Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C655 Muscle Washing Marrow Washing

C655 Muscle Washing Marrow Washing

"Dad, where do you work? Why didn't you come back to see Tianci and Mom? Do you know that Tianci really missed you! Wuwuwu... " Chu Tianci hugged Yang Hsingchen and cried out in grief.    


"Oh, I'm sorry, Tianci. Daddy used to work in M Country. Don't worry, daddy will come back to see you more often in the future." Yang Hsingchen gently patted Chu Tianci's back.    


"Really? Then you have to promise Tianci that you will come back at least once a week, okay dad?" Chu Tianci raised his teary eyes and asked with a longing look.    


"Alright, dad promises you!" Yang Hsingchen hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still agreed.    


"Yay, this is great. Dad, did you know that Tianci met you in his dream just now? However, Tianci had already forgotten what he looked like, but he still remembered what his dad had said. He wanted to bring Tianci to the park to play. Oh right, I still need to have a parent-teacher meeting with Tianci on Monday."    


Yang Hsingchen smiled." Sure. As long as you listen to Mommy obediently and eat on time in the future, Daddy will come over to play with you when he has time. "    


"Wow, that's great. Humph, I want to let Dafei see that I also have a father. If he dares to hit me again, I'll tell my father. Oh right dad, Dafei keeps hitting me. Wah..." Alright, he started crying again.    


" What's going on? Although Tianci doesn't have a father, oh, no, even though I'm not here, but we can't let other children always bully our son, right? Didn't you go and ask the teacher? " Yang Hsingchen felt that Tianci was really being bullied by children and had a shadow in his heart. He raised his head unhappily and asked.    


Chu Mo had a bitter face, "That classmate Dafei's parents are very poor. Every time I look for them, they all say that this is a child's matter and let the child settle it by himself. They also said that if Tianci had hit their child, they would not have said anything. Say, Tianci is so thin, and his personality is so weak. How could he beat their family's little overlord? Every time I look for them, I can only let it go. "    


" So it's like this. After dawn, I'll teach my son a few sets of martial arts. I guarantee that his son will beat him up like a turtle on a Sunday! " Yang Hsingchen said in a domineering manner.    


"Really? Father, you know martial arts?" Her small eyes were filled with excitement and curiosity.    


"Of course, you don't know how to use martial arts as your father?" Yang Hsingchen said proudly.    


Chu Mo, who was beside him, was almost amused by him. What was he talking about? Could it be that as Tianci's father, he must know martial arts?    


"Then dad, can you teach Tianci now? I want to beat Dafei and Zihan until they shout like horses!" The little fellow perked up and immediately jumped up.    


"Now? Sure! Anyway, you've slept for so long. It's time for you to get up and exercise. " Yang Hsingchen got off the bed, picked up Chu Tianci, and walked towards the living room.    


Chu Mo patted her head. "I'm dizzy. I say, don't you see what time it is now?"    


"Hehe, it's fine. It's the first time I've met my son. Just let him do as he pleases. That's right. You've also slept for such a long time. Why don't you come over and take a look as well?"    


" Okay. "Chu Mo smiled and followed him out.    


"Come, Tianci. This is the body-strengthening water that dad developed. Drink it." Yang Hsingchen handed over a bowl of spirit water with the air conditioner.    


"Wow, dad, you know magic?" The little guy was stunned by Yang Hsingchen's hand and forgot to drink water.    


"Hehe, your dad knows a lot of things. When you grow up, I will teach you one by one. Now drink this water first. Let's start learning martial arts!"    


" Wow, Dad, you're so handsome! " The little fellow cried out happily. He picked up the spirit water and gulped it down.    


"Why does this water smell so good?" Chu Mo, who was beside him, secretly swallowed her saliva.    


"Do you want to drink it? Come, I'll give you a bowl too." Yang Hsingchen very generously also prepared a bowl for Chu Mo.    


This kind of spiritual water was not something that a mortal could control. Chu Mo unceremoniously picked it up and drank it. Immediately, a refreshing fragrance spread throughout her entire body and all the fine hairs on her body relaxed.    


"Alright Tianci, now daddy is going to let you relax your muscles and bones, don't be afraid!" Yang Hsingchen smiled and reminded him.    


"Dad, Tianci is not afraid. Bring it on." The little guy patted his chest, looking like an old man.    


Yang Hsingchen smiled. He probably said this for Chu Mo to hear, so that she would not make a fuss later.    


Yang Hsingchen shouted and raised his left hand slightly. Tianci's small body. It automatically levitated in the air. After that, Yang Hsingchen's hands suddenly turned into a golden light. Chu Mo screamed. Chu Tianci's body began to beat gently and heavily.    


Because Chu Tianci's body was too small and weak, Yang Hsingchen could only slowly open his meridians. This was much slower than treating a patient. Half an hour later, he put away his divine skill and put the little guy down.    


"Wow, Dad, why do I feel warm all over?" The little guy said happily.    


"Ah, Mr. Yang, what's coming out of Tianci's body? It's dark and stinky." Chu Mo asked in surprise when she saw that her precious son was bleeding black stinky liquid.    


"Oh, don't be nervous. I'm trying my best to help him expel the poison in his body. It has the effect of strengthening the body and washing the tendons and removing the marrow. Take him to the bathroom to take a bath now. When you come out, you will know that he is very different. "    


Chu Mo nodded and brought her son to take a bath.    


Yang Hsingchen was bored. He pulled out a cigarette and started smoking. He thought that he would be drunk on this trip to Dongzhu. He thought that he would be able to recognize a father, but in the end, his father became a godson. Why did it sound a little awkward?    


En, his father's soul has been found. Then where is his mother? It has been more than ten years. His mother must have already become a slim and graceful little beauty. Should he look for her or not?    


Speaking of which, if she had not suddenly opened the memories of her previous life like her father did... Even if she stood in front of him, he wouldn't dare to recognize her. He couldn't just call a six-fingered girl 'Mom' when he saw her, right? If that was really the case, then he would have to eat his own mouth.    


"Dad, I'm done bathing!" Chu Tianci's cheerful cries interrupted Yang Hsingchen's thoughts.    


Chu Mo followed him in and saw that Yang Hsingchen was calmly lying on the sofa with Ge You. He was still riding the clouds. She was both angry and amused. She thought to herself, Who is it? He really didn't treat her as an outsider. He didn't even go to the balcony to smoke.    


"Oh, your son is here. Come, give your father a look!" Yang Hsingchen snuffed out his cigarette and sat up.    


"Give one to me? It's not Mr. Yang. He's just a child, not a little monkey. What do you want him to do?" Chu Mo said in both anger and amusement.    


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