Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C401 Little Godly Doctor Pvping with the National Chef

C401 Little Godly Doctor Pvping with the National Chef

"Hello, everyone. I am Yun Lei, a delicious reporter from the Yunnan Province. She has been paying attention to our audience. I think she still remembers the competition between our Little Miracle-working Doctor and Duck King. Last time, I was lucky enough to be hired by the Little Miracle-working Doctor as one of the judges."    


"To be honest, although I am a reporter for a gourmet show, I really can't be a judge. So this time, I consciously did my job as a reporter. Next, please follow my camera lens. Let's see which gourmet judges are invited today. "    


In the Paleo-immortal Village Hotel, the beautiful reporter Yun Lei finished speaking and her assistant immediately aimed the camera at the platform.    


With the qualification of being a judge once and the advantage of being the biggest gourmet radio station in Diannan, the beautiful reporter Yun Lei not only got the best seat, but also the exclusive interview right.    


"Everyone, the one sitting on the left side of the stage is Professor Jin Chen Jin, the South Food Review Master that we are familiar with. The person beside him is Professor Wan Dawan, the Appraisal Master of our northern gourmet community. Teacher Jin, please tell us about the taste of the little godly doctor's roasted duck last time." Yun Lei took the opportunity to interview him.    


" Hehe, that's really delicious. To be honest, even now, I still don't want to end it! I'm really looking forward to having more chefs compete with the Little Miracle-working Doctor. This way, I can also eat more of the dishes cooked by the Little Miracle-working Doctor." After saying that, Jin Chen swallowed his saliva without hiding anything.    


"It seems that our Little Miracle-working Doctor has completely grasped Teacher Jin's stomach. What about you, Teacher Wan? What do you have to say?" Yun Lei started interviewing Wan Da again.    


"Although I also watched that episode of the program, I didn't personally come to the venue. Thus, I don't give too many comments about the previous episode of the program. I just want to tell everyone that Divine Chef Xue's culinary skills are not something ordinary masters can compare with."    


" Think about it. He can be a chef at the national banquet, and he has been cooking for three years. It's not too much to say that his culinary skills have reached the pinnacle of perfection. I have also tasted Divine Chef Xue's culinary skills a few times. It's just one word, delicious! "    


Not to mention the interviews on the stage, the various media outlets and live streamers on various platforms had already begun interacting with their fans.    


" Welcome to Cute Girl's live broadcast room. Everyone, do you think Cute Girl has lost weight recently? " Cute Girl faced the camera and made a few seductive poses. That was to let everyone see whether she was thin or not. Separating was a naked temptation!    


Then, she pouted her bright red lips in a pitiful manner. "Do you know why Cute Girl is thin? It was because after Cute Girl ate the roasted duck made by the Little Miracle-working Doctor the last time, she felt that everything else tasted tasteless. If not for the fact that not eating would cause Cute Girl to lose weight, if Cute Girl did not lose weight, you would be sad. Cute Girl also didn't want to eat anything else. "    


When the fans heard this, they couldn't help but try to persuade her. The goddess in their hearts couldn't starve to death.    


" Aiya, Cute Girl, you are not allowed to not eat anymore in the future. Although the dishes cooked in other restaurants weren't as delicious as the Little Miracle-working Doctor's, they could still save one's life. I will give you a Cloud Piercing Arrow to comfort your stomach!" With a swoosh, a tycoon immediately appeared.    


"Wow, thank you, Director Wang. I love you!" Cute Girl made a heart-shaped gesture.    


"F * ck, Cute Girl is from upstairs. She belongs to my family. Don't fight with me!" With two swishing sounds, this person was even more ruthless. He shot out two Cloud Piercing Arrows.    


"Wow, Brother Milk Dog, you are too handsome. Muah! Muah!" Cute Girl immediately made a heart-shaped gesture and even kissed the camera. This angered the fans who had called Director Wang earlier. There was a disagreement between the two. They exchanged gifts.    


The fierce battle between the two of them also spurred the other fans. Each and every one of them seemed to have been injected with stimulants, and the gifts were spamming crazily.    


Cute Girl's side was bustling with noise and excitement. Gifts were flying all over the place. On the other side, the male live streamer was shouting with all his might, "Brothers, double hit! Those who have gifts, farm them for me. Six, six, six!"    


Immediately, it attracted a wave of angry curses from the haters, "F * ck, Six Your Sis, Double Strike your mother!"    


This male streamer did not hesitate and immediately started to argue with the fans under the camera. In the end, he had a good time cursing. He waved his hand and kicked the haters out.    


However, when he fixed his eyes on them, with a whoosh, he ran in a big circle. One had to know that there weren't many real brainless fans. Furthermore, this was a male streamer with no morals. It would be strange if he didn't run away.    


Just like last time, at the few tables at the back of the hotel, sat the villagers of Paleo-immortal Village.    


"Third Sister-in-law, do you think Little Xiaochen will win this time?" An aunty deliberately asked.    


"Can he not win? Didn't you all know? I can even take the fairy from the sky home, what else can I not do? Hmph. He really knows how to brag, and he's even a fairy from the sky! Looking at that woman's charming appearance, it was obvious that she wasn't some decent family's girl! Only fickle men would like this kind of woman." Third Sister-in-law rolled her eyes and laughed loudly.    


"Third Sister-in-law, then you should let your big idiot take a real fairy home!" Another villager said while holding back his laughter.    


"Yes, yes, third sister-in-law, now your living standards have improved. There are dozens of families in our village that are talking about girlfriends. All of them are preparing for a group wedding on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Your family should also participate. You don't have to choose. Just find one for your son." This person was even worse. He directly made Third Sister-in-law's silly son unable to get a woman. She said that her family was choosing.    


Third Sister-in-law was used to cheating on others all day long. How could she not tell what he meant by that? At that moment, her entire face darkened and she could not help but retort. " Hmph, there are too many boneless ass-kissers in this society. Just because someone gave them a little favor, they let them shake their heads and say good things for others. "    


The aunty at the side was not simple either. When she heard his words, she retorted without being angry, "What he said is called we know how to be grateful. You still don't know her third sister-in-law, right? There is a kind of person who is truly detestable. "    


"She is enjoying the various benefits that Little Xiaochen has brought her, and at the same time, she is speaking ill of Little Xiaochen behind his back. Hmph, this kind of person is the real supercilious wolf. This is also because we, Little Xiaochen, are magnanimous. If it were me... It would be strange if I could help her!"    


Another aunty beside him also nodded her head repeatedly, "Yes, yes. People can be selfish, they can also be bad people, and they can even be good people. But don't forget that you are human!"    


"It's fine if you don't know how to be grateful, but you still hurt her benefactor from time to time with malicious words. Then you're really worse than an animal. There will be retribution, but it won't be on her. It would only be on her son. Right, Third Sister-in-law? Oh right, Third Sister-in-law, I heard that your family's Big Silly's illness has worsened. This is an illness, it needs to be treated!"    


With a ha, the surrounding villagers couldn't help but laugh.    


But it made Third Sister-in-law so angry that her face turned red, then white, and so on. But she also knew that her words and actions had incurred public wrath, so she could only forcefully endure it. However, only she knew how she was cursing in her heart.    


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