Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C845 Waking up in the Dream

C845 Waking up in the Dream

Yang Hsingchen didn't sleep well that night. He had a bad dream. In the dream, he and Su Yinxue walked in the crowd. As they walked, Su Yinxue actually disappeared. He looked for her in the crowd. He stood on his tiptoes and kept shouting Su Yinxue's name, but he could not find the figure of the beauty.    


It was only when he was about to collapse that Su Yinxue appeared. What made him speechless was that Su Yinxue actually did not go far. Just over a hundred meters away from her. But for some reason, she just could not hear his cries. He immediately pulled the crowd aside and squeezed forward.    


However, Su Wing Xue was also walking forward, looking a bit confused. He didn't know what she was looking for, but she was looking for something as she walked forward. Yang Hsingchen did not know why there were so many people here. Su Yinxue's figure was often drowned by the crowd. She was hidden in the crowd.    


When he chased her to a very high heavenly bridge, he had already completely lost Su Yinxue's shadow. He was like a child who had lost his toy as he stood on the heavenly bridge. He helplessly shouted Su Yinxue's name. He didn't know why, but he felt that... He couldn't find her anymore.    


His heart was in so much pain that he held his chest and squatted on the ground. However, even though the crowd was like a tide, no one stopped to comfort him. People even ignored his existence. He seemed to have been born in a cold world where there was no temperature. There was no humanity, only their own selfishness.    


All of a sudden, he, who was sad and helpless, squatted there and cried. He accidentally saw a car flashing by under the bridge. The figure in the car was very similar to Su Yinxue.    


"Yinxue!" He shouted in surprise. He did not care about the car that drove by below, nor did he care if he would be alive if he jumped at such a high height. He just shouted and jumped down.    


"Boss, boss! What's wrong with you!" Zhang Dazhi was shocked by Yang Hsingchen. He was dreaming. As long as someone pushed and shouted, they would immediately wake up. However, he had been shouting at Yang Hsingchen for two minutes, but he still couldn't wake him up. The sweat on his head and the tears in his eyes kept flowing down. He kept calling Su Yinxue's name. No matter how hard he pushed, he just couldn't wake him up.    


"Ah? Yinxue! Eh? Third Brother? " Yang Hsingchen, who had just woken up, had a puzzled look on his face. His face was covered with sweat as he sat up from the bed with tears all over his face.    


"Boss, what kind of dream did you have? You couldn't wake up even when you shouted, and you kept shouting Su Yinxue's name. What happened to Su Yinxue?" Zhang Dazhi asked curiously.    


Yang Hsingchen wiped the sweat and tears off his face and sat by the bed in a daze. He could clearly feel the pain in his chest. In other words, he had not completely walked out of his dream. Thinking about the dream just now, Yang Hsingchen's heart, which had just retreated, started to ache again.    


He took out a cigarette from the bed and quietly lit one for himself. It was a long time before he told Zhang Dazhi about what had happened in his dream.    


Zhang Dazhi laughed when he heard that. "Boss, you are really just a dream. It's just that I can't find Su Yinxue in my dream. Look at how disappointed you are. Don't worry. With your excellence and her infatuation towards you, the relationship between the two of you is absolutely unbreakable. Don't scare yourself. "    


Yang Hsingchen started to worry in his heart. One should know that... This was something that he had never experienced before. In the past, when he dreamt of Su Yinxue, it was always sweet and beautiful. Even though they had not met for five or six years, the Su Yinxue in his dream was still with him. It was like this time, no matter how he chased and looked for her. However, he still couldn't catch her beautiful figure.    


"Boss, did your other soul not come to find you?" Zhang Dazhi asked curiously.    


Yang Hsingchen shook his head. At this moment, his mind was filled with Su Yinxue, so what else was there for him? After smoking a cigarette, the two brothers chatted for a while longer before turning off the light and going to sleep.    


In the latter half of the night, Yang Hsingchen did not dream anymore, and his other soul did not appear either. The next morning at nine o'clock, Yang Hsingchen had already moved the demolition money to the village committee.    


"Wow, brother-in-law, you are really rich. No wonder my sister is so determined to kill you! If I were a girl, I would marry you too." The cream said with a red face.    


Su Yinxue snorted, "It's a pity that some heartless people have blinded my infatuation. They even shamelessly look for other women outside. Hmph, sometimes I really can't accept it. I don't know if this love of mine is useful or not. " Su Yinxue glanced at Yang Hsingchen and said without any hesitation.    


"Sister, look at what you said. My sister's wife is so good. Your infatuation is definitely not wrong!" The cream mouth was very sweet. At this moment, Yang Hsingchen also became his brother-in-law.    


"No, Secretary Er, don't call me brother-in-law. I don't deserve it. Please call me by my name in the future. To be honest, my status in this village is not low. If you become my brother, won't you gain the advantage of being an elder for many years?" Seeing this fellow's stickiness towards Su Yinxue, Yang Hsingchen felt a wave of nausea for no reason. He immediately drank it without any hesitation.    


"Hsingchen, what do you mean by this? Since Nai Yuv called me sister, of course he called you brother-in-law. Why don't you let him call me sister? Oh, I know. Do you not want to marry me at all? That's why you didn't let him call you that? Alright! If she didn't get married, then she wouldn't get married. In this world, no one would die if they left. I can live with that shameless dog for five or six years. Why would I be afraid of living alone!?" Su Yinxue roared angrily, tears falling down her face.    


Yang Hsingchen walked over with a heartache and gently hugged her in his arms. He said gently, "Silly girl, why wouldn't I marry you? Didn't we agree to get married on the 26th of next month? I already called the construction team yesterday. Today, after we settle the villagers' matters, then, the village will unify to build houses, and our family will also start to renovate. I have transferred all my money to them, and I guarantee that on the 26th of next month, you'll become the mistress of this house. Why don't you say you're not getting married?"    


"Oh, then why don't you let Nai Yuv call you brother-in-law?" Su Yinxue asked while crying in Yang Hsingchen's arms.    


Yang Hsingchen gently patted her jade back and smiled. "He's not your biological brother. Why should I call him brother-in-law?"    


"No, you must let him call you that. Otherwise, you won't love me!" Su Yinxue started to be unreasonable again.    


Yang Hsingchen felt helpless. "Okay, okay, okay. Brother-in-law is brother-in-law. Call him whatever he wants. Yinxue, don't say things like not getting married in the future. It hurts people's hearts, okay?"    


"Yes, I know. Hsingchen, in this life, you still care about me so much. Do you love me that much?" Su Yinxue asked with a sweet and worried tone.    


Yang Hsingchen held her a little further away from him and looked at her seriously. "Yinxue, don't talk about this life, no matter which life it is. I will cherish your life, no matter which woman it is. I can't replace you in my heart. Just relax a hundred times! "    


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