Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C485 Surround the Dragon King!

C485 Surround the Dragon King!

Five minutes ago, it was still dark in Lyi's Mansion. Five minutes after the black phone rang, the entire Lyi's Mansion was brightly lit. One by one, they rushed out of the rooms and followed Lyi Shaotian into the secret chamber.    


In the secret chamber, the man in black who looked like a statue was holding a phone and waiting respectfully at the side. When he saw Lyi Shaotian walk into the secret chamber, he respectfully handed the phone to Lyi Shaotian and said, "Young Master Lyi, your number."    


Lyi Shaotian picked up the phone, waved his hand and said, "All of you can leave now."    


After all the men left, Lyi Shaotian took a deep breath and picked up the phone. He said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"    


"Yanjing is going to be in chaos. The capital is leading an army to destroy the Dragon King. In this period of time, Lyi's Mansion must keep a low profile. If the Dragon King doesn't die, there will be another bloody catastrophe in Yanjing in the future!"    


On the other end of the phone, an old voice only finished a sentence before he hung up the phone with a bang.    


"Dragon King..." Lyi Shaotian's heart trembled as his eyes flickered with a deep and complicated light.    


Lyi Shaotian naturally did not expect that the call that woke up the entire Lyi's Mansion was actually because of the Dragon King!    


He even more did not expect that the Dragon King would actually incite the fury of the capital!    


Suddenly, Lyi Shaotian laughed loudly and muttered, "Dragon King, looks like today is the day of your death!"    


"Going against the capital is really reckless." Jing snorted coldly and said with a deep look in his eyes, "Looks like someone has already taken action for me."    


After Lyi Shaotian finished speaking, he glanced outside the window of Lyi's Mansion. It was dark outside the window. A smile appeared on his face. He turned around and walked towards the rooms in Lyi's Mansion, "Go back to sleep."    


"Young Master Lyi, don't you need to take countermeasures?"    


"What do you need? No matter how arrogant the Dragon King is, in front of that lion, he is just throwing an egg at a rock." Lyi Shaotian replied calmly.    


"We just need to wait and see. We just need to watch from the sidelines."    


"Yes, my lord."    


Lyi Shaotian and the servants of Lyi's Mansion returned to their rooms. The brightly lit Lyi's Mansion soon fell into darkness.    




It wasn't just the Lyi's Mansion. In the middle of the night, countless families of Yanjing had received all kinds of news. Some people planned and decided, while others were restless. They were waiting for an opportunity to do something.    


At this moment, the hotel had turned into ruins!    


Countless soldiers surrounded the hotel. The generals with guns and bullets had long formed three airtight encirclement. Here, even a fly could not fly out!    


Just as the soldiers opened up the formation. While searching the hotel and the surroundings in a carpet manner, a soldier suddenly stopped when he passed by a pile of cement and rubble.    


The soldier turned his head and looked at the concrete debris. His eyes were fixed on the huge pile of debris. At this moment, a series of rustling sounds came from within.    


Just as the soldier's gun was locked onto the debris and he was about to appear in front of it, suddenly, a dirty arm stretched out from the debris and grabbed the soldier's collar at lightning speed!    


"He's here!"    


In an instant, the strange sounds caused all the guns to lock onto the direction!    




That soldier opened his eyes wide, and the veins on the arm that grabbed him bulged out. It didn't look like a human's arm at all! The thick arm easily grabbed him like an eagle catching a chicken!    




The arm grabbed the soldier and flung him away like a kite with a broken string, landing heavily on the ground dozens of meters away.    


At this moment, a figure stood on the ruins and slowly swept his gaze over. His cold gaze caused the bodies of all the soldiers present to tremble!    


That figure appeared to be in a sorry state. His face was covered in dust and one could not see his face clearly. However, the aura on his body was sufficient to cause all the soldiers present to tremble!    


His appearance allowed these soldiers to recognize him at the first possible moment - Dragon King!    


Other than Dragon King, who else could possess such an aura! That kind of invincible and arrogant aura! Even in Beijing and Shanghai, they would not be able to do it!    


"Report, the Dragon King has appeared!"    


On the helicopter, the soldier saw the Dragon King at a glance and reported in a stern voice!    


"Capture him with all your might. If he resists, kill him without question!"    


The strong light on the helicopter hit Chen Bei. Soldiers surrounded Chen Bei and locked their guns on him. As long as Chen Bei dared to act rashly, the dark and cold guns would fire without hesitation. With so many soldiers, it was enough to turn Chen Bei into a sieve.    


These soldiers looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Although Chen Bei was unarmed and did not have any weapons, he was hundreds of times more dangerous than any terrorist with weapons.    


Because he was the Dragon King! He was the most dangerous person in the entire ocean! These soldiers might not know about the existence of the Dragon King before, but before they came, they had already been taught a lesson. They were incomparably vigilant towards Chen Bei!    


Chen Bei stood where he was. Being illuminated by the strong light of the helicopter and being targeted by the guns of the Yanjing soldiers, he did not panic at all. His expression was very calm. He only stared at the steel lion and said slowly, "All of you retreat immediately. I will not pursue your actions anymore."    




On the helicopter, the old man suddenly opened his eyes. He shouted angrily and jumped!    




The old man landed heavily on the ground. The ground around the hotel shook violently. Cracks spread out under the old man's feet. The old man walked towards Chen Bei step by step. He stared at Chen Bei and shouted, "You are a wanted criminal. How dare you enter the country?!"    


"I came back just to protect my woman." Chen Bei replied calmly.    


"You have caused countless killings. Your hands are stained with endless blood. Dragon King, no matter how famous you are in the ocean, it is useless here." Every sentence of the old man was like thunder shaking the void. It was forceful and forceful!    


"Jing and Hu have already told me what you have done. If you surrender now, you will have no chance. Otherwise, I will execute you on the spot!"    


The old man stared at Chen Bei and shouted. All the soldiers' guns and tanks' cannons were locked on Er Dongchen.    


The atmosphere suddenly became tense. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.    


The air was dead silent. Suddenly, Chen Bei smiled.    


Chen Bei glanced at the soldiers around him. He suddenly smiled. There was a hint of bitterness and sarcasm in his tone. "You are playing the chess piece of justice. Do you know about the conflict between me and those two? He told you that I am here, so do you know that he did not even let my family off?"    


After Chen Bei finished speaking, he glanced at everyone and said word by word, "If you do not offend me, I will not offend you. If you offend me... I will definitely kill you! Destroy!"    


As soon as Chen Bei finished speaking, he took a step forward and suddenly disappeared from where he was.    




The old man gave the order, but he was still a step too late.    




In an instant, endless tongues of fire were spat out from the muzzle of the gun, interweaving into huge fire nets that covered the sky and the earth as they pressed down on Chen Bei.    


Chen Bei's movement technique did not flash explosively. He held the Dragon Tooth Dagger in his hand, hacking and intercepting the countless tongues of fire that attacked him. A series of clear tinkling sounds rang out, and the shells that were split into two fell to the ground one after another, appearing incomparably ironic!    


"Clank Clank Clank!"    


Chen Bei's figure swiftly moved, easily passing through the blind spots where the tongues of fire interweaved!    


"Is this still human speed..."    


Countless soldiers who were focused on fire trembled in their hearts. They had never seen such terrifying speed. It was difficult for them to capture Chen Bei's figure. They could only see blurry afterimages.    


At this moment, a silent sound echoed. A soldier was suddenly sent flying. When he landed on the ground, he was sent flying. A spiderweb shaped crack appeared on the ground!    


"Bang, bang, bang..."    


Not only that, an afterimage flashed past the soldiers. Following which, the soldiers were sent flying one by one. Their chests caved in and a clear fist mark was left on their clothes!    


Countless soldiers were shocked. They were the elite troops of Yanjing. Every one of them had been tempered by war and blood. They were people who had wandered between life and death. They could be considered the ace troops, but now, for the first time, their hearts were trembling!    


They had never encountered such an enemy. Even the enemy's figure was hard to determine. Was he still human?!    


This was a f * cking humanoid monster!    


Before they even saw him, dozens of soldiers were already heavily injured!    


From the beginning to the end, the legendary Dragon King... Only one punch to these soldiers!    


The old man stood on the spot and coldly watched the soldiers being sent flying. The Dragon King was swiftly approaching him!    


A cold glint flashed across the old man's eyes. The strength of the Dragon King who did not spy on the army that had overturned the Dark World in the west was indeed terrifying!    


"Dragon King, you are indeed very strong. However, you can only reach this stage. It is impossible for you to break out of the blockade!" The old man coldly shouted. Just as Chen Bei was about to reach the old man, the old man clenched his right fist and suddenly punched out!    


At this time, Chen Bei's fist also came at him!    


The two fists collided with a dull sound. All the soldiers present felt the earth shake and the mountains shake.    


The old man couldn't help but retreat dozens of meters before he managed to stabilize his body. When he raised his head and looked at Chen Bei, his pupils suddenly shrank!    


Chen Bei had only retreated two or three steps, not even a meter!    


The old man's entire arm was numb. Chen Bei's expression was indifferent, but it was as if nothing had happened.    


"All of you, focus fire!" The old man's expression was gloomy as he shouted in a grim voice. In an instant, tongues of flame that covered the heavens and the earth blasted towards Chen Bei once more!    


Chen Bei snorted coldly. His expression was as cold as ice. The medicinal Dragon Tooth Dagger in his hand swiftly intercepted it, causing sparks to fly in all directions! It lit up the dark and deep night sky!    


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