My TikTok Connects Myriad Realms

C146 Tease

C146 Tease

As the land of the Dragon King, Earth had a very sacred place in the hearts of future humans. It was a pity that the future Earth had been completely developed and had become a dead star. Therefore, for those future humans, being able to see their hometown in the Tik Tok s was a kind of nostalgia and novelty to them.    


"6666, which almighty being is the blogger? He is actually able to return to the Earth of the past."    


"Is this really our human ancestral planet? "The sky is actually naturally black …"    


"That's for sure. Earth in the 21st century is still in the Wilderness, so Dyson Ball won't do it. The planet's potential can't be fully exploited, or rather, it's only developed a bit. It definitely won't be as developed as we are now."    


"What do you know? That's the color of nature. I hate artificial light."    


"Ah, the Ancestral Star! Memories! I heard that our ancestors lived comfortably until they stepped out of their ancestral star, which is much better than they do now. Now, the entire universe is filled with low level humans and alien monsters! "    


"Yo, I ran into a 'high-level' transformator!"    


"Where is the Earth in the short video? China? Is there such a country? "    


"You have to ask before you understand it, China is a very ancient country on Earth, even though it only has a few thousand years of history, it was already very powerful then, but in the early years of the interstellar era, the countries of Earth, including China, all became Earth's republics, but Earth's republics are already extinct."    


"Earth Republic?" "It's too long ago, our planet's history class won't even learn that history."    


"This place is truly worthy of being the place where the ten thousand worlds are connected. There's such a large flow of people." Zhou Yi held his phone and praised. He didn't feel anything from the future human controversy, except that he wanted to laugh. He did not know what kind of country or system the future humans had built, but the years that separated them had nothing to do with him.    


Zhou Yi's focus was on the value of one's manpower.    


This was a good item. Ten fans could be exchanged for a bit of human value. Zhou Yi already had two thousand fans in this short video, so now, he had nearly two hundred people.    


He couldn't wait to open the exchange page and see a list pop up.    


"Yama Minamiya, a battle weapon left behind by a God from the Underworld after he died in battle. It's worth a million."    


"Nine Reincarnation Soul Pill. A person can be pulled back from the gates of hell even when he loses his breath. His character is worth ten million yuan."    


"Titan class interstellar battleship, a star-destroying weapon from an alien civilization. It's human aura value is 2 million."    


"The Celestial Golden Fruit is personally conferred by the Heavenly Court. The acknowledgement of the Three Realms is worth ten billion yuan."    


"The Immortal World?" Zhou Yi glanced at the list of treasures named "The Immortal Hero" with suspicion. The treasures on the list were as numerous as stars, and they were hard to read. Moreover, there were all kinds of strange things, but he couldn't even buy a single piece of hair for his two hundred points. He selected the lowest priced treasures and discovered that all of them were worth around 10,000 points.    


However, Zhou Yi did not feel discouraged, because he had already expected this to happen. If it was that easy to exchange for treasures, he would have become a god by now. He wouldn't have gone to the extent of shooting some short videos, where he could directly dominate Earth.    


Zhou Yi discovered that there were many categories on this page that could be used to exchange items. Zhou Yi closed the list of items on the black technology side and found that the items inside were indeed much cheaper than the ones on the Immortal side.    


"Yu Level photon processor, calculated once every second for one trillion times, human aura valued at one hundred thousand."    


"EVA, planet-level artificial super life form, human aura 5 million."    


"General purpose star annihilator cannon, destroying a planet in one hit, required for a battleship, it's worth 10,000 people."    


"Intelligent robot, civil model, combined with various functions, human aura valued at 10,000."    


"Intelligent robot?" Zhou Yi was intrigued and opened the detailed introduction of the robot. He saw that the dense translation content had a detailed introduction of more than 10,000 words. After Zhou Yi finished reading it quickly, a few minutes had passed.    


"This smart phone really suits me." Zhou Yi was shocked. This robot had programming, housework, combat, sports, chat... He could do almost anything, just like the oil of ten thousand taels of gold.    


Furthermore, due to the differences in technology existing in different times, the hard work that humans find in the present, for future AI robots, is simply a small matter. In other words, it could do all the work for Zhou Yi and even have the ability to learn and evolve. It was very suitable for Zhou Yi.    


"Ten thousand people is not a lot. My popularity is almost at 300. I estimate that I will be able to reach it in two days." Zhou Yi smiled in satisfaction. He plugged his phone into the data line and got ready to practice the Thunder Forging Body Technique.    


Tonight, the future version of Tik Tok APP had opened a new feature that made him very satisfied. It was mainly because he had solved the problem of the company's lack of manpower for himself.    


The next day, Zhou Yi went to Longtu Media Company very early in the morning. He stayed in his office and started brushing Tik Tok, only stopping when Lee Weihao and his group arrived.    


"He's here!" Zhou Yi raised his head and looked at Lee Weihao's group as they walked in. When he saw them in high spirits, an unspeakable disgust arose in his heart.    


"This kid still doesn't know that I know his identity." Zhou Yi secretly thought proudly in his heart as his gaze moved to Huang Jia, who was beside Lee Weihao.    


He wasn't sure if Huang Jia had betrayed him, but seeing them arrive at the same time again made him feel a wave of disgust.    


Originally, Zhou Yi thought that it was completely normal for the two of them to come to the company together, but since it was like this again and again, he had no choice but to be suspicious.    


"Sigh …" Zhou Yi sighed. With his strength, it would be too easy for him to teach Lee Weihao a lesson. But when they walked in, Zhou Yi revealed a warm smile and greeted them one by one.    


Lee Weihao looked at Zhou Yi behind the desk and asked with a smile, "Senior, what kind of work do you have today?"    


"Work?" Zhou Yi rolled his eyes, and laughed: "It's like this, our company is now back in business, but Tianhua Media has always given us the order to kill that industry, causing the company to be short of manpower, I hope Weihao can go to Tianhua Media company and ask out the CEO of Tianhua Media company. I want to meet you. "    


"You want me to ask the CEO of Tianhua Media company?" Lee Weihao was slightly surprised, but he immediately thought in his heart: "Could it be that Zhou Yi found out about my identity?" "Impossible, I haven't been able to give him any bad news from Tian Hua Corporation. He definitely won't find out." Lee Weihao glanced at Zhou Yi. Seeing Zhou Yi's smiling face and his sincerity, he let go of his guard.    


"Senior, will he come over to see you?" Lee Weihao asked while pretending to be worried.    


"Definitely." Zhou Yi laughed.    


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