Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C46 Blood Diamonds!

C46 Blood Diamonds!

Lyi Qingyan turned her head and many of the guests looked towards the source of the sound. They saw Chen Bei coming over and hugging Lyi Qingyan's arm intimately, which made Lyi Qingyan's pretty face instantly freeze.    


All of the guests present were stunned. They looked at Chen Bei with a complicated gaze. Chen Bei was too bold. Under Young Master Lyi's gaze, he actually dared to do this!    


How audacious! Did he think that Young Master Lyi didn't exist?    


Some of the high ranking officials of Huhai City and the big shots of the business world smiled when they saw this scene, and their eyes became deep.    


A good show was about to take place.    


Chen Bei intimately hugged Lyi Qingyan's arm. The whole process was very natural, as if he had hugged her countless times.    


The atmosphere in the banquet hall suddenly froze, and there was a trace of tension in the atmosphere.    


Lyi Qingyan turned her head and looked at this guy. Her beautiful eyes stared at him. Young Master Lyi had just expressed his love for her and wanted to marry her, but the guy behind him came over. What was he trying to do?    


Was it not enough trouble? Want to cause trouble?    


Young Master Lyi held the goblet in his hand. Looking at this intimate and ambiguous scene, his gaze gradually became complicated and deep.    


Chen Bei's appearance was simply a naked insult to him.    


He wanted to marry Lyi Qingyan. Was this guy's appearance announcing sovereignty?    


Young Master Lyi's deep gaze swept across Chen Bei. He felt disdain in his heart. Was he worthy?    


"Yo, you are... Young Master Lyi? Your name is like thunder in my ears. Today, I finally meet you in person. You really have an extraordinary bearing." Chen Bei laughed. He picked up the wine cup and clinked it with Young Master Lyi's.    


Young Master Lyi stared at Chen Bei with a deep expression. No one could figure out what he was thinking.    


Chen Bei raised his wine glass into the air, but Young Master Lyi's wine glass did not touch Chen Bei's.    


The scene was awkward. Chen Bei narrowed his eyes and his gaze became meaningful. This Young Master Lyi was interesting...    


” "I don't drink with uneducated people. The hand holding the wine glass suddenly loosened. The wine glass fell to the ground. The wine splashed everywhere and shattered into pieces.    


Lyi Qingyan frowned and the entire banquet hall quieted down. Young Master Lyi did not intend to give Chen Bei any face.    


Many people were stunned. At this moment, smart people could tell that Chen Bei was going to be finished today.    


Chen Bei finished the wine in one gulp and put his hands in his pockets. He looked at Young Master Lyi nonchalantly.    


"Miss Lyi, it is my first time in Huhai City today. I have no one to rely on. I may have offended you. Please accept this gift. Take it as my apology." Young Master Lyi clapped his hands. The crowd dispersed. A waiter carried a silver plate. On the silver plate was an exquisite and luxurious sandalwood box. He slowly walked over.    


Many guests were in an uproar. Just this sandalwood box was extremely expensive. It was hard to imagine what kind of gift could be used for a sandalwood box.    


Lyi Qingyan shook her head gently and declined politely, "Young Master Lyi, it is my honor to be able to let me attend your welcome dinner. I am not qualified to accept this gift."    


Young Master Lyi smiled, "Qingyan, there is no one in the world who is more qualified than you."    


After saying that, Young Master Lyi opened the wooden box. A crystal clear and dazzling blood red diamond was embedded in the sponge, causing the surrounding guests to become restless. Countless people's breathing quickened. When they saw the dazzling diamond, their hearts couldn't help but boil.    


Blood diamond! It was an entire blood diamond!    


Lyi Qingyan's expression suddenly changed, and her exquisite and perfect face instantly became shocked and shocked!    


It was not an ordinary diamond, but a blood diamond within a colored diamond. It was priceless, and it could no longer be measured with money!    


In an instant, countless burning gazes fell on the blood diamond. The banquet hall was silent. The gazes that looked at Young Master Lyi were filled with admiration and shock!    


Young Master Lyi, the greeting gift to Lyi Qingyan was actually so precious!    


Young Master Lyi's action was shocking!    


Everyone's eyes immediately became complicated. At this moment, anyone with discerning eyes could tell that what Young Master Lyi said earlier was probably not a joke!    


In the crowd, the eyes of the boss of a jewelry company stared intently at the blood diamond. His entire body trembled and his breathing was ragged and rapid. Three years ago, I participated in an auction in South Africa. It was this blood diamond that was bought by a mysterious faction for a price of 10 billion USD. Later on, this blood diamond was like a stone sinking into the sea... I never thought that Young Master Lyi would obtain it..."    


"Among diamonds, colored diamonds are the most precious. On average, it is only possible to find a hundred thousand diamonds. The blood diamond is the emperor within the colored diamond. It only exists in legends. I never expected that Young Master Lyi would auction off a blood diamond today. This is not giving out a blood diamond. This is equivalent to giving away an island!"    


The crowd in the banquet hall became even more agitated. Countless people looked at the blood diamond and were all moved. Young Master Lyi was too generous with his actions!    


Lyi Qingyan looked at the crystal clear blood diamond that reflected endless brilliance. Her heart was completely shocked. She looked at Young Master Lyi, her heart full of confusion and wariness. She did not understand and did not know what Young Master Lyi was trying to do. Young Master Lyi came from the Yanjing thousands of miles away. It was definitely not as simple as a marriage alliance. From beginning to end, it was full of strangeness that Lyi Qingyan had to be wary of.    


Even in front of this great temptation, Lyi Qingyan still restrained herself. Her red lips pursed lightly and she said in a magnetic voice, "Young Master Lyi, I really don't need this generous gift. This gift is too heavy and I can't accept it."    


Everyone was shocked. Even Young Master Lyi's expression changed slightly. He looked at Lyi Qingyan with a deeper look in his eyes. He did not expect Lyi Qingyan to actually reject him.    


This blood diamond was enough to cause a storm in the entire Huhai City. Lyi Qingyan was actually able to restrain it.    


"Yo, this diamond is big enough. Unfortunately, its color is not very good." Chen Bei looked at the blood diamond and clicked his tongue in wonder.    


The banquet hall was silent at this moment. Chen Bei's words instantly reached the ears of countless people, causing them to look at Chen Bei with disdain.    


"Don't spout nonsense if you don't understand. The color of the blood diamonds is the highest purity among all diamonds. Where did this bumpkin come from? "    


"Dressed like this, he probably hasn't even seen gold before and dares to judge the blood diamonds without thinking? Blood diamonds are the most precious diamonds in the world today, are you even worthy of commenting? " Who do you think you are? "    


The value of blood diamonds is something that you can't earn even after working for tens of thousands of years. You have the nerve to stay here. "    


Many influential people were angry. Chen Bei was the ultimate treasure of the jewelry world.    


Young Master Lyi smiled slowly. His smile was calm and refreshing. "Indeed. I also feel that this blood diamond is ordinary. It's just that I don't have anything more valuable around me. Could it be that Mr. Chen knows diamonds?"    


Chen Bei smiled faintly. "I don't think so. I know a thing or two."    


When Chen Bei said this, Lyi Qingyan's pretty face immediately darkened. She held Chen Bei's arm and suddenly used her strength to pinch the flesh on Chen Bei's palm.    


She had already given this guy a precautionary shot to make him restrain himself a little. In the end, he was planning to get bigger and bigger today!    


Lyi Qingyan clenched her teeth tightly. That was called hatred. If not for the large number of people here, She grabbed Chen Bei's ear and dragged him outside to teach him a lesson!    


Lyi Qingyan pinched very hard. Her beautiful eyes stared at Chen Bei, wanting him to restrain himself a little. But when Lyi Qingyan let go of her hand and even covered her hand with sweat, Chen Bei's expression was still calm.    


Young Master Lyi looked at Chen Bei and smiled calmly. "Mr. Chen, you are the first person I have seen who was still calm when I saw this blood diamond."    


Just now, Young Master Lyi had been observing Chen Bei. When Chen Bei saw this blood diamond, his eyes were calm. There was not a single ripple in his eyes.    


This kind of state of mind was difficult for Young Master Lyi to achieve.    


"Mr. Chen bought diamonds for Miss Lyi as well?" Young Master Lyi looked at Chen Bei meaningfully and asked slowly.    


"She wanted to buy it for me, but I didn't want it." Chen Bei squinted his eyes and said with a faint smile on his face.    


There was a commotion in the surroundings. The large crowd started to laugh in disdain. With Chen Bei's current appearance, let alone a little fresh meat, he was not even considered an old cured meat. Would he let Lyi Qingyan buy diamonds for him? At most, he was at the level of a servant.    


Many big shots could not help but laugh at Chen Bei's joke. They shook their heads and laughed. Lyi Qingyan's driver, they originally thought that Lyi Qingyan's relationship with him was ambiguous and complicated. Now it seemed that this driver couldn't be compared with Young Master Lyi at all.    


This man who only knew how to brag had become the joke of this banquet.    


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