Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C635 Human Bomb

C635 Human Bomb

Silent night! The air trembled! The fierce tongues of fire cut through the night sky and attacked Chen Bei with tremendous force.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" Chen Bei carried his weapon and moved as fast as lightning, blocking all the tongues of fire and blasting them down! It was so terrifying!    


A sniper was about to pull the trigger of his weapon... Suddenly... A tongue of fire flew over... It fiercely shot into his weapon's barrel...    


"Boom!" With an explosion, the weapon's barrel directly exploded! The sniper fell into a pool of blood!    


"Number 4! Number 4!" In the middle of the wireless current, the snipers were furious! In just a few seconds... They had lost several of their comrades?!    


"Bastard!! I'll kill you!" A sniper was furious. He raised his weapon and fired at Chen Bei.    


The air trembled violently. In the night sky hundreds of meters high... The tongues of fire clashed and smoke filled the air.    


"Whoosh -!" Suddenly, in the silent night... A tongue of flame followed the arc of the moonlight... It shot out rapidly!    


"Pu!" The tongue of fire suddenly shot into his throat... It pierced through his throat and a string of blood splashed out... The sniper's entire body fell...!    


Several snipers fell to the ground one after another. At this moment, the commander's expression was extremely ugly! This... This was the most terrifying and arduous assassination he had ever experienced in his life! A total of fifteen Barett Snipers!! They actually... They were actually unable to kill a single person... And I was ambushed by them... He began to counter snipe...!!    


The commander's pupils trembled as he scanned the complicated situation around him. He made a prompt decision!    


"Change tactics! Change tactics! No. 5, No. 6, snipe the black Maybach! Attract the attention of the target! "Surround Wei and save Zhao!!" The commander shouted!    


Shua! Two pitch-black sniper weapons suddenly aimed at Maybach, who was thousands of meters away!    


"Assault team! Get ready to attack!" The commander shouted again!    


At the same time, in the street a thousand meters away... A group of masked men in black charged forward! They had been buried in the dark for a long time! Now, they finally attacked!    


Snipe team, assault team... This was a complete hunting operation!    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was blank... Her beautiful eyes looked outside the window in panic...    


In the dark night, the group of masked men in black rushed over ferociously with killing intent!    


One of the attackers was holding an explosive bomb! He was attempting to forcibly blow up Maybach's bulletproof armor!    


"Puhwark!" Just as he rushed in front of Maybach, a tongue of fire pierced through his forehead!    


"Peng." The attacker fell to the ground!    


The group of attackers charged towards Maybach with killing intent... Trying to destroy Maybach...    


But in the dark, the tongues of fire suddenly flew over!    


Chen Bei was lying on the roof of the building, carrying Barrett's weapon. His eyes were very deep as he looked at the scope and sniped the group of attackers below.    


Lyi Qingyan was sitting in the car, her heart beating fast. She knew... It was Chen Bei who was saving her! Although she could not find Chen Bei at this moment... However, he was in the dark night... He was guarding her in a corner!    


The dark of the night continued, endless blood slaughter!    


This was Chen Bei's battlefield!    


The moment he lifted Barett's sniper rifle, the entire situation changed!    


Some people said that snipers were the most terrifying characters in the world. He could shoot people thousands of miles away and kill people without being noticed! He could control the situation of the battle within a one kilometer radius!    


The moment Dragon King picked up his sniper weapon, it became a hell of Rosen.    


Within a two kilometer radius... Anyone within the range of Barett's sniping range would become Chen Bei's position! Within two kilometers, he would be the king of the battle!    


In a short two seconds, the assault team... They were all headshot snipers! The scene was ghastly and terrifying!    


At this moment, Lyi Qingyan was actually unprecedentedly safe! Although Chen Bei was not by her side... However, Dragon King's eyes were staring intently at this place... This was Dragon King's battlefield!    


"Report... Assault team... Completely wiped out!" A shrill voice was reported on the radio.    


The radio was dead silent!    


The commander's eyes were bloodshot and he was trembling! It was a violent tremor of fear! That was extreme anger!    


"Everyone... Kill... kill him! I must kill him! "Increase the firepower!!" The commander's voice roared in anger, his entire body trembling!    


However... just as the commander's voice faded... A sniper in another building was shot again! Fall down!    


"Conceal!! Everyone, hide! " At this moment, the commander finally broke down!    


Everyone, hide... Retreat!!" The commander's voice trembled in fear, carrying a huge chill!!    


The snipers had extremely ugly expressions on their faces! This is... The biggest failure they had ever experienced in their lives! In just a few minutes... Fifteen members of the terrorist sniper team... More than half of them had been sacrificed! Only a few people remained!    


They finally realized... What kind of existence was he facing?! This... This was simply a terrifying hell god of slaughter!!    


At this moment, the only thing he could do was to escape!    


In the dark night, on top of the buildings... Several snipers quickly retreated... They didn't even have time to pack up their weapons and ammunition. At this moment, the most important thing was to retreat and escape!    


A sniper was hiding on the roof of the rooftop, trying to escape in the darkness...    


"Puff!" Suddenly, a tongue of fire pierced through the wall and shot into the back of his head.    


The moment he fell... He was still trembling in fear! The other party... How is this possible... How is it possible to aim at him from a wall?! But, he no longer has the chance to think...    


On the rooftop of a building opposite him, a sniper was crouching on the rooftop wall. He was moving carefully.    


"Puchi!" Suddenly, the wall in front of him cracked... A tongue of flame suddenly shot through... It shot into his temple...    


The night was endless. Dragon King was like a god of death in hell, controlling the whole situation. The snipers had no chance to escape.    


Barett's sniper rifle was extremely terrifying. Under Dragon King's terrifying control, it was like an infrared target. He had killed all the snipers present!    


On another rooftop, a sniper was crawling on the ground. He was so scared that he did not dare to move at all! His face was extremely pale and his face was covered in cold sweat. One could imagine how terrified he was at this moment. At this moment, he could only crawl on the ground and didn't dare to move even a little bit! This was the only thing he could do. Only in this way could he escape from the enemy's sniping area and save his life!    


"Whoosh -!" Suddenly, a tongue of flame flew over rapidly! It struck the lightning rod on the roof!    


The lightning rod was broken by the tongue of fire... It was on the verge of collapsing and fell to the ground!    


"Pu!" The sharp lightning rod suddenly fell down, piercing through the sniper's head that was prostrating on the ground!    


The envoy crawled and dodged... None of them could escape Dragon King's attack!    


A few seconds later, hundreds of meters high in the sky... There was a dead silence! Blood dyed the entire sky red!    


A total of 15 snipers... Completely fallen!    


Only the commander was left...! He was kneeling on the rooftop, his face deathly pale! All of them were wiped out... His sniper team... All dead!    


His body was trembling violently, his pupils were bloodshot... At this moment, he was terrified to the extreme...    


The commander looked around the balcony cautiously. At this moment, he had to escape! He had to do everything he could to escape!    


His eyes finally focused on the stairs leading to the fire escape tunnel...    


"Puff!" Suddenly, a tongue of flame struck the door of the fire escape tunnel!    


The commander's heart skipped a beat! This is... The enemy is warning us?!    


The commander's face turned deathly pale! The other party... They had no intention of letting him go at all! The other party intended to capture him alive!    


The commander quickly took out a bundle of steel wires from his bag... He quietly circled around the hidden area on the top floor of the building and threw the steel wires down... He tried to escape by climbing the rope...    


"Puff!" Suddenly, a tongue of fire shook through the night!    


The steel wire rope was broken in an instant... The only thing left was a bare rope pole...    


The commander's pupils suddenly focused! Even the steel wire rope was broken... All of his escape routes were blocked!    


The commander suddenly raised his weapon and attempted to escape to the fire escape passage through cover!    


But just as he raised his weapon... A tongue of fire shot into his weapon's barrel... He was shocked and threw his weapon away! The weapon exploded in the dark night!    


On top of a skyscraper, Chen Bei was holding a cigarette in his mouth and Barett in his hand. He stared at the distance hundreds of meters away with a profound look in his eyes. The commander's figure...    


"You won't be able to escape..." Chen Bei's voice trembled in the night sky.    


The commander's eyes were red. He roared, "Bastard! Come over if you have the guts?! Either kill me!"    


The commander and Chen Bei's building were hundreds of meters away from each other. If Chen Bei ran to the opposite building at such a distance... At least five minutes...! These five minutes were enough for the commander to complete his escape and retreat.    


"Hahahaha! You can't get over here! If you have the guts, kill me!!" The commander laughed maniacally, his entire person carrying a sinister look! The other party wanted to capture him alive?! This was definitely not impossible! Either he lived or he died!    


Chen Bei slowly blew out a smoke ring. There was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. His eyes stared straight at the skyscraper hundreds of meters away.    


Suddenly, he flung his right hand. The Dragon Tooth Dagger suddenly shot out!    


In the blink of an eye, Chen Bei's movement technique suddenly stomped out! His entire person turned into a streak of lightning! A foot stepped on the medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger's blade body! One with the dagger! Like lightning, he shot towards the skyscraper hundreds of meters away!    


Boom! At this moment, the commander's eyes widened! He stared at this extremely impossible scene! That person... He actually... He actually crossed through the void and came over?!! This... This scene was simply too shocking!! This surpassed the physical limits of the human body!! How did he do it?!    


When a person's speed reached the limit... With just a light tap of his feet... He will be able to break through the limits of human gravity... In a blink of an eye, he would be able to cross hundreds of meters...    


The Dragon Tooth Dagger was as fast as lightning... At this moment, it was several times faster than the speed of sound! Chen Bei stepped on it and his movement technique flashed. His entire body was attacked by a huge force that was used to piercing through the air. He crossed hundreds of meters in the sky. It was as if he was soaring in the sky, shaking violently!    


Under his feet, the ground was suspended in the air. Only the narrow streets and cars that were as small as ants were left. The wind whistled and shook. Chen Bei's figure was like a child. He flew over like a bullet!    


In an instant... Chen Bei crossed hundreds of meters in the air. He suddenly jumped into the roof of the skyscraper.    


The commander was shocked. He was petrified on the spot. He had never seen such a terrifying person in his life. He had never seen such a terrifying person crossing hundreds of meters in the sky. It was beyond his endurance. Hundreds of meters was enough for a gun to shoot. However, this man could actually overcome gravity and jump hundreds of meters. He was like a demon!    


Chen Bei put away the Dragon Tooth Dagger. His eyes were incomparably deep as he walked towards the commander step by step.    


"Who sent you?" Chen Bei's voice was very calm.    


The commander's expression changed. He kept his mouth shut.    


"Looks like I need to use some methods..." Chen Bei narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly with a bloody killing intent.    


Suddenly! Chen Bei's eyes narrowed. He turned around and disappeared.    


"Boom!" A shocking explosion!! The commander's body exploded like a bomb! The terrifying flames almost engulfed the entire sky above the rooftop! Physical bomb!    


Chen Bei was directly hit by the blast wave of the bomb... He was sent flying out of the roof. The force of the bomb was so strong that it pierced through the roof. Chen Bei's body couldn't take it at all. He suddenly fell to the ground hundreds of meters below him.    


The wind whistled and shook. The gravitational force was getting stronger and stronger! Chen Bei's body was like a piece of meat as he fell to the ground.    


This time, he suddenly felt a trace of death. If he had no way to stop it... Then at this moment... He will be smashed into meat paste!    


The sound of the wind beside his ears was deafening... Chen Bei's body was falling rapidly. At this moment, his gravity had reached several white tons of strength. This kind of impact caused him to fall... He would not even have a corpse left!!    


All of a sudden... Chen Bei suddenly pulled out the Dragon Tooth Dagger and stabbed it into the glass wall of the building!    


"Splash!" The sound of glass shattering continuously rang out!    


The Dragon Tooth Dagger was like a sharp tooth. It was dragged by the inertia of Chen Bei's body and fell downwards. It fell! The dagger could not stop the inertia of gravity at all... It left a long mark on the wall outside the building! Wherever it passed, the curtain wall's glass shattered and exploded!    


Chen Bei held the dagger in his hand. Stuck into the glass wall... He used it to neutralize the terrifying impact. Countless pieces of glass flew down from the top of his head... His entire body was in a sorry state... He suddenly fell down towards the ground below!    


"Bang -!" A shocking explosion!    


The moment Chen Bei's body collided with the ground... The entire ground cracked and collapsed.    


A cloud of dust flew into the air.    


"Chen Bei!" Lyi Qingyan completely lost control... She did not care if there was any danger around her. She stepped out of Maybach and ran towards the direction of the dust and ruins.    


Along the way, she dropped her high heels... Her mind was in a mess... She kicked off her high heels and ignored the pain in her ankle. She was naked. Run for the ruins!    


The dust gradually dispersed... A huge hole appeared on the ground! Chen Bei was in a sorry state. He was lying in the pit, covered in dust. His eyes were closed. He seemed to have fainted.    


"Chen Bei! Chen Bei, wake up! " Lyi Qingyan rushed into the huge pit. When she saw the unconscious Chen Bei lying in the pit, her pretty face turned completely pale. Tears were pouring down her face. She did not care about the tears on her pretty face. She pushed Chen Bei's body with all her might, trying to wake him up.    


Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes... They slid down her pretty face. A drop of crystal clear tears fell onto Chen Bei's lips.    


Chen Bei's tightly shut eyes slightly trembled. He stuck out his tongue... He gently licked the moist edge of his lips... It was a sweet taste... It was as if she was in love with a goddess...    


Chen Bei coughed violently and spat out a mouthful of blood. He finally opened his eyes.    


He saw... It was the flustered face of Goddess Lyi Qingyan. She was squatting in front of him. Her eyes were red... Tears flowed down her face.    


"Silly woman... What are you crying for?" Chen Bei asked weakly.    


Hearing Chen Bei's words... Lyi Qingyan cried even harder... Tears rolled down her beautiful eyes. It made people feel wronged and painful.    


Chen Bei slowly stood up from the ground. His body was in a sorry state. His body was covered in dust and his face was covered in dust. It was as if he had crawled out of a garbage dump.    


"F * ck you... He actually used a human bomb, this kind of disgusting thing... F * ck, I almost died in his hands..." Chen Bei shook his arm which was full of pain and said in a shaky voice.    


Lyi Qingyan lost control of her emotions... She did not care about Chen Bei at all. She threw herself into Chen Bei's arms and hugged his chest tightly. It was as if she did not want to lose this man for the rest of her life.    


Chen Bei was stunned. He blankly felt the gentle body in his chest. Her charming fragrance drifted into Chen Bei's nose. It seemed so tempting. Human nature.    


"Qingyan... My whole body is covered in dust and dirt... Don't make a fuss, let go..." Chen Bei said gently.    


Lyi Qingyan did not try to stop him. Her pretty face was on his shoulder. She did not care about the blood stains on his chest. She hugged him just like that. At this moment, the air seemed to have become quiet.    


Chen Bei hesitated for a moment and slowly extended his hand. He also gently wrapped his arm around her delicate body. He placed his hand on her soft and tender back and gently comforted her.    


"Good boy... Qingyan, don't cry... I'm fine now." Chen Bei comforted her gently.    


Listening to Chen Bei's comforting words, Lyi Qingyan seemed to have lost control of herself even more. Her pretty face was buried on his shoulder as she sobbed softly.    


"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Lyi Qingyan's voice trembled as she apologized with all her might.    


"Silly woman, what are you talking about? Why are you apologizing to me..." Chen Bei said gently.    


"It was all because of me... You were attacked by them... Because of me... I put you in so much danger... I'm sorry... I'm sorry. Lyi Qingyan kept apologizing and blaming herself. At this moment, she was like a little girl who had done something wrong. All that was left was endless guilt.    


Chen Bei gently lifted her little head, then leaned forward and gently kissed off the tears on her pretty face.    


"Silly woman, you didn't let me down... I am your bodyguard, I am willing to do all of this..." Chen Bei's voice was very gentle and carried a special force.    


Lyi Qingyan's crying slowed down. Her long and narrow eyelashes were gently tired, appearing incomparably pathetic and pitiful.    


"It's okay, it's okay... I am very capable. How could something happen to me?" Chen Bei said gently, "If I wasn't careless... I'm not gonna get hurt... Look, I'm full of energy right now."    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes swept over his body and seemed to be observing his injuries.    


"I will bring you to the hospital for a check-up..." Lyi Qingyan blinked her sparkling eyes and softly said.    


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