My TikTok Connects Myriad Realms

C31 The Conspiracy of Wu Xiufu

C31 The Conspiracy of Wu Xiufu

"That's right, these dozens of videos were definitely taken by Zhou Yi to bet with each other!" That trash Zhou Yi had taken dozens of short videos of the same series in one go. Clearly, he had been preparing for a long time. "Now that I think about it, this guy was afraid that others would be inspired by watching his short video, so he released dozens of short videos in one go …" Wu Xiufu sneered.    


With his keen mind, he immediately thought of a lot of things after he figured out that the person leading the video series was Zhou Yi.    


However, Wu Xiufu didn't expect that even though Zhou Yi had fallen to the point that the company was about to close down, he was still in the army.    


"This kid still hasn't given up yet. Does he still want to fight against Tian Hua?" Wu Xiufu snorted. He had always despised Zhou Yi, but he had to admit that the short video of his little brother series was much more interesting than the one of Zhao Tiancheng's cliché singing content. If the short video they shot was compared to the short video Zhou Yi shot, even he knew which one was better. Those spectators that killed Tik Tok would definitely choose the short video by Zhou Yi.    


Thinking about it this way, it was normal for Zhao Tiancheng to lose. It wasn't that Zhao Tianqin was inferior to Huang Jia, it was purely a matter of creativity. As a matter of fact, the short video that Huang Jia shot had already produced dozens of titles. He should have long since thought of this short video of his peerless result. He was sure that he was the original creator.    


"Hmph, you think that you can deal with me with just a few short videos? You really don't know your place!" Wu Xiufu sneered.    


Although he had lost, he was still unwilling to give up. In his eyes, Zhou Yi was just a guy with a bit of talent, but so what if he was talented? With just a few tricks, he made Zhou Yi's Longtu Media Company fall to the point of closing down, and even his girlfriend was taken away by him.    


He let Xu Xiaoting off the hook for Xu Xiaoting's sake, but if he wanted to fight back … Wu Xiufu's expression turned dark. He didn't mind letting him fall from heaven into hell.    


Soon, Wu Xiufu called the subordinate at the exhibition center again.    


"Tell Zhao Tiancheng to check his condition and let me practice quickly." Wu Xiufu turned off the phone after saying that.    


At this moment, the office door was pushed open.    


Xu Xiaoting, who was wearing a long black dress, suddenly walked in.    


Wu Xiufu, who was thinking about how to deal with Zhou Yi, glanced over and realized it was his current girlfriend. He immediately stood up from the swivel chair. His original gloomy face disappeared like the sun just melting in winter.    


Seeing his performance, Xu Xiaoting smiled warmly. She walked into the office, circled around the desk to Wu Xiufu and said, "Young Master Wu, what's wrong? "I saw something wrong with your expression just now." As she said that, she placed a delicate hand on Wu Xiufu's shoulder.    


"Nothing, it's just that the trash, Zhao Tiancheng, lost to Zhou Yi today." Wu Xiufu sneered.    


"Zhou Yi?" Xu Xiaoting was stunned, her big black eyes with false eyelashes blinked, and asked curiously: "Zhao Tiancheng lost? It's impossible, he knows what Zhou Yi is capable of! "    


"Yeah, I can't figure it out either. Zhou Yi made a short video in a series. It was extremely popular in the Tik Tok. Wu Xiufu said as he sat down. At the same time, he pulled Xu Xiaoting to sit on his thigh.    


"Aiya, Young Master Wu, you're so bad!" Xu Xiaoting's face flushed as she protested coquettishly.    


"Heh heh." Wu Xiufu smiled evilly. As his hands moved up and down, he said at the same time, "First, look at this short video."    


Soon after, Xu Xiaoting nodded. She saw the short video taken by Zhou Yi on Wu Xiufu's phone. Her expression, which was initially indifferent, gradually turned serious.    


"Young Master Wu, this was won by Zhou Yi?" Xu Xiaoting asked with a frown after watching the first video.    


"Yeah." Wu Xiufu stopped his actions and sighed with emotion as he asked, "Right, Ting, when you were with that piece of trash, Zhou Yi, did you mention this kind of creativity?"    


"Nope." Xu Xiaoting shook her head and looked at Huang Jia in the video with a serious expression. She said, "I was with that piece of trash before, so I know him very well. He never mentioned me at all." He probably just figured it out recently. "    


"Is that so? But I have to say, this short video is very creative. I wonder what luck that fellow Zhou Yi has come up with to come up with such a great idea." Wu Xiufu nodded.    


"Young Master Wu, what are you going to do?" Xu Xiaoting turned her head to look at Wu Xiufu and said seriously.    


"What should we do?" Wu Xiufu smiled. "The short video of Zhou Yi is pretty good, but how is it possible for you to beat me with just a short video!?" It's still the same old method, poach that girl. "    


"Dig?" Xu Xiaoting was stunned.    


"Right." Wu Xiufu nodded, and revealed a malicious smile: "I will smash him to death with money. Right now, the girl that he has nurtured has gone all the way to the Tik Tok and coincidentally found his corner, letting Zhou Yi know that the short video was indeed taken by him, but the rewards are still our Tianhua Media. "    


Xu Xiaoting didn't expect Wu Xiufu to be so vicious. The poaching wasn't a big deal, but it was done in full force. Zhou Yi's burst of talent made him think of a good idea, but the next time, if the creative streamer was poached away, it would be a huge blow to him.    


Although using poaching was morally problematic, this was a society where the strong preyed on the weak. If you were weak, you shouldn't complain about others bullying you.    


"Young Master Wu, you really are poisonous …" Xu Xiaoting let out a laugh.    


"Haha, the ancients said that there is no such thing as a cruel man. Back then, didn't they say that you were taken by me?" Wu Xiufu laughed out loud. He put his phone back on the desk and wrapped his arms around Xu Xiaoting, who was sitting on his lap, and gave her a kiss on her face.    


"Aiya, Young Master Wu, you're so bad!" Xu Xiaoting snapped shyly as she looked tenderly at Wu Xiufu.    


Wu Xiufu smiled evilly: "So what."    


"This girl is so beautiful, like a fairy. You won't forget me when she comes over, will you?" Xu Xiaoting glanced at the phone on the table. It was as if she was looking at Huang Jia, who looked like a fairy in a short video just now. She revealed an aggrieved expression.    


"How is this possible?" Wu Xiufu's expression remained unchanged. He felt the warmth and fragrance of the soft jade in his hands and said with a smile, "Xiao Ting, you are my true dish."    




"Of course."    


As he said that, the two people in the office began to fight.    


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