Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C527 30 Tons of Power?

C527 30 Tons of Power?

Su Lei drove the car, carrying Chen Bei and Lyi Qingyan along the streets of Yanjing quietly.    


The wind was a little cold tonight. Lyi Qingyan opened the window and leaned against the window. The wind blew and she seemed to be a little tired.    


Su Lei drove quietly while Chen Bei took advantage of Lyi Qingyan not paying attention and secretly smoked. His hand holding the cigarette leaned against the window. The smell of the smoke was completely gone by the wind.    


Unknowingly, Su Lei stopped in front of a crossroad. The road was empty. This stretch of road was supposed to be crowded but there was not a single car at this time.    


Su Lei frowned slightly, but Chen Bei was still smoking calmly. No one knew what he was thinking. However, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was hinting something.    


Very quickly, a green light lit up at the intersection. Su Lei stepped on the accelerator and just as she was a few meters away, Chen Bei suddenly said, "Stop!"    


Su Lei's excellent reaction ability that she had trained in the special forces for many years made her step on the brakes subconsciously.    




Suddenly! In front of them, a construction vehicle suddenly rushed out! It directly intercepted the Mercedes-Benz! It instantly blocked the road!    


Immediately after, the originally empty road behind him suddenly had a huge pile of dirt construction vehicles turn around and rush towards the car!    


"Bang!" The dump truck hit the back of the car!    


Inside the car, Su Lei's expression changed. This was... an attack!    


Goddess President, who was resting with her eyes closed, was at a loss when she saw this sudden scene.    


She never would have thought that she would be assassinated after attending a banquet!    


Lyi Qingyan was stunned at this moment... Her beautiful face was incomparably pale and her long hair was slightly messy. Her absolutely beautiful eyes were dull as she foolishly looked at this ghastly scene in front of her!    


At this moment, the somersault of the dump truck behind her suddenly rose! The entire cart of sand and gravel seemed to be about to pour down towards the car in the middle! This was a whole dozen tons of sand! If this were to be instantly poured down! This car would probably be crushed into a pile of scrap metal! As for the people in the car, they would definitely die!    


Inside the car, Su Lei's expression changed again! It became even uglier! This was the first time she had seen such a killing method!    


"Close the window!" At this critical moment, Chen Bei shouted.    


Su Lei quickly pressed the button to close the window. The window slowly rose and the sand poured down like a heavy downpour. The roof of the car let out a roar and was suddenly pressed down.    


Lyi Qingyan was already scared silly at this moment and could not react at all.    


"Boom!" The silt that was like pouring rain poured down and almost drowned the car. Half of the car's body was stuck in the silt and could not be started at all!    




The scene was in chaos! The back of the car was once again hit by the dirt truck!    


Inside the car, Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was pale. She bit her red lips and her heart was in a mess. She did not know what to do and did not know how to resolve the crisis in front of her...    


"You go and settle those people." Chen Bei suddenly spoke to Su Lei in a low voice. Su Lei was slightly stunned and looked at Chen Bei with some surprise. Clearly, she was a little surprised. She did not expect that Chen Bei would actually let her do it.    


Su Lei, who was still fearless in the face of danger, nodded. She suddenly smashed the window and rushed out agilely.    


Chen Bei, on the other hand, turned his head to look at Lyi Qingyan. His eyes flickered with a thoughtful light.    




At this moment, the engineering car that was blocking the car suddenly turned its head and rushed towards the car. The size of the construction car was several times larger than the dirt car. It could easily smash the dirt car into mud.    


Lyi Qingyan was already in a panic. She stared blankly at the construction car rushing over, but there was no way to deal with it.    


It was also at this moment that a powerful big bracelet suddenly hugged her and dragged her into the gap between the front and back seats. Lyi Qingyan hid on the mat, and the narrow space just happened to protect her.    


Lyi Qingyan turned her head in shock and saw Chen Bei covered in dirt and dirt. He hugged her in a sorry manner and said, "Hide well."    


Wait. When Lyi Qingyan looked up, she found that the moment the car was hit, countless sharp glass shards were sent flying. If Chen Bei was any slower, Lyi Qingyan would have already lost her face.    


Chen Bei and Lyi Qingyan hid in the gap between the two seats. The narrow space forced the two of them to stick close to each other. Even Chen Bei could clearly feel Lyi Qingyan's perfect curvaceous figure, which made Chen Bei's shameless imagination run wild.    


However, at this moment, Lyi Qingyan's heart was in a mess and she did not have the mood to care about all of this. If it was any other time, Lyi Qingyan would definitely give Chen Bei a slap.    


Not long after, an intense gun sound rang out from outside the car. Su Lei got back into the car in a sorry state and said to Chen Bei and Lyi Qingyan, "There are too many. There are too many assassins. There are at least two kinds of assassins dressed up. They don't look like people from the same organization."    


"Can you still drive? Leave immediately." In the crisis, Chen Bei's expression was calm. He was still calm and composed as he made his judgment.    


Su Lei stepped on the accelerator. The car's engine roared as it drove the car away.    




On the right side of the car, the construction car's collision became more and more violent. Even the door of the car was sent flying!    




The car finally sped away. It was also at that time that Lyi Qingyan got up and looked behind her. It almost suffocated her!    


Behind them were more than ten cars and construction vehicles. It was extremely crazy! They were chasing closely!    




Suddenly, Lyi Qingyan's eyes focused. After the car door was knocked off, a strong wind rushed in from outside. Chen Bei was dragged out of the car because he was close to the car door.    




Lyi Qingyan cried out involuntarily. When she saw Chen Bei being sent flying, her heart seemed to have stopped beating.    




She did not know why. Lyi Qingyan found it hard to breathe at that moment. Her beautiful eyes widened as she stared at the scene in front of her. It was unbelievable!    


"Director Lyi, put on the seatbelt and hold it firmly." Su Lei, who was sitting in the front seat, dodged left and right crazily and shouted.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was pale as if she had lost something, making her lose her soul at that time!    


"The target wants to escape, follow them all!" Behind the car Su Lei was driving, many grey cars followed closely behind. Suddenly, the eyes of the leading car driver widened. He saw a figure coming from the distance. He did not even see clearly and his window was smashed by that figure!    


"It stabbed!"    


The gray car suddenly drifted and blocked the road, causing the cars behind to be unable to dodge in time and crash into it!    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


One by one, the cars chased after the other and became a series of accidents!    


At this critical moment, a figure appeared! Chen Bei had a cigarette in his mouth, his hair was messy, and his suit was untidy. He got down from the gray car calmly.    


In the car behind him, assassins were staring at the hooligan. What did he come out for? He was also the target. Why didn't he die?    


"Lock on the target, prepare to fire!" The killers got out of the car and locked onto Chen Bei with their guns.    


Chen Bei ignored them. He put his hands in his pockets and walked forward indifferently.    


Bang! A tongue of fire came at him fiercely!    


Chen Bei's neck was soft. On the side, the tongue of fire directly brushed past his neck and shot into the ground.    


The assassins were all shocked! He actually dodged the tongue of flame? How was this possible!    


"Bang, bang, bang -!" Yet another few tongues of fire attacked!    


Chen Bei spun his body and dodged the tongues of fire in the blink of an eye.    


The surrounding assassins were completely shocked. How... how is this possible?! Is this a human?! How is it possible for him to dodge bullets that are comparable to the speed of sound?!!    


At this moment, the turret of the dump truck had already risen to half its original height. It drove towards Chen Bei with a loud bang. It looked like it was going to fall down.    


In the blink of an eye! Chen Bei suddenly gathered his strength and sped up. He rushed towards the dump of the dump truck.    


He gathered his strength and glared at Chen Bei. He jumped up abruptly. A deep crater instantly appeared on the surface of the tarpaulin!    


All the assassins present had shocked expressions as they stared blankly at this scene!    


That man actually leaped up from the ground! He charged towards the dump truck! Countless assassins held their breath, their eyes focused on the figure that jumped up from the sky! At that moment, the air was silent and frozen, and everyone's heart seemed to stop beating!    


Chen Bei suddenly leaped up, and the sound of the wind whistled through the air. With a huge and terrifying force, he suddenly stomped on the 30 tons of somersault!    


"Boom!" The silt somersault that was about to fall was hit by a huge force and instantly destroyed the balance of the force! The thirty-ton silt somersault was instantly stuck in midair!    


Chen Bei stood on the somersault like a god of war. His expression was cold, and his feet accumulated strength once again collapsed!    


The somersault finally lost its balance and followed its original trajectory, returning to its original position. Thirty tons of overturned vehicle smashed into the dump truck. The dump truck shook and its tires exploded, causing the entire vehicle to cave in instantly.    


The assassins present widened their eyes. They were completely shocked! Is... is this really a human?! He actually relied on the strength of the human body to trample that cart of sand that weighed several tens of tons back to its original position?!    


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