The Ace Bodyguard

C208 A Desperate Situation in a Crisis

C208 A Desperate Situation in a Crisis

The thought of jumping from a height of a few thousand meters into the air made Yang Lei's heart tremble. Because of her fear of heights, she would probably faint before she could jump into the ocean below.    


Wang Xiao held Yang Lei's face with both hands and then solemnly said to her, "Yang Lei, listen to me. First, don't lose control of your fear.    


After realizing that Wang Xiao was looking at him with such a serious and sharp gaze, Yang Lei nodded his head and said: "Wang Xiao, I will do my best. Promise me that you won't abandon me, I am really scared."    


In times of crisis, women's reliance on others was heavy, and so was Yang Lei's. At this moment, she felt that Wang Xiao was the only one she could rely on, the only man he could.    


"Don't worry, no matter what happens, I, Wang Xiao will never abandon you." Wang Xiao nodded seriously.    


Boom! *    




A strange sound came from inside the plane. It was as if the screw had loosened and the screw had broken. With the appearance of this voice, the plane lost its balance and shook violently a few times.    




The frightened voices of the passengers could be heard once again. The flight attendant's face turned pale and her body trembled.    


"Yang Lei, have you ever jumped on a parachute before?" Wang Xiao asked anxiously. He knew that the only thing she could do now was to use a parachute to escape. There was no other way.    


"Nope." Yang Lei said anxiously.    


Following that, Wang Xiao explained to Yang Lei about using parachutes to escape. He was worried that Yang Lei wouldn't use a parachute. After jumping off the plane, Yang Lei was like a parabola in the sky, she directly plummeted down.    


At a height of thousands of meters, if one didn't know how to use a parachute, then one wouldn't even have a corpse after landing on the ground. Some people were so scared that they fainted the moment they got off the plane. They were unconscious even before they had opened the parachute, and when they landed on the ground, they became meat patties.    


Even though there was a vast ocean below, if one didn't know how to use a parachute, even if they didn't suffocate to death while falling, they would still die a horrible death after hitting the water, because the inertia and gravity were too great.    


Under Wang Xiao's narration, Yang Lei firmly remembered that this was a matter of life and death.    


Another air stewardess came into the cabin and said anxiously, "Everyone, please prepare well. The airport just informed us that the plane is about to go out of control. Please prepare your parachutes and use them to escape."    


"What?! The plane is about to go out of control?!"    


This piece of news was like a bolt from the blue. It was a huge blow, more serious than his parents' deaths.    


Time is of the essence, I don't have time to explain to you all. Check the parachute, carry it on your back and hold the start button gently. The flight attendant spoke very quickly and anxiously.    


"Good heavens, I've never used a parachute before."    


"I've never used a parachute either."    


"I have a fear of heights."    


"I really can't.    




Many of the passengers were crying and being scared. After the flight attendant gave her instructions to the crowd, she left anxiously with the other flight attendant. As for the incessantly complaining passengers, they were too lazy to bother with them. In such an emergency, his life was hanging by a thread. No one could care about him.    


Not to mention that the people on the plane were only passengers, passengers who were strangers to each other, even their parents and the flight attendants did not want to care about them anymore.    


Posturing Man was so scared that his face turned green, but he did not know if he had wet his pants.    


"I have high blood pressure, I have fear of heights, I've never used a parachute before." He shouted anxiously while acting cool.    


However, everyone ignored him. Even if he really had high blood pressure, even if he really had a fear of heights, everyone was too lazy to care. As matters stood, everyone was only thinking about their own safety.    




Posturing Man actually started crying loudly. He cried very miserably, crying her heart out. Everyone carried their parachute on their backs and waited for the cabin door to open before jumping down.    


Wang Xiao grabbed Yang Lei's hand, then stood up.    


Yang Lei followed Wang Xiao and stood up nervously. Even though she tried his best to remain calm, her body still couldn't help but tremble. However, at least she did not cry loudly like the Posturing Man, or cry like a tearful person.    


The plane was shaking and the passengers were staggering. Wang Xiao's eyes were fixated on the cabin door. Once the door was opened, he would be the first one to jump down with Yang Lei. When an aircraft is about to crash, you have to jump before it falls.    


It would be impossible to wait for the plane to take off while it was falling. Therefore, the moment the cabin door opened, Wang Xiao took Yang Lei to jump out.    


As the plane swayed, Yang Lei was unable to stand steadily, so a hand was tightly holding onto Wang Xiao's waist. Wang Xiao, why hasn't the cabin door opened yet? "    


All the passengers looked at the cabin door anxiously. They had the same question as Yang Lei, why did the cabin door not open? Could it be that the flight attendant had already forgotten about them? However, this was impossible. The pilot at this moment must have been trying his best to control the balance of the plane.    


"I don't know." Wang Xiao shook his head.    


"Wang Xiao, are we going to die?" Yang Lei asked.    


"I don't know." Wang Xiao continued to shake his head.    


He really didn't know. In this sort of situation, no one could guarantee that they would be able to survive. If it was a continent below them, Wang Xiao would definitely tell Yang Lei that they would definitely be able to live. However, the problem was that what lay below him was an endless expanse of the Pacific Ocean.    


The heck, even if I successfully land on the surface of the sea, who knows what will happen?    


"Yang Lei, are you afraid of death?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Of course I'm afraid. I don't want to die yet." Yang Lei asked anxiously, then asked: "Wang Xiao, what about you, are you afraid of death?"    


"Life and death aren't important to me. I've already experienced countless life and death situations, and I've long since taken life and death very lightly." Wang Xiao replied.    


With regards to what Wang Xiao had said, Yang Lei didn't want to think too much into it, nor did he want to speculate too much.    


The plane was out of control, even teetering, but the door was still closed.    


F * ck!    


Wang Xiao cursed. He could feel that the plane was about to crash, if the cabin door was not opened, everyone would die. Many of the passengers shared the same thought. Why was the cabin door, which they had been waiting for for for so long, still tightly shut?    


Could it be that the pilot didn't want to live anymore and wanted to drag everyone to their deaths?    


Wang Xiao clenched his fists, he planned to go to the head of the plane, control the plane, and open the cabin door. He couldn't wait any longer. If he kept delaying, he wouldn't even have a chance to survive. When he was a mercenary, Wang Xiao had driven a plane before, so he knew how to operate planes.    


As a top-notch and powerful weapons specialist, a powerful weapons specialist must not only be proficient in all kinds of firearms, but also in all kinds of top-tier weapons, airplanes and tanks. Of course, as for the missiles, Wang Xiao really didn't know how to use them.    


Not to mention him, even among all the mercenaries in the entire world, no one knew how to use missiles. Because missiles are the best weapons of mass destruction, once a missile is fitted with a nuclear warhead, it will become a nuclear weapon. All countries had extremely strict control over this top-notch weapon.    


Just as Wang Xiao wanted to control the pilot and open the cabin door, the air stewardess ran over shakily. As the plane was already teetering on the verge of collapse, the flight attendants had already lost their balance due to the shaking of the plane. After appearing in the cabin, the flight attendant's face was filled with fear and anxiety. There was not a single trace of blood on her face. "Everyone, the cabin door won't open."    


The flight attendant's words were like a death sentence for everyone. The cabin door could not be opened. No one had a chance to escape. Everyone's last hope had been completely shattered. And this plane would become a huge graveyard for all.    


"How could this be?"    


"Why can't the cabin door open?"    


"Oh my god, I don't want to die yet."    


"Wu wu wu, I still have the elderly, children, and husbands."    


The despairing crowd unceasingly cried out loud, as if they had already reached the gates to hell.    


Wang Xiao's face turned ugly. Damn, the cabin door could not be opened. He did not question the pilot's skills at all. Since the other party was a pilot, he would naturally not be so stupid as to not even know how to open the cabin door. The probability of an accident on a plane is very small, very small.    


After the accident, the possibility of the cabin door not opening was even less, unless all the circuit systems had been destroyed. In the course of designing the aircraft, the cabin door is controlled by a circuit system, but just in case, a hydraulic device is subsequently installed. In other words, if the circuit system was destroyed, then when the cabin door couldn't be opened, the hydraulic device could forcefully open the cabin door without needing to use the power system. But now that both devices were destroyed, the f * ck was destined to be seen by God.    


Remember that in some old magazines, there was a question about what you would do if you sat on the plane and the plane happened to have an accident, and if you had only a few minutes of life, most of the men would answer, I would choose a beauty and throw myself down, and XXYY would be worth it even if I died." But when such a thing really happened, who the f * ck would be in the mood to do it? All of them were soft, and their minds were only filled with the question of escaping.    


In the midst of everyone's panic, the plane began to fall. Its head was lowered, and its tail was pointed upwards as it descended in a straight line.    


The plane descended in a straight line. At the same time, everyone in the cabin fell down, falling towards the nose of the plane.    




Yang Lei screamed as her body tilted and fell.    


Wang Xiao reacted quickly and quickly grabbed Yang Lei, using the force of her legs to squeeze into the gap between the front and back seats. If he did not grab onto Yang Lei, Yang Lei would be squeezed into the crowd and would be killed.    


At this moment, Wang Xiao's thoughts flew, he guessed that there was someone who wanted to kill him, to assassinate him. And the person who wanted to assassinate him must be the organization that was ambushing Female Boss and the others.    


In order to assassinate him, the other party had done something to him on the plane, causing countless people to die. [What kind of organization is it to be so vicious and know my whereabouts like the back of my hand?] As for who the organization that wanted to assassinate him was, Wang Xiao didn't have the heart to think about it right now.    


Because the most important thing right now was to think of a way to escape.    


As for who wanted to deal with him, it was not important now. The most important thing was to survive. He had to survive. As long as he was alive, he would have the chance to take revenge in the future. If he were to die, so what if he knew who the culprit was?    


Yang Lei panicked and hugged Wang Xiao tightly. Seeing all the passengers falling down one by one, she was really afraid. In this situation, the more people were in the back of the plane, the less likely they would be crushed to death after falling down. However, even if they managed to escape this time, they wouldn't be able to live for long.    


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