Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C567 Drinking Dragon Blood!

C567 Drinking Dragon Blood!

The deafening explosion of bullets swept through the air, and the night seemed to be pierced by the sound of bullets!    


The killer was riding a heavy firearms machine gun and shooting at Chen Bei crazily. The killer's face was full of ferocity. He wanted to smash this damn bastard into pieces. He smashed into pieces of blood!    


Chen Bei's expression turned serious. The dark light suddenly dodged the incoming bullets. His entire body leaped into the air!    


The ground under his feet was instantly blasted into a huge crater...    


His body was rapidly churning in the dark of the night. The dark light short sword shot out explosively!    


"Destroy." Chen Bei's voice was calm and cold, carrying the coldness of hell!    


The eyes of the firearms killer suddenly shrank. At this moment, he actually felt the aura of death!    


The assassin's face was filled with fear and alarm as he hurriedly blocked the super-thick thermal weapon on his shoulder in front of him!    


"Clang!" His entire body was covered in metal clanging sounds! That medicinal dark light short sword directly hacked open the thick, hot weapon barrel, and fiercely shot into the assassin's forehead! It was as fast as lightning, making him unable to react at all!    


But right at this time, the medicinal dark light short sword spun back, and once again shot through the back of the assassin's head at an extreme speed! The dark light flew back into Chen Bei's hand with the force of a rival!    


The assassin's eyes widened in disbelief. Then, with a cracking sound, his head began to crack! But at this moment, his mind was still clear! Because Chen Bei's sword move was too fast, so fast that the scar on his brain hadn't even appeared yet.    


Outside the hotel, the expressions of the North Pole killers changed drastically. Everyone was shocked by this terrifying killing technique!    


In just a short few seconds, they had lost dozens of warriors and brothers!    


"A-level combat state!" At this moment, all the assassins were on alert. All the assassins had solemn expressions on their faces, carrying an unprecedented vigilance. At this moment, they seemed to have completely changed. If they still had a trace of playfulness just now, then now it had completely become a real battle!    


The assassin leader, Yang Hee, still had a cold expression on his face. He stood alone in the night, staring coldly at Chen Bei.    


Once the assassin made a move, this house, even if it was an iron wall, would be turned into a pile of waste! They were the top assassins in the overseas world! They had gone through life and death for decades, and the word "Devil League" had appeared in the bloody world of war. This was their undefeatable witness!    


Crack crack crack! The sound of heavy machine gun cartridges being loaded could be heard! All the heavy machine guns instantly locked onto Chen Bei.    


"Kill them all." Yang Hee's shout echoed in the dark night sky. With a single order, he slaughtered everyone in the surroundings!    




At this moment! The sound of gunfire swept through the air like thunder, and the bullets roared through the air!    


The dense rain of spear fire and bullets swept toward Chen Bei from all directions.    


At this moment, Chen Bei's eyes flashed with endless vicissitudes of life.    


"If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell...?" He seemed to be mumbling to himself as an aura that he had never felt before surged out crazily!    


Gradually, a trace of scarlet blood began to spread within his pupils!    


Clang! In his right hand, the ancient medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger was vibrating!    


"Dragon Slash..." Chen Bei's expression changed. He suddenly took a step forward.    


"Nine Steps!" In an instant, his body turned into a fleeting afterimage!    


The dark light danced in the air and howled lightly. The dark light danced wildly!    


"Puah! Puah! Puah!" The sound of countless flesh being torn apart reverberated in the dark night! Blood splattered everywhere... flesh and blood splattered everywhere...!    


Chen Bei held the dark light in his hand, and his footsteps appeared in a flash!    


Wherever the dark light passed, the bodies of the killers fell one after another. Blood filled the air!    


The scene was like a sea of blood!    


"Bastard! I'll kill you!" The assassins' expressions were extremely ferocious! Countless heavy machine guns were shooting at Chen Bei, as if they were going to swallow him up in the flames.    


"Puff!" Before an assassin could react, a dark light had already pierced through his neck! He only felt the scene in front of him spin, and then... his head left his body. He fell to the ground! Until the second before he died, he could even see his headless body.    


Countless assassins' corpses fell to the ground... Blood dyed the entire ground red, corpses piled up, and a sea of blood overflowed into the heavens!    


"Bastard!! Uh... "An assassin roared. Before he could finish his sentence, a dark light instantly pierced through his head and temple!    


Watch out! Watch out! Highest guard! " The Devil League was facing a formidable enemy! This is the highest level of alert in their army! Apart from the life-and-death battle, they had never used such a high level of red security in the past few decades! This represented a bloody battle!    


The entire scene was a bloody mess! Flesh and blood flew everywhere, corpses fell to the ground, and miserable wails reverberated in the dark night...    


All the assassins had ugly and shocked expressions on their faces! This was an unprecedented battle! None of them had expected that the target of this A-class bounty hunting mission would actually be so terrifying. The strength of one person had caused the entire army to fall into chaos after killing the Blood Slaughter.    


The leader, Yang Hee, had a sinister expression. His eyes were filled with shock and disbelief. This time, he... underestimated his enemy! He did not expect this. This target. He did not expect that the target of this attack would actually be so terrifying.    


"I don't believe it! "I, Yang Hee, don't believe in evil! " Today, I will break the so-called forbidden land barrier of Huaxia! " Yang Hee's voice was ferocious and furious, carrying a terrifying killing intent!    


"Everyone, listen up! Combine the battle formation!" Yang Hee shouted.    


The remaining forces of Devil League were shocked. All the firearms fired crazily, interweaving into a terrifying encirclement! Combination of combat level formations! The highest level combat method of the Devil League! It could kill all enemies on the battlefield! This was the top secret killing method of the Devil League that swept across the ocean!    


All the heavy firearms were locked onto and fired crazily. Thousands of tongues of fire attacked, trying to blast Chen Bei into a bloody mess!    


"Everyone, aim at his escape route! Don't let him have the chance to dodge!"    


Countless infrared scope lit up in an instant. Streams of infrared rays shot onto Chen Bei's body like a dense spider web, sealing off all his escape routes. They followed a meter radius around him, and countless tongues of fire locked him down!    


"Fire!" Yang Hee shouted.    


"Bang, bang, bang!" The sound of gunfire could be heard. Thousands of bullets shot out like a terrifying net!    


The air seemed to freeze in an instant!    


The expressions of the surrounding assassins changed! This was a sure-kill situation! All the infrared rays were aimed at! This... there was nowhere to hide!    


As lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, Chen Bei's eyes turned cold. The Dragon Tooth Dagger danced in his right palm like a waltz.    


"Clank, clank, clank, clank!" The enormous tongue of flame exploded in the air, and countless sparks flew everywhere! The medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger in Chen Bei's hand had practically turned into a terrifying barrier, blocking the ten thousand jin tongue of flame that assaulted him under the medicinal dark light!    


In the middle of the night's slaughter, the two killers suddenly pulled out military daggers and instantly charged towards Chen Bei! They were like a hot knife cutting through butter!    


The two cold military daggers quickly killed Chen Bei, as if they were going to pierce Chen Bei's neck in an instant.    


"Clank! Clank!" A metallic sound was heard. A flash of green light appeared in Chen Bei's hand. The two mercenaries were sent flying. Blood splashed everywhere.    


The surrounding assassins were completely stunned. They looked at the dark night. Chen Bei's figure... Chen Bei... he actually used his own strength to block such a terrifying ten thousand jin attack?!    


In the dark night, Yang Hee's expression was unusually solemn. Staring at that mysterious man, even the joint combat formation was unable to kill him?! This Chen Bei... just who was he?!    


The assassin soldiers were shocked. They stared at the man... They had encountered an unprecedented enemy!    


"Fire!!" Yang Hee shouted again.    


Countless infrared rays covered Chen Bei's body again.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" Ten-thousand tongues of flame shot out in all directions! One wave after another, It was as though the sky was being swallowed. It was endless! The night air violently shook! It carried boundless killing intent!    


Yang Hee swung his huge arm, and a thick and shiny three-edged military knife appeared in an instant. The sharp knife seemed to carry the stench of blood. This military knife was stained with countless amounts of blood!    


"Whoosh -!" The Mitsubishi Thorn stabbed towards Chen Bei. Even the air was cut open, and there was an explosive sound!    


The medicinal dark light in Chen Bei's hand fiercely hacked down!    


Clang! A wave of intense sparks rang out as the Mitsubishi Army Thorn was directly deflected back!    


Yang Hee suddenly grabbed the military knife that was shot back, but he did not expect that the military knife carried a terrifying force. Yang Hee felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He could not hold the Mitsubishi army in his hand and retreated. A few deep, broken footprints were left on the ground.    


"Puff!" A mouthful of blood spurted out of Yang Hee's mouth.    


Yang Hee's eyes were filled with shock as he stared at the proud man in the dark. Who was he?    


At this moment, all the assassins' eyes had turned red. All the high-caliber firearms had locked onto Chen Bei. One infrared ray after another fired.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang -!" The heavy firepower swept over like lightning in the dark night, interweaving into a tight circle of firepower! It was as if it wanted to swallow Chen Bei alive in the rain of bullets!    


"Sou Sou Sou!" Several military daggers cut through the night sky and followed closely behind. There was only one target to attack - Chen Bei!    


Yang Hee's expression was ferocious. The veins on his muscular arm bulged. He swung his arm violently. The Mitsubishi Thorn in his hand whizzed out. It pierced through the silence of the night and shot towards Chen Bei's throat.    


The killing continued without end, swallowing the heavens and devouring the earth! This was a terrifying sure-kill situation! The entire killer legion attacked with all their firepower, just to surround and kill Chen Bei alone! It was so terrifying!    


Around the old house, the group of assassins were all frightened and their faces were deathly pale! They stared intently at the shocking scene at the critical moment! So many attacks were densely packed! Chen Bei... He was afraid that everyone's hearts had fallen to rock bottom! At this moment, all the bodyguards' faces turned ashen...    


In the dark night, a proud and aloof figure stood there, standing in the middle of all the killing! The corner of Chen Bei's mouth suddenly flashed with an arc. The dark light in his hand suddenly cut through the night sky! Its speed was so fast that it almost merged with the dark of the night! It was as fast as lightning!    


The Dragon Tooth Dagger swiftly passed through the night sky. Its speed was so fast that the sound of wind whistled through the air. Through the sharp and simple blade lines, it actually emitted a faint sound!    


"Wuu...!" In the dark night, the Dragon Tooth Dagger violently rubbed against the air and let out a wail that sounded like the wailing of ghosts and the wailing of ghosts!    


Wherever the wind passed, dragon roars sounded out in waves.    




The wind whistled and the air trembled. The strong wind pierced through the lines of the Dragon Tooth Dagger's blade and let out a cry... That sound... was like the cry of an evil ghost and the miserable howl of an Asura!!    


Yang Hee's pupils suddenly contracted! His expression suddenly changed!    


A dragon's roar resounded, and it tore through the silence of the night!    


The dark light exploded! Chen Bei walked over slowly just like that. With every step he took, a deep footprint crack would appear on the ground!    


His eyes were already filled with blood.    


All the killing attacks in the surroundings had fallen. They could not get an inch closer to him!    


Blood, slaughter... Corpses filled the sky!    


The Dragon Tooth Dagger in Chen Bei's hand carried a dragon's roar as it flickered continuously in the night sky. It was as if it was hell!    


Yang Hee's face was deathly pale! He seemed to see an impossible figure! It was so strange and familiar, yet it was so terrifying! That figure... It seemed to slowly overlap with the legendary 'terrifying taboo' figure!    


This... is the real Dragon King!    


"Sou -!" The dark light shot toward Yang Hee with a dragon roar. It swept toward Yang Hee like an evil ghost. The surrounding air was compressed violently!    


Yang Hee's expression changed drastically. He suddenly raised the Mitsubishi military knife in his hand and blocked it in front of his chest!    


"Clank -!" The Dragon Tooth Dagger suddenly shot out and smashed onto the Mitsubishi Army Thorn, and a violent collision of metals took place!!    


Yang Hee's entire body was directly sent flying by the terrifying force of the short sword's attack!    


Peng! Yang Hee hit the wall of the hotel. The wall could not withstand the force and collapsed.    


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