Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C672 Green Alien

C672 Green Alien

Yang Hsingchen hung up the phone and drove into the sparsely populated stone road. It was pitch black all around, and they couldn't see a car passing by for a long time. After driving like this for more than three hours, they finally turned into Starry Road. At this moment, he saw old ruffian and Deadbeat arguing loudly on the roadside.    


Old ruffian pointed at the Deadbeat and said, "Damn it, you, Master Loong definitely didn't lie to you. Those two old fellows are just scammers. You can't tell whether you are good or bad. If you were cheated by them, you would blame Master Loong for meddling in other people's business. You bastard! You really are biting Lu Dongbin's heart! "    


"Woof, woof, woof!" The Deadbeat was also unwilling to let go, and it started to yell at old ruffian.    


"Di! Di!" Yang Hsingchen pressed the megaphone.    


Old ruffian was furious. "Push your sister! The road is so wide, and we are quarreling on the side of the road. Did it affect you? You reckless bastard, do you believe that Master Loong...? Aiya, so it's you, that heaven damn brat? "    


Yang Hsingchen parked the car near the roadside, pushed open the door, and walked out. "I say, old man. The two of you didn't sleep in the middle of the night. Why are you arguing here? "    


"Woof, woof, woof!" The Deadbeat straightened its neck and barked wildly at Yang Hsingchen.    


"Damn it, shut your dog mouth. It's not like I understand your dog language. What the hell are you barking at!? old ruffian, tell me, what exactly is going on? " Yang Hsingchen took out a cigarette and handed it to old ruffian. He saw that the Deadbeat had also extended its claws. He simply gave it one as well. A man, a dragon, and a dog squatted by the roadside and started smoking.    


After listening to old ruffian's narration, Yang Hsingchen stretched out his hand and patted the Deadbeat's head. " I say, old baldy, you were really deceived by that old couple this time. There are some fellows who use other people's kindness to make fun of themselves. You bastard, after eating the Devil Pill, your martial arts evolved. Why is your intelligence degenerating instead?"    


Hearing Yang Xing say that there was something wrong with his intelligence, the Deadbeat raised its head in dissatisfaction. Just as it was about to bark, it suddenly roared wildly at the sky. Then, its dog body shrank backwards.    


Yang Hsingchen followed its gaze and looked up, and was instantly stunned. A UFO had actually appeared in the sky!    


A UFO? Alien? Could it be that the alien he let go missed him and came back to visit him? Then who said that a friend came from afar and slapped him to death!    


Yang Hsingchen suddenly stood up and used his Heavenspan Eye to look into the UFO. He was stunned when he saw that there were four aliens inside. Three men and one woman. These four aliens did not look like the bald one from before. These four people all had hair, but they were neither black nor white. It was green. Green hair, green eyes, and even skin were green.    


Every alien was only about a meter tall. After drinking his own spiritual water last time, compared to the three meter tall guy, these four green aliens... Simple was the fanciful version of cutie. However, the UFO he had driven was not small, it was twice the size of a plane.    


"Damn it, what kind of toy is this? Why is it so big?" old ruffian had never seen a UFO before. After throwing away the cigarette butt, he actually called it a toy.    


At this moment, with a whoosh, a huge white light suddenly shot out from the UFO. The white light immediately enveloped Yang Hsingchen, the man, and the dog.    


The trio suddenly felt a strong suction force. They wanted to suck themselves into the UFO.    


With a sharp howl, the Deadbeat was the first to be sucked in. Even old ruffian was sucked into the flying disc with a swoosh. However, old ruffian was still a creature from a hundred million years ago. His ability was not something that the Deadbeat could compare with. He let out a loud roar and suddenly turned back into his original form. A Divine Dragon swung its tail. With a whoosh, it broke free from the restraints of the white light. He flew out at high speed.    


If Yang Hsingchen hadn't achieved immortality, he would have been sucked into the flying saucer.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox However, he was already an Immortal Physique expert, so how could he be sucked into it? However, he didn't know whether the other party was a friend or foe, so he couldn't use force. He only waved his hand at the other party. The meaning was clear, if there's anything you want to discuss, come down and talk.    


The four people in the UFO saw that they had expended a great deal of energy, and only managed to suck up a dog, but they weren't able to suck Yang Hsingchen and old ruffian in. The four of them were stunned, and began to speak in stiff Mandarin.    


Green-haired Woman said to one of them, "Butler, Yang Hsingchen's martial arts do not seem to be shallow. No wonder the people of Bald Clan are running out of energy. He even made them full of energy. Wait until I increase the suction force and suck him up. You can talk to him about our cooperation. "    


After saying that, the suction force from the white light suddenly increased.    


Yang Hsingchen understood a little when he heard that. These aliens were not from the same race as the last time he saved them. They probably saw that he saved an alien that was about to die, so they wanted to cooperate with him.    


But even if you wanted to cooperate, you should come down. It would be better for everyone to sit together and talk politely. You insisted on sucking people into your UFO. Are you trying to show me off? Alright, since you insist on sucking me in, then I might as well take you guys down.    


Therefore, Yang Hsingchen shouted out loudly, "Dragon Capturing Hand!"    


Suddenly, a huge three-colored glowing hand stretched out from Yang Hsingchen's left hand. It grabbed a corner of the UFO and pulled it back. With a swoosh, the UFO was forcefully pulled down.    


"No, how is that possible!" The four people inside the UFO let out cries of disbelief.    


However, regardless of whether they believed it or not, they only heard a dong sound. The UFO fiercely fell into the grass by the roadside. Fortunately, the anti-shock function of the UFO was very strong, so the four people inside did not receive any substantial damage. But it also shocked the four of them until they broke out in cold sweat. As for the Deadbeat that was sucked in, it had already fainted.    


"Come out. If you have anything to discuss with me, come out and talk!" Yang Hsingchen sent the voice into the flying disc. Three of the four aliens came out one after another, only the pilot was still sitting inside without moving.    


"Hello Yang Hsingchen, I am the housekeeper of Green Clan. Your ability is beyond our expectations, but it fits our standards even more. We came here with no ill intentions. We just want to make a deal with you. "    


" What deal? Tell us " Yang Hsingchen, who had already become an immortal... When he saw the alien, he wasn't too surprised. After all, as he grew stronger, his horizons also increased. What's so great about aliens? They're just people from other planets, aren't they? What's there to be excited about? If you have something to say, say it. If you have nothing to say, say it. It's that simple.    


"Damn it, if you have no ill intentions, why did you suck Master Loong in with the white light? You made Master Loong think that there was an alien invasion. Damn it, I was forced back to my original form by you bastards. Just thinking about it made the dragon unhappy. Hmph, green-haired fellow, if you don't say something ugly today... Be careful! You, Master Loong, will roast the few of you and eat you. Hmm, green food. It should be very healthy! "    


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