Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C596 You will Die for Sure

C596 You will Die for Sure

A huge iron spear, dozens of meters long, was thrown into the air and hit the helicopter's frame!    


Then, the man with the animal skin grabbed the iron spear and ran like a beast... Then, "Rustle!" A violent series of bangs rang out!    


The white snow beneath the ground instantly scattered in all directions! The beast skin man was standing on an iron spear. His body seemed to be soaring in the sky... He directly rippled towards the helicopter! He was as fast as lightning. It was as if he was fighting in the sky, and an eagle was piercing through the sky!    


At this moment, he had transformed into a falcon!    


Falcon, one of the most terrifying vicious eagles in the world! And Falcon was his codename, and also his killing name!    


Falcon was born, and it fought through the sky! His entire person turned into a falcon, violently flying in the air, as sharp as an eagle, like a sword's roar!    


The helicopter was pulled by his enormous force, and the body of the helicopter tilted slightly. Even the huge propeller could not withstand the power of the falcon!    


The helicopter slowly drove away... Falcon's eyes were sharp. He glanced indifferently at the endless snowy mountain forest. Finally, with a wave of his huge arm, his entire body began to fight. Then, with a sudden leap, he dashed into the helicopter's cabin...    




Time flew by and a sun rose from the east. This was the new day in Huhai City.    


Chen Bei drove Maybach early in the morning and slowly stopped at the door of the villa. He took out a cigarette and smoked slowly, waiting for Goddess President.    


Very soon, Lyi Qingyan and Su Lei walked out of the door.    


Along the way, Chen Bei sat in the passenger seat with a gloomy face while Lyi Qingyan sat in the back. At first, Chen Bei wanted to sit in the back seat, but Lyi Qingyan directly drove him to the passenger seat.    


Along the way, Chen Bei didn't even dare to breathe. He only dared to secretly glance at the rearview mirror from time to time. Along the way, the car was unusually quiet.    


After arriving at the company, Chen Bei directly hid in his office and locked the door.    


Chen Bei spent the entire day in his office. He did not play games, but took out the military model... He began to deduce the future situation on the model.    


The situation in Huhai had not calmed down yet. Recently, there were too many enemies in Lyi's Group and himself. There were too many! This speed was too fast. It had exceeded his expectations! Not only that, but he also had to be wary of the various forces in China and the greedy eyes of the Yanjing... Under the surface calmness, a storm had already been brewing!    


Chen Bei stared at the situation on the sand table and narrowed his eyes slightly. After which, he gradually became solemn.    


After work in the evening, Chen Bei had already prepared Maybach and was waiting for the two women downstairs.    


Goddess President walked over in high heels and sat in the back seat while Su Lei sat in the driver's seat.    


Chen Bei was speechless at the two women.    


Maybach drove all the way... Twenty minutes later, they arrived near the villa.    


But at this moment, Chen Bei suddenly noticed something strange.    


He slowed down the car and carefully surveyed the surroundings! It was quiet all around. The grass at the edge of the villa was very quiet, there was no movement... On the sidewalk, there was no one... Everything seemed so natural, naturally something was not right!    


Su Lei, who was in the driver's seat, also noticed something strange. She looked at Chen Bei and said in a low voice, "I'll go take a look."    


"No need." Chen Bei suddenly stopped her.    


Lyi Qingyan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was confused. She turned to Chen Bei and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"It's okay." Chen Bei smiled at her.    


At this moment, Lyi Qingyan could no longer remain calm. She also felt Chen Bei's strange behavior. What was going on?    


"Is there any danger?" Lyi Qingyan asked subconsciously.    


Chen Bei shook his head. "Don't worry. It's fine."    


Maybach slowly drove to the gate of the Li family manor. Chen Bei turned his head and looked around carefully. After confirming that there was no problem, he slowly entered the manor.    


As long as the car drove into the villa, there should be no danger. The first night he returned to Huhai, he had already made some arrangements here. Although he couldn't defend against those terrifying experts, he could block most of the sneak attacks, including regular troops!    


However, the moment the car stopped, Chen Bei felt that something was not right.    


He kept feeling that... Something was locking onto him! That feeling was getting stronger and stronger, and... It was getting closer and closer!    


Lyi Qingyan was about to get out of the car when Chen Bei suddenly locked the door!    


The Maybach stopped at the door of the villa and locked the door.    


"What's going on?" Lyi Qingyan's pretty face also became nervous.    


Chen Bei reached out and made a shushing gesture. At this moment, his sharp intuition instantly activated and closely scanned his surroundings.    


The danger was getting closer and closer. It was as if an aura was rushing to the sky. But... where was the source of the danger?    


Chen Bei could not lock onto the source of the danger, and could not find it.    


Su Lei also looked around with a serious expression. She did not find anything suspicious.    


Chen Bei's eyes slowly focused... Suddenly! He raised his head abruptly! He stared straight at the roof of the car! The sky! That's right! That dangerous aura came from the sky!    


At the same time, in the security monitoring room of the villa district. A few bodyguards were sitting in front of the monitoring device in the monitoring room, carefully checking the surroundings of the villa... As usual, there was nothing unusual.    


Suddenly, the monitoring alarm rang!    


The bodyguards were stunned at first... Then, they stared at the screen!    


Very quickly, the captain of the bodyguards rushed to the monitoring room at the first possible moment!    


"What's going on?!" The captain's expression was extremely solemn.    


"Boss... An unknown object has invaded!" The subordinate's voice was solemn and nervous!    


The captain rushed directly in front of the monitor screen. Immediately after, he was stunned as well!    


This was a scene that was captured using a ground-based surveillance camera... The sky above the villa was thousands of meters high... A black shadow spread its wings and rushed down rapidly! It was as fast as lightning, like a falcon!    


"What is that?!" The captain's expression was solemn!    


"infrared scan analysis, the image... is... It's a person!"    


Shua! As soon as these words came out, As soon as these words were spoken, the entire monitoring room was completely shocked and silent!    


Everyone's eyes widened as they stared intently at the figure that was swiftly charging down from the screen!    


A person... Falling down from thousands of meters in the sky?! This... How is this possible! This subverted all normal theories!    


"Activate the high-altitude satellite monitoring! I want to know how he landed! Could it be an alien? !! "    


In an instant, the surveillance footage from the high-altitude satellite was replayed... The footage of the previous scene was clearly captured and recorded!    


At a height of nearly 10,000 meters above the villa, an aircraft was hidden in the thick clouds... Immediately after, the hatch of the plane opened... The man in black suddenly jumped out of the cabin and fell rapidly like a shooting star!    


Then, he suddenly opened his arms! His black clothes were instantly unfolded. It was a huge tarpaulin! It was like the wings of an eagle! He soared in the air and dove down at high speed! Eagle Strikes the Sky!    


The captain and his subordinates were all shocked! They widened their eyes in horror as they stared at the scene on the monitor screen!    


This! This scene was too shocking! A human with a mortal body actually jumped down from the sky, without any parachute equipment... With just that piece of black cloth, it flew down from ten thousand meters high?!! This is simply terrifying! This, was it really a human?!    


At the same time, in the sky, that black hawk-like shadow was getting closer and closer!    


The speed of its descent was very fast, almost as fast as lightning! Under the huge gravitational pull of the ground, the black shadow's speed was comparable to supersonic speed! It was like a tongue of fire that was rapidly attacking, directly rushing towards the villa of the Lyi family below! There was only one direction for his attack! The black Maybach parked in the villa!    


The distance was getting closer and closer, and the loud sound of wind whistled through the air! With a majestic force, he smashed down like a missile!    


At this moment, the villa's fortress system instantly activated! Defend the enemy!    


"Z--!" Two infrared rays instantly condensed and shot out. The intense heat from the infrared rays shot towards the charging black shadow in midair!    


The precision of the infrared rays reached 100%! This was a high-tech weapon that was controlled by a computer with full intelligence. It aimed at the target according to the heat emitted by the object. Its precision was even more accurate than a satellite positioning!    


But just as the infrared ray was about to hit the black shadow... "Sou!" A sound of air being torn apart!    


The black shadow's wings flashed and its body dodged the two infrared rays like lightning! This... How much speed did it require?!    


The infrared beam locked onto the attack and failed!    


Peng -! On a small cannon turret in the villa, a small silenced grenade weapon was shot out!    


The black shadow in the sky did not dodge at all, and it directly raised its head! A sharp cold beam shot out and instantly intercepted the grenade weapon!    


The grenade and the cold light collided and exploded in the air! The grenade attack... Failed!    


In the monitoring room, the security guards were shocked! This was a great enemy, an unprecedented great enemy!    


To actually be unable to lock onto him with such a precise and advanced weapon?! This was too terrifying and shocking!    


Suddenly, the high-voltage electric net was activated! It completely enveloped the entire Lyi's Villa! On top of the villa, the countless electric net intertwined and emitted a blue light! It was a million volts of high-voltage electricity!    


In the sky, that black shadow instantly rushed over!    


The black shadow did not dodge at all. Like a missile, it directly collided with the opponent's high-voltage electric net!    


"Z-Crackle!" A violent electric current exploded! Countless sparks of electricity flashed and exploded, lighting up the dim yellow sky under the setting sun!!    


The intense high-voltage electric current of a million volts struck the black shadow, but it did not have any effect! The electric current seemed to be ineffective against him!    


In the monitoring room, everyone was shocked and terrified! It was actually... Even a million volts of electricity was ineffective against him?! An extremely terrified result appeared in front of them! This super defense system of Sukhoi's military was used by the enemy! It's broken through!    


The black shadow broke through the voltage of a million volts and directly fell like a meteor!    


"Boom -!" A shocking explosion!! The black shadow slammed into the roof of the black Maybach!    


A huge and terrifying force attacked, shaking like a missile! The body of the Maybach shook violently... The concrete ground under the Maybach's car instantly cracked! The tires of the entire car were caved in!    


A huge cloud of dust scattered in all directions!    


After the dust dispersed, the black shadow finally revealed its true form... A terrifying man with strong muscles!    


The man stood on the roof of the Maybach just like that. A hint of surprise was reflected on his cold and dense face! This Maybach... Under such a terrifying impact, it actually... Completely intact?    


The black Maybach had already been modified. Its body structure was able to withstand the impact of several tons of force. It could even resist the terrifying rockets! How could this mere attack injure the car in the slightest?    


Shua! A group of fully armed bodyguards rushed out of the villa in an instant! Each of them was holding a cold, hot weapon in their hands! It was oppressive and dense!    


"Immediately raise your hand and surrender! Otherwise, don't blame us for attacking!" The leader of the bodyguards' voice was solemn and serious. This was an unprecedented crisis!    


The man on the car roof still had an incomparably calm expression. He glanced indifferently at the group of bodyguards.    


"Whoosh -!" Suddenly, his body jerked!    


"Bang, bang, bang -!" The bodyguards were incomparably terrified and directly opened fire! All of the tongues of fire instantly shot out... Not a single tongue of fire could hit him!    


The black shadow man spun in the air and suddenly landed on the ground!    


The ground beneath his feet instantly collapsed and cracked! The power was so terrifying!    


The bodyguards' faces were filled with shock and shock! All the bodyguards lost their confidence! At this moment... There was only one thought in their minds! Monster!    


This was simply a monster, a hideous and terrifying monster!    


Inside the Maybach, Goddess Lyi Qingyan's face was pale. She was completely stunned...    


Chen Bei's expression was solemn. He turned his head and instructed seriously, "Qingyan, stay in the car. Don't come out."    


After he finished speaking, his figure flashed and he directly opened the car door and rushed out! He was as fast as lightning!    


The moment Chen Bei rushed out, Su Lei instantly stepped on the accelerator and quickly started the car to drive away from this dangerous area.    


The Maybach quickly retreated far away. It stopped at a corner in the distance. Avoiding the most dangerous core zone!    


Lyi Qingyan sat in the car with a panicked expression. Her beautiful eyes were staring in front of her...    


The black clothed man just stood there calmly. His expression was cold and deep, making it impossible for others to see through him.    


Chen Bei stood in front of the black clothed man, ten meters away from him...    


The two of them just stood there calmly, surrounding the two of them in a circle, the entire atmosphere became oppressive and dense!    


"You two, back off." Chen Bei glanced at the captain and the rest, signalling for the bodyguards to step back. This was not their battle at all. They could not participate in this battle that was about to erupt. It would only add to the burden.    


The captain made a prompt decision and immediately ordered all his subordinates to retreat!    


The group of bodyguards instantly retreated several hundred meters! However, they still surrounded the Li family manor and vigilantly locked onto this scene!    


The black clothed man looked at Chen Bei indifferently. His eyes were very calm, so calm that one could even see a wisp of death aura from his eyes.    


"Chen Bei?" The black-clothed man slowly spat out two words.    


Chen Bei lit a cigarette and stared at him. "Who are you?"    


"Falcons." He slowly spat out his code name. The air around him was even colder.    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed. He could faintly smell a trace of uneasiness in the air.    


"What is your purpose?" Chen Bei asked faintly.    


"I will kill you." Falcon's voice was extremely calm, but it sounded like a terrifying sound that came from hell, causing people to tremble.    


Chen Bei just stared at him like that. After a long time, Chen Bei smiled.    


"Do you think you have the ability?" Chen Bei's voice was calm, as if he didn't care about Chen Bei at all.    


"Die!" Falcon's body suddenly flashed! The ground beneath his feet instantly cracked!    


0.1 seconds! He suddenly broke through the distance of 10 meters and arrived in front of Chen Bei! He threw out a punch with a force of ten thousand kilograms.    


Falcon - the fastest and fiercest vicious eagle in the world! The moment the falcon appeared, the entire battlefield was dyed red with blood!    


Falcon's fist smashed over, the terrifying force causing the air to shake violently!    


But at this instant! Chen Bei suddenly disappeared in front of him! He turned into an afterimage!    


Chen Bei's body was faster than a falcon! His feet flashed and his body flashed like lightning, leaving only an afterimage!    


Falcon's punch landed on Chen Bei's afterimage! The afterimage instantly disappeared!    


At this moment, Falcon's eyes narrowed! The opponent's speed had exceeded his expectations!    


Falcon's body suddenly flashed, and like a falcon, he once again swooped down towards Chen Bei. That was Falcon's terrifying killing intent! His eyes were as terrifying as a ferocious beast and exploded. This... It was a human-shaped ferocious beast!    


The corner of Chen Bei's mouth curved up as he took a sudden step back! He dodged again!    


"Sou!" Falcon's terrifying fist smashed over!    


Chen Bei dodged it in an instant.    


"Boom!" The falcon's long legs attacked with terrifying killing intent.    


Chen Bei's body flashed once again, dodging the attack like a phantom!    


In a short one second, the falcon had already launched several terrifying killing attacks! Each attack was fatal! Terrifying!    


However, Chen Bei's identity was like a phantom, dodging all of them without being touched by him at all!    


The ground had already cracked open! Under the Falcon's footstep, the concrete was unable to withstand such a terrifying force and directly collapsed!    


Amidst the dust flying, the two's movement techniques suddenly exploded! The sound of air trembling continued!    


In the surroundings, the bodyguards' eyes were wide open. Everyone held their breaths! This... was the most terrifying battle they had ever seen in their lives! This... had completely surpassed the limits of the human body! This battle had completely shocked their heart's ability to endure! And the current situation... The other party's terrifying killing intent overflowed into the heavens. Chen Bei repeatedly dodged and dodged. It seemed like there was no room for retaliation at all!    


Inside the Maybach, Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was pale. Her teeth were biting her red lips tightly.    


"Su Lei... Will he be in danger...?!" At this moment, Lyi Qingyan was very worried! Her heart was completely suspended! She had never been so nervous and worried like today! She had never been so worried about a man!    


Su Lei did not say anything. Her blue eyes were staring outside the window... In the middle of the battlefield, the two of them were constantly flashing and shaking.    


At the same time, in the sky tens of thousands of feet above the ground! A private plane was circling several kilometers away from the villa!    


In the plane, a high-definition synthesis effect was displayed on the screen! The aircraft crew members were staring at the battle scene on the screen! This was a live broadcast of the battle!    




Wang Wudi just sat quietly in the presidential suite. At this moment, he... He was calm and indifferent. His eyes were fixed on the television screen in front of him. On the screen... The horror battle in the Li family manor was being broadcasted live!    


He clenched his fists tightly and stared at Chen Bei's figure in the picture with a dense gaze. It was an extremely cold killing intent! Tonight, Er Dongchen would die!    


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