Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C643 I Treated You as My Brother but You……

C643 I Treated You as My Brother but You……

Chen Bei was woken up by the noise... He suddenly jumped up from the bed.    


"What's going on? What's going on!" Chen Bei was confused. Then he saw the beautiful girl beside him.    


Liu Jing Jing pulled Jia Jia Bai's blanket and covered her body. Her beautiful eyes stared fiercely at Chen Bei. A murderous look flashed across her beautiful eyes.    


Chen Bei's heart was beating fast. At this moment, his expression was somewhat embarrassed. There was no need to think about it... They both knew what had happened to the two of them last night...    


Chen Bei felt a wave of regret in his heart. Last night, he had lost control in the end. At this moment, the image of the messy scene from last night could still be vaguely recalled in his mind. Those scenes made him feel even more remorseful.    


"Girl, listen to me... Last night, someone drugged the wine... You and I can't control it..." Chen Bei was a little helpless and explained apologetically.    


Liu Jingmei was speechless. Her eyes were red and messy, and there was a faint flicker of mist in them... She just stared straight at Chen Bei. At this moment, her mind was in a mess.    


"I treat you as my brother... But you... What did you do to me?!" Liu Jing Jing bit her red teeth. Her lips trembled uncontrollably.    


When she saw Chen Bei, she thought... Chen Bei looked like her brother... Therefore, she treated Chen Bei as her brother. But... But at this moment... I actually slept with this man who transformed into the character of a married brother?!! This... How can this be?!    


At this moment, Liu Jing Jing's beautiful image of Chen Bei's older brother was instantly destroyed! In her heart, how could her elder brother be this kind of bird? A fellow worse than a beast?! In her heart, her brother was a tall and mighty man... At this moment, the man in front of her was a bird. A beast, a bird through and through. Beast!    


"Jing Jing, I'm sorry..." Chen Bei knew that he had hurt this girl and apologized with a trace of guilt.    


"I don't know how to make it up to you... In short... I'm sorry..." Chen Bei sighed, "What do you need? As long as you want... I will help you... " He wanted to use this method to make up for Liu Jing Jing.    


Liu Jing Qing used the blanket to cover her body. Her pretty face was cold as she got off the bed. At this moment, she... Suddenly, she seemed unusually calm.    


She slowly walked to the bedside table and opened her backpack.    


Shua! Liu Jing Jing suddenly took out the lady's hand from her purse. The gun was aimed at Chen Bei.    


At this moment, the air instantly became silent.    


Chen Bei's heart skipped a beat. He hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "Girl, calm down... What happened yesterday... was my fault... Can you give me a chance to make up for it?"    


Chen Bei did not have any fear when he faced the muzzle of the gun. It was as if he was extremely calm.    


Liu Jing Jing was holding the blanket and the gun in her hand. She was confronting him just like that!    


"Bird... Beast... Today, it's not you who dies... "I die." Liu Jing Jing bit her red teeth. Her lips trembled slightly with a hint of humiliation!    


Chen Bei's eyes dimmed and he sighed, "If... This will make you feel a little better... "Then open fire. Well...    


Liu Jing Jing's pretty face was full of anger, the gun in her hand... The weapon was pointed at Chen Bei... She suddenly turned on the safety lock.    


The temperature of the air seemed to have dropped by a few degrees.    


Chen Bei slowly closed his eyes. It was as if he was facing a gun. He did not have any thoughts of resisting.    


Last night, the two of them were still very close... Today, they were facing each other...    


Liu Jing Jing's breathing was slightly messy and rapid. Her fingers gently pulled the trigger... At this moment, her heart is incomparably conflicted! She hated this man in front of her to death... But... He was really like her brother... Is he going to kill him?    


"Bang!" A deafening sound was heard. The sound echoed in the air!    


A bullet shot out from the muzzle of the gun. With a force that could rival a thousand kilograms, it almost tore through the air... It rushed towards Chen Bei's forehead.    


This was a must-kill gun!    


Liu Jing Jing was determined to kill him! She could not allow her brother's good impression to be ruined... Chen Bei, this bastard. The beast had crossed her bottom line. Initially, she thought that she had accepted an elder brother... She did not expect him to be a bird. Beast! Since he was a beast... Beast, then kill it!    


"Sou!" Zi... The bullet cut through the air and shot into Chen Bei's forehead. Chen Bei turned into an afterimage.    


"Puff! The bullet shot into the wall behind him! It left a deep hole in the wall! There was even a trace of green smoke coming out from the hole!    


The bullet missed... Chen Bei's face turned pale. His heart was beating violently.    


"Girl... Are you serious?!" Chen Bei stared at her in shock. He did not expect her to actually open fire...!    


Chen Bei had always thought that she was just trying to scare him... He did not expect... The woman actually fired. It's over! She was really going to kill someone!    


A 20 year old female university student... She actually dared to open fire so openly. Murder! This girl is simply crazy!    


Liu Jing Jing bit her red teeth. Her lips, without a word... "Bang!" A sound was heard. He opened fire again!    


Chen Bei's heart skipped a beat and his body flashed.    


"Puff!" That seed. The bullet missed again!    


"Girl... Are you crazy?!" Chen Bei's expression changed and became embarrassed.    


Liu Jing Jing's pretty face was icy cold, and her beautiful eyes shot out a wisp of extremely furious gaze. "Bastard beast! Go to hell!!"    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang ~!" The lady's handgun in her hand... It opened fire violently! The tongues of fire pierced through the air and shot toward Chen Bei.    


Chen Bei kept dodging and dodging... He looked very messy.    


"You... bastard! Don't hide if you have the guts!!" Liu Jing Jing's beautiful chest. Chuang was trembling, her eyes could almost kill people! And she was indeed killing people! The spear in her hand... Intense shooting... It was just an attempt to kill!    


"Girl... If you have something to say... I'm sorry... But you don't have to kill people... You're so young... How can you be so violent? "Killing people is against the law!!" Chen Bei was trying to hide from Chen Bei. He tried to persuade Chen Bei quickly.    


Liu Jing Jing was holding a gun in her hand. Mechanical. The bullets were all gone... She was so angry that she took another pinch out of her bag. The clip was replaced! She aimed it at Chen Bei again.    


"Bang, bang, bang!" Countless tongues of flame shot out!    


Chen Bei's heart beat violently as he dodged the attack. He took the opportunity to put on his clothes.    


"Girl, killing people is against the law... You are so young, you can't do this!" Chen Bei advised.    


"Bastard! Go to hell! Go to hell!" Liu Jing Jing fired so many shots in succession. There was no gun. Hit Chen Bei... She looked even more furious, as if she was about to lose control of herself!    


"Girl... Calm down first... The things between us... We'll talk about it when you've calmed down. Chen Bei put on his clothes. He rushed out of the room. He ran away! He couldn't afford to offend... Old Man Zi, are you still unable to hide?!!    


"Bastard! Don't run!" Liu Jing Jing lost control of her anger. She grabbed the bedding and rushed to the door, shooting at the corridor...    


In the end, she watched Chen Bei disappear into the corridor.    


Liu Jing Jing was extremely angry. She quickly returned to the room and changed into her clothes. Then, she lifted her gun. She rushed out...    


But when she rushed downstairs of the hotel... The damn man was long gone!    


The hotel receptionist saw the gun in her hand. She was scared out of her wits... Her body was shaking.    


"Miss... Miss..." The waiter's voice was trembling as he shouted, "This... This is what the gentleman left behind... He said... Let us pass it to you...    


The waiter's voice trembled as he passed a card to the desk...    


Liu Jing Jing's pretty face was extremely cold. She angrily walked to the counter and grabbed the card. It was a bank card!    


At this moment, Liu Jing Jing was so angry that her body was trembling... This... Even if she gave him some money, he would send her away?! Liu Jing Jing felt that she had been insulted!!    


"Bastard! I won't let you go!!" Liu Jing Jing's angry voice spread throughout the entire hotel lobby!    


At this time, Chen Bei, who was involved in this disaster, was driving Maybach away at full speed.    


Suddenly, Chen Bei's phone rang.    


It was Lyi Qingyan calling. Chen Bei had just picked up the phone. Lyi Qingyan's shout was heard.    


"Chen Bei! Where are you? "Where did you go last night? "I called you all morning and didn't answer your phone. I didn't even reply my WeChat." Lyi Qingyan's voice was cold and angry. She was obviously very angry.    


"Uh... I'm sorry. I drank some alcohol last night and overslept..." Chen Bei explained.    


"Which woman did you drink with?" Lyi Qingyan asked with a hint of emotion in her voice.    


"It's not a woman, it's a man..." Of course Chen Bei could not tell the truth. He covered it up and said, "I will come to pick you up now..."    


The Maybach drove all the way to the Li family manor. Chen Bei drove Goddess President to work in a hurry.    


On the way, Chen Bei smoked one cigarette after another. He seemed to be a little depressed.    


"Qingyan... Let me ask you something..." Chen Bei hesitated for a long time and slowly said.    


Lyi Qingyan turned her head and looked at him with confusion in her beautiful eyes.    


"Chairman Xue Yi of the Feiyang Group, how is his foundation in Huhai City?" Chen Bei asked lightly. His eyes were filled with a deep sharpness. It was a killing intent! The disaster last night had completely enraged Chen Bei's bottom line... He had started killing intent!    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes flickered with astonishment as she asked, "What's wrong? Why are you asking this?"    


After hesitating for a few seconds, Lyi Qingyan suddenly came back to her senses and said in shock, "You want to touch Xue Yi?"    


"If you think you can move, this Young Master Xue will disappear from the world tomorrow." Chen Bei's eyes slowly focused, and a strand of cold killing intent was instantly released!    


At this moment, Lyi Qingyan's heart beat rapidly and became messy. He... She wanted to touch Xue Yi. Was it because of her? Lyi Qingyan's thoughts were in a mess as she guessed...    


After a long silence, Lyi Qingyan slowly said, "Xue Yi's background... If I touch him... It might affect the interests of the company... For now, it's better not to do anything... "This is a critical moment. I don't want the group to face a direct threat."    


Her voice was filled with complex helplessness, she tried her best not to start a conflict... She also didn't want Chen Bei to get involved in this chaos. This was an unsolvable deep pond... It was deep and bottomless.    


Hearing Lyi Qingyan's words, Chen Bei slowly took a puff of smoke. The killing intent in his eyes gradually disappeared... Since Lyi Qingyan said that it was not convenient to move, then listen to her...    


Chen Bei was naturally not afraid of anyone but he was afraid that Lyi Qingyan would be involved. It would create a crisis for the Lyi's Group. This... could be the so-called sense of responsibility. Before Chen Bei returned to China, he had never had this sense of responsibility and concern. But ever since he was with Lyi Qingyan, he had to consider the consequences of all his actions. To be able to make the dignified Dragon King worry about a sense of responsibility... This was something that no number of women in the western world could do. Lyi Qingyan unknowingly did it.    


After sending Lyi Qingyan to the company, Chen Bei sat in the car and calmly finished a cigarette.    


Then, he turned the car around. Just drive away...    




At the entrance of the Fei Yang Corporation building, a few security guards stood solemnly in front of the guard post at the entrance.    


At this time, it was the peak of work... The colleagues rushed to work one after another. An endless stream of colleagues came one after another and walked into the building.    


Suddenly, the sound of an engine was heard. A black Maybach sped over from afar!    


"Stop the car!" When the security guards saw the car, their expressions immediately turned cold and they were about to step forward to stop it.    


Peng! Maybach directly smashed the guardrail of the gatehouse and rushed into the building. With a swing of his tail, he stopped at the entrance of the building.    


Chen Bei walked out of Maybach slowly with a cigarette in his mouth.    


The surrounding colleagues of the Feiyang Group were all stunned. They stared blankly at the car and the man.    


What's going on? Who is this man? He even dared to knock into the door of their Feiyang Group?!    


Behind them, a group of security guards rushed over while eating batons and surrounded Chen Bei.    


"Who are you?! How dare you...! How dare you knock into the door of my Feiyang Group? "Do you want to die?!" The security guards pointed their batons at Chen Bei and said angrily.    


Chen Bei slowly blew out a smoke ring and said lightly, "Delivery delivery. Delivery for Chairman Xue Yi."    


"Delivery package?! Which express delivery company?" The security guards were stunned and questioned!    


1024. " Chen Bei said in a deep and mysterious way with a mocking smile on his face.    


The security guards looked at each other. They were unable to react in time. 1024? Why does this name sound familiar?    


"Manager... Manager... 1024... It's that website..." One of the underlings moved closer to the security manager and said carefully.    


Hearing this, the security manager suddenly understood! The group of security guards all had strange expressions on their faces...    


Just when the security guards were in a daze...    


Two express delivery trucks slowly drove over and stopped at the entrance of the Fei Yang Corporation building.    


"The goods have arrived." Chen Bei smiled and slowly walked towards the express delivery truck.    


"Just now in the morning... Was it you who ordered it?" The courier asked.    


Chen Bei nodded with a cigarette in his mouth.    


"Unload the goods at the entrance of the building." Chen Bei said calmly and deeply.    


"Huh?" The delivery men were confused. This request is so weird? But they didn't ask any more questions... They were only responsible for delivering goods, not anything else.    


The two express delivery trucks reversed and drove straight to the entrance of the Feiyang Group. Then, boxes of goods were carried out of the trucks.    


"By the way, open all the goods and pour them out." Chen Bei was interested. At the same time, he threw a thick stack of money to the courier.    


The few delivery men's eyes lit up.    


"Woah!" Boxes of cargo cardboard boxes were torn apart. A large pile of pink, blue, and red Dories Cloud Concealment Sets instantly scattered out... All of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden...    


The surrounding colleagues were all dumbfounded. They were all staring at the scene in a daze. What kind of express delivery is this?! This is all f * cking TT!! This is... What are you doing?!    


The security guards were also dumbfounded! They stared blankly at the condom on the ground...    


The group of delivery men continued unloading and dumping all the packages out of the boxes!    


"Huala!" A large pile of interesting items suddenly scattered on the ground... All kinds of simulation tools scattered on the ground... They emitted a mysterious brilliance!    


The surrounding colleagues were completely petrified with their eyes wide open...! F * ck...! What the f * ck... What is he trying to do?!!    


"What are you doing?! Stop right now!" The security guards instantly reacted... This is not a delivery! This is clearly here to cause trouble!!    


A group of security guards went forward and tried to stop the courier!    


Chen Bei held his cigarette and slowly stopped in front of the security guards.    


The security guards' faces turned cold. One after another, electric batons crackled and waved at Chen Bei.    


Chen Bei grabbed the electric batons with his hand and twisted them with force.    


"Crack!" The electric baton in the security guard's hand was instantly twisted into a fried dough twist.    


"F * ck you!" The security guards were furious. A group of people ruthlessly attacked!    


Chen Bei held a cigarette in his mouth. His palm turned into an afterimage in an instant.    


Slap. Slap. "Pah! Pah! Pah!" A series of shrill and crisp slapping sounds could be heard!    


The group of security guards were like dolls as they were sent flying by Chen Bei's palm. The scene was extremely shocking.    


"Don't just stand there, continue moving." Chen Bei shouted at the group of stunned delivery men. At the same time, he threw another stack of bills over.    


The deliveryman was very excited. They worked so hard to move the goods!    


Boxes of sex toys... Yang strengthening drugs... Dulles TT... Two whole carloads of goods... All fucking unloaded... They were piled up in front of the gate of the Feiyang Group! It was almost a small mountain!    


At the scene, the colleagues of the Fei Yang Corporation were completely petrified... Watching this scene in a daze... What the f * ck is going on?!    


The entire car's sex toys were finally unloaded... The mountain was piled up like a mountain... They blocked the entrance of the Fei Yang Corporation's building! They were extremely shocked!    


Chen Bei took out two huge banners from the trunk of the Maybach with a cigarette in his mouth. He jumped into the air with a kick. He placed the banners on both sides of the wall at the entrance of the building.    


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