phone. It was Yang Lei's voice.    


"Hey, Wang Xiao, what are you looking for me for?" Yang Lei asked on the phone.    


"Yang Lei, why didn't you pick up the phone just now?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Yang Lei did not answer his question, but asked directly, "Why are you looking for me?"    


"It's fine. I just want to know how you are doing right now." Wang Xiao said.    


"Oh, I'm done. If there's nothing else, I'll be hanging up." Yang Lei didn't seem to want to talk with Wang Xiao, and didn't even want to talk with Wang Xiao for a bit, so she hung up the phone.    


Maybe she was angry at Wang Xiao for leaving in such a situation. Or perhaps, she really didn't have any good impression of Wang Xiao, so she didn't want to pick up his phone, nor did she need his concern.    


Wang Xiao shook his head helplessly. With Yang Lei's personality, he simply could not understand him. Although Yang Lei's attitude was not good, to the point that he did not want to answer her phone call, but after knowing that she was fine, Wang Xiao could finally relax. Nothing was more important than her health.    


Di Loong brought Lee Kai and Liu Daquan with him as he appeared. The three of them would follow Wang Xiao to the Iron Boxing Gang and occupy the assets of the Iron Boxing Gang.    


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