LitRpg:My Supreme Hero Summoning System

C80 Instant Defeat

C80 Instant Defeat

With a flash of blue light, Chiang Kang held the spear in his hand and stepped forward. In an instant, he entered the arena and stood in front of Ji Wuxia.    


"What a big tone!"    


Lang Feiloong snorted and waved his hand. "Everyone, attack! Kill him!"    


"No. . . "    


Lang Feng said in his heart, No, no. However, he was already exhausted, so he could not say what he wanted to say. He fainted again.    


When Lang Feiloong saw his beloved son being beaten up like this by Chiang Kang, he became even angrier. He roared furiously. "What are you waiting for? Kill him!"    




The sound of killing was heard. The men and horses followed the sword and rushed towards Chiang Kang.    


The men from the Mercenary Group of Blood Teeth retreated once again, like reinforcements who had broken into the formation.    


"You are courting death. "    


The smile on Chiang Kang's face had completely disappeared. The cold light from the Clear Water Dragon Spear flickered, and with a step, he rushed out in an instant. The tip of the spear was penetrated by the cold light!    


Human and horse, fire!    


Snow fluttered at the tip of the spear. The people blocking in front were all killed by the spear, their blood splattering in all directions. When they turned around, blood splattered all over the ground, and they howled in pain as they died.    


Chiang Kang's footsteps did not stop. Like the wind and arrows, he charged into the enemy's formation. The people of Wolf Fang Manor were immediately thrown off their feet, and it was impossible for them to get close to him.    


In just a few breaths of time, Chiang Kang had created a bloody path in front of him!    




The spear instantly arrived in front of Lang Feiloong's forehead.    


Lang Feiloong was stunned, and cold sweat covered his entire body!    


In just the blink of an eye, the man in front of him had made this black-clothed youth retreat with his spear!    


Although Chiang Kang was tall and strong, and Hsiang Yu had a domineering expression on his face, he still couldn't conceal the young man in front of him.    


The tip of the spear shone with a cold light, shining on Lang Feiloong's forehead, which was dripping with cold sweat.    


"Big brother!"    


Ao Yuan's eyes narrowed, and the bow in his hand was about to shoot out again.    


"Goodbye. "    


Chiang Kang swung the spear in his hand, and a cold light flew out, piercing into the opponent's throat!    


Chiang Kang's eyes became dull. He loosened his grip on the bow and finally dropped it to the ground.    


A line of blood shot out from his throat, and his body fell back powerlessly.    


The so-called number one archer had now become dust that had been blown away by the wind.    


The shouts of killing came to an abrupt stop, as if someone had choked his throat. The people of Wolf Fang Manor heard it, and looked over in shock, but none of them dared to step forward.    


The bloody tip of the spear once again descended in front of them. Lang Feiloong couldn't say a word. As his throat rolled, it only brought along the sweat that flowed down his chin.    


The bloody wind blew Chiang Kang's black robe. The dark armor stuck tightly to his body. His straight eyebrows were full of killing intent. His double pupils were full of dominance. The spear in his hand was a weapon used to slaughter the entire world!    


"Either surrender or die. "    


As his lips opened and closed, the words that came out of his mouth were incomparably cold. It was like a snowy peak that had been cut down by a Heavenly God. It directly smashed into Lang Feiloong's tensed heart, causing him to instantly collapse.    


His heavy head lowered, and he sighed, "I am willing to surrender. Everyone, put down your weapons!"    


Originally, he was the one who came to surround and annihilate the Blood Teeth's Mercenary Group, but in the end, he was the one who surrendered. Such a huge contrast shocked everyone. How could they be willing to surrender?    


So what if they were unwilling? The spear on top of their heads was still shining. In less than half a second, this man would be able to kill them.    


"En, I'll protect the people here. Do you have any objections?"    


"No. " Lang Feiloong nodded and said.    


"Alright, ask your men to leave. Don't force me to start killing!"    




He did not dare to disobey Chiang Kang's orders. He immediately waved his hand.    


The people of Wolf Fang Manor retreated in a daze. When they saw the dead body behind Chiang Kang, they obediently shut their mouths.    


Before the people of Blood Teeth and Mercenary Group could react, a loud cheer erupted from the crowd.    


"Can I leave now?" Lang Feiloong raised his head and asked.    


"Sure, take me to Wolf Fang Manor. " Chiang Kang said.    


"En?" Lang Feiloong was obviously very puzzled.    


Chiang Kang put away his spear and walked out with his hands behind his back. Only his voice could be heard.    


"I didn't let you go because of kindness, but because your life and mine are within my control. If I want it, I can take it back!"    


Lang Feiloong was furious, but then he felt helpless.    


Chiang Kang was now walking with his hands behind his back, and he had also put away the weapon in his hand. If he wanted to launch a sneak attack. . . This would be the best opportunity for him.    


However, he didn't dare, because he already knew the result.    


The corpses on the ground were still warm. If he moved, he would soon become one of them.    


At this moment, Ji Wuxia's expression finally changed slightly.    


A complicated look appeared. The black shadow that carried the wild wind out of the door was deeply engraved in the depths of her soul. She would never forget it for the rest of her life.    


The people of the Blood Teeth's Mercenary Group were still in the midst of the joy of surviving in the midst of death, and they had yet to wake up. Dao Ba held his blade tightly, and a trace of fanaticism flashed across his eyes.    


"This is a true expert!"    


Lang Feiloong shook off the beads of sweat on his forehead. He carried his unconscious son and followed Chiang Kang out.    


After that, a group of people walked out of the door. Under the surprised gazes of the passers-by, Lang Feiloong brought Chiang Kang and the people from the Blood Teeth's Mercenary Group to the Wolf Fang Manor.    


"What's going on? I think only a few people from the Blood Teeth have died. Even Dao Ba is still alive. "    


"I don't understand. That young man in black was the one who used a horse to drag people, right?" Someone saw the scene of Chiang Kang dragging Lang Feng along the way.    


"It should be him, but the one who was dragged seems to be the young master of Wolf Fang Manor. "    


"What nonsense are you talking about? The young master of Wolf Fang is a Profound Principle expert. He is considered an outstanding existence even amongst the nine meridians. How could he be dragged by a horse?"    


"You don't believe me? If you don't believe me, look at who the Wolf Fang Villa's Villa Owner is hugging. Isn't that his precious son?"    


Amidst the discussions of the passers-by, Lang Feiloong's facial expression became incomparably ugly. However, Chiang Kang was behind him, as if a nail had been nailed to his head. He didn't dare to speak carelessly, and could only grit his teeth and lead the way.    


There was a market in Shankou Town, and Chiang Kang actually saw Samoya there. It seemed that this stupid dog was very popular in this area.    


"Why don't I see Alaskan and Husky?"    


Chiang Kang was a little puzzled. Alaskan was bigger and stronger than Samoya, so it was naturally better to pull a sleigh.    


"Scar, come here. "    


Chiang Kang waved at Scar.    


When Dao Ba heard this, he quickly stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Benefactor, what orders do you have?"    


Chiang Kang pulled his shoulder and leaned over to him and said in a low voice: "Later, I will have all the people from Wolf Fang Manor return to the manor and block them inside. You guys take this opportunity to quickly go to the Ice Tower Castle. Your commander will be waiting for you there. Also, help me buy all the white dogs in the market when you leave. Do you understand? "    




Although Dao Ba had doubts in his heart, he still nodded his head and replied.    


Especially when he heard Chiang Kang say "and then trap them inside" and block thousands of troops by himself, just thinking about it was incomparably domineering and shocking.    


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