Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C455 Who Gave You the Courage!

C455 Who Gave You the Courage!

Although it was said that this raw stone was only a low grade jade seed, it was still a raw stone taken out from the Stone Gambling Association's treasure vault. The fact that it was able to produce a low grade jade seed was enough to show how extraordinary this raw stone was.    


However, even if this raw stone was an oddity, if it was auctioned at an auction, it would still be able to fetch a good price.    


It was all because he represented something that had once been worth the same value as an inestimable top grade raw stone.    


Now, although its value had dropped drastically, it did not mean that its value was completely gone.    


One must know that at an auction, a stone skin of a top grade ore from the Stone Gambling Association's treasure vault was auctioned by many wealthy people. In the end, it was sold for a good result.    


And what did Chen Bei do?    


Chen Bei did something that could be said to be the anger of both men and gods. He easily crushed the raw stone.    


"Stop!" The judges stood up and looked at Chen Bei with cold and angry eyes.    


"You are seeking death! How dare you destroy the competition item in front of the Stone Gambling Association!"    


"Do you know what you're doing? Even if you're a judge, you can't break the rules of the competition!" The judges spoke one after another. The entire competition was in an uproar!    


No one thought that the mysterious judge in black would suddenly destroy the ore. Chen Bei's actions had exceeded everyone's expectations.    


Lyi Qingyan stood up and looked at the judge in black. Her face turned extremely ugly.    


She was very grateful to the judge in black for helping Zhang Baocheng in the previous round. She was planning to invite the judge to dinner after Ultimate Three Knives ended and convey her goodwill to him.    


But now, her expression was extremely ugly because she had never thought that the person she was grateful to before would actually destroy the ore!    


Lyi Qingyan immediately looked at Lyi Shaotian. Her first thought was to suspect if this was another trap set up by Lyi Shaotian.    


But she soon became even more confused. Because Lyi Shaotian from the VIP area had his eyes fixed on Chen Bei. He, who had always been wise, had his eyebrows tightly knitted together for the first time. He kept staring at Chen Bei as if he did not know either.    


If it wasn't Lyi Shaotian, who else could it be?    


Lyi Qingyan slowly sat down, but her heart became more and more puzzled.    


"Do you know what you are doing?" At this moment, the judge stared at Chen Bei and asked coldly.    


"Of course I know." Chen Bei smiled. There was no panic on his face. Instead, he was surprisingly calm. He looked at Judge Gan and asked, "I heard you all evaluated it as a low grade jade seed?"    


The other judges looked at each other. They did not know what Chen Bei was up to.    


The judges raised their eyebrows. "What? Do you have a problem with that?"    


"Of course." Chen Bei nodded. Suddenly, he opened the hand that had crushed the raw stone.    




Suddenly, a dazzling golden light swept in all directions. The judges subconsciously covered their eyes.    


When the golden sunlight appeared on the big screen, it immediately caused a wave of exclamations. Countless people covered their eyes with their hands!    


After a long while, a small group of people slowly let go of their hands. They saw Chen Bei's palm. A dazzling golden light made many people unable to open their eyes. It was hard for them to adapt to it.    


Those who were used to it squinted their eyes and looked carefully. They found that there were golden jade stones the size of sand in Chen Bei's palm. However, these jade stones actually emitted a light that was difficult for many people to bear. It was as if Chen Bei's palm was not these jade stones. It was like little suns.    


"What is this?! It can actually emit such a strong light!"    


"Oh my god, my eyes are going blind!"    


The viewers gradually got used to it. Looking at the palm of the mysterious judge in black, it was as if there were miniature suns being controlled. They could not help but feel hot all over.    


When the judges saw the scene in Chen Bei's palm, their pupils constricted violently while a wisp of disbelief flashed through their eyes.    


"This is impossible!"    


After the other judges' eyes adapted to the strong light, their expressions changed drastically when they saw Chen Bei's palm!    


The low grade jade seeds from before had all disappeared, turning into jade that even they had never seen before!    


Chen Bei was like a magician, performing a wonderful magic for all of them.    


"What is this?" The judges stared at the golden sand in Chen Bei's palm. Even their breathing became rapid.    


None of them had ever seen this thing before. However, it did not mean that they did not know the value of this thing.    


Almost everyone's first reaction was that this was definitely a priceless treasure. It made many people's greed rise. To them, this was simply a fatal temptation.    


In the audience stands, countless spectators were already boiling with excitement as they discussed this scene. This was definitely the most shocking scene in the history of the Ultimate Three Knives!    


Lyi Shaotian from the VIP area looked at this scene and his eyes fell on Chen Bei. It became more and more profound...    


"Has this judge in black found out who he is?" Lyi Shaotian asked his subordinate.    


The subordinate shook his head. Lyi Shaotian had asked them to investigate the background of this mysterious special appointment judge through the spies in Stone Gambling Association.    


However, none of their spies had any clues. It was as if this person had appeared out of thin air.    


"There's something." Lyi Shaotian stared at Chen Bei. He found a familiar feeling in this mysterious judge.    


"After Ultimate Three Knives, we invited him to the banquet today." Lyi Shaotian said plainly.    


The subordinates at the side were slightly surprised. They didn't expect Lyi Shaotian to make such a quick decision.    


Just admiring and making such a quick decision, wanting to recruit him... That subordinate could not help but secretly envy that judge. To be able to participate in the private banquet of the Lyi family's young master, even if it was great luck, it was impossible.    


"After the second round ends, inform him to take good care of Gemini God. I will reward him heavily." Lyi Shaotian said.    


"Yes." The subordinate replied and walked towards the competition venue.    


Under the judges' seats, Zhang Baocheng could be said to be stunned. He looked at the golden sand in Chen Bei's palm with a dumbfounded expression. He was completely dumbfounded.    


Up until now, he could not think straight. He could not figure it out. His hands were clearly inferior jade seeds. How did he get there? This judge's hands had turned into a kind of jade that he had never seen before!    


How did he do it? Zhang Baocheng was sure that he could not believe what he saw. He looked at it several times and finally gave up.    


But now, Chen Bei had turned into a miracle. His actions shocked everyone present.    


No one could understand what Chen Bei was doing. Even though the big screen replayed the scene, the commentator was still confused and analyzing it repeatedly. It was hard for him to come to a conclusion.    


Chen Bei, how did he do it? Countless big shots and the big shots of the stone gambling world were present. No one could explain what had happened just now.    


It was the same for Gemini God and Yu Chengwang.    


Gemini God's eyes were fixed on the golden sand in Chen Bei's palm. For the first time, the hearts of these two old men, who knew almost everything, were trembling. Because, they didn't know what exactly this was.    


Yu Chengwang's face was even paler. As the Yu family of Stone Gambling Clan, he had a rich background. Yu Chengwang could be said to be an encyclopedia in the stone gambling world. His ability to bet on stones might not be as good as the undefeated legend Gemini God, but his vast knowledge was enough to make the entire stone gambling world incomparable!    


But now, Yu Chengwang looked at the golden sand in Chen Bei's hand. For the first time, he felt at a loss. He actually did not know the origin of this jade! Regarding this jade, his mind was blank!    


Yu Chengwang's body trembled violently. A bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart. He did not even guess the jade. He began to worry whether Zhang Baocheng could be eliminated in the second round.    


"What exactly is this?" Judge Gan stared fixedly at the pieces of jade in Chen Bei's hand, and it was difficult for him to calm down in his heart.    


"Do you want to know?" Chen Bei smiled and said in a teasing tone, "You have been the judge of Ultimate Three Knives for so many years. You don't even know a kind of jade?"    


Judge Gan's expression froze. Chen Bei was mocking him without mercy! He could not think of a word to refute.    


The entire audience was silent. Many of the spectators had strange looks on their faces. The two judges had a falling out on the spot. This was definitely a big piece of news!    


At that instant, many people had already taken out their phones and started taking pictures of the scene.    


Judge Gan stared at the jade stone in Chen Bei's hand and was at a loss for words. He couldn't retort, because he really didn't think that there would be any jade stone that would produce such a shocking and strange phenomenon!    


This type of irregular scene, this was also the first time he had seen this type of irregular scene in more than half of his life!    


"This is the Sun Flame Essence." Suddenly, Chen Bei said.    


In an instant, the audience was in an uproar. Many big shots in the VIP area frowned. No one dared to believe this name.    


As for the judges in the judges' seats, their expressions changed one after another!    


The corner of judge Gan's mouth twitched. He stared at Chen Bei coldly. He pointed at the pieces of jade in Chen Bei's palm and sneered, "Do you mean that this is a creation from a novel or a movie? What are you talking about? "    


"Do you still want to say that a grain of dust can fill the sea?" The smile on the judge's face was very ironic.    


He did not expect Chen Bei's response to be even more irritating. He replied without hesitation, "What do you know? Who gave you the courage to insult him?"    


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