Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C623 Sacrifice!

C623 Sacrifice!

The storm raged, and the typhoon grew stronger! Violent gales roared in the storm!    


"Bang -!" Suddenly! On a tall building not far away, a billboard that was several meters wide was swept down by the strong wind! The billboard was blown away by the strong wind and carried a terrifying force in the night sky... In an instant, it crashed toward Chen Bei.    


At that moment, Chen Bei's pupils suddenly focused.    


His movement technique suddenly flashed... The medicinal Dragon Tooth in his hand trembled slightly in the dark night!    


"Sou!" The medicinal Dragon Tooth was incomparably sharp! It directly split open the void! It hacked apart the advertising board that was smashing over!    


Suddenly! A sharp blade light rushed up from behind the billboard in an instant! The blade light was incomparably terrifying, as fast as lightning!    


Chen Bei hurriedly pulled out his blade and turned around to block.    


Dang! There was a loud sound of metal hitting metal. Sparks flew in all directions! Chen Bei was sent flying a few steps back.    


But before he could stabilize his body... Chen Bei's pupils suddenly shrank!    


In the endless night in front of him... Countless cold lights shot out like ten thousand swords, stabbing towards him in an instant! Killing shook the heavens! It was like terrifying fangs and sharp teeth! They were going to devour this torrential rain!    


The Dragon Tooth in Chen Bei's hand suddenly rose up! In the storm of night, it transformed into a dense and tight defensive barrier!    


"Clank Clank, clank, clank!" Intense sparks flew in all directions! Countless samurai sabers fiercely attacked! They were all blocked by the medicinal Chen Beis in Chen Bei's hands!    


However, Chen Bei was completely unable to withstand such a terrifying force... His entire body was blasted flying!    


"Bang!" Chen Bei's body fell to the ground. The ground cracked.    


In the void of the endless night, lightning struck! It lit up the night sky! A black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky!    


That black shadow's speed was comparable to lightning, "Zheng -!" A metallic hum! A dense warrior blade was instantly unsheathed, and like a terrifying killing intent, it hacked down in an instant!    


Chen Bei's pupils constricted. He instantly locked onto the black shadow that was hacking down from the attack! He suddenly raised his medicinal Dragon Tooth to block!    


Bang! An intense collision sound! The ground under Chen Bei's body collapsed. That black shadow movement technique was as fast as lightning!    


The samurai blade was like a terrifying killing blow, dancing with lightning in the stormy night! Every move turned into a terrifying shadow, piercing towards Chen Bei's vitals! Every move was fatal! Terrifying killing!    


Chen Bei's body suddenly retreated, continuously dodging! The opponent's attacks continued unabated, one ring connected to the other! After a very meticulous design, Chen Bei's characteristics were firmly locked, making him have no room to fight back at all.    


Inside Maybach, Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was pale. Her beautiful eyes stared at the endless night outside the car window. Under the assault of the storm... She could only see a blurry figure and countless blades flickering with fire... Chen Bei seemed to be at a disadvantage.    


Outside the window, the rain was interweaving! The wind was howling and shaking!    


Countless samurai sabers flashed and attacked in the dark night!    


Chen Bei kept pulling his blade back to block. His movement speed was as fast as lightning, but he could only barely avoid the blade lights of these assassins. Because in this stormy night, it had completely transformed into a battlefield that belonged to them! This was a battlefield with favorable timing. Chen Bei was in a favorable situation. Chen Bei was a naked target in the center of the killing situation.    


In front of him, the black shadow warrior's blade technique was even faster. The blade attack was aimed straight at Chen Bei's neck acupuncture point. He wanted to kill Chen Bei completely!    


Chen Bei's movement technique kept dodging and dodging... Through the stormy night, he seemed to be able to see his opponent's gaze clearly... It was terrifying, but there was also a hint of familiarity! The other party's face was covered and he was unable to see his face clearly. All he could see was his eyes... But this pair of eyes was also sufficient for Chen Bei to capture something!    


Chen Bei's movement technique suddenly flashed! The medicinal Dragon Tooths transformed into medicinal dark lights! His body pressed forward. The Dragon Tooth Daggers were like lightning... In an instant, it brushed past the face of the black shadow Ninja!    


The black cloth that covered his face was hacked down... A ghastly and ferocious face appeared in the pouring rain in the dark night.    


"It really is you." Chen Bei's eyes were incomparably deep. From that instant just now, he had long predicted the other party's identity!    


The Mountain Gate Group, the group that had come to kill Chen Bei back then, was unwilling to give up, and they charged over once again!    


The long blade in Zhu Tianjun's hand was horizontal, flickering with a dense killing light!    


"China's ants, my Takeuchi Family has never killed ants. Today, you ant will die under my blade. It is your honor." Taketian Jun spoke coldly in the language of R Country. It sounded like he was talking to himself, but at the same time, it sounded like sarcasm.    


Chen Bei pursed his lips and replied in the Huaxia language," You Yamamoto Group really can't be changed... Since you guys are seeking death, Then I shall grant you your wish today."    


Swoosh! Hearing Chen Bei's arrogant words, Zhu Tianjun's pupils shrunk. He never thought that Chen Bei could understand the language of R Country, but his expression turned cold as soon as he heard Chen Bei's words. A terrifying killing intent bloomed!    


"Die!" The samurai scimitar in his hand instantly chopped down!    


Lord Takeuchi's saber was already out! His saber was extremely fast and sharp! It was the fastest killing intent in the martial arts of the Japanese Empire!    


"Sou!" At this moment, the Dragon Tooth in Chen Bei's hand flashed out. The moment the Dragon Tooth appeared, blood was everywhere!    


"Clank, clank, clank!" A violent metal collision! Countless sparks flew everywhere!    


Taketa-kun's movement technique was as fast as a ghost. In the middle of the night storm, it instantly flashed and appeared. ... The night was his battlefield! Ninja, this night was their greatest battle domain! In the night, Ninja was invincible!    


Chen Bei and Lord Taketian collided with each other! A sinister smile appeared on Taketian Jun's face. Tonight, his long blade was destined to kill!    


At the same time, in the middle of the silent rainstorm night... Countless blade auras appeared once again! They were as fast as lightning!    


Chen Bei hurriedly turned his Dragon Tooth around to block!    


"Clank, clank, clank!" The intense blade light collided with the Dragon Tooth's dagger... It barely managed to block countless terrifying attacks!    


Chen Bei's expression was solemn as the Dragon Tooth suddenly shot out!    


But at this moment, the group of black shadows disappeared in an instant... In an instant, they disappeared into the endless storm... They came and went without a trace! Ninja!    


Inside Maybach, Lyi Qingyan's face couldn't help but turn pale. Her beautiful eyes stared outside the window. The rain poured down and blurred her vision. The raindrops pattered on the car window, making her unable to see everything clearly.    


At this moment, she was very worried about Chen Bei. She was very worried! She did not know how Chen Bei was doing. She did not know what had happened, but at this moment, she could only obediently listen to Chen Bei. She stayed in the car and did not dare to move.    


Suddenly, in the silent void... Another long blade flashed! It went straight for Chen Bei's neck!    


It was as fast as lightning! Chen Bei didn't even have time to react! Because the opponent's blade was silent... When it merged with the sound of the storm, he could not detect it at all!    


Chen Bei's body suddenly moved back! But the long blade still cut his clothes!    


Chen Bei's clothes were cut open in front of his clothes... Just a millimeter away, that long blade could pierce through his chest!    


"Huaxia ant... You won't be able to escape tonight!" Taketa-kun pointed his long blade at Chen Bei with a hint of mocking killing intent. The long blade of his Taketian clan was unsheathed. He was destined to drink blood!    


"The dead warriors of Yamamoto Group swore to use your blood as a sacrifice!"    


Chen Bei's gaze was solemn. The Dragon Tooth suddenly flew out!    


But in the next second... Taketa-kun's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye and disappeared into the night. It was impossible to capture... The rainstorm, the howling wind... all of this kept blocking Chen Bei's line of sight. His combat strength could not be unleashed in this kind of scene. At this moment, he was facing another group of Ninja warriors who were well versed in the night. It's like trying to defeat them in the field they're best at, and it's as hard as ascending to the heavens!    


Could it be? Even the Dragon King of a generation! The strongest super soldier king in the world... Are you going to lose here too?    


In the sky, the sound of thunder continued and the heavy rain poured down... Chen Bei was standing right in the middle of the killing. All of his flaws were exposed in the dark night.    


Suddenly, the corner of Chen Bei's mouth curved up. It was a deep smile!    


He tore off his clothes and took out a piece of cloth. He slowly closed his eyes and then... He used the cloth to cover his eyes!    


Chen Bei covered his eyes with the cloth. At this moment, in front of him, there was endless darkness.    


Outside the car, there was a storm. The typhoon had already reached a terrifying level! Countless mud and water splashed along with all the debris on the ground. In an instant, they were swept up by the storm... Even the few thick trees on the street were uprooted from the ground... It could be seen how strong the strong wind was!    


However, the masked Chen Bei stood in the middle of the stormy night and appeared unusually quiet! He covered his eyes... He had lost the ability to see! However... Because of this, he gained a stronger hearing!    


When God closes a window for you, he will also open another window for you! Chen Bei sacrificed his vision, but at this moment, he gained a more accurate and acute hearing.    


Chen Bei's eyes were tightly shut, although it was pitch black in front of him. However, his mind... had fallen into an exceptionally calm state! It was as though the entire world had settled down! The howling winds, the pouring rain, the sweeping noise... seemed to be weakening... fading away... and then... His world had quietened down! He could clearly hear his own heartbeat.    


In the middle of the night that was filled with torrential rain, all of a sudden... A cold light stabbed at him from a strange angle! The samurai blade was as fast as lightning. The blade light and the rainstorm intertwined together and almost merged into one!    


At this instant! Chen Bei's ears twitched sharply! His body flashed according to his instincts.    


"Clang!" The samurai knife pierced a centimeter in front of him! It missed!    


Immediately after, several cold flashes appeared behind him! Countless samurai blades seemed to pierce through the night sky, flashing with terrifying killing intent as they stabbed straight at him!    


In the dark night storm, Chen Bei's ears flashed sharply! His body suddenly jumped up.    


"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" The moment he jumped up, Countless cold lights intersected beneath him! Countless samurai blades missed their target!    


Chen Bei's body seemed to have fallen into an ethereal state. Although he had lost his sight... But his body was more sensitive than ever! All the senses, senses, and hearing in the surroundings were spread out by him! He was able to pass through the noise of the countless rainstorms and gales... He could clearly feel the footsteps on the ground... All of them were completely clear to him!    


Inside Maybach, Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes were nervous and dull. She looked at the shocked scene outside the window in a daze. Chen Bei, who was covering his eyes, suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person. His figure kept flickering in the dark night. That feeling was very strange. The current him was no longer Chen Bei.    


The storm became even more violent. The typhoon was roaring like a demon in the rainy night. In the dark night, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled and shook!    


"Clank, clank, clank!" Countless samurai blades rushed over in an instant, locking onto Chen Bei, wanting to completely crush him in the dark night!    


Chen Bei covered his eyes, just standing there calmly without the slightest bit of dodging.    


Suddenly, the corner of his mouth raised a curve... Dragon Tooth, attack!    


"Clang!" The medicinal Dragon Tooth Daggers instantly shot out in the rainy night! Ripping through the air, It almost turned into a bolt of black lightning!    


The group of Ninja warriors' pupils suddenly changed! They suddenly withdrew their blades and retreated! They wanted to retreat into the dark night.    


"Puah Puah Puah!" However, before they could retreat... The sound of blood vessels and arteries being cut came from their necks... And then... The ground was covered in blood... The thick smell of blood permeated the air... However, it was quickly washed away by the rainstorm...    


The medicinal Dragon Tooth rotated gently in the rainstorm night and retracted into Chen Bei's hand. The dagger was not stained with a trace of blood. It was pitch black and dense, and it revealed an endless depth.    


All of a sudden, in the stormy night in the surroundings... Countless cold lights spread out and condensed! In an instant... Surrounding Chen Bei... Countless samurai blades flashed and pierced through the stormy night. They were like the sharp teeth of a terrifying devil, instantly killing their way over.    


All of Ninja's movements were hidden under the storm. Every step they took... Every curve of the blade... They merged with the trajectory of the torrential rain... It was as if it resonated with nature, causing one to be completely unaware of it!    


Chen Bei stood in the dark night, his ears suddenly trembling. He could clearly hear the footsteps on the ground. Although their footsteps had blended into the rhythm of the rainstorm... However, he could not escape his senses of hearing!    


In an instant! The True Dragon attacked!    


Chen Bei's body flickered and the Dragon Tooth in his hand danced like a black light... In the dark night, the Instant Kill brought up a splash of blood!    


"Puah Puah Puah!" Streams of blood splattered in the middle of the stormy night... The group of Ninja were like targets, their heads flew off and fresh blood gushed out. The samurai blades fell onto the ground of the stormy night. Along with the blood on the ground... This night, there was a massacre!    


"Baka!" In the storm, Ninja and the others were completely furious! Countless samurai blades cut through the void and attacked Chen Bei from all directions. The slaughter continued to reach the sky.    


"Clank clank clank!" The medicinal Dragon Tooth Daggers danced and flickered! They interweaved and attacked together with countless samurai sabers!    


"Clang, clang, clang..." The sound of metal weapons breaking rang out in the storm... How could a mere samurai saber fight against a Dragon Tooth?!    


The group of Ninja's faces were filled with shock... Everyone's movement techniques flashed and retreated! They disappeared into the storm and night in an instant.    


Chen Bei's body flashed and he went after them. The roar of a True Dragon!    


A Ninja retreated into the dark night of the curtain of rain... Suddenly! His heart stopped!    


Because... A black dagger was like a bullet... It pierced through his heart in an instant!    


He lowered his head in a daze and touched the hole in his heart... He fell down in an instant...    


The group of Ninja hid in a corner of the night in fear. But in the next second... All of their pupils suddenly contracted!    


A black shadow flashed past them! Immediately after, they felt a heat in their throats... A wave of hot blood gushed out from the main artery of their necks... It could not be stopped!    


The black shadow slowly stopped. The medicinal Dragon Tooth in Chen Bei's hand was still shiny black under the rainstorm's assault. It did not touch a single drop of water.    


As for the group of Ninja, they were all lying on the ground. They turned into corpses one after another...    


"Huaxia ants... Chop!" Under the rainstorm's assault, Taketa-kun's movement technique was as fast as lightning. He suddenly merged with the lightning and thunder. That ghastly and terrifying samurai blade instantly slashed over!    


The corner of Chen Bei's mouth curled up slightly. With a trace of deep blood, his body suddenly faced the attack!    


"Clank Clank Clank!" In the dark night, there was a violent sound of metal colliding, and the terrifying sparks of metal colliding splashed in all directions! It was an expanse of ghastly and hideous, and it carried boundless killing intent!    


Chen Bei covered his eyes, yet at this moment, he was even more sensitive than when he opened his eyes! Every single move and every single movement of his opponent was clearly sensed by him! The medicinal Dragon Tooth Daggers cried out lightly in the dark night, tearing through the void! They transformed into endless and terrifying killing intent!    


"Clank, clank, clank -!" A wave of fierce killing intent attacked! Lord Zhutian was no longer able to resist... His body suddenly retreated... He stepped on the rainstorm ground, creating deep footprints that cracked and collapsed...    


The katana in his hand suddenly appeared in front of him. When Taketa-kun's eyes focused on the katana in front of him... His pupils constricted!    


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