Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C559 The Dragon King Shall Die!

C559 The Dragon King Shall Die!

Huang Shan stared at Chen Bei for a long time before sighing. He knew very well that he had no confidence in fighting Chen Bei.    


There was always someone stronger than him... There was always someone stronger than him. The movement technique that Chen Bei had displayed just now was something that even Huang Shan, who had experienced a lot of martial arts, didn't know at all.    


After staring at Chen Bei for a moment, Huang Shan suddenly opened his mouth and said, "I can already feel that there are stronger opponents coming. They are your opponents. I hope you can survive."    


After saying that, the old man turned around and took a step forward. However, it seemed like he had already moved a hundred steps away.    


"An even stronger opponent? What the f * ck is that?"    


Chen Bei was stunned. Huang Shan's words were so strange that he didn't know what was going on.    


Suddenly! A huge figure suddenly came from behind! The Dao of Strength was unrivaled!    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed slightly and he took a few steps back.    


Boom! A burly figure that was as strong as a cow suddenly landed on the ground. The hard cement ground cracked under his feet. The aura was terrifying beyond compare!    


"Dragon King?" The burly figure looked at Chen Bei and said, "I am Zhao Tai of the Wudang, I am here to take your life."    


"Zhao Tai? A peerless expert?" Chen Bei raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Tai with disdain, "Where did you come from?"    


Zhao Tai's muscles tensed up. He was wearing a mountain suit, and his face radiated a terrifying aura. He did not even look at Chen Bei because of disdain. He was Zhao Tai, an expert from the Wudang! No mortal in the world could enter his eyes!    


"Hey, am I talking to you?" Chen Bei saw that he was ignoring him and asked indifferently.    


Zhao Tai suddenly attacked.    


His fists were like thunder and lightning! His killing intent soared to the sky.    


Zhao Tai's fist came at him, and the air seemed to be torn apart! He did not want to talk to this kind of mortal in the world!    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed. He threw a punch at Zhao Tai.    


Peng! Two punches collided!    


The air seemed to tear apart!    


Zhao Tai took a step back. The cement ground under his feet was crushed.    


This time, Zhao Tai finally raised his head. He looked at the unremarkable young man in front of him in shock. To be able to receive a punch from him, and even be able to force him to take a step back, this young man was very strong!!    


"Are you from the Wudang?" Chen Bei asked again.    


"Yes, so what?" Zhao Tai's voice was cold and proud. He was a powerful warrior who came from Zhao Tai. He was proud of himself.    


"Is that old man Zhang Wu still alive?" Chen Bei asked.    


He heard 'Zhang Wu'. Zhao Tai's facial expression changed dramatically when he heard the two words. The 'Zhang Wu' that Chen Bei mentioned was the supreme elder - Elder Zhang Wu!    


"You know Elder Zhang Wu?" Zhao Tai's face was filled with shock as he stared at Chen Bei.    


"Yes, that damn old man. Is he still alive?" Chen Bei asked with a smile.    


Zhao Tai's expression changed. This unremarkable young man in front of him actually knew Elder Zhao Tai, Elder Zhang Wu?    


"Hey, I'm asking you a question. Are you mute?" Chen Bei's voice was full of ruffian.    


"You're courting death!" Zhao Tai waved his fists, his killing intent soaring. He rushed forward!    


Chen Bei narrowed his eyes. "You still need some time to learn your 'Long Yue Wuyun' skill." After he finished speaking, his movement technique flashed. He dove forward and threw a punch. Blue veins popped out!    


"Boom!" The air trembled violently! The two fists collided!    


Zhao Tai was sent flying like a kite with a broken string. His huge body fiercely collided with the wall, directly smashing the wall until it cracked!    


How do you know... Lang Yue Wuyun?! " Zhao Tai's expression was ferocious, his eyes carried shock! Lang Yue Wuyun was the Wudang's ultimate martial art. How could a mere mortal know of Zhao Tai's martial arts?    


"Lang Yuewu is just a basic martial art of the Wudang. You haven't even mastered this basic martial art yet. I'm afraid you aren't a disciple of the main gate, are you?" Chen Bei said meaningfully.    


Swoosh! Zhao Tai's expression changed.    


"A mere outer circle disciple under Zhao Tai's feet dares to come and pretend to be a martial artist before he has even mastered martial arts! " He dares to call himself 'Wudang'? He's simply arrogant and conceited!" Chen Bei suddenly put away the playful expression on his face and became serious and cold.    


Zhao Tai's expression changed again and became extremely ugly.    


"Go to hell!" Zhao Tai shouted explosively, and his robust body suddenly charged forward! Both of his fists flashed explosively! The air was torn apart!    


Chen Bei had no intention of fighting back. Because of his disdain, he dodged lightly, and Zhao Tai's terrifying and ferocious fist flew past his face. His fist missed!    


"The Wudang, known as the world's greatest under the heavens, has actually produced a scum like you. I really feel sorry for Zhong Yunlong." Chen Bei had his hands behind his back. His expression was incomparably cold.    


When he heard the words' Zhong Yunlong ', Zhao Tai's body suddenly trembled, and he almost lost his balance. Then... That was the leader of the Wudang! A truly terrifying expert!    


"Who exactly are you?!!" Zhao Tai's voice was trembling with unprecedented fear. No one in this world knew Zhong Yunlong's name! He was a truly terrifying and peerless expert! His lifespan was over a hundred! Hidden Zhao Tai!! How could a mere mortal know about Zhong Yunlong?!    


"Who am I? I'm afraid you don't deserve to know." Chen Bei looked at him coldly.    


"You... I'll kill you!" Zhao Tai felt humiliated. He claimed to be the Wudang in the mortal world. He had scared people out of their wits before he attacked. But today, he had lost face in front of a young man. This was a slap in the face! A naked slap in the face! Today's humiliation must be avenged!    


Zhao Tai's fists gave birth to power. - Lang Yue Wuyun, the supreme martial art of Wudang, that is the essence of the martial art of Huaxia!    


This punch was enough to shatter a mountain!    


"Forget it, today... I will help Zhong Yunlong clean up the evil creatures." Chen Bei looked at the rapidly approaching fist and said indifferently.    


In the blink of an eye! Chen Bei suddenly threw out a punch! As fast as lightning!    


When he saw Chen Bei's punch! Zhao Tai's expression changed! However, he did not have time to react. He did not have time to run!    


Peng! The two fists collided!    


Zhao Tai's entire arm was broken! His entire body was sent flying!    


"Boom!" Zhao Tai landed on the ground and dust flew everywhere.    


It was as if he had died of anger.    


Zhao Tai's expression was ugly. He was actually... sent flying by a punch?! How was this possible?!    


Zhao Tai's body trembled as he helped himself up from the dust. His face was filled with terror and shock as blood continuously flowed out of his mouth. "Dai - Zong - Ru - He!! How could you?!"    


So this move is called - Grandmaster Dai, how is it? " Chen Bei was surprised. He slowly took back his fist. "I didn't expect that old man Zhong Yunlong would use this move every time he fights. How about 'Grandmaster Dai'? This name, tsk tsk tsk, it's really unpleasant to hear. "    


"Pfft!" Zhao Tai suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. This was the Wudang's ultimate martial art! It was a martial art that only inner sect disciples could learn! - - How could he know it? How could it be!!    


Chen Bei slowly withdrew his fist. "Today, I will use your absolute art, 'Grandmaster Dai', to cripple one of your arms. From today onwards, if you dare to use the name of Wu Dang to swindle others, I will definitely kill you!"    


Zhao Tai's entire body trembled violently, and he spat out another mouthful of blood. He was unable to resist any longer, and his body fell to the ground with a bang. He was knocked unconscious by this punch!    


"You have the nerve to call yourself an expert just like that?" Chen Bei lowered his head and looked at Zhao Tai. He seemed to be deep in thought. In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly.    


Suddenly! A cold light cut through the curtain of rain and shot towards Chen Bei's forehead.    


"Clang!" The cold light was suspended in the air a millimeter away from Chen Bei's forehead. Chen Bei's fingers were holding the cold dagger.    


"Crack." He exerted force between his fingers. The cold dagger instantly cracked and spread. It turned into a piece of iron and scattered in the air.    


When Chen Bei raised his head...    


Ten cold and deep figures. Just stand where you are!    


"Who are you?" Chen Bei's eyes were calm as he stared at the ten figures.    


The ten figures looked like human beings. He stood there like a statue, radiating a shocking aura.    


"Darkstone Assassin Organization." The voices of the ten people echoed in unison, their voices like swords being unsheathed, killing intent spreading in all directions within the curtain of rain.    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed slightly. Then he sighed. "You guys can leave. I don't want to kill anyone."    


After saying that, he slowly turned around with his hands behind his back. He did not want to fight anymore.    


Suddenly! Those ten figures moved!    


Sou Sou! The ten figures moved quickly! Like lightning, they merged into the rain...!    


In the blink of an eye, the ten assassins surrounded all of Chen Bei's paths!    


Chen Bei stood alone in the middle. All his paths of retreat had been blocked.    


Ten figures locked onto all of his paths!    


This was a brutal assault!    


Chen Bei's gaze slowly swept across his surroundings. He slowly sighed. "The sea of bitterness is boundless. Turning back is the shore... The ten of you are no match for me. Why don't you let go of the butcher's knife?"    


"Arrogant, die!" One of the assassins waved his hand. A sharp, cold military dagger cut through the air and stabbed toward Chen Bei's neck.    


Chen Bei's eyes were calm. He raised one of his fingers.    


"Clang." The sharp cold dagger was hit by a finger and instantly broke.    


"Sou! Behind him, another dagger fiercely slashed over!    


Chen Bei's eyes slightly focused. He sighed. "Since you want me to die so badly, then I'll fulfill your wish as soon as possible..." Suddenly, he raised his right hand.    


A medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger penetrated out!    


"Pu!" The assassin was carried by the impact force of the medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger and was rapidly sent flying!    


"Bang!" The assassin's body was ruthlessly thrown down... The center of his brows... It's nailed to the Dragon Tooth Dagger.    


Chen Bei slowly withdrew his hand. His eyes became deep and ancient.    


In the blink of an eye, he had killed an assassin with a single slash!    


"Kill!" The remaining nine assassins had expressions on their faces. Killing intent surged!    


Sou Sou Sou! One cold saber after another appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye!    


Army blades soared through the sky, killing endlessly!    


Nine military blades cut through the void, rushing towards Chen Bei's body with extreme killing intent!    


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! The nine sabers pierced through Chen Bei's body in an instant.    


However, in the next second, the assassins' pupils suddenly focused.    


Because... the body in front of them was just an afterimage!    


Chen Bei's shadow gradually disappeared into the air.    


What the assassins attacked was only one of his shadows.    


"My hands are stained with too much blood today, but you guys have to deliver it to me..." Chen Bei stood behind the house, his voice calm and indifferent.    


"At the back! Kill!" The assassins suddenly turned around!    


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