Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C1202 The Godly Power Is Gone

C1202 The Godly Power Is Gone

Yang Hsingchen's heart skipped a beat when he saw the excited look on the old woman's face. Luckily, he didn't like power, if he didn't say he didn't like being an official just now. Then this old woman helped him take revenge for her and killed the Water Spirit Queen. She would definitely kill him. Damn it! Yours Truly promises you first! Wait till Yours Truly's black and white skills are improved! Let's see how Yours Truly will deal with you!    


Thinking of this in his heart, he smiled and said, "Since we have already come to an agreement, then shouldn't the Great General let me go?"    


Yu Feng chuckled, "I will definitely let you go, but you have to eat a pill that this general personally developed. I am not afraid that you will be angry, if I don't think of a way to control you. After I let you go, if you turn hostile and run away, who am I going to look for? " After saying that, he stretched out his hand, and a red pill appeared in his palm. A pill the size of a pigeon egg.    


Yang Hsingchen was shocked and secretly cursed the old woman for being so insidious. He couldn't help but ask in fear, "May I ask Great General, what kind of medicine is this?"    


Yu Feng chuckled, "Don't worry, it is not some poison. You also don't want to think about it. You are about to marry my daughter. If I poison you to death... Then my daughter isn't a widow? Then why did I waste so much effort? Why would I let you marry her? "    


Yang Hsingchen swallowed his saliva. "Then this is?"    


The old woman laughed and said, "This is called Divine Pill Powder. After eating this pill, no matter how high your martial arts are, you have to take the antidote once a month. Because my antidote will not completely cure you after sex. You can only take the antidote once a month. "    


" Hehe, if you don't take the antidote for more than a month... Then, the Immortal Pill in your body will melt and disappear, and you will become an ordinary Immortal without an Immortal Pill. You don't even have the ability to fly. You are no different from a mortal. It's just that your lifespan is slightly longer than a mortal's."    


Not only did Yang Hsingchen suck in a breath of cold air, this old woman was really too damn dangerous. In this way, he had always been under her control.    


Yang Hsingchen was a person who would rather be soft than hard. If this old woman treated him like this, it would be strange if he would be able to admire her in his heart. After his shock, he cursed in his heart. Damn it, Old Witch, as long as this young master can deal with Lau Xin and her father... Even if I have to risk the disappearance of the Immortal Pill and become an ordinary little deity... I will kill you!    


Thinking of this, he put on a helpless smile and said, "Alright, I don't think I have any other choice. Give it to me to eat!"    


The old woman happily gave Yang Hsingchen a thumbs up. "Kid, you have guts. You are my type of son-in-law!"    


After saying that, she stuffed the red pill into Yang Hsingchen's mouth and smiled. "Swallow it. After swallowing it, we will be a family."    


Yang Hsingchen felt that the medicine was not bitter, but also had a sweet fragrance. He might as well be a bachelor. He smiled vaguely and said, "It's so big. I can't swallow it. I chewed and broke it before swallowing it." Then, he chewed it up.    


When the old woman saw Yang Hsingchen being so straightforward, she became even happier. However, she was very careful. She had been carefully observing whether Yang Hsingchen had cheated or not.    


When Yang Hsingchen completely swallowed the pill, she said to Yang Hsingchen, "Okay, open your mouth now and let me see."    


Yang Hsingchen was helpless and opened his mouth as he was told. The old woman immediately stretched her head over. She looked carefully. She was still worried, so she used both hands to push Yang Hsingchen's upper and lower lips up and down. He almost put one of his old eyes into Yang Hsingchen's mouth. He took a closer look. Only then did he nod his head in satisfaction.    


Releasing his hand, he turned around and instructed the large-eyed man, "Go, get a bowl of water for Young Master to drink."    


Yang Hsingchen knew that this was because the old woman was afraid that he would spit out the medicinal dregs later. And deliberately let him drink water to rinse his mouth. Since he had already eaten, Yang Hsingchen was even more indifferent. When that big eyes brought the water over, he immediately opened his mouth and gulped it down.    


After he finished drinking, he smiled and said, "General, is this enough?"    


Yu Feng chuckled and said, "Yes, yes, yes. But you still need to wait a moment. After the medicinal effect completely melts in your body, only then can I relax and let you out. Oh right, Hsingchen, don't call me Great General anymore. You can call me Auntie or Mom. "    


Mom? You deserve it!    


Yang Hsingchen chuckled and said, "Then I'll just call you Auntie. After all, I haven't married Yu Zhu yet. Oh right Auntie, when do I get married to Yu Zhu?"    


The old woman waved her hand and said, "It's better to be early than late. After all, you and Zhu'er already have a husband and wife relationship. If it dragged on for too long, then what if Zhu'er gets pregnant before marriage? That will be laughed at by others, so the two of you can get married at the end of this month! "    


" Right, Hsingchen, let me say this first. Even if you get married, you are not allowed to covet my daughter's beauty all day long. The most important thing you need to do is to constantly strengthen your cultivation. "    


"Auntie, I will give you three years. If you can get a spirit king to pour water in three years' time and let me take the throne. Then you can go sightseeing with Yu Zhu and your woman and love each other. Otherwise, you will be a dead man. Either the Water Spirit King kills you, or I kill you. Did you hear that?"    


Yang Hsingchen cursed in his heart again. It turned out that the real purpose of this stupid old woman was not for her daughter's marriage, but to avenge her and let her sit on the throne!    


Thinking of this, Yang Hsingchen was somewhat puzzled. If that was the case, then why did she insist on him marrying her daughter? Wouldn't she just let him take revenge for her and seize the throne for her?    


He couldn't figure it out in his heart, so he asked, "That auntie, if... I mean if, if I can't take revenge for you within three years, then if you kill me, won't your daughter be sad?"    


The woman chuckled. "What's there to be sad about? There are many outstanding men in this world. At most, I'll just find another kid and make him my son-in-law again. Then, I'll nurture him again."    


Yang Hsingchen was puzzled for a while. "If that's the case, why do you have to sacrifice your daughter? Why don't you just train him to be a killer?"    


The old woman rolled her eyes. "Kid, do you think I want to sacrifice my daughter? This was something that couldn't be helped. Because you can only be my son-in-law and become a part of my family. Only then will I have the qualifications to bring you into the Water Spirit Palace. Otherwise, outsiders won't be able to enter the Palace."    


" And that Water Spirit King almost never leaves the Palace, so I can only let you become my daughter's man. Only then would I have the chance to get close to him. Do you know? "    


Yang Hsingchen replied in his heart, 'Oh, so that's what happened.' As soon as he thought of this, he felt hot all of a sudden. Then, a kind of red sweat oozed out of his skin.    


The old woman smiled happily at first sight and said, "Alright, alright. The medicine has already completely melted in your body. Men, untie the son-in-law!"    


The large-eyed man immediately came over and untied the Immortal Binding Rope from Yang Hsingchen's body. After that, the old woman patted Yang Hsingchen's body a few times. After untying his Divine Soul Acupoint, he said to the dozen or so Minor Immortal Weapons around him. "What are you still standing there for? Why aren't you paying your respects to your new son-in-law?"    


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