Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C633 Ambush

C633 Ambush

Xue Yi had arranged for a luxurious dining room, and the dishes had already been ordered.    


After Lyi Qingyan sat down, the waiter started to serve the dishes.    


One after another, luxurious and precious famous dishes were brought to the table.    


Looking at these beautiful dishes, Chen Bei's eyes lit up. He was born to be a glutton, and he adhered to a principle... No matter if he was an enemy friend or friend, he would never refuse a delicacy!    


However, before Chen Bei started eating, he still confirmed that there was no poison. Only then did he raise his chopsticks and start eating without restraint.    


The waiter brought over a bottle of top treasured Longwei Manor Lafite and opened the bottle to sober up the wine. The wine was so rich that it seemed to spread out in an instant.    


Lyi Qingyan sat in front of the dining table. Her beautiful eyes slightly focused as if she did not expect this... Today's hospitality seemed to be a little too extravagant, right?    


Looking at the table full of rare dishes... Every dish is top quality wild delicacies... The price is shockingly high... These dishes are all restricted forbidden dishes but they all appear on the dining table...    


And that bottle of Lafite that has just been opened for 99 years... This is the best wine in the world... One bottle costs 5 million... There is no market... There are only a few bottles in the world... But today, Xue Yi did not hesitate to open this bottle of red wine?    


Xue Yi had a gentlemanly smile on his face as he raised his cup and said, "Director Lyi, thank you for attending the banquet today."    


Lyi Qingyan gently raised her cup in return, but there was an inexplicable sense of vigilance in her beautiful eyes.    


How could Chen Bei care so much? Sitting at the dining table, she ate wildly. There were so many dishes, it was a waste not to eat!    


Secretary Liu Zi Lan sat at the side. Her beautiful eyes were complicated and messy as she looked at Chen Bei's figure. Her mind was already in a mess. This man... caused her emotions, which she had struggled to calm down, to once again become chaotic.    


"Director Lyi, regarding cooperation, My idea is... to give all the shares of the cooperation project to the Lyi's Group to manage... and my Feiyang Group... Divide the profits from the shares we deserve... There are only a few leading real estate companies in Huhai City... If we work together, we will definitely reach a new level of business." Xue Yi was a gentleman. But very seriously.    


Lyi Qingyan was stunned when she heard Xue Yi's words. Put the shares... To your own group? In other words, didn't he give the control of this cooperation project to himself?    


Lyi Qingyan's doubts were even more serious... She never believed that such a good thing would happen in this world...    


Seeing Lyi Qingyan silent, Xue Yi smiled and softly said, "Director Lyi... I know what you are worried about."    


Lyi Qingyan was slightly stunned and looked at him.    


You are worried... I have other motives, right?" At this moment, Xue Yi suddenly did not hide anything. Just like that!    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes slightly focused. She did not understand what he meant and just stared at him calmly.    


When she heard this, even Chen Bei stopped the food in his hand and looked at him meaningfully.    


"Manager Xue, what do you mean?" Lyi Qingyan asked.    


Xue Yi took a sip of red wine and slowly said, "Director Lyi is somewhat wary of me, so it is only natural... But since I, Xue Yi, have spoken clearly with Director Lyi today, That also represents my thoughts... "I have no other thoughts... My goal is very simple, I just want to work together and earn money..."    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes were slightly focused. She just stared at him as if she wanted to see... What is he planning?    


"How can I believe you?" Lyi Qingyan asked in a magnetic voice. There was a hint of wisdom in her eyes.    


"Director Lyi, to be honest, the Lyi's Group is huge. If I really have other motives, both sides will suffer losses in the end... perhaps it will harm the interests of my company and be taken by others... This is something that Xue does not wish to see... " Xue Yi slowly said. His voice was deep and continuous.    


This time, I, Xue Yi, am interested in the scale of the Lyi's Group's property. If the two of us work together, we will definitely rise to a new level and perhaps become a world-class heavyweight property giant. " Xue Yi said in an extremely serious tone. His voice was extremely sincere!    


One had to admit that Xue Yi's current attitude really moved people's hearts. After expressing his position and handing over all of his shares to the Lyi's Group... For the sake of an opportunity to cooperate... All of this seemed to be due to the advantage that the Lyi's had gained today.    


However, there was always a thread in Lyi Qingyan's heart. That thread was her wisdom.    


Even though Xue Yi was sincere and sincere again and again, in Lyi Qingyan's eyes... It was so abrupt... To put it bluntly... It was the pie that fell from the sky! Could there really be such a good thing as a pie falling from the sky in this world?    


"Xue Dong, I'm sorry... I think... You can look for other partners... My Lyi's Group... "At present, I don't want to expand too much..." Lyi Qingyan said apologetically as she gently leaned forward.    


Xue Yi was stunned when he heard this.    


He even threw out this condition... She was actually still indifferent?    


"I wonder... why?" Xue Yi asked somewhat unwillingly.    


Lyi Qingyan blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled, "Because of the strategic layout of the company... The Lyi's Group does not want to expand too quickly..."    


Xue Yi smiled unnaturally... At this moment, his expression was somewhat awkward... He threw out layers of plans, profits transfer... He was actually unable to move this woman...    


This made him suddenly feel a sense of defeat... All these years, he had been swallowing up and infiltrating all kinds of enterprises, and he had successfully turned the Feiyang Group into a huge company. All these years, he's almost never lost...    


But today, he was rejected by the young and beautiful female director from the Lyi's Group... Furthermore, it was not just once! His confrontation with Lyi Qingyan, whether in the open or in the dark... He had already failed several times!    


Even Lyi Qingyan was indifferent to such a tempting bait. He did not understand what could move this woman in front of him.    


Xue Yi ate this meal unnaturally... Although he still pretended to be calm... However, his heart was a little chaotic... The situation was in a mess... He failed again.    


Halfway through the meal, Lyi Qingyan passed a card to Chen Bei and asked him to quietly pay the bill.    


To Lyi Qingyan, it was easy to take advantage of others... She would never let Xue Yi pay the bill for this dinner. She did not believe that a pie would fall from the sky and she would not take someone else's invitation for free.    


Chen Bei took the card and went to the counter to pay the bill. It was more than 7 million yuan in total. This dinner was more than seven million yuan. It was indeed extremely extravagant. Chen Bei could not help but curl his lips. Lyi Qingyan, that tigress, And at such a critical moment... She was willing to pay for a meal worth more than seven million yuan. She had the demeanor of a general.    


It seems... I can trust her to manage the tens of billions of dollars in assets under my name... Chen Bei was so lustful...    


After the meal ended, Xue Yi called the waiter to pay the bill, but he found out that the bill had already been bought. This made him feel even more shocked. This time, In front of Lyi Qingyan, he had failed many times. The dignified young chairman of the Feiyang Group, Xue Yi, who was known as the most business talent in Huhai City, had no means in front of Lyi Qingyan. It was as if he was called a unarmed soldier.    


The few of them slowly walked out of the restaurant. Chen Bei prepared Maybach and escorted Lyi Qingyan into the car.    


Although Xue Yi was a little depressed, he still forced a smile and said goodbye to Lyi Qingyan.    


Maybach slowly drove out and left the clubhouse.    


Chen Bei drove the car slowly. Lyi Qingyan sat in the passenger seat and looked a little quiet.    


"What is Xue Yi planning?" Chen Bei lit a cigarette and asked.    


Lyi Qingyan shook her head. Her eyes were full of wisdom.    


"Who cares what ideas he has... Flies do not touch seamless eggs, as long as I do not take advantage of him, then it will be fine." Lyi Qingyan slowly said, her voice carrying magnetism.    


Chen Bei could not help but admire Lyi Qingyan in his heart. This woman was always so smooth and perfect when dealing with such a big matter. No one could find any flaws at all. No wonder... This Mei female director was able to defend the Lyi's Group's huge family business with such swift and fierce means.    


Maybach drove all the way, and the surrounding streets were incomparably quiet.    


"Whoosh -!" Suddenly, a tongue of flame with the sound of air vibrating outside the car window shot towards Lyi Qingyan at high speed!    


At this moment, Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes were stunned! She could not react at all!    


"Puhwark!" The intense flame attack fiercely hit Maybach's bulletproof glass! The tongues of fire instantly changed shape under the impact of the high-intensity glass and fell to the ground!    


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh!" Following which, several more tongues of fire fiercely shot over!    


The tongues of fire were as fast as lightning, constantly vibrating and whistling in the air!    


Lyi Qingyan sat in the co-pilot's seat, completely stunned and in a state of panic... Her pretty face was pale. At this moment, she did not know what to do...    


"Don't be afraid. Don't move." Chen Bei's eyes narrowed as he comforted her.    


Hearing Chen Bei's words, Lyi Qingyan's heart gradually calmed down. She tried her best to control the chaos in her heart. Let her calm down!    


Being in the middle of a killing spree, being assassinated... Countless tongues of fire shot out in all directions... Any person would be scared out of their wits in the face of such a situation... But at this moment, Lyi Qingyan... She suddenly felt a little calm... It seemed that as long as Chen Bei was by her side, she would feel inexplicably safe.    


Outside the car, in the quiet night, fierce tongues of fire struck down one after another. It was so terrifying!    


Chen Bei's eyes were deep and solemn as he swept his gaze across the surrounding streets. It was night... in the dark streets... There was only the dim yellow light of the street lamps... The surrounding buildings were completely immersed in the darkness... There was no way to determine the direction of the other party...    


Sniper... Two... Three... Chen Bei felt the flames outside the window. His mind was running at high speed. He was following the pattern of the flames. In a flash, he had determined the right number of people.    


Seven snipers! A total of seven snipers were hiding in the dark of the building! The crisscrossing killing lines were simply unable to pinpoint the exact location!    


The night sky was dotted with stars and the moonlight was bright... Countless sniping tongues pierced through the night sky and suddenly struck Maybach... In the silence of the night, there was a terrifying explosion!    


Maybach had been modified by super military-grade bulletproof equipment, it was enough to withstand the bombardment of these sniping tongues... However, he was in a passive position!    


Chen Bei's expression was solemn as he said softly to Lyi Qingyan, "Sit tight." After he finished speaking, he hung up the S-class track.    


The Maybach engine roared and sped away like it was flying close to the ground. In the silence of the night, Maybach sped away at high speed!    


At this moment, Chen Bei did not want to fight. If he stayed for a moment, he would be a bigger threat to Lyi Qingyan. The safest way was to escape!    


Chen Bei stepped on the accelerator and the Maybach engine roared. The speed of the engine broke through 200 kilometers per hour. He wanted to escape from the continuous killing of the snipers!    


"Whoosh -!" Suddenly, a pitch-black object shot onto Maybach's head!    


The object seemed to be sticky as it was fixed on the hood of Maybach's car! Then, the black object suddenly started up! A huge electric field was released!    


In an instant... The Maybach engine could not withstand the electric magnetic field, and the engine instantly turned off!    


The entire Maybach slowly stopped... In the silent night, it seemed so strange and frightening!    


"Puah Puah Puah!" Outside the car window, in the endless darkness, tongues of fire fiercely flew towards Maybach's window... It was terrifying!    


Chen Bei's eyes focused. This... This was a well-prepared killing intent!    


"Stay in the car, lock the door and don't come out!" Chen Bei's voice was solemn.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was pale and she nodded hard.    


"Sou!" Chen Bei's movement technique was as fast as lightning and he suddenly flew out of Maybach!    


Along with the instant Chen Bei flew out, countless scope aiming at Chen Bei in the silent night!    


A thousand meters away, at the top of a skyscraper, a sniper was crouching in front of the scope, locking onto the situation a thousand meters away from the street.    


"Target has appeared! Target appeared!" In the wireless current, the snipers were communicating with each other solemnly!    


Hunt! " As an order was issued from the radio current... This hunting ground had completely begun!    


In the silent night sky, every few hundred meters... There was a sniper lurking... They were like hunters in the dark, hiding at the top of a skyscraper... Their eyes were locked onto the scene thousands of meters away!    


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!" A series of trembling sniping tongues tore through the night sky and shot towards the target who was thousands of meters away!    


The hunt began!    


Countless tongues of fire were like terrifying demons. They attacked from all directions! They had locked all of Chen Bei's escape routes! This... This was a sure-kill situation!    


Suddenly, the dark light in Chen Bei's hand flashed! A pitch black and dense medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger flashed in an instant!    


Clank Clank Clank! The Dragon Tooth Dagger transformed into a flash of black lightning that shielded his chest! The surrounding flames that were violently attacking fiercely collided with the Dragon Tooth Dagger! In the silent night, a string of intense sparks flew out!    


The instant the sniper tongues of fire collided with the medicinal Dragon Tooth Daggers, Chen Bei was completely unable to withstand this enormous force... His entire person was blasted flying!    


Peng! Chen Bei hit Maybach hard. At this moment, his right hand was shaking violently. The Dragon Tooth Dagger on his right hand was burning!    


Chen Bei's pupils became incomparably solemn!    


Barett! This was a super-heavy sniper weapon! Its range was terrifying! The enemy actually had Barett! Furthermore... There were probably more than seven of them!    


Chen Bei's estimation just now was wrong! As he got off the car, the number of sniping tongues seemed to have increased! There were more than seven of them! There were still many more hidden in the dark night!    


"Report! Prey resistance! Prey has the ability to resist the flames of sniping!" In the wireless current, the snipers reported in shock.    


Prey has exceeded the range of assessment... Increase firepower! Southeast corner... There is no need to hide the firepower. Focus on killing!!" The commander commanded solemnly!    


In the dark night, countless snipers' positions appeared in an instant! From the beginning... They were already hiding in the shooting position... Wait for a surprise attack!    


All the aiming lenses were aimed at the target a thousand meters away - Chen Bei!    


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" The air trembled violently. Countless hyacinths appeared in the air. It was as if they were killing him.    


Chen Bei's pupils suddenly focused. The medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger flashed past once again!    


"Clank, clank, clank, clank!" Intense sparks flickered! Countless tongues of fire were instantly hacked down by the lightning from the Dragon Tooth Dagger!    


While Chen Bei's wrist was trembling violently! The entire Dragon Tooth Dagger... It was already burning intensely due to the high-speed collision!    


Barett's sniper weapon... It had the furthest range in the world... It was one of the weapons with the most terrifying attack power! It can snipe an enemy from thousands of meters away... The terrifying penetrative power of the back seat could even penetrate the high-intensity armored tongues of fire!    


Even if he was strong... He was unable to face the flames of the weapons head-on! Furthermore... It was Barett's terrifying heavy armor-piercing bullet! That terrifying force... It was not something that a human's strength could withstand... Even Chen Bei could not resist it.    


His wrist was shaking. The attack just now made him feel a sense of danger. Tonight... This was a bloodbath!    


However, Chen Bei had time to react... In the dark sky... The countless tongues of fire trembled once again! It was incomparably terrifying!    


Chen Bei's pupils constricted. He suddenly switched the medicinal Dragon Tooth to his left hand! His body quickly turned into an afterimage! He kept hacking and dodging!    


His right wrist... He was no longer able to withstand the next barrage of flames! The weapons of these snipers... Too terrifying! Chen Bei did not dare to be tough!    


Inside Maybach, Lyi Qingyan was sitting in the passenger seat. Her pretty face was white and messy. She stared blankly at the sparks that kept flashing in the dark night and the back of the man who was dodging in a sorry state in the dark night. At this moment, That man's figure was once again deeply engraved in her heart. That was the deepest and deepest part of her heart!    


At the moment when she was in a difficult situation... At the moment when her life was in danger... Even though this man had rushed to the front at the first possible moment... To block the critical moment for her... This scene... It was deeply engraved in her heart as if it was a memory!    


Countless tongues of fire flew, and the dark light in front of Chen Bei flashed! His body almost turned into an afterimage... All of them dodged those terrifying tens of thousands of jin tongues of flame!    


"Bang!" Suddenly! In the dark night, a tongue of flame tore through the void! With a fierce force, it directly attacked! Even the air was trembling violently!    


At this moment, Chen Bei hurriedly drew his saber and blocked in front of him.    


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