Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C174 Physical Needs

C174 Physical Needs

Su Lei stared at Chen Bei. Chen Bei actually gave her a sense of familiarity?    


"What's wrong?" Lyi Qingyan was extremely nervous as she asked.    


"Nothing. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me." Su Lei shook her head but did not look away from Chen Bei.    


Chen Bei gave her a very familiar feeling, which made Su Lei feel at first glance that Chen Bei was someone she knew, but she could not remember Chen Bei's identity.    


If Su Lei knew that the figure outside the mansion was Chen Bei, the expression on her face would be very interesting.    


"These people, it's not good to fight here, but they want to fight here?" Lyi Qingyan crossed her arms and frowned.    


"We can't know. Let's wait and see." Su Lei said softly. She did not dare to speak loudly because she was afraid that she would alert the group of Underground Agent outside the mansion.    


Although Su Lei was not afraid of these Underground Agent, these Underground Agent's strength was not ordinary. They were a large group. The leader of the group was even more powerful. He still had Lyi Qingyan by his side and it would not be a problem for him to leave with ease, but Lyi Qingyan would easily fall into danger.    


Her primary mission was to protect Lyi Qingyan's safety and not let Lyi Qingyan fall into danger.    


Outside the mansion, Chen Bei and the leader stood against Aileen and formed a triangle. Aileen and the leader formed a faint joint attack force. The pressure was strong and it seemed to be able to suffocate people.    


Chen Bei stood in his original position, facing the combined attack of the team leader and Aileen. His expression was calm and indifferent. His cold eyes did not show any fear. In fact, his entire body was filled with an arrogant and domineering aura, as if he did not put them in his eyes!    


Even the existence of the group leader and Aileen did not cause his heart to waver in the slightest.    


Suddenly, the group leader took a step forward, his expression fierce and deep, "There are only a few experts like you in China. What's the point of covering your face..."    


The leader was still unwilling to give up. Although he had already determined that this man had nothing to do with the legend of Yanjing many years ago, he still wanted to tear off the cloth and take a look at Chen Bei's true appearance.    


"Then what's the point of hiding?" Chen Bei sneered, "Chief Zhang's disguise, Chief Li's surrounding and killing techniques... none of them have any inheritance from the later generations... What kind of trash are you? How dare you call yourselves special agents! "    


Chen Bei sighed. His voice was deep, and it made people's hearts tremble.    


Those Underground Agent's bodies shook, and their eyes were filled with astonishment.    


As for the leader, his expression became increasingly cold. Chen Bei actually knew about these two legendary big shots!    


Chief Zhang and Chief Li. He used to be a legendary figure in the same era. He had mastered the best skills of the special agents, but no one had inherited his talent. Underground Agent's talent was rare in this generation.    


Things like this were about to become a secret. Except for the previous generation, very few people knew about it.    


If it wasn't for the good luck of the team leader, he wouldn't know about this kind of secret... In the end, Chen Bei's words were clearly very clear!    


The group leader's eyes stared intently at Chen Bei. Monstrous waves stirred in his heart... His expression was difficult to conceal, revealing monstrous shock! What kind of person was this man in front of him? This kind of secret... would actually be known as well!    


Aileen's delicate body trembled slightly. She looked at these agents. They were humiliated by Chen Bei's arrogance but could not move. They were powerless to attack. This made her more and more shocked by Chen Bei's strength.    


Chen Bei walked past the figures who were struggling to get up. Under the cold gaze of the team leader, he was taking a leisurely stroll. A hint of indifference was reflected in his cold eyes.    


Even Chen Bei's gaze ignored the leader and Aileen because he did not put them in his eyes at all!    


Chen Bei's casual actions were the most arrogant provocation in Underground Agent's eyes.    


"Puah!" One of the Underground Agent's face turned red like a pig's liver. Suddenly, his anger overwhelmed his heart and he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


The leader stood still, and saw Chen Bei walking towards him step by step. The ground trembled and cracked, as if he was a peerless demonic beast!    


The leader, who had a vigilant look on his face, felt as if he was suffocating under the fierce and powerful pressure radiating from Chen Bei's body.    


"You all dare to call yourselves special agents. Go back and practice for another hundred and eighty years." His eyes suddenly focused as he punched out!    


The team leader had expected this to happen. He welcomed the punch, but in the next second, a terrifying force erupted from Chen Bei's arm. Crisp sounds of bones cracking could be heard from the team leader's right arm. His eyes were filled with fear and shock.    




The team leader flew out like a kite with a broken string. He flew dozens of meters away from the mansion and crashed into a car parked on the road outside the mansion.    


The car shook and instantly became deformed. Aileen, on the other hand, felt cold all over and was dumbfounded.    


The entire scene was shocked and silent. Those Underground Agent no longer had a temper. Their hearts trembled violently, and their faces turned pale!    


Aileen looked at Chen Bei. Chen Bei had not used his full strength yet. That punch just now... Was that the strength a human should have? It was as powerful as those superheroes in Hollywood movies!    


Chen Bei slowly withdrew his fist, glanced at the crowd, and said, "Get out of the mansion in three minutes, and break into this place again. Kill without mercy!"    


Chen Bei's tone was cold. It was filled with a strong bloody aura and a cold killing intent.    


He was not joking. Aileen and Underground Agent hurriedly took out the mansion and rescued the team leader who was trapped in the car.    


At this moment, the team leader's entire body was limp and his face was ashen. There were many broken bones all over his body. There was Qi coming in!    


Aileen gritted her teeth and bit her red lips... She became more and more suspicious of that masked man's identity, crippling the leader with a single punch. Just how terrifying was his strength?!    


She did not believe that such a person would be Chen Bei, who was smiling and acting like a ruffian during the day.    


"Could it be that the Lyi family is under his protection and he happened to pass by this place?" Aileen muttered. She thought for a long time but could not figure it out. Even China could not find a few experts with this kind of strength. Why were they so coincidental that they could meet in the Huhai Li family?    


"Quick, send them to the rescue!" Those Underground Agent hurried to send the team leader to the car. One by one, the black cars left quickly.    


Chen Bei looked at the black cars and his expression was calm. This matter did not make him feel any emotions.    


In the mansion, Lyi Qingyan, who was watching the scene from the window to the end, was so beautiful that her face almost turned silly. That was Underground Agent. He was defeated by that invincible figure three times, two times and two times!    


Especially that last violent punch, it made her heart beat faster and she still could not react to it.    


"That person is a god, right?" Lyi Qingyan swallowed her saliva and softly said.    


Su Lei by the side nodded seriously and said, "This kind of strength can be considered strong in our special forces."    


"Who is he? Why is he helping us?" Lyi Qingyan asked.    


"I don't know either." Su Lei shook her head and said, "I just saw that he looked a little familiar." Just as Su Lei said that, her body suddenly shook and she seemed to have thought of something.    


"What's wrong?" Lyi Qingyan asked.    


Su Lei did not say anything. She turned around and rushed to the bedroom door.    


"Bang!" Su Lei roughly pushed open Lyi Qingyan's bedroom door and rushed in front of Chen Bei.    


Su Lei pushed open the door but found that the door was already locked.    


"What's wrong?" Lyi Qingyan's pretty face became more and more confused. She looked at Su Lei with a confused look.    


Su Lei roughly hit the door and her expression was cold.    


At that moment, she suddenly thought of Chen Bei.    


That figure just now really looked like Chen Bei. It was just that she subconsciously excluded Chen Bei from the suspect, so she never thought of him.    


Other than Chen Bei, who else could have such a similar back view outside the mansion?    


When Su Lei wanted to open the door and saw that the door was locked, she was even more certain of this answer in her heart.    


"Chen Bei, if you don't come out, I'll kick the door!" Su Lei said sternly.    


There was no response in the room. Su Lei sneered. As she expected, Chen Bei was not in the room.    


After slapping and shouting a few times, she took a deep breath and kicked the door with lightning speed.    


This kick carried terrifying strength, and it was absolutely capable of kicking the door open!    


At the instant Su Lei kicked out, Chen Bei's room suddenly opened. Su Lei did not react in time and kicked empty air. She lost her balance and fell towards Chen Bei.    


Chen Bei subconsciously supported Su Lei with a shocked expression. "Don't. You don't think I need to use such a special method, do you?"    


Su Lei struggled to get up and pushed Chen Bei away. She snorted in dissatisfaction and glanced at him.    


Chen Bei was wearing loose pajamas and pajamas. He looked sleepy and tired. He looked like he had been interrupted by a beautiful dream.    


"Did you sleep in the room just now?" Su Lei asked with a sharp expression.    


Chen Bei was stunned. "Where else can I sleep if I'm not in the room? Are you in bed?"    


"I sleep when I sleep. Why is it locked?" Su Lei stared at Chen Bei.    


Chen Bei sneered, "I just want to prevent people like you from rushing in and doing something that is not related to me. Just like now."    


"You..." Su Lei was speechless. A strange blush appeared on her pretty face.    


She was both embarrassed and angry. She had come to expose Chen Bei's identity. In the end, she did not find anything. She was even backstabbed and was ruthlessly humiliated!    


"Miss Su, Director Lyi is by the side and you dare to pounce on me. Director Lyi is not here. Are you going to give Director Lyi a green hat?" Chen Bei's mouth curled into a mocking smile as he spoke in a sarcastic tone.    


"Do you think I like you? Who do you think you are? You deserve it!" Su Lei could not bear it any longer and scolded.    


Lyi Qingyan by the side supported her sparkling white forehead and said, "The two of you, stop arguing."    


"If you really are sleeping, you should not be afraid of letting me go in and take a look, right?" Suddenly, Su Lei's eyes flashed and she said.    


Chen Bei's heart shook violently and his heart felt weak. However, he did not show it on the surface. He said lightly, "If you let me see you, I will show you. I have just solved my physical needs and you want to come in as well?"    


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