LitRpg:My Supreme Hero Summoning System

C71 The Sleigh and the Samoya

C71 The Sleigh and the Samoya

"The moment Chiang Kang came out from his seclusion, he immediately attracted the attention of a large group of people, and all of them turned their heads to look at him.    


Mrs. Gouyu had failed to seduce Chiang Kang time and time again. She seemed to be very interested in Chiang Kang. She actually did not sleep with other people during this period of time.    


Regarding this woman, Chiang Kang actually maintained the most basic desire of a man.    


It was really too alluring!    


However, he restrained himself from doing so. He just faintly felt that if he succeeded, wouldn't he be crushed to death by the green hat?    


The ice castle was very cold, but she still insisted on only wearing a fox fur coat.    


At this moment, she was standing behind Chiang Kang, staring at him. She wanted to know what this man was up to.    


"What do you want to do?"    


Wang Zhaojun also had a puzzled look.    


"You will know soon. "    


Chiang Kang was tying the rope under his feet, holding two ski wands in his hands.    


When the rope was tied, Chiang Kang turned around and waved at everyone. He laughed. "You guys watch carefully. From today onwards, this will be your new training subject!"    


After saying that, he cheered. He pushed his two ski wands against the ground and rushed down towards the wind!    




Everyone immediately cried out in shock. Mrs. Gouyu, Piao Xue and the rest hurriedly ran to the front of the mountain to watch. The group of people opened their mouths wide in shock.    


They saw Chiang Kang holding two ski wands and occasionally tapping the ground. His body slid down from the extremely high mountain peak. His speed was as fast as the wind, drawing a shadow in front of everyone's eyes!    




Snow danced in front of the sleigh. If it wasn't for the ski wand controlling his speed, Chiang Kang would have been able to reach the bottom of the mountain in one breath!    


While everyone was dumbfounded, Chiang Kang arrived at the village halfway up the mountain.    


"Look, look!    


A child shouted, pointing at Chiang Kang and cheering with a face full of surprise.    


The two ski wands pushed forward, and Chiang Kang's body stopped. Then he suddenly jumped up and turned around. Chiang Kang held onto the ski wands and began to move towards the top of the mountain!    


This required a lot of strength, but it was easy for Chiang Kang at the moment. It was much faster than walking. He rushed to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.    


Everyone was still in a daze.    


When Chiang Kang took off his equipment, Wang Zhaojun shouted happily, "I want to play too!"    


"Okay. "    


Chiang Kang nodded and smiled lightly. He then raised a skateboard and showed it to everyone. He said, "Don't think that this thing is very easy for me to use, but it will be very difficult for me to use it for the first time, especially when I go up the mountain. "    


"Tonight, I will ask the carpenter to make it in a hurry. Tomorrow, everyone will begin skiing in batches. First, we will train on the mountain top. Then, we will learn to go down the mountain and go up the mountain!"    


"After learning how to sleigh, we will be able to fight against ten people on this snowy mountain. Do you understand?!"    




Hearing the excited response from the crowd, Chiang Kang nodded his head in satisfaction.    


For boring training, skiing was obviously much more interesting.    


At the same time, skiing could also complete physical training. During the climb up the mountain, strength training was also very obvious. The most important thing was the mobility ability on the snow mountain.    


The sled on the snow mountain was many times faster than horses. When the sled rushed from the mountain like a whirlwind towards the enemies climbing the mountain, it would be a devastating battle.    


Learning the sled was the first step.    


After familiarizing himself with the sled, he would naturally be able to fight on the sled. Chiang Kang planned to make a special sled weapon!    


He could ski while holding on, and when he lifted it, he could slash people!    


Other than that, there was also the sleigh.    


At present, it seems that the only thing that can be produced is a powerless vehicle. It can dive from top to bottom and play the role of the Snowy Mountain War Chariot.    


There was still a lot of work to be done at the Ice Castle, and the water supply had already been transported to the capital of food and water. It was a big problem.    


The amount of manpower needed was too much. This was totally not proportionate to the project.    


When Chiang Kang drew a rough model of the sleigh and gave it to the carpenters and took Wang Zhaojun to practice skiing in the village, he saw a few people who had come back from North City.    


No, the important thing was the two dogs in their hands!    


The snow white dog was 60 to 70 centimeters tall. Its four limbs were strong and strong. Its long mouth seemed to carry a charming smile. It foolishly jumped up when it saw people.    


"What a cute dog!"    


Wang Zhaojun, who was as tall and cold as an ice goddess, saw the two dogs. The ice and snow instantly collapsed when she saw them.    


She walked over with a smile and kept touching the other party's snow white head.    


The two silly dogs were very familiar with themselves. They used their heads to rub Wang Zhaojun's chest like idiots.    


"F * ck me, it's a Samoya!"    


Chiang Kang almost fainted. He did not expect to see a Samoyed with three idiots on a sleigh in this world!    


"This is a snow dog. "    


One of the girls who bought the dog said.    


"This is called the Samoya. "    


Chiang Kang walked over excitedly and touched the dog's head. He said, "Although this dog is very stupid, it is used to living in the snow. It can be used to pull sleds. Is there a lot of sales?"    


"There are a lot of them in North City, but the price is a bit high. " A young girl stuck out her tongue and said.    


"How high is it?" Chiang Kang asked.    


The other party stretched out two fingers and said, "Twenty copper coins!"    




Chiang Kang almost spat it out. He casually took out five silver coins and gave it to the other party, saying, "I'll give you five silver coins. I'll buy these two dogs. How about it?"    




The girls didn't even think about it. They quickly nodded and thanked him. At the same time, they looked at Chiang Kang as if they were looking at a fool.    


This bastard was too stupid!    


One silver coin was a hundred copper coins, five silver coins was five hundred silver coins! The two dogs had only spent 40 copper coins, and the other party had used more than 10 times the price to buy them. Wasn't this a fool?    


The two idiots hurriedly carried the two silly dogs and left in a hurry.    


Chiang Kang let the carpenter sit on a sleigh with wheels. After all, there were only two dogs.    


After bringing the two Samoyed, Chiang Kang let Wang Zhaojun sit on it.    


The two Samoyed ran away. Wang Zhaojun was so happy that she could not close her mouth. Her cheerful laughter made the surroundings light up.    


Mrs. Gouyu also walked over and bit her red lips, "I also want to sit. "    


What are you sitting for!    


Chiang Kang did not know why, but when he saw this woman, he could not help but start imagining the scene of him having sex with her.    


Although he said so in his heart, Chiang Kang still smiled and nodded on the surface.    


Women were very scary. Piao Xue, Wang Zhaojun, and Mrs. Gouyu played with two silly Samoyed dogs and almost collapsed.    


The silly dog was probably hungry. Seeing the little snow tiger drinking milk, it ran over and bit the female Snow Tiger's breast.    


The Snow Tiger was stunned. It probably did not expect that there would be a dog in this world that would be so silly. When it reacted and wanted to chase the other party away, Wang Zhaojun came.    


She reached out her hand to touch the Snow Tiger's head and softly laughed. "Don't be petty. Just let the two of them drink a little. "    


A terrifying scene appeared above the ice castle. The wronged female tiger could only yield and feed the two silly dogs.    


On the fifth day, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. Chiang Kang had a large number of villagers go out and buy all the Samoya in North City for him.    


A few days later, countless dogs were running on the ice castle. However, they had merged with the snow, so it was hard to find them without careful observation.    


A group of stupid dogs were waiting for a fool who could rule a silly dog to appear, and then turn into a killing weapon!    


At this time, Chiang Kang had already left the Ice Tower Castle.    


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