Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C589 Come and Give It to Me for Free!

C589 Come and Give It to Me for Free!

Inside the Ling Zhi Chariot, when Takeuchi Najun heard this, her expression became even more twisted, and she revealed a terrifying and sinister smile!    


"Good! Tonight, let me bathe the Lyi family in blood!" He tightly gripped the samurai saber in his hand. His entire body was trembling due to excessive stimulation! Just now, he was the one who suffered such a great humiliation in the Lyi's Group. Tonight, He wanted complete revenge! He wanted to completely kill the other party! Just now... it was just that his blade had not been unsheathed. If his long blade had been unsheathed, Who in China... could stop him? Under his blade, there were countless souls of the dead!    


However, Yamamoto Miya slowly said, "No... there is no need to attack tonight. You are already injured. Take care of yourself for now. Tonight, I will send the Hidden Murder Team to attack. Lyi Qingyan... is destined to become my toy!" After he finished speaking, he clenched his fists tightly and a ferocious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth... It was as if he was imagining how he would torture Lyi Qingyan when he caught her! That scene, just thinking about it made him excited!    


Takeuchi Najun's expression was a little unwilling, "Lord Gong... then I..."    


"You should recuperate for now. The situation in China is becoming more and more chaotic. You should recover as soon as possible. That is the proper matter." Yamamoto Miya said slowly.    


"Then... that woman... can I?" Lord Takeuchi's expression was a bit cold and evil.    


Yamamoto Miya grinned, his smile was terrifying and trembling, "Takeuchi Najun, don't worry... After I finish enjoying Lyi Qingyan's woman's smell, I will give it to you and let that stinky woman serve us well..."    


Hearing this, Lord Takeuchi's face became excited. He licked his lips ferociously. "Thank you, Lord Gong!"    


"Huaxia woman... I haven't tasted that smell for a long time..." Yamamoto Miya's eyes were deep and evil. He seemed to recall the exciting scene of Huaxia women back then. A Huaxia woman... Huaxia women only had more taste when they forced themselves to resist.    




In the evening, Chen Bei drove Maybach back to Lyi's Villa with Goddess President and Su Lei.    


When the two women got out of the car, Chen Bei did not forget to remind Su Lei, "There are more bugs at night. Be careful."    


Hearing this, Su Lei's pretty face slightly froze and replied, "There are so many antidotes and bug traps. What are you afraid of?"    


Lyi Qingyan, who was at the side, was stunned when she heard this. She looked at the two of them suspiciously. With a glance, she completely did not understand the strange conversation between the two of them.    


Chen Bei pursed his lips. Pushing his lips, he drove the Maybach slowly away...    


His conversation with Su Lei just now was naturally full of hidden meanings. He was reminding Su Lei that there might be a situation tonight and that she should be careful to protect Lyi Qingyan.    


And Su Lei's reply meant that... the Lyi's Villa's surroundings had been arranged in full detail. What were you worried about?    


After returning home, Lyi Qingyan finished her meal and hurriedly ran upstairs.    


After she came to the study room, she first locked the door to prevent Su Lei from coming in. Then she went directly to the computer and turned it on. She began to search for information online... There were only three keywords: Yamamoto Group!    


There was still no information on the local internet in China... Baidu, Dog Search, Google... There was no information at all.    


Lyi Qingyan used her IP to flip over the wall and jumped onto a website with an overseas name. She started to search on the overseas name... However, there was still no information?    


There was no information about Yamamoto Group... The three words Yamamoto Group seemed to have been deliberately blocked? There was no way to find it at all.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face froze. Her eyes were filled with doubt. She secretly felt that Yamamoto Group was not as small as Chen Bei said... Because that overbearing and fierce tone... did not seem like it could be made by a small gang?!    


In Lyi's Villa, Lyi Qingyan was in the study room and her thoughts were in a mess. Her parents were chatting in the tea room while Su Lei was alone in the living room of the building, watching the TV series.    


Everything seemed unusually quiet.    


Around the villa, the bodyguard team patrolled 24 / 7. The defense system was activated all day to monitor the situation around the villa.    


In the dark night, a group of people dressed in black and masked clothes were rushing towards Maybach in the middle of the night. Each of them held a long, slender handle in their left hand... That samurai blade! This is a group of masked warriors!    


The moonlight was bright and bright. The silver moonlight shone down. However, the warriors in black were extremely strong. Every step they took seemed to be integrated into the shadow of the night. No sound could be heard in the night wind. It was as dense as a forest!    


A few kilometers away from the Lyi's Villa, a black Lingzhi sedan was parked there quietly. Yamamoto Miya sat in the car calmly. The corner of his mouth was overflowing with a sinister smile.    


"Kill them in secret. Where are they?" Yamamoto Miya asked calmly.    


In the front row of Ling Zhi's car, the driver took out a locator device and confirmed it. He reported, "Hidden Kill has advanced to the outer circle of Lyi's Villa. It is estimated that he will be able to break through the villa's defense and enter a surprise attack 500 meters away."    


Yamamoto Miya nodded slowly, the evil smile on his face became even stronger. He picked up a Viagra and put it into his mouth. At this moment, he felt all the energy in his body was completely boiling and burning! Tonight, he wanted to enjoy Lyi Qingyan's beauty! He had not tasted the taste of a Huaxia woman for many years. Today, he could finally taste it again!    


In the dark night, the group of masked warriors were stepping on the shadow of the night and rushing towards the Li family manor... They were getting closer and closer! Hidden Kill. The strongest assassination group of Ninja in Yamamoto group. The moment Hidden Kill appeared, blood splashed in the dark of the night.    


Lyi's Villa, inside the monitoring room.    


The captain of the bodyguards was hurriedly called to the monitoring room by his subordinates.    


"Boss, the monitoring alarm suddenly says that there is an unknown intruder 500 meters away from the villa!" One of the bodyguards said solemnly.    


Yang Feng's eyes focused as he stared at the monitor screen... On the monitor screen, a high-definition monitoring screen appeared in front of him! The image was very clear, so clear that one could almost see the discarded cigarette butt by the side of the street...    


However, the high-definition image didn't have the slightest bit of abnormality. Everything was so quiet, and it had fallen into the infinite silence of the night... The entire street was deathly silent.    


"Where is the other party?" A bodyguard's gaze focused slightly. Merely based on this high-definition surveillance image, he did not notice anything unusual.    


"Normal surveillance cameras can't be seen. We need to use infrared magnetic force to scan and monitor!" As the other bodyguard spoke, he operated the monitor and directly clicked on the infrared magnetic force!    


The entire monitoring screen instantly turned red. Under the infrared magnetism monitoring... The entire silent night street on the screen became as if it was daytime! The images hidden in the darkness were all exposed! At the corner of the street, many masked figures in black were rushing towards the direction of the villa. Silence, no sound!    


Seeing this scene, the bodyguards' eyes turned serious! This group of masked men in black... could actually blend into the night and avoid most of the monitoring equipment! This... is too terrifying! If it wasn't for the special military defense equipment installed in Lyi's Villa, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to discover them today!    


"Boss, what should we do now?" The subordinate asked.    


The boss's gaze turned serious, "Inform Director Lyi and Brother Chen to activate Fortress Mode!"    




Following the order, the entire villa instantly began to have a strict Fortress Mode!    


At the same time, Chen Bei's phone rang.    


Chen Bei was currently lying on Xi Mengsi's bed, his eyes closed in deep thought. A phone call came... He picked up the phone immediately.    


"Brother Chen, someone is attacking tonight!" On the phone, Yang Feng's voice was extremely solemn!    


Chen Bei, who had his eyes closed and was deep in thought, slowly opened his eyes. "Are the guests dressed in black?"    


On the other end of the phone, Yang Feng was slightly stunned. "Yes, it looks like the black-clad warriors are dressed like... they don't look like the clothes of Huaxia people!"    


"Oh, got it. You guys protect yourselves well. I'll go to sleep first." After Chen Bei finished speaking, he hung up the phone lightly.    


In the monitoring room of the villa, the bodyguard looked at the phone in a daze. Chen Bei... he was asleep. At this moment, Yang Feng could not react. His face was full of confusion. At this critical moment... Brother Chen actually fell asleep?!    


In the room, after Chen Bei hung up the phone, he turned off the lights and went to bed. He really did fall asleep! Lyi Qingyan was assassinated but at this moment, he was incomparably calm!    


Because Chen Bei did not need to worry at all! The Lyi's Villa currently had strict defense, that military defense system. It was like a terrifying cover. Ordinary people could not pass through that terrifying defense system at all. Furthermore, in the Lyi's Villa, there was Su Lei, whom Chen Bei had spent a lot of time and effort to support.    


In the quiet night, the group of masked men in black were flying towards Lyi's Villa.    


Fifty meters!    


30 meters!    


Ten meters!    


"Sou Sou Sou!" Countless black shadows soared into the sky and headed straight for the Lyi's Villa! They were as fast as lightning, and instantly, they were like a gust of wind! Everything... was silent!    


A Ninja warrior was the fastest to attack. His movement technique was like a ghost in the night, and he was rushing towards the Lyi's Villa! The corner of his mouth curled up into a cold smile. The samurai sword in his hand was thirsty. He thirsted for the taste of blood!    


"Zzz -!" Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed. A thick bolt of lightning flashed across the night sky and landed on the Ninja warrior. It was a real lightning strike. It was man-made lightning! The warrior in black's eyes were shaking. How could this be? How could lightning appear in the dark night? How could this be? His body trembled. He was hit by the lightning and fell to the ground outside the Lyi's Villa. The moment he passed out, he was shocked. His eyes were still wide open with shock!    


The other black-clothed warrior's movement technique suddenly flashed, and it almost tore through the void, shooting straight towards the courtyard of the villa!    


Suddenly! "Sou -!" A bullet struck!    


The warrior in black hurriedly pulled back his gear! However, he was unable to block the speed of the bullet!    


"Pu!" The bullet directly hit his leg, and he fell from midair, landing heavily on the ground outside the villa.    


A black-clothed warrior's movement technique was astonishing. He stepped on the wall of the villa and instantly jumped onto the wall. He looked like he was about to jump into the villa!    


"Chirp!" Suddenly, a dazzling red laser beam shot over rapidly!    


The corner of the black clothed warrior's clothes was hit and burned! His body trembled violently. His pupils contracted violently! An infrared laser?! F * ck! Why is there a laser weapon in this villa?! Is this a fucking villa or a military base?! But before he could react, Another infrared beam came straight at him, and he was shot in the leg. A large patch of skin was instantly burned and twisted!    


"Ah -" He let out a miserable cry and fell straight to the ground, fainting!    


In the endless dark night, around the Lyi's Villa, the fortress mode was completely activated!    


The red infrared ray shot out! A million volts of high-voltage electric current attacked! The missile interceptor system kept aiming!    


This was a real fortress! The sophisticated and terrifying military defense system had completely wrapped the Lyi's Villa into an iron-like fortress!    


In the dark night, a mosquito silently flew towards the courtyard of the Lyi's Villa! Suddenly! An infrared ray swept across in an instant! "Puff!" The mosquito was directly hit by the infrared ray and turned into a lump of burnt powder! This was... a true strict defense! So tight that not even a mosquito could fly into the villa!!    


Outside the villa. In the deep night sky, the group of Japanese Hidden Slaughter Warriors were all shocked and frightened!    


All of their surprise attacks were blocked outside! The special ability of the Hidden Killers, Ninja, seemed to have become a useless burden in front of this villa.    


The warriors in the Dark Night did not believe it. Their figures flashed in the dark night. They were practicing the most powerful technique of Ninja in Japan. They could hide themselves in the dark night and let everything quietly disappear in the dark night. They were the kings of the dark night! This sneak attack... How could they be defeated?!    


Countless figures flashed in the sky. Ninja's figure was like a ghost and kept attacking the Lyi's Villa!    


However, the defense system outside the Lyi's Villa was terrifying to the extreme! The infrared laser interweaved into a terrifying spider web! Countless electric currents and lightning flashed faintly in the dark night! This was simply hell on earth!!    


Countless hidden killing warriors had yet to rush into the villa when they were directly hit by this terrifying laser net and blood splashed everywhere. Some of the more serious ones were cut off by the laser! It was a bloody scene of horror!!    


In the villa, Lyi Qingyan was working in the study room when she suddenly heard the miserable howl outside. Her pretty face turned white. She pulled open the curtains of the study room to take a look. She was completely stunned!    


In the middle of the night, there was a circle around Lyi's Villa. Countless infrared lasers interweaved together and electric currents flashed. They interweaved into a beautiful spider web! Outside the spider web, Man in Black 's shadows were shot down one after another. Miserable howls and wails could be heard continuously!    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face turned pale. She stepped on her slippers and hurried downstairs!    


At this time, Su Lei was leaning on the sofa in the hall, leisurely watching the TV series.    


Immediately after, Lyi Qingyan hurried downstairs with a look on her face.    


"What's going on outside?! Did they attack earlier?! Quick, call Xiao Chen!" Lyi Qingyan's face was panicked and nervous. Her pretty face was pale.    


Su Lei! What's going on outside?!" Lyi Qingyan's face turned pale and she asked in panic.    


Su Lei shook her head and said," Don't worry... a group of gong came to die... "    


Seeing Su Lei's carefree manner, Lyi Qingyan was immediately stunned! Her pretty face was stunned. She could not react.    


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